blob: e587a68a5ff424bbec92fba5c9a3dba72aea43ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.wireadmin;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Date;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Consumer;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Producer;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Wire;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireConstants;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireAdminEvent;
* A connection between a Producer service and a Consumer service.
* <p>A <tt>Wire</tt> object connects a Producer service
* to a Consumer service.
* Both the Producer and Consumer services are identified
* by their unique <tt></tt> values.
* The Producer and Consumer services may communicate with
* each other via <tt>Wire</tt> objects that connect them.
* The Producer service may send updated values to the
* Consumer service by calling the {@link #update} method.
* The Consumer service may request an updated value from the
* Producer service by calling the {@link #poll} method.
* <p>A Producer service and a Consumer service may be
* connected through multiple <tt>Wire</tt> objects.
* <p>Security Considerations. <tt>Wire</tt> objects are available to
* Producer and Consumer services connected to a given
* <tt>Wire</tt> object and to bundles which can access the <tt>WireAdmin</tt> service.
* A bundle must have <tt>ServicePermission[GET,WireAdmin]</tt> to get the <tt>WireAdmin</tt> service to
* access all <tt>Wire</tt> objects.
* A bundle registering a Producer service or a Consumer service
* must have the appropriate <tt>ServicePermission[REGISTER,Consumer|Producer]</tt> to register the service and
* will be passed <tt>Wire</tt> objects when the service object's
* <tt>consumersConnected</tt> or <tt>producersConnected</tt> method is called.
* <p>Scope. Each Wire object can have a scope set with the <tt>setScope</tt> method. This
* method should be called by a Consumer service when it assumes a Producer service that is
* composite (supports multiple information items). The names in the scope must be
* verified by the <tt>Wire</tt> object before it is used in communication. The semantics of the
* names depend on the Producer service and must not be interpreted by the Wire Admin service.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a> *
public class WireImpl implements Wire,
static final long serialVersionUID = -3637966367104019136L;
// Persistent attributes
// p. 327 "The Wire admin object contains a Persistend Identity (PID) for
// a consumer service and a PID for a producer service" These properties
// are also contained in the dictionary, but they are stored to optimize
// access.
private String m_producerPID;
private String m_consumerPID;
private Dictionary m_properties;
// Transient attributes
transient private boolean m_isValid = true;
transient private boolean m_isConnected = false;
transient private Filter m_filter = null;
transient private ServiceReference m_producerServiceRef;
transient private Producer m_producer;
transient private boolean m_producerIsComposite = false;
transient private String [] m_producerScope = null;
transient private ServiceReference m_consumerServiceRef;
transient private Consumer m_consumer;
transient private boolean m_consumerIsComposite = false;
transient private String [] m_consumerScope = null;
transient private BundleContext m_bundleContext;
transient private EventManager m_eventManager;
transient private Object m_lastValue;
transient private String[] m_scope;
transient private long m_lastUpdate;
transient private boolean m_isFirstUpdate;
transient FilterDictionary m_dictionary;
* Constructor with package visibility
* @param producerPID
* @param consumerPID
* @param properties
WireImpl(String producerPID, String consumerPID, Dictionary properties)
m_producerPID = producerPID;
m_consumerPID = consumerPID;
m_properties = properties;
// set the scope which is the intersection of strings in the WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_SCOPE properties and the strings in the WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_SCOPE
m_scope = null;
* Method called after construction and after deserialization
* @param ctxt
* @param eventManager
void initialize(BundleContext ctxt, EventManager eventManager)
m_isValid = true;
m_isConnected = false;
m_bundleContext = ctxt;
m_eventManager = eventManager;
m_lastValue = null;
m_lastUpdate = 0;
m_isFirstUpdate = true;
if(m_date == null)
m_date = new Date();
m_dictionary = new FilterDictionary();
* Return the state of this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* <p>A connected <tt>Wire</tt> must always be disconnected before
* becoming invalid.
* @return <tt>false</tt> if this <tt>Wire</tt> object is invalid because it
* has been deleted via {@link WireAdmin#deleteWire};
* <tt>true</tt> otherwise.
public boolean isValid()
return m_isValid;
* Return the connection state of this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* <p>A <tt>Wire</tt> is connected after the Wire Admin service receives
* notification that the Producer service and
* the Consumer service for this <tt>Wire</tt> object are both registered.
* This method will return <tt>true</tt> prior to notifying the Producer
* and Consumer services via calls
* to their respective <tt>consumersConnected</tt> and <tt>producersConnected</tt>
* methods.
* <p>A <tt>WireAdminEvent</tt> of type {@link WireAdminEvent#WIRE_CONNECTED}
* must be broadcast by the Wire Admin service when
* the <tt>Wire</tt> becomes connected.
* <p>A <tt>Wire</tt> object
* is disconnected when either the Consumer or Producer
* service is unregistered or the <tt>Wire</tt> object is deleted.
* <p>A <tt>WireAdminEvent</tt> of type {@link WireAdminEvent#WIRE_DISCONNECTED}
* must be broadcast by the Wire Admin service when
* the <tt>Wire</tt> becomes disconnected.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if both the Producer and Consumer
* for this <tt>Wire</tt> object are connected to the <tt>Wire</tt> object;
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean isConnected()
return m_isConnected;
* Return the list of data types understood by the
* Consumer service connected to this <tt>Wire</tt> object. Note that
* subclasses of the classes in this list are acceptable data types as well.
* <p>The list is the value of the {@link WireConstants#WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_FLAVORS}
* service property of the
* Consumer service object connected to this object. If no such
* property was registered or the type of the property value is not
* <tt>Class[]</tt>, this method must return <tt>null</tt>.
* @return An array containing the list of classes understood by the
* Consumer service or <tt>null</tt> if
* the <tt>Wire</tt> is not connected,
* or the consumer did not register a {@link WireConstants#WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_FLAVORS} property
* or the value of the property is not of type <tt>Class[]</tt>.
public Class[] getFlavors()
return (Class [])m_consumerServiceRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_FLAVORS);
catch(ClassCastException ex)
return null;
return null;
* Update the value.
* <p>This methods is called by the Producer service to
* notify the Consumer service connected to this <tt>Wire</tt> object
* of an updated value.
* <p>If the properties of this <tt>Wire</tt> object contain a
* {@link WireConstants#WIREADMIN_FILTER} property,
* then filtering is performed.
* If the Producer service connected to this <tt>Wire</tt>
* object was registered with the service
* property {@link WireConstants#WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_FILTERS}, the
* Producer service will perform the filtering according to the rules specified
* for the filter. Otherwise, this <tt>Wire</tt> object
* will perform the filtering of the value.
* <p>If no filtering is done, or the filter indicates the updated value should
* be delivered to the Consumer service, then
* this <tt>Wire</tt> object must call
* the {@link Consumer#updated} method with the updated value.
* If this <tt>Wire</tt> object is not connected, then the Consumer
* service must not be called and the value is ignored.<p>
* If the value is an <tt>Envelope</tt> object, and the scope name is not permitted, then the
* <tt>Wire</tt> object must ignore this call and not transfer the object to the Consumer
* service.
* <p>A <tt>WireAdminEvent</tt> of type {@link WireAdminEvent#WIRE_TRACE}
* must be broadcast by the Wire Admin service after
* the Consumer service has been successfully called.
* @param value The updated value. The value should be an instance of
* one of the types returned by {@link #getFlavors}.
* @see WireConstants#WIREADMIN_FILTER
public void update(Object value)
// TODO Implement Access Control (p. 338)
if (isConnected())
if(m_producerIsComposite == true)
// TODO Implement update for composite producers
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.update: update for composite producers not yet implemented");
else // not a composite (Note: p. 341 "Filtering for composite producer services is not supported")
//long time = m_date.getTime();
long time = new Date().getTime();
// We ignore filtering the first time...
if(m_isFirstUpdate == false && m_filter != null)
// If the Producer service was registered with the WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_FILTERS
// service property indicating that the Producer service will perform the data
// filtering then the Wire object will not perform data filtering. Otherwise,
// the Wire object must perform basic filtering.
WireAdminImpl.traceln("### Update rejected ("+m_properties.get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PID)+") filter evaluated to false:"+m_filter);
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_CURRENT.class"+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_CURRENT).getClass().getName());
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_CURRENT="+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_CURRENT));
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_PREVIOUS="+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_PREVIOUS));
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_DELTA_ABSOLUTE="+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_DELTA_ABSOLUTE));
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_DELTA_RELATIVE="+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_DELTA_RELATIVE));
WireAdminImpl.traceln(" WIREVALUE_ELAPSED="+m_dictionary.get(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_ELAPSED));
catch(Exception ex)
// Could happen...
m_consumer.updated(this, value);
if(m_isFirstUpdate == true)
m_isFirstUpdate = false;
m_lastUpdate = time;
m_lastValue = value;
// Fire event
catch(Exception ex)
* Poll for an updated value.
* <p>This methods is normally called by the Consumer service to
* request an updated value from the Producer service
* connected to this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* This <tt>Wire</tt> object will call
* the {@link Producer#polled} method to obtain an updated value.
* If this <tt>Wire</tt> object is not connected, then the Producer
* service must not be called.<p>
* If this <tt>Wire</tt> object has a scope, then this method
* must return an array of <tt>Envelope</tt> objects. The objects returned must
* match the scope of this object. The <tt>Wire</tt> object must remove
* all <tt>Envelope</tt> objects with a scope name that is not in the <tt>Wire</tt> object's scope.
* Thus, the list of objects returned
* must only contain <tt>Envelope</tt> objects with a permitted scope name. If the
* array becomes empty, <tt>null</tt> must be returned.
* <p>A <tt>WireAdminEvent</tt> of type {@link WireAdminEvent#WIRE_TRACE}
* must be broadcast by the Wire Admin service after
* the Producer service has been successfully called.
* @return A value whose type should be one of the types
* returned by {@link #getFlavors}, <tt>Envelope[]</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if
* the <tt>Wire</tt> object is not connected,
* the Producer service threw an exception, or
* the Producer service returned a value which is not an instance of
* one of the types returned by {@link #getFlavors}.
public Object poll() {
// p.330 "Update filtering must not apply to polling"
if (isConnected())
Object value = m_producer.polled(this);
Class []flavors = getFlavors();
boolean valueOk = false;
// Test if the value is ok with respect to the flavors understood by
// the consumer
for(int i=0; i<flavors.length; i++)
Class currentClass = flavors[i];
valueOk = true;
m_lastValue = value;
return m_lastValue;
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.poll: value returned by producer is not undestood by consumer");
return null;
catch(Exception ex)
return null;
// p. 333 "If the poll() method on the wire object is called and the
// producer is unregistered it must return a null value"
return null;
* Return the last value sent through this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* <p>The returned value is the most recent, valid value passed to the
* {@link #update} method or returned by the {@link #poll} method
* of this object. If filtering is performed by this <tt>Wire</tt> object,
* this methods returns the last value provided by the Producer service. This
* value may be an <tt>Envelope[]</tt> when the Producer service
* uses scoping. If the return value is an Envelope object (or array), it
* must be verified that the Consumer service has the proper WirePermission to see it.
* @return The last value passed though this <tt>Wire</tt> object
* or <tt>null</tt> if no valid values have been passed or the Consumer service has no permission.
public Object getLastValue()
return m_lastValue;
* Return the wire properties for this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* @return The properties for this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* The returned <tt>Dictionary</tt> must be read only.
public Dictionary getProperties()
return m_properties;
* Return the calculated scope of this <tt>Wire</tt> object.
* The purpose of the <tt>Wire</tt> object's scope is to allow a Producer
* and/or Consumer service to produce/consume different types
* over a single <tt>Wire</tt> object (this was deemed necessary for efficiency
* reasons). Both the Consumer service and the
* Producer service must set an array of scope names (their scope) with
* the service registration property <tt>WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_SCOPE</tt>, or <tt>WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_SCOPE</tt> when they can
* produce multiple types. If a Producer service can produce different types, it should set this property
* to the array of scope names it can produce, the Consumer service
* must set the array of scope names it can consume. The scope of a <tt>Wire</tt>
* object is defined as the intersection of permitted scope names of the
* Producer service and Consumer service.
* <p>If neither the Consumer, or the Producer service registers scope names with its
* service registration, then the <tt>Wire</tt> object's scope must be <tt>null</tt>.
* <p>The <tt>Wire</tt> object's scope must not change when a Producer or Consumer services
* modifies its scope.
* <p>A scope name is permitted for a Producer service when the registering bundle has
* <tt>WirePermission[PRODUCE]</tt>, and for a Consumer service when
* the registering bundle has <tt>WirePermission[CONSUME]</tt>.<p>
* If either Consumer service or Producer service has not set a <tt>WIREADMIN_*_SCOPE</tt> property, then
* the returned value must be <tt>null</tt>.<p>
* If the scope is set, the <tt>Wire</tt> object must enforce the scope names when <tt>Envelope</tt> objects are
* used as a parameter to update or returned from the <tt>poll</tt> method. The <tt>Wire</tt> object must then
* remove all <tt>Envelope</tt> objects with a scope name that is not permitted.
* @return A list of permitted scope names or null if the Produce or Consumer service has set no scope names.
public String[] getScope()
return m_scope;
* Return true if the given name is in this <tt>Wire</tt> object's scope.
* @param name The scope name
* @return true if the name is listed in the permitted scope names
public boolean hasScope(String name)
if (m_scope != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_scope.length; i++)
if (name.equals(m_scope[i]))
return true;
return false;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return super.toString()
+ ":["
+ getProperties().get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PID)
+ ","
+ getProperties().get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_PID)
+ ","
+ getProperties().get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_PID)
+ "]";
* Bind the consumer.
* @param consumer A <tt>ServiceReference</tt> corresponding to the consumer service
void bindConsumer(ServiceReference consumerRef)
if(m_consumerServiceRef != null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl: consumer already bound!");
// Pid must be present
if(consumerRef.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_PID) == null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl: Consumer service has no PID "+consumerRef);
// Flavors must be present
if(consumerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_FLAVORS) == null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl: Consumer service has no WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_FLAVORS "+consumerRef);
// Is this a composite?
if(consumerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_COMPOSITE) != null)
m_consumerIsComposite = true;
m_consumerScope = (String []) consumerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_SCOPE);
m_consumerServiceRef = consumerRef;
m_consumer = (Consumer) m_bundleContext.getService(consumerRef);
if(m_producer != null)
if(matchComposites() == false)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.bindConsumer : warning composite identities do not match");
m_isConnected = true;
* Unbind the consumer
void unbindConsumer()
// This test is made because knopflerfish doesn't support ungetService(null);
if(m_consumerServiceRef != null)
m_isConnected = false;
m_consumer = null;
m_consumerServiceRef = null;
* Bind the producer
* @param producer A <tt>ServiceReference</tt> corresponding to the producer service
void bindProducer(ServiceReference producerRef)
if(m_producerServiceRef != null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl: producer already bound!");
// Pid must be present
if(producerRef.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_PID) == null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.bindProducer: Producer service has no PID "+producerRef);
// Flavors must be present
if(producerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_FLAVORS) == null)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl: Consumer service has no WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_FLAVORS "+producerRef);
// Is this a composite?
if(producerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_COMPOSITE) != null)
m_producerIsComposite = true;
m_producerScope = (String []) producerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_SCOPE);
m_producerServiceRef = producerRef;
m_producer = (Producer) m_bundleContext.getService(producerRef);
// p. 329 " If this property (wireadmin.producer.filters) is not set,
// the Wire object must filter according to the description in CompositeObjects"
if(producerRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_FILTERS) == null)
String filter = (String) m_properties.get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_FILTER);
if(filter != null)
m_filter = m_bundleContext.createFilter(filter);
catch(InvalidSyntaxException ex)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.bindProducer: Ignoring filter with invalid syntax "+filter);
if(m_consumer != null)
if(matchComposites() == false)
WireAdminImpl.traceln("WireImpl.bindProducer : warning composite identities do not match");
m_isConnected = true;
// fire the corresponding event
* Unbind the producer
void unbindProducer()
if(m_producerServiceRef != null)
m_isConnected = false;
// fire the corresponding event
m_producer = null;
m_producerServiceRef = null;
* Check if composites match. Match occurs when "at least one equal composite identity is
* listed on both the Producer and Consmer composite identity service property" (p. 336)
* @return <tt>true</tt> if they match, <tt>false</tt>otherwise
private boolean matchComposites()
String [] producerIdentities = (String []) m_producerServiceRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_COMPOSITE);
String [] consumerIdentities = (String []) m_producerServiceRef.getProperty(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_COMPOSITE);
boolean match = false;
// confirm matching
for(int i = 0; i< producerIdentities.length; i++)
String currentProducerIdentity = producerIdentities [i];
for(int j = 0; j < consumerIdentities.length; j++)
String currentConsumerIdentity = consumerIdentities [j];
if (currentProducerIdentity.equals(currentConsumerIdentity))
match = true;
// setup wire scope
if (m_consumerScope != null && m_producerScope != null)
// p. 337 "It is allowed to register with a wildcard, indicating that all scopenames
// are supported. In that case, the WIREADMIN_SCOPE_ALL ({"*"}) should be registered as the
// scope of the serivce. The WireObject's scope is then fully defined by the
// other service connected to the wire object
if(m_consumerScope.length == 1 && m_consumerScope[0].equals("*"))
m_scope = m_producerScope;
else if(m_producerScope.length == 1 && m_producerScope[0].equals("*"))
m_scope = m_consumerScope;
// TODO Implement wire scope creation based on producer, consumer and wire permissions (p. 338)
ServiceReference ref = m_bundleContext.getServiceReference(PermissionAdmin.class.getName());
if(ref != null)
PermissionAdmin permAdmin = (PermissionAdmin) m_bundleContext.getService(ref);
PermissionInfo [] producerPermissions = permAdmin.getPermissions(m_producerServiceRef.getBundle().getLocation());
PermissionInfo [] consumerPermissions = permAdmin.getPermissions(m_consumerServiceRef.getBundle().getLocation());
// p. 337 "Not registering this property (WIREADMIN_CONSUMER_SCOPE or WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_SCOPE)
// by the Consumer or the Producer service indicates to the WireAdmin service that any
// Wire object connected to that service must return null for the Wire.getScope() method"
m_scope = null;
return match;
* Called to invalidate the wire
void invalidate()
* Update the properties
* @param properties new properties
void updateProperties(Dictionary properties)
m_properties = properties;
* Return the service reference corresponding to the producer
* @return a <tt>ServiceReference</tt> corresponding to the producer
ServiceReference getProducerServiceRef()
return m_producerServiceRef;
* Return the producer service object
* @return An <tt>Object</tt> corresponding to the producer
Producer getProducer()
return m_producer;
* return the producer PID
* @return
String getProducerPID()
return m_producerPID;
* Return the service reference corresponding to the consumer
* @return a <tt>ServiceReference</tt> corresponding to the consumer
ServiceReference getConsumerServiceRef()
return m_consumerServiceRef;
* Returns the consumer service object
* @return An <tt>Object</tt> corresponding to the consumer
Consumer getConsumer()
return m_consumer;
* return the consumer PID
* @return
String getConsumerPID()
return m_consumerPID;
* This inner class implements a dictionary that is used to filter out values
* during calls to update. This design choice was favored to avoid constructing
* a new dictionary for every call to update and to avoid doing unnecessary
* calculations.
class FilterDictionary extends Dictionary
private Object m_value;
private long m_time;
* Must be called prior to evaluating the filter
* @param value
* @param time
void reset(Object value, long time)
m_value = value;
m_time = time;
public Object get(Object key)
return m_value;
else if(key.equals(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_PREVIOUS))
return m_lastValue;
else if(m_value instanceof Number && key.equals(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_DELTA_ABSOLUTE))
return null;
else if(m_value instanceof Number && key.equals(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_DELTA_RELATIVE))
return null;
else if(key.equals(WireConstants.WIREVALUE_ELAPSED))
if(m_lastUpdate == 0)
return new Long(0);
long delay = m_time - m_lastUpdate;
//System.out.println("### delay = "+(delay));
return new Long(delay);
WireAdminImpl.traceln("### key not found:"+key);
return null;
* Never empty
public boolean isEmpty()
return false;
* Remove not supported
public Object remove(Object obj)
return null;
* Size is static
public int size()
return 5;
* Put not supported
public Object put(Object key, Object value)
return null;
public Enumeration keys()
Vector keys=new Vector();
return keys.elements();
* Not supported
public Enumeration elements()
return null;