blob: d463027aba957db9e56522638bc1025cc61ccb63 [file] [log] [blame]
I. Included Software
This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This product includes software developed at
The OSGi Alliance (
Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2000, 2009).
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This product includes software from
Copyright (c) 2002,2003, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld., Germany.
Licensed under BSD License.
This product includes software from
This software is released to the public domain, in the spirit of the original code written by Doug Lea.
The code can be used for any purpose, modified, and redistributed without acknowledgment.
No warranty is provided, either express or implied.
II. Used Software
This product uses software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This product uses software developed at
The OSGi Alliance (
Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2000, 2009).
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
III. License Summary
- Apache License 2.0
- BSD License