blob: d69a1fc8bca53a5655d3d586d025e901865cc20b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.manipulation;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.OSGiTestCase;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.manipulation.service.PrimitiveManipulationTestService;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.util.Utils;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* Check the manipulation of primitive type (boxed and unboxed).
* The targeted implementation contains numbers.
public class PrimitiveTypeTest2 extends OSGiTestCase {
ComponentInstance instance; // Instance under test
PrimitiveManipulationTestService prim;
ServiceReference prim_ref;
public void setUp() {
Properties p1 = new Properties();
p1.put("name", "primitives");
instance = Utils.getComponentInstance(context, "Manipulation-PrimitiveManipulationTesterA", p1);
assertTrue("check instance state", instance.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);
prim_ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(context, PrimitiveManipulationTestService.class.getName(), instance.getInstanceName());
assertNotNull("Check prim availability", prim_ref);
prim = (PrimitiveManipulationTestService) context.getService(prim_ref);
public void tearDown() {
prim = null;
instance = null;
public void testByte() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getByte(), 1);
prim.setByte((byte) 2);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getByte(), 2);
public void testShort() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getShort(), 1);
prim.setShort((short) 2);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getShort(), 2);
public void testInt() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getInt(), 1);
prim.setInt((int) 2);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getInt(), 2);
public void testLong() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getLong(), 1);
prim.setLong((long) 2);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getLong(), 2);
public void testLong2() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getLong(), 1);
prim.setLong(2, "ss");
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getLong(), 2);
//TODO : how to tests these two Java 5 methods ...
// public void testLongFromObject() {
// assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getLong(), 1);
// Long l = new Long(2);
// prim.setLong(l);
// assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getLong(), 2);
// }
// public void testLongFromObject2() {
// assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getLong(), 1);
// Long l = new Long(2);
// prim.setLong(l, "ss");
// assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getLong(), 2);
// }
public void testFloat() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getFloat(), 1.1f);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getFloat(), 2.2f);
public void testDouble() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getDouble(), 1.1);
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getDouble(), 2.2);
public void testBoolean() {
assertFalse("Check - 1", prim.getBoolean());
assertTrue("Check - 2", prim.getBoolean());
public void testChar() {
assertEquals("Check - 1", prim.getChar(), 'a');
assertEquals("Check - 2", prim.getChar(), 'b');