| Changes from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| ** Bug |
| * [FELIX-1565] - Deadlock UrlHandlers |
| * [FELIX-1573] - Occasional NPE in URLHandlersBundleStreamHandler |
| * [FELIX-1580] - Regression with native library handling |
| * [FELIX-1586] - Framework reports org.osgi.framework.version as 1.3 |
| * [FELIX-1600] - ServiceReference.isAssignableTo() always returns true if requesting bundle has no wire |
| * [FELIX-1631] - Implicit bootdelegation causes hang on android |
| * [FELIX-1710] - Resolver still does not discard all partial results when a cyclical dependency fails |
| * [FELIX-1721] - Framework boot delegation has a bug due to extraneous code |
| * [FELIX-1731] - Native library extraction could be improved to help cases where there are dependencies among libraries |
| |
| ** Improvement |
| * [FELIX-1619] - Change the default auto-deploy actions to be install and start only |
| * [FELIX-1625] - Refactor bundle cache to simplify management |
| * [FELIX-1679] - VersionRange class should use finals to be thread safe. |
| * [FELIX-1724] - Various module metadata should be cached |
| |
| ** Task |
| * [FELIX-1144] - The NOTICE file for Main subproject is not correctly copied into the source JAR |
| * [FELIX-1617] - Modify framework, main, shell, shell.tui, and obr to depend on official OSGi JAR files |
| |
| Changes from 1.8.1 to 2.0.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| ** Bug |
| * [FELIX-893] - Felix fails to start using J9 JVM |
| * [FELIX-905] - Felix needs an RFC 126 FindHook |
| * [FELIX-906] - Felix needs an RFC 126 EventHook |
| * [FELIX-1122] - Extension bundles are not being removed from the bundle list when uninstalled |
| * [FELIX-1123] - System bundle does still not correctly handle (export) package attributes |
| * [FELIX-1124] - ResourceNotFoundException too verbose |
| * [FELIX-1130] - Bundle.getHeaders() returns a Dictionary<java.util.jar.Attribute.Name,String> |
| * [FELIX-1138] - URL Handlers performance regression due to service lookups |
| * [FELIX-1170] - MemoryLeak when stopping and restarting Felix |
| * [FELIX-1187] - BundleContext.ungetService() should return false only if the usage count is zero when the method is invoked |
| * [FELIX-1197] - Bundle Fragments not resolved correctly |
| * [FELIX-1198] - config.properties still refers to old org.osgi.framework.startlevel property |
| * [FELIX-1247] - BundleEvent.UNRESOLVED should be fired during update/uninstall not refresh |
| * [FELIX-1249] - Bundle.findEntries() should search fragments as well as the bundle itself |
| * [FELIX-1254] - Bundle#findEntries does not return resources from fragments |
| * [FELIX-1271] - Improve manifest localization to handle special cases |
| * [FELIX-1272] - Need to special case getResource()/getResources()/loadClass() for fragment bundles |
| * [FELIX-1273] - Bundle.getResources() should return null for a non-existent resource |
| * [FELIX-1277] - Fix Service Hooks Tests failures in RFC 126 TCK |
| * [FELIX-1279] - Framework.waitForStop() does not obey timeout |
| * [FELIX-1280] - Package Admin - getExportedPackages must return null instead of an empty array |
| * [FELIX-1285] - SecureAction captures the calling context incorrectly |
| * [FELIX-1286] - Module class loader should use secure action instead of a privileged block |
| * [FELIX-1287] - System bundle operations from RFC-132 (e.g., init(), start(), stop(), waitForStop()) are using wrong lock object |
| * [FELIX-1288] - System bundle context should be null after stopping the framework |
| * [FELIX-1292] - PackageAdmin.getBundle(Class) should return null if the bundle associated with the passed in class is from another framework |
| * [FELIX-1293] - StringMap used for case insensitive properties does not respect ordering if case sensitivity is changed |
| * [FELIX-1295] - ServiceRegistry increments/decrements service use count after/before getService/ungetService() is called on ServiceFactory |
| * [FELIX-1371] - Automatic parent class loader delegation does not correctly filter calls to Bundle.loadClass() |
| * [FELIX-1397] - Required execution environment verification should happen at resolve time, not install time |
| * [FELIX-1400] - bootdelegation and dynamic-import-packages are accepting invalid patterns |
| * [FELIX-1401] - Manifest localization with fragments not handled correctly |
| * [FELIX-1422] - Resolver does not always discard partial results when a cyclically dependency fails |
| * [FELIX-1435] - Resolver does not always resolve a dynamic import to a fragment export |
| * [FELIX-1527] - R4.2 spec errata now specifies uninstalling a bundle must transition through INSTALLED on its way to UNINSTALLED |
| * [FELIX-1551] - Start level service must synchronously persist bundle start level changes |
| * [FELIX-1556] - Bundle.getResource/s is not able to find resources if the package is not alraedy wired when I use DynamicImport-Package: * |
| |
| ** Improvement |
| * [FELIX-712] - Ability to disable automatic parent classloader delegation |
| * [FELIX-883] - JarContent logs and then swallows exceptions when reading from JAR file, should probably throw an exception |
| * [FELIX-1120] - Enable BundleCache customization |
| * [FELIX-1134] - Add support for native libraries in fragments |
| * [FELIX-1189] - Improve error message in main when there is an error processing auto-install/start bundles |
| * [FELIX-1246] - PackageAdmin.getBundle() is not implemented efficiently |
| * [FELIX-1260] - Make Bundle.findEntries() and Bundle.getEntryPaths() more thread safe |
| * [FELIX-1291] - Implement support for proper return type from Framework.waitForStop() |
| * [FELIX-1300] - Remove legacy bundle cache support when extracting embedded JAR files |
| * [FELIX-1360] - Improve native library matching algorithm (part 2) |
| * [FELIX-1404] - Use provided classes from OSGi R4.2 companion code |
| * [FELIX-1432] - Manifest parser doesn't return import package declarations in order of manifest |
| * [FELIX-1462] - Felix framework launcher should only use standard launching API |
| |
| ** New Feature |
| * [FELIX-33] - Implement system bundle update |
| * [FELIX-749] - Add support for lazy activation of bundles |
| * [FELIX-1193] - Implement org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent from RFC 132 |
| * [FELIX-1205] - Update to the latest OSGi R4.2 API |
| * [FELIX-1244] - Add support for ServiceEvent.MODIFIED_ENDMATCH |
| * [FELIX-1250] - Support service exceptions for service factories |
| * [FELIX-1289] - Support for FrameworkUtil.getBundle() |
| * [FELIX-1297] - Implement support for new org.osgi.framework.command.execpermission configuration property |
| * [FELIX-1298] - Implement support for new org.osgi.framework.library.extensions configuration property |
| * [FELIX-1446] - Framework launcher should automatically deploy bundles in bundle directory |
| * [FELIX-1478] - Add shutdown hook to launcher to cleanly shutdown the framework if the process is killed |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ** Task |
| * [FELIX-1144] - The NOTICE file for Main subproject is not correctly copied into the source JAR |
| |
| |
| ** Test |
| * [FELIX-1208] - Need migrate the EventDispatcherTest to newer version of EasyMock |
| |
| Changes form 1.6.1 to 1.8.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| ** Bug |
| * [FELIX-1034] - bootdelegation property seems to be matching more packages than desired |
| * [FELIX-1059] - DynamicImport-Package matches more packages than desired |
| |
| ** Improvement |
| * [FELIX-1060] - URLHandlers doesn't support URLStreamHandler.openConnection(proxy,url) method |
| |
| ** New Feature |
| * [FELIX-29] - Implement bundle fragments |
| |
| Changes from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 |
| --------------------------- |
| ** Bug |
| * [FELIX-1027] - deadlock with felix 1.6.0 ? |
| * [FELIX-1028] - NPE in configuration view when running webconsole with Equinox |
| * [FELIX-1033] - Exceptions when Felix is started with security manager |
| * [FELIX-1035] - deadlock observed while using fileinstall to monitor multiple directories |
| * [FELIX-1045] - Felix 1.6.0 fails with ClassCircularityError |
| |
| Changes from 1.4.1 to 1.6.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| ** Bug |
| * [FELIX-737] - Resolver does not correctly discard export when module imports the same package (part 2) |
| * [FELIX-852] - Fragment support is currently limited to directly resolved hosts |
| * [FELIX-869] - SCR throws exception on invalidating a component with a reference to a service that was already unregistered |
| * [FELIX-891] - Bundle lock acquisition should not record lock until it verifies the bundle is lockable |
| * [FELIX-892] - ServiceReferenceImpl improper implementation of equals and hashcode |
| * [FELIX-893] - Felix fails to start using J9 JVM |
| * [FELIX-897] - Empty system package is exported when a semicolon is present in "extra" configuration |
| * [FELIX-902] - Empty bundle.state file produces NPE |
| * [FELIX-910] - Framework may ignore framework startlevel on startup |
| * [FELIX-911] - Potential deadlock between Bundle.stop() and BundleContext.registerService() |
| * [FELIX-915] - PackageAdmin returns null on getBundle(...) with system classes |
| * [FELIX-934] - Bootdelegation bug |
| * [FELIX-947] - Behaviour of startlevel comman doesn't adhere to spec |
| * [FELIX-948] - ServiceReferenceImpl.compareTo should handle other types than integer for service ranking |
| * [FELIX-951] - Deadlock in iPojo when stopping Felix |
| * [FELIX-952] - Exception thrown when unregistering services because the bundle is stopped |
| * [FELIX-953] - Bundle#loadClass sometimes return null instead of throwing a CNFE |
| * [FELIX-961] - 100% CPU looping inside uses calculation |
| * [FELIX-962] - Erroneous class loading delegation to the application launcher classloader in some cases |
| * [FELIX-969] - system bundle does not correctly handle (export) package attributes |
| * [FELIX-971] - Exception thrown in ServiceTracker at shutdown |
| * [FELIX-978] - Resolver does not clean up properly on a failed recursive attempt to resolve |
| * [FELIX-1004] - Extensionmanager openConnection(URL) method should be public |
| * [FELIX-1005] - Strange list of imported packages returned by the package admin |
| |
| ** Improvement |
| * [FELIX-681] - Modify daemon threads to catch all exceptions and log them to avoid premature thread death |
| * [FELIX-851] - Refactor the module abstraction layer to align more closely to OSGi concepts |
| * [FELIX-872] - JarContent swallows exception when opening manifest, it should log it |
| * [FELIX-883] - JarContent logs and then swallows exceptions when reading from JAR file, should probably throw an exception |
| * [FELIX-894] - Loosen locking when starting/stopping/uninstalling a bundle by firing event without holding a lock |
| * [FELIX-908] - Unsynchronize access to bundle state inside BundleInfo by making the variable volatile |
| |
| Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-12-19] Refactor the URLHandlers implementation to fix a possible |
| Linkage-Error when running embedded inside tomcat. Furthermore, make it possible |
| to dynamically set a SecurityManager, change the url we add to the framework |
| classloader to fix issues with rmi and make sure we restore the previous URLStreamHandlerFactory |
| after stopping. (FELIX-842, FELIX-837, FELIX-844, FELIX-827) |
| * [2008-12-19] Add missing javax.security.cert in JRE 1.4 and 1.5. (FELIX-854) |
| * [2008-12-19] Improve framework internal locking protocol. |
| * [2008-12-18] Fixed an issue where bundles with a non-existing native library |
| would not be removed correctly. (FELIX-835) |
| * [2008-11-21] Throw an exception when there is an attempt to start or stop a |
| fragment, as per the spec. (FELIX-820) |
| * [2008-11-20] Fixed a bug during shutdown where uninstalled fragments are not |
| properly closed. (FELIX-819) |
| * [2008-11-14] Added partial support for new service registry hooks as proposed |
| for OSGi R4.2; currently, only listener hooks are supported. (FELIX-804) |
| * [2008-11-08] Fixed Felix' delegation hack so that it correctly delegates to |
| the parent class loader for resources as appropriate; previously it was always |
| delegating for class loading, which was incorrect. (FELIX-808) |
| |
| Changes from 1.2.2 to 1.4.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-11-05] URLStreamHandlerService and ContentHandlerService override |
| built-in handlers and make it possible to use URLHandlers when extending the |
| Felix class. (FELIX-756, FELIX-800) |
| * [2008-11-04] Implement ServiceReference.compareTo() method. (FELIX-799) |
| * [2008-10-31] Fix some visibility issues in the LDAP operators which could |
| result in incorrect toString values. (FELIX-765) |
| * [2008-10-31] Fixed spec compliance issues around getting a service reference |
| from an invalid registration and throwing an exception when there are |
| duplicate property keys. (FELIX-798) |
| * [2008-10-21] Fixed an issue with extension bundles which would be installed |
| as fragments and fail to install extension bundles if they have incomplete |
| metadata. (FELIX-770) |
| * [2008-10-21] Fix a possible deadlock in URLHandlers. (FELIX-748) |
| * [2008-10-16] Modified framework to have default values for the system |
| packages property, which also required modifying main to no longer expect to |
| set it. Now it is possible to start Felix with no configuration properties. |
| (FELIX-753) |
| * [2008-10-16] Update felix to work with the 1.0.0-rc1 version of the android |
| sdk. |
| * [2008-10-15] Implemented remaining PackageAdmin methods from R4. (FELIX-35) |
| * [2008-10-15] Modified resolver to correctly mark fragment modules as resolved. |
| (FELIX-777) |
| * [2008-10-15] Modified the resolver to longer consider uninstalled fragments |
| and hosts when resolving dependencies; this required a new "stale" flag on |
| modules that gets set when their associated bundle is uninstalled. (FELIX-776) |
| * [2008-10-15] Modified the resolver to sort candidates when resolving |
| Require-Bundle dependencies. (FELIX-775) |
| * [2008-10-14] Modified ExportedPackage.getImportingBundles() to include |
| bundles requiring the exporting bundle, in addition to those bundles |
| importing the package. Also tried to simplify dependency management code |
| by separating it out. (FELIX-764) |
| * [2008-10-14] Fix a NullPointerException in SecureAction when a |
| SecurityManager is used by keeping pointers on the local stack. (FELIX-766) |
| * [2008-10-13] Use System.gc to allow to update and uninstall bundles with |
| native libs on Windows. (FELIX-733) |
| * [2008-10-10] Set the activator to null on Bundle.stop() to allow for earlier |
| garbage collection. (FELIX-762) |
| * [2008-10-10] Implements support for flushing the cache on framework |
| initialization. (FELIX-755) |
| * [2008-10-10] Improve exception messages. (FELIX-750) |
| * [2008-10-09] Modified the bundle cache to no longer have profiles. (FELIX-754) |
| * [2008-10-08] Modified the Felix API to aligned with the proposed standard |
| OSGi framework API. The framework instance can now be stopped and restarted. |
| (FELIX-753) |
| * [2008-09-29] Support transiently starting/stopping bundles. (FELIX-713) |
| * [2008-09-25] Correctly discard exported packages when a bundle is chosen to |
| import a package it exports. (FELIX-736) |
| * [2008-09-24] Clearly distinguish between "resolved" and "unresolved" |
| capabilities, which is necessary since "resolved" capabilities have higher |
| priority than "unresolved" ones. (FELIX-730) |
| * [2008-09-24] Do not bootdelegate in the case where Bundle.loadClass() has |
| been used. (FELIX-712) |
| * [2008-09-23] Improve decoding of reference URLs. (FELIX-731) |
| * [2008-09-23] For completeness, added symbolic names to framework and main. |
| * [2008-09-17] Improve gc by fixing an issue with StartLevel and PackageAdmin. |
| (FELIX-728) |
| * [2008-09-15] Fix an issue with Require-Bundle not aggregating packages |
| correctly. (FELIX-722) |
| * [2008-09-15] Fixed a bug where class loader delegation for dynamic imports |
| was happening when it shouldn't. (FELIX-724) |
| * [2008-09-12] Added a configuration property to determine whether installing a |
| fragment that uses unimplemented features throws an exception or logs a |
| warning. (FELIX-725) |
| * [2008-09-12] Removed some experimental code for "implicit requirements", |
| since it was no longer needed. |
| * [2008-09-12] Fix some visibility issues within the LDAP filter. (FELIX-721) |
| |
| Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-10-14] Fixed a NullPointer exception that could happen when |
| running with a SecurityManager as a backport of FELIX-766. |
| |
| Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-09-05] Fixed a performance regression that was caused by uncached |
| access to the bundle manifest headers. (FELIX-711) |
| * [2008-09-03] Fixed a bug in calculating the system bundle's exported |
| packages which added a null export package. |
| |
| Changes from 1.0.4 to 1.2.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-08-29] Support JAR-wide manifest package metadata. (FELIX-682) |
| * [2008-08-29] Throw an exception when installing a fragment that uses |
| features that we do not support. |
| * [2008-08-20] Improve error reporting when loading bundle classes using |
| Bundle.loadClass. |
| * [2008-08-16] Fix attribute checking when resolving dynamic imports. |
| (FELIX-676) |
| * [2008-08-08] Implement singleton bundle support. (FELIX-102) |
| * [2008-08-06] Default to current security policy if no security extension is |
| installed in order to make Subject.doAs work. (FELIX-654) |
| * [2008-08-04] Return Bundle.getLastModified() for bundle URLs |
| lastModified(). (FELIX-582) |
| * [2008-08-04] Improve handling of improper resource URLs. (FELIX-577) |
| * [2008-08-01] Add necessary stub methods to implement new R4.1 methods. |
| (FELIX-595) |
| * [2008-08-01] Applied patch to properly return symbolic name when it has |
| parameters. (FELIX-650) |
| * [2008-07-25] Fix some rollback issues after a bundle update throws an |
| exception. (FELIX-647) |
| * [2008-07-23] Modified manifest parser to be more lenient. (FELIX-641) |
| * [2008-07-07] Add support for the standard symbolic name for the system |
| bundle. (FELIX-602) |
| * [2008-06-01] Add initial fragment support for extending the host bundle |
| class path. (FELIX-29, FELIX-656) |
| |
| Changes from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 |
| ___________________________ |
| |
| * [2008-04-18] Check that the returned object from a service factory is an |
| instance of all classes named when the service was registered. (FELIX-540) |
| * [2008-04-13] Fix an issue when logging messages while holding framework |
| internal locks that could lead to a deadlock. For now we just disable |
| logging to log services inside the framework. (FELIX-536) |
| * [2008-04-13] Implemented various small performance improvments e.g., |
| we now cache filters and create an index for objectclass to improve |
| service lookup performance and don't use the BundleInfo to get the |
| bundle id but the BundleImpl directly. Furthermore, we added an index to |
| get bundles by id. |
| * [2008-04-04] Fix an NoClassDefFoundError when trying to query the |
| framework classloader for whether a class is available or not. |
| * [2008-03-19] Don't try to resolve extension bundles and fix a |
| classcastexception that could happen if more then one framework is around |
| and both have extensions installed. Furthermore, make extension bundles |
| use the system bundle context. |
| * [2008-03-07] Bundle.getResource does now check for AdminPermission. |
| (FELIX-150) |
| * [2008-03-06] Make urlhandlers work when a handler factory is already set. |
| Furthermore, it is now possible to have more then one framework running |
| in more then one classloader. (FELIX-38). |
| * [2008-03-05] Make LDAP filter reentrant. |
| * [2008-02-29] Refactored the IContent abstraction from the module loader |
| layer to provide more generic access to the content of the module. This |
| makes it possible that a bundle's class path could span multiple module's, |
| which will be necessary for fragments. (FELIX-29) |
| * [2008-02-27] Applied a patch to disable the class loading diagnostic message |
| when the logger is not at the DEBUG level. (FELIX-500) |
| * [2008-02-15] Modified the service registry to use more fine-grained locking |
| to avoid callbacks to service factories while holding locks. (FELIX-489) |
| |
| Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.3 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2008-01-27] Moved framework docs to main, since the launcher examples now |
| depend on main for the auto-property handling. |
| * [2008-01-25] Applied patches to improve how Felix finds resources when |
| getResources() is called. (FELIX-466, FELIX-467) |
| * [2008-01-25] Make FilterImpl.toString() add escape characters where needed. |
| (FELIX-471) |
| * [2008-01-16] Fix a NPE on framework restart when extension bundles are |
| installed. |
| * [2008-01-15] Try to fix a potential visibility issue on loading a class |
| form a bundle where it seems to be possible that we create two classloaders |
| instead of one. |
| * [2008-01-15] Modified boot delegation to not terminate when delegating to |
| parent class loader for non-java.* packages. (FELIX-463) |
| * [2008-01-04] Fix some issues related to directories on the bundle class |
| path. Specifically, leading slashes created an issue and are now stripped |
| and entries were not being properly filtered when enumerating the contents |
| of a class path directory. (FELIX-426) |
| * [2007-12-20] Modified logger to have all of its public methods be final to |
| avoid it from being extended in undesired ways via the constructor supplied |
| logger. (FELIX-428) |
| * [2007-12-20] The TCK has changed to verify that bundles do not depend on |
| themselves, so we filter that case now. |
| * [2007-12-20] Applied patch from Guillaume Nodet to properly fire a framework |
| error event only when a bundle cannot be resolved. (FELIX-441) |
| * [2007-12-19] Modified framework to accept a Logger instance so that host |
| applications can do custom logging until the log service arrives. (FELIX-428) |
| * [2007-12-19] Add support for loading bundles on Google Android (FELIX-440). |
| * [2007-12-18] Improve native code loading - bundle installation will now |
| fail in case a native library is not in the jar and we only use the first |
| library of a given name. Furthermore, we now support .dylib extensions on |
| the mac as well as others; should make it possible to use .netmodules as |
| well. (FELIX-439) |
| * [2007-12-17] Make the win32 alias match any version of windows for native |
| clauses. (FELIX-438) |
| * [2007-12-14] Removed auto-property processing out of the framework and |
| into the default launcher, i.e, main. (FELIX-393) |
| * [2007-12-13] Fix a StackOverflowError in URLHandlers.createStreamHandler() |
| when creating URL on jamvm and Mika. This patch resolves an unfortunate |
| interaction between our ExtensionManager and the URLHandlers by making the |
| URLHandlers aware of the extension protocol. Pretty much like we do already |
| for the bundle protocol. (FELIX-435) |
| * [2007-11-26] Fix a small oversight in the extension manager that could lead |
| to a null pointer exception and save some memory by creating less objects. |
| * [2007-11-26] Degrate to version 0.0.0 if we can not find the Felix.properties |
| for some reason and avoid a null pointer in this case. |
| * [2007-11-08] Reorganized usage count methods to better handle null |
| reference checking in response to Karl Pauls seeing an NPE when trying to |
| get a service that was already unregistered while shutting down the |
| framework. |
| * [2007-11-06] Added a simple check to detect and work around a bug in J9. |
| (FELIX-416) |
| * [2007-10-30] Change how the extension manager url stream handler handles |
| request to the root path in order to make some tomcat issue go away. |
| (FELIX-414) |
| * [2007-10-26] Added support for "/" bundle resources as requested. (FELIX-383) |
| * [2007-10-24] Use system bundle when firing a framework error event when an |
| install error occurs. |
| * [2007-10-22] Fix a NPE when getEntryPaths is called on the system bundle. |
| (FELIX-394) |
| * [2007-10-16] Modifies bundle resource URL handling such that if a resource |
| URL points to a resource that does not exist, a bundle class path search |
| for the resource will be instigated and if any matching resource is found, |
| that one will be used instead. (FELIX-383) |
| * [2007-10-10] Auto-property handling now installs bundles into the default |
| bundle start level if a start level is not specified. (FELIX-359) |
| * [2007-10-08] Overwrite the URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress(URL) in the |
| ExtensionManager to immediately return null to prevent DNS lookup. |
| (FELIX-388) |
| * [2007-09-30] Resolved a concurrency issue that could result in the same |
| bundle being resolved more than once; also tried to simplify locking in |
| the core search policy implementation. (FELIX-381) |
| |
| Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| * [2007-07-23] Fixed a bug in the framework shutdown process which was |
| causing threads calling Felix.stopAndWait() to not get notified that |
| the framework had shutdown. (FELIX-329) |
| * [2007-08-15] Fixed a bug in the LDAP filter which was not thread safe |
| on execution. (FELIX-338) |
| * [2007-08-17] Added support for persistent last used bundle ID to avoid |
| re-use of bundle identifiers. (FELIX-339) |
| * [2007-08-23] Modified BundleImpl.getHeaders(Locale) to accept a null |
| locale. (FELIX-346) |
| * [2007-09-11] Added support to handle external termination of Felix |
| which was not handled or detected and prevented a restart of future |
| Felix instances in the same VM. (FELIX-363) |
| * [2007-09-12] Add support for Collection values in the LDAP filter to |
| match the 4.1 spec. |
| * [2007-09-12] Fixed a bug in the LDAP filter where attributes where |
| limited to [a-zA-Z ] so didn't allow for e.g., numbers. (FELIX-361) |
| * [2007-09-13] Enable support for exporting the same package more than |
| once (FELIX-101). |
| * [2007-09-13] Returns the system bundle from a call to |
| PackageAdmin.getBundle(Class) in case the class comes from the |
| classloader (or one of its parents) that loaded Felix and the system |
| bundle exports the package. |
| * [2007-09-16] Fixed a bug in class space filtering in the service registry |
| that could result in class cast exceptions for service clients. |
| * [2007-09-16] Fixed a bug that prevented extension bundle exports to be |
| usable. |
| |
| Changes from 0.8.0-incubator to 1.0.0 |
| ------------------------------------- |
| |
| * [2007-01-18] Added support for bundle header localization. (FELIX-27) |
| * [2007-01-22] Modified framework resolver to support a generic |
| capability/requirement model. |
| * [2007-01-22] Reorganized and centralized manifest parsing code and added |
| support for resolver's generic capability/requirement model. (FELIX-98) |
| * [2007-01-22] Improved native library naming normalization. (FELIX-26) |
| * [2007-01-23] No longer eagerly resolving classes loaded from modules |
| since this was causing verification errors with IBM J9. |
| * [2007-01-25] Added some support for execution environment checking. |
| (FELIX-23) |
| * [2007-01-29] Added support for getAllServiceReferences(). (FELIX-32) |
| * [2007-01-31] Added Require-Bundle support to resolve using the generic |
| capability/requirement model of the resolver. (FELIX-28) |
| * [2007-02-05] Fixed a bug in processor type normalization for x86-64 |
| processors. |
| * [2007-02-09] The resolver previously ignored packages that were pending |
| removal when resolving new bundles, now it does not. |
| * [2007-02-09] Bundles are automatically refreshed when updated/uninstalled |
| if none of their exported packages are in use. |
| * [2007-02-13] Added support for extension bundles. (FELIX-30) |
| * [2007-03-02] Added a Bundle.getBundleContext() method until actual |
| support for OSGi R4.1. |
| * [2007-04-26] Modified Bundle.findEntries() to return URLs to directory |
| entries as well as file entries. |
| * [2007-05-06] Modified LDAP evaluator to special case the fact that |
| BigDecimal is not available in Foundation profile. |
| * [2007-05-21] Made some performance improvements in LDAP evaluation. |
| * [2007-05-22] Modified JAR file to include Service Tracker package. |
| * [2007-05-22] Improved concurrency handling around checking for already |
| loaded classes and defining classes. |
| * [2007-06-05] Modified resource URLs to use port number rather than |
| prepend information to the resource path. |
| * [2007-06-13] Improved dynamic imports to cycle through all available |
| candidates when checking for class space consistency. |
| * [2007-06-18] Improved service registry filtering based on class versions |
| to allow a bundle to register a service for a different version of class |
| that it can access. |
| * [2007-06-21] Modified our "last ditch effort" to guess when to delegate |
| to the system bundle to make it a little more robust. |
| * [2007-06-29] Fixed a bug in EventDispatcher that was causing asynchronous |
| events to not be fired after stopping the framework instance and creating |
| a new instance. (FELIX-314) |
| * [2007-07-03] Fixed a bug in EventDispatcher that would not correctly |
| update a listener when it implemented multiple listener interfaces. |
| * [2007-07-04] Modified Felix framework class to implement the Bundle |
| interface to improve the startup/shutdown sequence and to provide a |
| simplified API for creating framework instances. |
| * [2007-07-11] Removed the PropertyResolver-related classes and now only |
| use Maps for configuration properties. (FELIX-324) |