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| <TD class="confluenceTd" valign="top" width="80%"> |
| <P>iPOJO defines several annotations to help developer to define their components. This page presents an example of iPOJO annotation and describes provided annotations.</P> |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-GettingiPOJOAnnotations%3A"></A>Getting iPOJO Annotations:</H1> |
| |
| <P>iPOJO Annotations are defines inside the org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations project. You can download the Jar file of this project from the <A href="download.html" title="Download">download</A> page. Sources are available on the <SPAN class="nobr"><A href="sourcecode.html" title="Visit page outside Confluence" rel="nofollow">Felix trunk<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="../../cwiki.apache.org/confluence/images/icons/linkext7.gif" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN>.<BR> |
| Once added to your class path / build path / dependencies, you can use the annotations as normal annotations. These annotations are automatically processed by the iPOJO manipulator.</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-InEclipse%3A"></A>In Eclipse:</H2> |
| |
| <P>Add the org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations jar file in your build path. Do not forget to use a Java compiler accepting annotations (1.5 or higher).</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-InMaven%3A"></A>In Maven:</H2> |
| |
| <P>Add the following dependency:</P> |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><dependency></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><groupId></SPAN>org.apache.felix<SPAN class="code-tag"></groupId></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><artifactId></SPAN>org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations<SPAN class="code-tag"></artifactId></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><version></SPAN>0.8.0<SPAN class="code-tag"></version></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></dependency></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| <P>Moreover, you need to set that the source code and the target code are Java 1.5 code. To achieve this, just add the following plugin in your plugins section:</P> |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><plugin></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><groupId></SPAN>org.apache.maven.plugins<SPAN class="code-tag"></groupId></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><artifactId></SPAN>maven-compiler-plugin<SPAN class="code-tag"></artifactId></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><configuration></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><source></SPAN>1.5<SPAN class="code-tag"></source></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><target></SPAN>1.5<SPAN class="code-tag"></target></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></configuration></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></plugin></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-InAnt%3A"></A>In Ant :</H2> |
| |
| <P>Just add the org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations jar file in your class path.</P> |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Anexampleofusage%3A"></A>An example of usage:</H1> |
| |
| <P>To illustrate annotations usage, let taking the tutorial example. In this tutorial, there are two components:</P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>The first one provides the hello service</LI> |
| <LI>The second one uses the provided hello service<BR> |
| You can download the <SPAN class="nobr"><A href="how-to-use-ipojo-annotations.data/hello.impl.annotated-0.0.1-src.zip" title="hello.impl.annotated-0.0.1-src.zip attached to How to use iPOJO Annotations">provider<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="../../cwiki.apache.org/confluence/images/icons/link_attachment_7.gif" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN> project and the <SPAN class="nobr"><A href="how-to-use-ipojo-annotations.data/hello.client.annotation-0.0.1-src.zip" title="hello.client.annotation-0.0.1-src.zip attached to How to use iPOJO Annotations">consumer<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="../../cwiki.apache.org/confluence/images/icons/link_attachment_7.gif" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN> project.</LI> |
| </UL> |
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| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-HelloServiceProvider"></A>Hello Service Provider</H2> |
| |
| <P>The provider uses two annotations. The "component" annotation is mandatory and defines that the class defines a component type. Then the "provides" annotation just declare that the defined component type provides a service.</P> |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-java"><SPAN class="code-keyword">package</SPAN> ipojo.example.hello.impl; |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> ipojo.example.hello.Hello; |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Component; |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Provides; |
| |
| /** |
| * Component implementing the Hello service. |
| **/ |
| @Component |
| @Provides |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> class HelloImpl <SPAN class="code-keyword">implements</SPAN> Hello { |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-object">String</SPAN> sayHello(<SPAN class="code-object">String</SPAN> name) { |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-quote">"hello "</SPAN> + name; |
| } |
| }</PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-HelloServiceConsumer"></A>Hello Service Consumer</H2> |
| |
| <P>The Hello Service Consumer use more annotations. First it used the component annotation. To defines its "immediate" behavior, it add the 'immediate' attribute.<BR> |
| Then, it uses the requires annotation to define a service dependency. Finally, it uses the validate and invalidate annotations to define lifecycle callbacks.</P> |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-java"><SPAN class="code-keyword">package</SPAN> ipojo.example.hello.client; |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Component; |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Invalidate; |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Requires; |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Validate; |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">import</SPAN> ipojo.example.hello.Hello; |
| |
| @Component(name=<SPAN class="code-quote">"AnnotedHelloClient"</SPAN>, immediate=<SPAN class="code-keyword">true</SPAN>) |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> class HelloClient <SPAN class="code-keyword">implements</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-object">Runnable</SPAN> { |
| |
| @Requires |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">private</SPAN> Hello[] m_hello; <SPAN class="code-comment">// Service Dependency |
| </SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">private</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-keyword">final</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-keyword">static</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-object">int</SPAN> DELAY=10000; |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">private</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-object">boolean</SPAN> end; |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> void run() { |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">while</SPAN> (!end) { |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">try</SPAN> { |
| invoke(); |
| <SPAN class="code-object">Thread</SPAN>.sleep(DELAY); |
| } <SPAN class="code-keyword">catch</SPAN> (InterruptedException ie) { } |
| /* will recheck end */ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> void invoke() { |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">for</SPAN> (<SPAN class="code-object">int</SPAN> i = 0; i < m_hello.length; i++) { |
| <SPAN class="code-object">System</SPAN>.out.println(m_hello[i]. |
| sayHello(<SPAN class="code-quote">"Clement"</SPAN>)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Validate |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> void starting() { |
| <SPAN class="code-object">Thread</SPAN> T = <SPAN class="code-keyword">new</SPAN> <SPAN class="code-object">Thread</SPAN>(<SPAN class="code-keyword">this</SPAN>); |
| end = <SPAN class="code-keyword">false</SPAN>; |
| T.start(); |
| } |
| |
| @Invalidate |
| <SPAN class="code-keyword">public</SPAN> void stopping() { |
| end = <SPAN class="code-keyword">true</SPAN>; |
| } |
| }</PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-DefinedAnnotations"></A>Defined Annotations</H1> |
| |
| <P>This section lists defined annotations and how to use them.</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Component"></A>@Component</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines a component type<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> The component implementation class<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>name : defines the component type name (optional, default = the class name)</LI> |
| <LI>factory: defines the factory name (optional, default = "false")</LI> |
| <LI>immediate: defines the component type as immediate (optional, default = "false")</LI> |
| <LI>architecture: enable the architecture exposition (optional, default = "false")</LI> |
| <LI>propagation: enable configuration property propagation (on provided services) (optional, default = "false")</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Provides"></A>@Provides</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines that the component type provide services<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> The component implementation class<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>specifications: defines the provided interface (optional, default = all implemented interfaces)</LI> |
| <LI>factory: defines the service object creation policy ("SINGLETON" or "SERVICE") (optional, default = "SINGLETON")</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <P><EM>Note:</EM> "SERVICE" means OSGi service factory.</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Requires"></A>@Requires</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines a service dependency<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> Field<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>Filter: defines the LDAP filter (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>Optional: defines if the dependency is optional (optional, default = "false")</LI> |
| <LI>Id: defines the dependency Id (useful to identify bind & unbind methods) (optional, default = field name) (if a dependency with the same id is already created (by a @bind or @unbind annotation), it merges the dependencies).</LI> |
| <LI>Nullable: enable or disable the Null Object injection when the dependency is optional and no providers are available (optional, default = "true")</LI> |
| <LI>Default-Implementation: set the Default-Implmentation (optional, by default iPOJO uses a Null object)</LI> |
| <LI>Policy: defines the binding policy (accepted value : dynamic, static, dynamic-priority) (optional, default = "dynamic")</LI> |
| <LI>Comparator: defines the comparator to use to sort service references (optional, default = OSGi Service Reference Comparator)</LI> |
| <LI>From : defines the specific provider to use [New in the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT version]</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@ServiceProperty"></A>@ServiceProperty</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines a service property<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> Field or Method<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>name: property name (optional, default=field name or computed by removing "set" from the method name (for instance setFoo(String ff) will get the Foo name))</LI> |
| <LI>value: property value (optional, default=no value)</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <P><EM>note:</EM> if another service property with the same name is defined the method or the field is added to the existing property</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Property"></A>@Property</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines a property<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> Field or Method<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>name: property name (optional, default=field name computed by removing "set" from the method name (for instance setFoo(String ff) will get the Foo name))</LI> |
| <LI>value: property value (optional, default=no value)</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <P><EM>note:</EM> if another property with the same name is defined the method or the field is added to the existing property</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Bind"></A>@Bind</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines a bind method<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> Method<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>Id: Dependency Id, if the id is already defines in a "@requires " or "@unbind" annotation, it adds this method as a bind method of the already created dependency. (optional, default= no id, compute an id if the method name begin by "bind" (for instance "bindFoo" will have the "Foo" id))</LI> |
| <LI>Specification : required dependency (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>Aggregate : is the dependency an aggregate dependency (optional, default= "false")</LI> |
| <LI>Optional: is the dependency an optional dependency (optional, default= "false")</LI> |
| <LI>Filter: dependency LDAP filter (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>Policy: defines the binding policy (accepted value : dynamic, static, dynamic-priority) (optional, default = "dynamic")</LI> |
| <LI>Comparator: defines the comparator to use to sort service references (optional, default = OSGi Service Reference Comparator)</LI> |
| <LI>From : defines the specific provider to use [New in the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT version]</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Unbind"></A>@Unbind</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> Defines an unbind method<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> Method<BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>Id: Dependency Id, if the id is already defines in a "@requires" or "@bind" annotation, it adds this method as an unbind method of the already created dependency. (optional, default= no id, compute an id if the method name begin by "unbind" (for instance "unbindFoo" will have the "Foo" id))</LI> |
| <LI>Specification : required dependency (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>Aggregate : is the dependency an aggregate dependency (optional, default= "false")</LI> |
| <LI>Optional: is the dependency an optional dependency (optional, default= "false")</LI> |
| <LI>Filter: dependency LDAP filter (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>Policy: defines the binding policy (accepted value : dynamic, static, dynamic-priority) (optional, default = "dynamic")</LI> |
| <LI>Comparator: defines the comparator to use to sort service references (optional, default = OSGi Service Reference Comparator)</LI> |
| <LI>From : defines the specific provider to use [New in the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT version]</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Validate"></A>@Validate</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> defines a validate lifecycle callback<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> method</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-@Invalidate"></A>@Invalidate</H2> |
| |
| <P><B>Goal:</B> defines a validate lifecycle callback<BR> |
| <B>Target:</B> method</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-TemporalDependencies%28externalhandler%29%5CNewinthe0.9.0SNAPSHOTversion%5C"></A>Temporal Dependencies (external handler) [New in the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT version]</H2> |
| |
| <P>The temporal dependency handler is an external handler. However, it can be used with an annotation defined in the iPOJO annotations jar file. <BR> |
| The annotation is org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.temporal.Requires and targets a field. <BR> |
| <B>Attributes:</B></P> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>filter : specify the dependency filter</LI> |
| <LI>timeout : specify the dependency timeout (optional)</LI> |
| <LI>onTimeout : specify the onTimeout action (null, nullable, empty-array, default-implementation (specify the class name in this case) (optional).</LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Metadatafileandannotationmerge"></A>Metadata file and annotation merge</H1> |
| |
| <P>It is possible to defines component type both in the metadata file (in XML) and by using annotation. However, if a component type defined by using annotations has the same name than a type define in the XML file, the XML descriptor override the annotation defined type. However, a warning message is launched during the manipulation.</P> |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Instancecreation"></A>Instance creation</H1> |
| |
| <P>Annotation can only be used to define component type. To define instances, you need to use the XML descriptor. Instance can refer to annotated types by referring to their names.</P> |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><instance component=<SPAN class="code-quote">"ipojo.example.hello.impl.HelloImpl"</SPAN>/></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><instance component=<SPAN class="code-quote">"AnnotedHelloClient"</SPAN>/></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <H1><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-UsingCustomAnnotations"></A>Using Custom Annotations</H1> |
| |
| <P>External handlers can provides their own annotations. Using these annotations just requires to add them to your build path. To external handlers annotations, please refer to the external handler documentation.</P></TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd" valign="top" width="20%"> |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Overview"></A><B>Overview</B></H6> |
| <UL> |
| <LI><A href="apache-felix-ipojo.html" title="Apache Felix iPOJO">Home Page</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="apache-felix-ipojo-feature-overview.html" title="Apache Felix iPOJO Feature Overview">iPOJO Feature Overview</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="download.html" title="Download">Download & Install </A></LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-GettingStarted"></A><B>Getting Started</B></H6> |
| <UL> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-in-10-minutes.html" title="iPOJO in 10 minutes">iPOJO in 10 minutes</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-hello-word-maven-based-tutorial.html" title="iPOJO Hello Word (Maven-Based) tutorial">iPOJO Hello Word (Maven-Based) tutorial</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-advanced-tutorial.html" title="iPOJO Advanced Tutorial">iPOJO Advanced Tutorial</A></LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-UserGuide"></A><B>User Guide</B></H6> |
| <UL> |
| <LI><A href="describing-components.html" title="Describing components">Describing components (handler list) </A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="#" title="How to use iPOJO Annotations">How to use iPOJO Annotations</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="using-xml-schemas.html" title="Using XML Schemas">Using XML Schemas</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-advanced-topics.html" title="iPOJO Advanced Topics">Advanced Topics</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-faq.html" title="iPOJO FAQ">FAQ</A></LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Tools"></A><B>Tools</B></H6> |
| <UL> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-eclipse-plug-in.html" title="iPOJO Eclipse Plug-in">iPOJO Eclipse Plug-in</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-ant-task.html" title="iPOJO Ant Task">iPOJO Ant Task</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-maven-plug-in.html" title="iPOJO Maven Plug-in">iPOJO Maven Plug-in</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="ipojo-concepts-overview.html" title="iPOJO Concepts Overview">iPOJO concepts overview</A></LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-DeveloperGuide"></A><B>Developer Guide</B></H6> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>API: <SPAN class="nobr"><A href="http://people.apache.org/~clement/ipojo/api/0.8/" title="Visit page outside Confluence" rel="nofollow">0.8<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="../../cwiki.apache.org/confluence/images/icons/linkext7.gif" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN></LI> |
| <LI><A href="how-to-write-your-own-handler.html" title="How to write your own handler">How to write your own handler</A></LI> |
| <LI><A href="how-to-use-ipojo-manipulation-metadata.html" title="How to use iPOJO Manipulation Metadata">How to use iPOJO Manipulation Metadata</A></LI> |
| </UL> |
| |
| |
| <H6><A name="HowtouseiPOJOAnnotations-Misc%26Contact"></A><B>Misc & Contact</B></H6> |
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