blob: b60749243f57eb24b44ca5c0332c3b447eddef48 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.*;
import aQute.bnd.service.action.*;
import aQute.lib.osgi.*;
public class Workspace extends Processor {
public final static int STRATEGY_HIGHEST = 1;
public final static int STRATEGY_EXACT = 0;
public final static int STRATEGY_LOWEST = -1;
public static final String BUILDFILE = "build.bnd";
public static final String CNFDIR = "cnf";
static Map<File, WeakReference<Workspace>> cache = newHashMap();
final Map<String, Project> models = newHashMap();
final Map<String, Action> commands = newMap();
* This static method finds the workspace and creates a project (or returns
* an existing project)
* @param projectDir
* @return
public static Project getProject(File projectDir) throws Exception {
projectDir = projectDir.getAbsoluteFile();
assert projectDir.isDirectory();
Workspace ws = getWorkspace(projectDir.getParentFile());
return ws.getProject(projectDir.getName());
public static Workspace getWorkspace(File workspaceDir) throws Exception {
workspaceDir = workspaceDir.getAbsoluteFile();
synchronized (cache) {
WeakReference<Workspace> wsr = cache.get(workspaceDir);
Workspace ws;
if (wsr == null || (ws = wsr.get()) == null) {
ws = new Workspace(workspaceDir);
cache.put(workspaceDir, new WeakReference<Workspace>(ws));
return ws;
public Workspace(File dir) throws Exception {
dir = dir.getAbsoluteFile();
assert dir.isDirectory();
File buildDir = new File(dir, CNFDIR).getAbsoluteFile();
File buildFile = new File(buildDir, BUILDFILE).getAbsoluteFile();
if (!buildFile.isFile())
warning("No Build File in " + dir);
setProperties(buildFile, dir);
public Project getProject(String bsn) throws Exception {
synchronized (models) {
Project project = models.get(bsn);
if (project != null)
return project;
File projectDir = getFile(bsn);
project = new Project(this, projectDir);
models.put(bsn, project);
return project;
public boolean isPresent(String name) {
return models.containsKey(name);
public Collection<Project> getCurrentProjects() {
return models.values();
public boolean refresh() {
if (super.refresh()) {
for (Project project : getCurrentProjects()) {
return true;
return false;
public String _workspace(String args[]) {
return getBase().getAbsolutePath();
public void addCommand(String menu, Action action) {
commands.put(menu, action);
public void removeCommand(String menu) {
public void fillActions(Map<String, Action> all) {