blob: dac31af2d3c5f96755d426713e6418e855e59a82 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.felix.scr.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.BundleComponentActivator;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper.ComponentMethods;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper.MethodResult;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper.SimpleLogger;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ComponentMetadata;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ReferenceMetadata;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ServiceMetadata;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServicePermission;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* The default ComponentManager. Objects of this class are responsible for managing
* implementation object's lifecycle.
public abstract class AbstractComponentManager implements Component, SimpleLogger
// the ID of this component
private long m_componentId;
// The state of this instance manager
// methods accessing this field should be synchronized unless there is a
// good reason to not be synchronized
private volatile State m_state;
// The metadata
private final ComponentMetadata m_componentMetadata;
private final ComponentMethods m_componentMethods;
// The dependency managers that manage every dependency
private final List m_dependencyManagers;
private boolean m_dependencyManagersInitialized;
//<Map<DependencyManager, Map<ServiceReference, RefPair>>>
private final AtomicReference m_dependencies_map;
// A reference to the BundleComponentActivator
private BundleComponentActivator m_activator;
// The ServiceRegistration
private final AtomicReference m_serviceRegistration;
private final ReentrantLock m_stateLock;
private long m_timeout = 5000;
// private Thread lockingThread;
// private Throwable lockingStackTrace;
// private ArrayList lockingActivity = new ArrayList( );
protected volatile boolean enabled;
protected volatile CountDownLatch enabledLatch;
private final Object enabledLatchLock = new Object();
* synchronizing while creating the service registration is safe as long as the bundle is not stopped
* during some service registrations. So, avoid synchronizing during unregister service if the component is being
* disposed.
private volatile boolean disposed;
* The constructor receives both the activator and the metadata
* @param activator
* @param metadata
* @param componentMethods
protected AbstractComponentManager( BundleComponentActivator activator, ComponentMetadata metadata, ComponentMethods componentMethods )
m_activator = activator;
m_componentMetadata = metadata;
this.m_componentMethods = componentMethods;
m_componentId = -1;
m_state = Disabled.getInstance();
m_dependencyManagers = loadDependencyManagers( metadata );
m_stateLock = new ReentrantLock( true );
m_dependencies_map = new AtomicReference();
m_serviceRegistration = new AtomicReference();
// dump component details
if ( isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"Component {0} created: DS={1}, implementation={2}, immediate={3}, default-enabled={4}, factory={5}, configuration-policy={6}, activate={7}, deactivate={8}, modified={9} configuration-pid={10}",
new Object[]
{ metadata.getName(), new Integer( metadata.getNamespaceCode() ),
metadata.getImplementationClassName(), Boolean.valueOf( metadata.isImmediate() ),
Boolean.valueOf( metadata.isEnabled() ), metadata.getFactoryIdentifier(),
metadata.getConfigurationPolicy(), metadata.getActivate(), metadata.getDeactivate(),
metadata.getModified(), metadata.getConfigurationPid() }, null );
if ( metadata.getServiceMetadata() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component {0} Services: servicefactory={1}, services={2}", new Object[]
{ metadata.getName(), Boolean.valueOf( metadata.getServiceMetadata().isServiceFactory() ),
Arrays.asList( metadata.getServiceMetadata().getProvides() ) }, null );
if ( metadata.getProperties() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component {0} Properties: {1}", new Object[]
{ metadata.getName(), metadata.getProperties() }, null );
final void obtainWriteLock( String source )
// if ( isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
// {
// lockingActivity.add( "obtainWriteLock from: " + source + " readLocks: " + m_stateLock.getReadHoldCount() + " writeLocks: " + m_stateLock.getWriteHoldCount() + " thread: " + Thread.currentThread() + " time: " + System.currentTimeMillis());
// }
if (!m_stateLock.tryLock( m_timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ) )
// lockingActivity.add( "obtainWriteLock failure from: " + source + " readLocks: " + m_stateLock.getReadHoldCount() + " writeLocks: " + m_stateLock.getWriteHoldCount() + " thread: " + Thread.currentThread() + " time: " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " Could not obtain write lock.");
throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not obtain lock" );
// lockingThread = Thread.currentThread();
// lockingStackTrace = new Exception("Write lock stack trace for thread: " + lockingThread);
catch ( InterruptedException e )
//TODO this is so wrong
throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not obtain lock (Reason: " + e + ")" );
final void releaseWriteLock( String source )
// if ( isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
// {
// lockingActivity.add( "deescalateLock from: " + source + " readLocks: " + m_stateLock.getReadHoldCount() + " writeLocks: " + m_stateLock.getWriteHoldCount() + " thread: " + Thread.currentThread() + " time: " + System.currentTimeMillis());
// }
// lockingThread = null;
// lockingStackTrace = null;
final boolean isWriteLocked()
return m_stateLock.getHoldCount() > 0;
//---------- Component ID management
void registerComponentId()
final BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
this.m_componentId = activator.registerComponentId( this );
void unregisterComponentId()
if ( this.m_componentId >= 0 )
final BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
activator.unregisterComponentId( this );
this.m_componentId = -1;
//---------- Asynchronous frontend to state change methods ----------------
private static final AtomicLong taskCounter = new AtomicLong( );
* Enables this component and - if satisfied - also activates it. If
* enabling the component fails for any reason, the component ends up
* disabled.
* <p>
* This method ignores the <i>enabled</i> flag of the component metadata
* and just enables as requested.
* <p>
* This method enables and activates the component immediately.
public final void enable()
enable( true );
public final void enable( final boolean async )
if (enabled)
synchronized ( enabledLatchLock )
if ( enabledLatch != null )
enabledLatch = new CountDownLatch( 1 );
if ( !async )
catch ( InterruptedException e )
if ( !async )
enabled = true;
if ( async )
m_activator.schedule( new Runnable()
long count = taskCounter.incrementAndGet();
public void run()
public String toString()
return "Async Activate: " + getComponentMetadata().getName() + " id: " + count;
} );
* Disables this component and - if active - first deactivates it. The
* component may be reenabled by calling the {@link #enable()} method.
* <p>
* This method deactivates and disables the component immediately.
public final void disable()
disable( true );
public final void disable( final boolean async )
if (!enabled)
synchronized ( enabledLatchLock )
if (enabledLatch != null)
enabledLatch = new CountDownLatch( 1 );
if ( !async )
deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_DISABLED, true );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
if (!async)
enabled = false;
if ( async )
m_activator.schedule( new Runnable()
long count = taskCounter.incrementAndGet();
public void run()
deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_DISABLED, true );
public String toString()
return "Async Deactivate: " + getComponentMetadata().getName() + " id: " + count;
} );
* Get the object that is implementing this descriptor
* @return the object that implements the services
abstract Object getInstance();
// supports the ComponentInstance.dispose() method
void dispose()
dispose( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_DISPOSED );
* Disposes off this component deactivating and disabling it first as
* required. After disposing off the component, it may not be used anymore.
* <p>
* This method unlike the other state change methods immediately takes
* action and disposes the component. The reason for this is, that this
* method has to actually complete before other actions like bundle stopping
* may continue.
public void dispose( int reason )
disposed = true;
disposeInternal( reason );
//---------- Component interface ------------------------------------------
public long getId()
return m_componentId;
public String getName() {
return m_componentMetadata.getName();
* Returns the <code>Bundle</code> providing this component. If the
* component as already been disposed off, this method returns
* <code>null</code>.
public Bundle getBundle()
final BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
final BundleContext context = activator.getBundleContext();
if ( context != null )
return context.getBundle();
catch ( IllegalStateException ise )
// if the bundle context is not valid any more
// already disposed off component or bundle context is invalid
return null;
public String getClassName()
return m_componentMetadata.getImplementationClassName();
public String getFactory()
return m_componentMetadata.getFactoryIdentifier();
public Reference[] getReferences()
if ( m_dependencyManagers != null && m_dependencyManagers.size() > 0 )
return (Reference[]) m_dependencyManagers.toArray(
new Reference[m_dependencyManagers.size()] );
return null;
public boolean isImmediate()
return m_componentMetadata.isImmediate();
public boolean isDefaultEnabled()
return m_componentMetadata.isEnabled();
public String getActivate()
return m_componentMetadata.getActivate();
public boolean isActivateDeclared()
return m_componentMetadata.isActivateDeclared();
public String getDeactivate()
return m_componentMetadata.getDeactivate();
public boolean isDeactivateDeclared()
return m_componentMetadata.isDeactivateDeclared();
public String getModified()
return m_componentMetadata.getModified();
public String getConfigurationPolicy()
return m_componentMetadata.getConfigurationPolicy();
public String getConfigurationPid()
return m_componentMetadata.getConfigurationPid();
public boolean isConfigurationPidDeclared()
return m_componentMetadata.isConfigurationPidDeclared();
public boolean isServiceFactory()
return m_componentMetadata.getServiceMetadata() != null
&& m_componentMetadata.getServiceMetadata().isServiceFactory();
public String[] getServices()
if ( m_componentMetadata.getServiceMetadata() != null )
return m_componentMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getProvides();
return null;
//-------------- atomic transition methods -------------------------------
final void enableInternal()
m_state.enable( this );
final boolean activateInternal()
return m_state.activate( this );
final void deactivateInternal( int reason, boolean disable )
m_state.deactivate( this, reason, disable );
final void disableInternal()
m_state.disable( this );
* Disposes off this component deactivating and disabling it first as
* required. After disposing off the component, it may not be used anymore.
* <p>
* This method unlike the other state change methods immediately takes
* action and disposes the component. The reason for this is, that this
* method has to actually complete before other actions like bundle stopping
* may continue.
public final void disposeInternal( int reason )
m_state.dispose( this, reason );
final ServiceReference getServiceReference()
// This method is not synchronized even though it accesses the state.
// The reason for this is that we just want to have the state return
// the service reference which comes from the service registration.
// The only thing that may happen is that the service registration is
// still set on this instance but the service has already been
// unregistered. In this case an IllegalStateException may be thrown
// which we just catch and ignore returning null
State state = m_state;
return state.getServiceReference( this );
catch ( IllegalStateException ise )
// may be thrown if the service has already been unregistered but
// the service registration is still set on this component manager
// we ignore this exception and assume there is no service reference
return null;
//---------- Component handling methods ----------------------------------
* Method is called by {@link State#activate(AbstractComponentManager)} in STATE_ACTIVATING or by
* {@link DelayedComponentManager#getService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration)}
* @return <code>true</code> if creation of the component succeeded. If
* <code>false</code> is returned, the cause should have been logged.
protected abstract boolean createComponent();
protected abstract void deleteComponent( int reason );
* All ComponentManagers are ServiceFactory instances
* @return this as a ServiceFactory.
private Object getService()
return this;
abstract State getSatisfiedState();
abstract State getActiveState();
ComponentMethods getComponentMethods()
return m_componentMethods;
* Registers the service on behalf of the component.
* @return The <code>ServiceRegistration</code> for the registered
* service or <code>null</code> if no service is registered.
protected void registerService()
if ( getComponentMetadata().getServiceMetadata() != null )
String[] provides = getComponentMetadata().getServiceMetadata().getProvides();
registerService( provides );
protected void registerService( String[] provides )
synchronized ( m_serviceRegistration )
ServiceRegistration existing = ( ServiceRegistration ) m_serviceRegistration.get();
if ( existing == null )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "registering services", null );
// get a copy of the component properties as service properties
final Dictionary serviceProperties = getServiceProperties();
ServiceRegistration newRegistration = getActivator().getBundleContext().registerService(
getService(), serviceProperties );
boolean weWon = !disposed && m_serviceRegistration.compareAndSet( existing, newRegistration );
if ( weWon )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Existing service registration, not registering", null );
* Registers the service on behalf of the component using the
* {@link #registerService()} method. Also records the service
* registration for later {@link #unregisterComponentService()}.
* <p>
* Due to more extensive locking FELIX-3317 is no longer relevant.
final void registerComponentService()
final void unregisterComponentService()
if ( !disposed || m_serviceRegistration.get() != null )
synchronized ( m_serviceRegistration )
ServiceRegistration sr = ( ServiceRegistration ) m_serviceRegistration.get();
if ( sr != null && m_serviceRegistration.compareAndSet( sr, null ) )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Unregistering services", null );
else if (sr == null)
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Service already unregistered", null);
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Service unregistered concurrently by another thread", null);
boolean initDependencyManagers()
if ( m_dependencyManagersInitialized )
return true;
Class implementationObjectClass;
implementationObjectClass = getActivator().getBundleContext().getBundle().loadClass(
getComponentMetadata().getImplementationClassName() );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Could not load implementation object class", e );
return false;
m_componentMethods.initComponentMethods( this, m_componentMetadata, implementationObjectClass );
for (Iterator it = m_dependencyManagers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
DependencyManager dependencyManager = ( DependencyManager );
dependencyManager.initBindingMethods( m_componentMethods.getBindMethods( dependencyManager.getName() ) );
m_dependencyManagersInitialized = true;
return true;
* Collect and store in m_dependencies_map all the services for dependencies, outside of any locks.
* Throwing IllegalStateException on failure to collect all the dependencies is needed so getService can
* know to return null.
* @return true if this thread collected the dependencies;
* false if some other thread successfully collected the dependencies;
* @throws IllegalStateException if some dependency is no longer available.
protected boolean collectDependencies() throws IllegalStateException
Map old = ( Map ) m_dependencies_map.get();
if ( old != null)
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "dependency map already present, do not collect dependencies", null );
return false;
Map newDeps = new HashMap( );//<DependencyManager, Map<ServiceReference, RefPair>
for (Iterator it = m_dependencyManagers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
DependencyManager dependencyManager = ( DependencyManager );
if (!dependencyManager.prebind( newDeps) )
//not actually satisfied any longer
returnServices( newDeps );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Could not get required dependency for dependency manager: {0}",
new Object[] {dependencyManager}, null );
throw new IllegalStateException( "Missing dependencies, not satisfied" );
if ( !setDependencyMap( old, newDeps ) )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Another thread set the dependency map already present, do not keep collected dependencies", null );
return false;
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "This thread collected dependencies", null );
return true;
protected boolean setDependencyMap( Map old, Map newDeps )
return m_dependencies_map.compareAndSet( old, newDeps );
protected void unsetDependencyMap()
m_dependencies_map.set( null );
private void returnServices( Map deps )
for (Iterator it = deps.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map refs = ( Map );
if ( refs != null )
for (Iterator ri = refs.entrySet().iterator(); ri.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry );
RefPair args = ( RefPair ) entry.getValue();
if ( args.getServiceObject() != null )
getActivator().getBundleContext().ungetService( (ServiceReference) entry.getKey() );
abstract void update( DependencyManager dependencyManager, ServiceReference ref );
abstract void invokeBindMethod( DependencyManager dependencyManager, ServiceReference reference );
abstract void invokeUnbindMethod( DependencyManager dependencyManager, ServiceReference oldRef );
Map getDependencyMap()
return ( Map ) m_dependencies_map.get();
public BundleComponentActivator getActivator()
return m_activator;
boolean isActivatorActive()
BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
return activator != null && activator.isActive();
final ServiceRegistration getServiceRegistration()
return ( ServiceRegistration ) m_serviceRegistration.get();
void clear()
// for some testing, the activator may be null
if ( m_activator != null )
m_activator.unregisterComponentId( this );
m_activator = null;
//<DependencyManager, Map<ServiceReference, RefPair>>
protected Map getParameterMap()
return ( Map ) m_dependencies_map.get();
* Returns <code>true</code> if logging for the given level is enabled.
public boolean isLogEnabled( int level )
BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
return activator.isLogEnabled( level );
// bundle activator has already been removed, so no logging
return false;
public void log( int level, String message, Throwable ex )
BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
activator.log( level, message, getComponentMetadata(), ex );
public void log( int level, String message, Object[] arguments, Throwable ex )
BundleComponentActivator activator = getActivator();
if ( activator != null )
activator.log( level, message, arguments, getComponentMetadata(), ex );
public String toString()
return "Component: " + getName() + " (" + getId() + ")";
private boolean hasServiceRegistrationPermissions()
boolean allowed = true;
if ( System.getSecurityManager() != null )
final ServiceMetadata serviceMetadata = getComponentMetadata().getServiceMetadata();
if ( serviceMetadata != null )
final String[] services = serviceMetadata.getProvides();
if ( services != null && services.length > 0 )
final Bundle bundle = getBundle();
for ( int i = 0; i < services.length; i++ )
final Permission perm = new ServicePermission( services[i], ServicePermission.REGISTER );
if ( !bundle.hasPermission( perm ) )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Permission to register service {0} is denied", new Object[]
{ services[i] }, null );
allowed = false;
// no security manager or no services to register
return allowed;
private List loadDependencyManagers( ComponentMetadata metadata )
List depMgrList = new ArrayList(metadata.getDependencies().size());
// If this component has got dependencies, create dependency managers for each one of them.
if ( metadata.getDependencies().size() != 0 )
Iterator dependencyit = metadata.getDependencies().iterator();
while ( dependencyit.hasNext() )
ReferenceMetadata currentdependency = (ReferenceMetadata);
DependencyManager depmanager = new DependencyManager( this, currentdependency );
depMgrList.add( depmanager );
return depMgrList;
private void enableDependencyManagers() throws InvalidSyntaxException
if ( !m_componentMetadata.isConfigurationRequired() )
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager);
protected void updateTargets(Dictionary properties)
for (Object o: m_dependencyManagers)
DependencyManager dependencyManager = ( DependencyManager ) o;
dependencyManager.setTargetFilter( properties );
protected boolean verifyDependencyManagers( Dictionary properties )
// indicates whether all dependencies are satisfied
boolean satisfied = true;
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = ( DependencyManager );
if ( !dm.hasGetPermission() )
// bundle has no service get permission
if ( dm.isOptional() )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "No permission to get optional dependency: {0}; assuming satisfied",
new Object[]
{ dm.getName() }, null );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "No permission to get mandatory dependency: {0}; assuming unsatisfied",
new Object[]
{ dm.getName() }, null );
satisfied = false;
else if ( !dm.isSatisfied() )
// bundle would have permission but there are not enough services
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency not satisfied: {0}", new Object[]
{ dm.getName() }, null );
satisfied = false;
return satisfied;
* Returns an iterator over the {@link DependencyManager} objects
* representing the declared references in declaration order
Iterator getDependencyManagers()
return m_dependencyManagers.iterator();
* Returns an iterator over the {@link DependencyManager} objects
* representing the declared references in reversed declaration order
Iterator getReversedDependencyManagers()
List list = new ArrayList( m_dependencyManagers );
Collections.reverse( list );
return list.iterator();
DependencyManager getDependencyManager(String name)
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager);
if ( name.equals(dm.getName()) )
return dm;
// not found
return null;
private void deactivateDependencyManagers()
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager);
private void disableDependencyManagers()
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager);
public abstract boolean hasConfiguration();
public abstract Dictionary getProperties();
public abstract void setServiceProperties( Dictionary serviceProperties );
* Returns the subset of component properties to be used as service
* properties. These properties are all component properties where property
* name does not start with dot (.), properties which are considered
* private.
public Dictionary getServiceProperties()
return copyTo( null, getProperties(), false );
* Copies the properties from the <code>source</code> <code>Dictionary</code>
* into the <code>target</code> <code>Dictionary</code>.
* @param target The <code>Dictionary</code> into which to copy the
* properties. If <code>null</code> a new <code>Hashtable</code> is
* created.
* @param source The <code>Dictionary</code> providing the properties to
* copy. If <code>null</code> or empty, nothing is copied.
* @return The <code>target</code> is returned, which may be empty if
* <code>source</code> is <code>null</code> or empty and
* <code>target</code> was <code>null</code>.
protected static Dictionary copyTo( Dictionary target, Dictionary source )
return copyTo( target, source, true );
* Copies the properties from the <code>source</code> <code>Dictionary</code>
* into the <code>target</code> <code>Dictionary</code> except for private
* properties (whose name has a leading dot) which are only copied if the
* <code>allProps</code> parameter is <code>true</code>.
* @param target The <code>Dictionary</code> into which to copy the
* properties. If <code>null</code> a new <code>Hashtable</code> is
* created.
* @param source The <code>Dictionary</code> providing the properties to
* copy. If <code>null</code> or empty, nothing is copied.
* @param allProps Whether all properties (<code>true</code>) or only the
* public properties (<code>false</code>) are to be copied.
* @return The <code>target</code> is returned, which may be empty if
* <code>source</code> is <code>null</code> or empty and
* <code>target</code> was <code>null</code> or all properties are
* private and had not to be copied
protected static Dictionary copyTo( Dictionary target, final Dictionary source, final boolean allProps )
if ( target == null )
target = new Hashtable();
if ( source != null && !source.isEmpty() )
for ( Enumeration ce = source.keys(); ce.hasMoreElements(); )
// cast is save, because key must be a string as per the spec
String key = ( String ) ce.nextElement();
if ( allProps || key.charAt( 0 ) != '.' )
target.put( key, source.get( key ) );
return target;
public ComponentMetadata getComponentMetadata()
return m_componentMetadata;
public int getState()
return m_state.getState();
protected State state()
return m_state;
* sets the state of the manager
void changeState( State newState )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "State transition : {0} -> {1} : service reg: {2}", new Object[]
{ m_state, newState, m_serviceRegistration.get() }, null );
m_state = newState;
public void setServiceProperties( MethodResult methodResult )
if ( methodResult.hasResult() )
Dictionary serviceProps = ( methodResult.getResult() == null) ? null : new Hashtable( methodResult.getResult() );
setServiceProperties(serviceProps );
//--------- State classes
* There are 12 states in all. They are: Disabled, Unsatisfied,
* Registered, Factory, Active, Disposed, as well as the transient states
* Enabling, Activating, Deactivating, Disabling, and Disposing.
* The Registered, Factory, FactoryInstance and Active states are the
* "Satisfied" state in concept. The tansient states will be changed to
* other states automatically when work is done.
* <p>
* The transition cases are listed below.
* <ul>
* <li>Disabled -(enable/ENABLING) -> Unsatisifed</li>
* <li>Disabled -(dispose/DISPOSING)-> Disposed</li>
* <li>Unsatisfied -(activate/ACTIVATING, SUCCESS) -> Satisfied(Registered, Factory or Active)</li>
* <li>Unsatisfied -(activate/ACTIVATING, FAIL) -> Unsatisfied</li>
* <li>Unsatisfied -(disable/DISABLING) -> Disabled</li>
* <li>Registered -(getService, SUCCESS) -> Active</li>
* <li>Registered -(getService, FAIL) -> Unsatisfied</li>
* <li>Satisfied -(deactivate/DEACTIVATING)-> Unsatisfied</li>
* </ul>
protected static abstract class State
private final String m_name;
private final int m_state;
protected State( String name, int state )
m_name = name;
m_state = state;
public String toString()
return m_name;
int getState()
return m_state;
ServiceReference getServiceReference( AbstractComponentManager acm )
throw new IllegalStateException("getServiceReference" + this);
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
throw new IllegalStateException("getService" + this);
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
throw new IllegalStateException("ungetService" + this);
void enable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
log( acm, "enable" );
boolean activate( AbstractComponentManager acm )
log( acm, "activate" );
return false;
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
log( acm, "deactivate (reason: " + reason + ") (dsable: " + disable + ")" );
void disable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
throw new IllegalStateException("disable" + this);
void dispose( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason )
throw new IllegalStateException("dispose" + this);
private void log( AbstractComponentManager acm, String event )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Current state: {0}, Event: {1}, Service registration: {2}", new Object[]
{ m_name, event, acm.m_serviceRegistration.get() }, null );
void doDeactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
acm.obtainWriteLock( "AbstractComponentManager.State.doDeactivate.1" );
acm.deleteComponent( reason );
if ( disable )
acm.releaseWriteLock( "AbstractComponentManager.State.doDeactivate.1" );
catch ( Throwable t )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Component deactivation threw an exception", t );
void doDisable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
// dispose and recreate dependency managers
// acm.disableDependencyManagers();
// reset the component id now (a disabled component has none)
public boolean isSatisfied()
return false;
protected static final class Disabled extends State
private static final Disabled m_inst = new Disabled();
private Disabled()
super( "Disabled", STATE_DISABLED );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
void enable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
if ( !acm.isActivatorActive() )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Bundle's component activator is not active; not enabling component",
null );
acm.changeState( Unsatisfied.getInstance() );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component enabled", null );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
// one of the reference target filters is invalid, fail
acm.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Failed enabling Component", ise );
acm.changeState( Disabled.getInstance() );
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
doDeactivate( acm, reason, disable );
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
return null;
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
//do nothing, deactivate will unget all the services.
void dispose( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Disposing component (reason: " + reason + ")", null );
acm.changeState( Disposed.getInstance() );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component disposed", null );
protected static final class Unsatisfied extends State
private static final Unsatisfied m_inst = new Unsatisfied();
private Unsatisfied()
super( "Unsatisfied", STATE_UNSATISFIED );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
* returns true if this thread succeeds in activating the component, or the component is not able to be activated.
* Returns false if some other thread succeeds in activating the component.
* @param acm
* @return
boolean activate( AbstractComponentManager acm )
if ( !acm.isActivatorActive() )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Bundle's component activator is not active; not activating component",
null );
return true;
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Activating component from state ", new Object[] {this}, null );
// Before creating the implementation object, we are going to
// test if we have configuration if such is required
if ( !acm.hasConfiguration() && acm.getComponentMetadata().isConfigurationRequired() )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Missing required configuration, cannot activate", null );
return true;
// Before creating the implementation object, we are going to
// test that the bundle has enough permissions to register services
if ( !acm.hasServiceRegistrationPermissions() )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component is not permitted to register all services, cannot activate",
null );
return true;
// Update our target filters.
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Updating target filters", null );
acm.updateTargets( acm.getProperties() );
// Before creating the implementation object, we are going to
// test if all the mandatory dependencies are satisfied
if ( !acm.verifyDependencyManagers( acm.getProperties() ) )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Not all dependencies satisfied, cannot activate", null );
return true;
// set satisfied state before registering the service because
// during service registration a listener may try to get the
// service from the service reference which may cause a
// delayed service object instantiation through the State
// actually since we don't have the activating state any
// longer, we have to set the satisfied state already
// before actually creating the component such that services
// may be accepted.
final State satisfiedState = acm.getSatisfiedState();
acm.changeState( satisfiedState );
// 1. Load the component implementation class
// 2. Create the component instance and component context
// 3. Bind the target services
// 4. Call the activate method, if present
if ( ( acm.isImmediate() || acm.getComponentMetadata().isFactory() ) )
//don't collect dependencies for a factory component.
if ( !acm.collectDependencies() )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Not all dependencies collected, cannot create object (1)", null );
return false;
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"activate won collecting dependencies, proceed to creating object.", null );
catch ( IllegalStateException e )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Not all dependencies collected, cannot create object (2)", null );
return false;
catch ( Throwable t )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected throwable from attempt to collect dependencies", t );
return false;
acm.obtainWriteLock( "AbstractComponentManager.Unsatisfied.activate.1" );
acm.changeState( acm.getActiveState() );
if ( !acm.createComponent() )
// component creation failed, not active now
acm.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Component instance could not be created, activation failed", null );
acm.changeState( Unsatisfied.getInstance() );
acm.releaseWriteLock( "AbstractComponentManager.Unsatisfied.activate.1" );
return true;
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Deactivating component", null );
// catch any problems from deleting the component to prevent the
// component to remain in the deactivating state !
doDeactivate(acm, reason, disable );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component deactivated", null );
void disable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Disabling component", null );
doDisable( acm );
// we are now disabled, ready for re-enablement or complete destroyal
acm.changeState( Disabled.getInstance() );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component disabled", null );
void dispose( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason )
doDisable( acm );
acm.clear(); //content of Disabled.dispose
acm.changeState( Disposed.getInstance() );
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
//concurrent attempt to get service and remove dependency
return null;
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
//do nothing. This can arise if component is deactivated concurrently with ungetService on a delayed component.
protected static abstract class Satisfied extends State
protected Satisfied( String name, int state )
super( name, state );
ServiceReference getServiceReference( AbstractComponentManager acm )
ServiceRegistration sr = acm.getServiceRegistration();
return sr == null ? null : sr.getReference();
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Deactivating component", null );
// catch any problems from deleting the component to prevent the
// component to remain in the deactivating state !
doDeactivate(acm, reason, disable );
if ( acm.state().isSatisfied() )
acm.changeState( Unsatisfied.getInstance() );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component deactivated", null );
void disable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
doDisable( acm );
acm.changeState( Disabled.getInstance() );
acm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component disabled", null );
void dispose( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason )
doDeactivate( acm, reason, true );
acm.clear(); //content of Disabled.dispose
acm.changeState( Disposed.getInstance() );
public boolean isSatisfied()
return true;
* The <code>Active</code> state is the satisified state of an immediate
* component after activation. Dealyed and service factory components switch
* to this state from the {@link Registered} state once the service
* object has (first) been requested.
protected static final class Active extends Satisfied
private static final Active m_inst = new Active();
private Active()
super( "Active", STATE_ACTIVE );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
return dcm.getInstance();
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
dcm.deleteComponent( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED );
if ( dcm.enabled )
dcm.changeState( Registered.getInstance() );
* The <code>Registered</code> state is the statisfied state of a delayed or
* service factory component before the actual service instance is
* (first) retrieved. After getting the actualo service instance the
* component switches to the {@link Active} state.
protected static final class Registered extends Satisfied
private static final Registered m_inst = new Registered();
private Registered()
super( "Registered", STATE_REGISTERED );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
if ( dcm.createComponent() )
dcm.changeState( Active.getInstance() );
return dcm.getInstance();
// log that the delayed component cannot be created (we don't
// know why at this moment; this should already have been logged)
dcm.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Failed creating the component instance; see log for reason", null );
// component could not really be created. This may be temporary
// so we stay in the registered state but ensure the component
// instance is deleted
dcm.deleteComponent( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED );
catch ( Throwable t )
dcm.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Cannot delete incomplete component instance. Ignoring.", t );
// no service can be returned (be prepared for more logging !!)
return null;
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
//do nothing. This can arise if component is deactivated concurrently with ungetService on a delayed component.
* The <code>Factory</code> state is the satisfied state of component
* factory components.
protected static final class Factory extends Satisfied
private static final Factory m_inst = new Factory();
private Factory()
super( "Factory", STATE_FACTORY );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
* The <code>FactoryInstance</code> state is the satisfied state of
* instances of component factory components created with the
* <code>ComponentFactory.newInstance</code> method. This state acts the
* same as the {@link Active} state except that the
* {@link org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.AbstractComponentManager.State#deactivate(AbstractComponentManager, int, boolean)} switches to the
* real {@link Active} state before actually disposing off the component
* because component factory instances are never reactivated after
* deactivated due to not being satisified any longer. See section 112.5.5,
* Factory Component, for full details.
protected static final class FactoryInstance extends Satisfied
private static final FactoryInstance m_inst = new FactoryInstance();
private FactoryInstance()
super("FactoryInstance", STATE_ACTIVE);
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
Object getService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
return dcm.getInstance();
void ungetService( ImmediateComponentManager dcm )
dcm.deleteComponent( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED );
dcm.changeState( Registered.getInstance() );
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
acm.disposeInternal( reason );
final state.
protected static final class Disposed extends State
private static final Disposed m_inst = new Disposed();
private Disposed()
super( "Disposed", STATE_DISPOSED );
static State getInstance()
return m_inst;
boolean activate( AbstractComponentManager acm )
throw new IllegalStateException( "activate: " + this );
void deactivate( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason, boolean disable )
throw new IllegalStateException( "deactivate: " + this );
void disable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
throw new IllegalStateException( "disable: " + this );
void dispose( AbstractComponentManager acm, int reason )
//factory instance can have dispose called with no effect. 112.5.5
void enable( AbstractComponentManager acm )
throw new IllegalStateException( "enable: " + this );