blob: daf64c3c3c6ed422a7e7fd3c19c4621fa855d221 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
* The <code>DependencyManager</code> extends the <code>ServiceTracker</code>
* overwriting the {@link #addingService(ServiceReference)} and
* {@link #removedService(ServiceReference, Object)} methods to manage the
* a declared reference of a service component.
class DependencyManager implements ServiceListener
// mask of states ok to send events
private static final int STATE_MASK = AbstractComponentManager.STATE_UNSATISFIED
| AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ACTIVATING | AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ACTIVE
| AbstractComponentManager.STATE_REGISTERED | AbstractComponentManager.STATE_FACTORY;
// the component to which this dependency belongs
private AbstractComponentManager m_componentManager;
// Reference to the metadata
private ReferenceMetadata m_dependencyMetadata;
// A flag that defines if the bind method receives a ServiceReference
private boolean m_bindUsesServiceReference;
private Map m_tracked;
* Constructor that receives several parameters.
* @param dependency An object that contains data about the dependency
DependencyManager( AbstractComponentManager componentManager, ReferenceMetadata dependency )
throws InvalidSyntaxException
m_componentManager = componentManager;
m_dependencyMetadata = dependency;
m_bindUsesServiceReference = false;
m_tracked = new HashMap();
// register the service listener
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + dependency.getInterface() + ")";
if ( dependency.getTarget() != null )
filterString = "(&" + filterString + dependency.getTarget() + ")";
componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().addServiceListener( this, filterString );
// initial registration of services
ServiceReference refs[] = componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().getServiceReferences( null,
filterString );
for ( int i = 0; refs != null && i < refs.length; i++ )
addingService( refs[i] );
//---------- ServiceListener interface ------------------------------------
public void serviceChanged( ServiceEvent event )
switch ( event.getType() )
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED:
addingService( event.getServiceReference() );
case ServiceEvent.MODIFIED:
removedService( event.getServiceReference() );
addingService( event.getServiceReference() );
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING:
removedService( event.getServiceReference() );
//---------- Service tracking support -------------------------------------
* Stops using this dependency manager
void close()
BundleContext context = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext();
context.removeServiceListener( this );
synchronized ( m_tracked )
for ( Iterator ri = m_tracked.keySet().iterator(); ri.hasNext(); )
ServiceReference sr = ( ServiceReference );
context.ungetService( sr );
* Returns the number of services currently tracked
int size()
synchronized ( m_tracked )
return m_tracked.size();
* Returns a single (unspecified) service reference
ServiceReference getServiceReference()
synchronized ( m_tracked )
if ( m_tracked.size() > 0 )
return ( ServiceReference ) m_tracked.keySet().iterator().next();
return null;
* Returns an array of service references of the currently tracked
* services
ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences()
synchronized ( m_tracked )
if ( m_tracked.size() > 0 )
return ( ServiceReference[] ) m_tracked.keySet().toArray( new ServiceReference[m_tracked.size()] );
return null;
* Returns the service described by the ServiceReference
Object getService( ServiceReference serviceReference )
synchronized ( m_tracked )
return m_tracked.get( serviceReference );
* Returns a single service instance
Object getService()
synchronized ( m_tracked )
if ( m_tracked.size() > 0 )
return m_tracked.values().iterator().next();
return null;
* Returns an array of service references of the currently tracked
* services
Object[] getServices()
synchronized ( m_tracked )
if ( m_tracked.size() > 0 )
return m_tracked.values().toArray( new ServiceReference[m_tracked.size()] );
return null;
//---------- DependencyManager core ---------------------------------------
* Returns the name of the service reference.
String getName()
return m_dependencyMetadata.getName();
* Returns <code>true</code> if we have at least one service reference or
* the dependency is optional.
boolean isValid()
return size() > 0 || m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional();
* initializes a dependency. This method binds all of the service
* occurrences to the instance object
* @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
boolean bind( Object instance )
// If no references were received, we have to check if the dependency
// is optional, if it is not then the dependency is invalid
if ( !isValid() )
return false;
// if the instance is null, we do nothing actually but assume success
// the instance might be null in the delayed component situation
if ( instance == null )
return true;
// Get service references
ServiceReference refs[] = getServiceReferences();
// refs can be null if the dependency is optional
if ( refs != null )
int max = 1;
boolean retval = true;
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() == true )
max = refs.length;
for ( int index = 0; index < max; index++ )
retval = invokeBindMethod( instance, refs[index], getService( refs[index] ) );
if ( retval == false && ( max == 1 ) )
// There was an exception when calling the bind method
Activator.error( "Dependency Manager: Possible exception in the bind method during initialize()",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
return false;
return true;
* Revoke all bindings. This method cannot throw an exception since it must
* try to complete all that it can
void unbind( Object instance )
// if the instance is null, we do nothing actually
// the instance might be null in the delayed component situation
if ( instance == null )
ServiceReference[] allrefs = getServiceReferences();
if ( allrefs == null )
for ( int i = 0; i < allrefs.length; i++ )
invokeUnbindMethod( instance, allrefs[i], getService( allrefs[i] ) );
* Gets a bind or unbind method according to the policies described in the
* specification
* @param methodname The name of the method
* @param targetClass the class to which the method belongs to
* @param parameterClassName the name of the class of the parameter that is
* passed to the method
* @return the method or null
* @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if the class was not found
private Method getBindingMethod( String methodname, Class targetClass, String parameterClassName )
Method method = null;
Class parameterClass = null;
// 112.3.1 The method is searched for using the following priority
// 1. The method's parameter type is org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference
// 2. The method's parameter type is the type specified by the
// reference's interface attribute
// 3. The method's parameter type is assignable from the type specified
// by the reference's interface attribute
// Case 1
method = AbstractComponentManager.getMethod( targetClass, methodname, new Class[]
{ ServiceReference.class } );
m_bindUsesServiceReference = true;
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex )
// Case2
m_bindUsesServiceReference = false;
parameterClass = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().getBundle().loadClass(
parameterClassName );
method = AbstractComponentManager.getMethod( targetClass, methodname, new Class[]
{ parameterClass } );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex2 )
// Case 3
method = null;
// iterate on class hierarchy
for ( ; method == null && targetClass != null; targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass() )
// Get all potential bind methods
Method candidateBindMethods[] = targetClass.getDeclaredMethods();
// Iterate over them
for ( int i = 0; method == null && i < candidateBindMethods.length; i++ )
Method currentMethod = candidateBindMethods[i];
// Get the parameters for the current method
Class[] parameters = currentMethod.getParameterTypes();
// Select only the methods that receive a single
// parameter
// and a matching name
if ( parameters.length == 1 && currentMethod.getName().equals( methodname ) )
// Get the parameter type
Class theParameter = parameters[0];
// Check if the parameter type is assignable from
// the type specified by the reference's interface
// attribute
if ( theParameter.isAssignableFrom( parameterClass ) )
// Final check: it must be public or protected
if ( Modifier.isPublic( method.getModifiers() )
|| Modifier.isProtected( method.getModifiers() ) )
if ( !method.isAccessible() )
method.setAccessible( true );
method = currentMethod;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex2 )
Activator.exception( "Cannot load class used as parameter " + parameterClassName, m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), ex2 );
return method;
* Call the bind method. In case there is an exception while calling the
* bind method, the service is not considered to be bound to the instance
* object
* @param implementationObject The object to which the service is bound
* @param ref A ServiceReference with the service that will be bound to the
* instance object
* @param storeRef A boolean that indicates if the reference must be stored
* (this is used for the delayed components)
* @return true if the call was successful, false otherwise
private boolean invokeBindMethod( Object implementationObject, ServiceReference ref, Object service )
// The bind method is only invoked if the implementation object is not
// null. This is valid
// for both immediate and delayed components
if ( implementationObject != null )
// Get the bind method
Activator.trace( "getting bind: " + m_dependencyMetadata.getBind(), m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata() );
Method bindMethod = getBindingMethod( m_dependencyMetadata.getBind(), implementationObject.getClass(),
m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() );
if ( bindMethod == null )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not found , SCR must log an
// error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
Activator.error( "bind() method not found", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
return false;
// Get the parameter
Object parameter;
if ( m_bindUsesServiceReference == false )
parameter = service;
parameter = ref;
// Invoke the method
bindMethod.invoke( implementationObject, new Object[]
{ parameter } );
Activator.trace( "bound: " + getName(), m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
return true;
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not is not declared protected or
// public, SCR must log an error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
Activator.exception( "bind() method cannot be called", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return false;
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
Activator.exception( "DependencyManager : exception while invoking " + m_dependencyMetadata.getBind()
+ "()", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return false;
else if ( implementationObject == null && m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata().isImmediate() == false )
return true;
// this is not expected: if the component is immediate the
// implementationObject is not null (asserted by the caller)
return false;
* Call the unbind method
* @param implementationObject The object from which the service is unbound
* @param ref A service reference corresponding to the service that will be
* unbound
* @return true if the call was successful, false otherwise
private boolean invokeUnbindMethod( Object implementationObject, ServiceReference ref, Object service )
// The unbind method is only invoked if the implementation object is not
// null. This is valid for both immediate and delayed components
if ( implementationObject != null )
Activator.trace( "getting unbind: " + m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind(), m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata() );
Method unbindMethod = getBindingMethod( m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind(), implementationObject
.getClass(), m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() );
// Recover the object that is bound from the map.
// Object parameter = m_boundServices.get(ref);
Object parameter = null;
if ( m_bindUsesServiceReference == true )
parameter = ref;
parameter = service;
if ( unbindMethod == null )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not found , SCR must log an
// error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
Activator.error( "unbind() method not found", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
return false;
unbindMethod.invoke( implementationObject, new Object[]
{ parameter } );
Activator.trace( "unbound: " + getName(), m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
return true;
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not is not declared protected or
// public, SCR must log an error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
Activator.exception( "unbind() method cannot be called", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return false;
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
Activator.exception( "DependencyManager : exception while invoking " + m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind()
+ "()", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return false;
else if ( implementationObject == null && m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata().isImmediate() == false )
return true;
// this is not expected: if the component is immediate the
// implementationObject is not null (asserted by the caller)
return false;
private void addingService( ServiceReference reference )
// get the service and keep it here (for now or later)
Object service = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().getService( reference );
synchronized ( m_tracked )
m_tracked.put( reference, service );
// forward the event if in event hanlding state
if ( handleServiceEvent() )
// the component is UNSATISFIED if enabled but any of the references
// have been missing when activate was running the last time or
// the component has been deactivated
if ( m_componentManager.getState() == AbstractComponentManager.STATE_UNSATISFIED )
// Otherwise, this checks for dynamic 0..1, 0..N, and 1..N
// it never
// checks for 1..1 dynamic which is done above by the
// validate()
else if ( !m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
// For dependency that are aggregates, always bind the
// service
// Otherwise only bind if bind services is zero, which
// captures the 0..1 case
// (size is still zero as we are called for the first service)
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() || size() == 0 )
invokeBindMethod( m_componentManager.getInstance(), reference, service );
public void removedService( ServiceReference reference )
// remove the service from the internal registry, ignore if not cached
Object service;
synchronized ( m_tracked )
service = m_tracked.remove( reference );
// do nothing in the unlikely case that we do not have it cached
if ( service == null )
if ( handleServiceEvent() )
// A static dependency is broken the instance manager will
// be invalidated
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
// setStateDependency(DependencyChangeEvent.DEPENDENCY_INVALID);
Activator.trace( "Dependency Manager: Static dependency is broken", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata() );
catch ( Exception ex )
Activator.exception( "Exception while recreating dependency ", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
// dynamic dependency
// Release references to the service, call unbinder
// method
// and eventually request service unregistration
Object instance = m_componentManager.getInstance();
invokeUnbindMethod( instance, reference, service );
// The only thing we need to do here is check if we can
// reinitialize
// once the bound services becomes zero. This tries to
// repair dynamic
// 1..1 or rebind 0..1, since replacement services may
// be available.
// In the case of aggregates, this will only invalidate
// them since they
// can't be repaired.
if ( size() == 0 )
// try to reinitialize
if ( !bind( instance ) )
if ( !m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional() )
"Dependency Manager: Mandatory dependency not fullfilled and no replacements available... unregistering service...",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata() );
// finally unget the service
m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().ungetService( reference );
private boolean handleServiceEvent()
return ( m_componentManager.getState() & STATE_MASK ) != 0;
// return state != AbstractComponentManager.INSTANCE_DESTROYING
// && state != AbstractComponentManager.INSTANCE_DESTROYED
// && state != AbstractComponentManager.INSTANCE_CREATING
// && state != AbstractComponentManager.INSTANCE_CREATED;