blob: 13db81accd031f4acf3c8ab6db8aa2cbd6d089a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException;
* This implements the coercion table in RFC 190 5.6.3
public class Coercions
// Numbers are AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short
//annotation fields can be primitives, String, Class, enums, annotations, and arrays of the preceding types
// input scalars
// String | Integer | Long | Float
// | Double | Byte | Short
//| Character | Boolean
private static final byte byte0 = 0;
private static final char char0 = 0;
private static final double double0 = 0;
private static final float float0 = 0;
private static final int int0 = 0;
private static final long long0 = 0;
private static final short short0 = 0;
public static Object coerce(Class<?> type, Object raw, Bundle bundle )
if (type == Byte.class || type == byte.class)
return coerceToByte(raw);
if (type == Boolean.class || type == boolean.class)
return coerceToBoolean(raw);
if (type == Character.class || type == char.class)
return coerceToChar(raw);
if (type == Class.class)
return coerceToClass(raw, bundle);
if (type == Double.class || type == double.class)
return coerceToDouble(raw);
if (type.isEnum())
Class clazz = type; //TODO is there a better way to do ? enum creation?
return coerceToEnum(raw, clazz);
if (type == Float.class || type == float.class)
return coerceToFloat(raw);
if (type == Integer.class || type == int.class)
return coerceToInteger(raw);
if (type == Long.class || type == long.class)
return coerceToLong(raw);
if (type == Short.class || type == short.class)
return coerceToShort(raw);
if (type == String.class)
return coerceToString(raw);
throw new ComponentException ("unexpected output type " + type);
public static byte coerceToByte(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, byte0 );
if (o instanceof Byte)
return (Byte)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Byte.parseByte( (String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: byte0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( byte ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).byteValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static char coerceToChar(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, byte0 );
if (o instanceof Character)
return (Character)o;
if (o instanceof String)
if (((String)o).length() > 0)
return ((String)o).charAt(0);
return char0;
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: char0;
if (o instanceof Number)
return (char)((Number)o).intValue();
if (o == null)
return char0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static double coerceToDouble(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, double0 );
if (o instanceof Double)
return (Double)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Double.parseDouble((String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: 0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( double ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).doubleValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static float coerceToFloat(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, float0 );
if (o instanceof Float)
return (Float)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Float.parseFloat((String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: 0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( float ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).floatValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static int coerceToInteger(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, int0 );
if (o instanceof Integer)
return (Integer)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Integer.parseInt( (String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: 0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( int ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).intValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static long coerceToLong(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, long0 );
if (o instanceof Long)
return (Long)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Long.parseLong( (String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: 0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( long ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).longValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static short coerceToShort(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, short0 );
if (o instanceof Short)
return (Short)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Short.parseShort( (String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o? 1: short0;
if (o instanceof Character)
return ( short ) ((Character)o).charValue();
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).shortValue();
if (o == null)
return 0;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static String coerceToString(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, null );
if (o instanceof String)
return (String)o;
if (o == null)
return null;
return o.toString();
public static boolean coerceToBoolean(Object o)
o = multipleToSingle( o, false );
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o;
if (o instanceof String)
return Boolean.parseBoolean( (String)o );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o instanceof Character)
return ((Character)o).charValue() != 0;
if (o instanceof Number)
return ((Number)o).doubleValue() != 0D;
if (o == null)
return false;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static Class<?> coerceToClass(Object o, Bundle b)
o = multipleToSingle( o, null );
if (o == null)
return null;
if (o instanceof String)
return b.loadClass( (String)o );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
public static <T extends Enum<T>> T coerceToEnum(Object o, Class<T> clazz)
o = multipleToSingle( o, null );
if (o instanceof String)
return Enum.valueOf( clazz, (String)o );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
throw new ComponentException(e);
if (o == null)
return null;
throw new ComponentException( "Unrecognized input value: " + o + " of type: " + o.getClass());
private static Object multipleToSingle(Object o, Object defaultValue)
if (o instanceof Collection)
return firstCollectionElement( o, defaultValue );
if (o != null && o.getClass().isArray()) {
return firstArrayElement( o, defaultValue);
return o;
private static Object firstCollectionElement( Object raw, Object defaultValue )
if (!(raw instanceof Collection))
throw new ComponentException("Not a collection: " + raw);
Collection<?> c = ( Collection<?> ) raw;
if (c.isEmpty())
return defaultValue;
return c.iterator().next();
private static Object firstArrayElement(Object o, Object defaultValue)
if (o == null || !o.getClass().isArray()) {
throw new ComponentException("Not an array: " + o);
if (Array.getLength( o ) == 0)
return defaultValue;
return Array.get( o, 0 );