blob: d621a61b2001d94baa739a8f956363fe7bad9206 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from 1.10.1 to 1.11.0
** Bug
* [FELIX-4115] - NPE in DependencyModel.getService() when @Bind method throws an exception
* [FELIX-4132] - @Modified not working on Equinox
* [FELIX-4138] - TypeDeclaration calls factory.dispose() even if it already has been disposed (externally)
* [FELIX-4139] - package conflict with ipojo-annotations and ipojo-runtime
* [FELIX-4164] - Instance / Component matching regression
* [FELIX-4172] - Updated method called twice at the bundle start
* [FELIX-4183] - Wrong Javadoc of TrackerCustomizer addingService method
* [FELIX-4199] - The filter based service tracking interceptor should always be created
* [FELIX-4200] - Only the last iPOJO Tracking interceptor is modifying the reference
* [FELIX-4204] - Service Dependencies with a callback without a type attribute must be rejected
* [FELIX-4207] - ipojo @Component with propagation set to true doesn't propagate properties
* [FELIX-4218] - NPE with field annotated with both @Property and @ServiceProperty
* [FELIX-4236] - Unvalued properties should be part of the instance's architecture
* [FELIX-4247] - Memory leak with ServiceUsage and inner class (Listener style)
* [FELIX-4248] - ServiceUsage ThreadLocal removal
* [FELIX-4250] - Specification deduction broken when the method does not start with the 'bind' prefix
* [FELIX-4251] - The @Bind annotation should use Class instead of String
* [FELIX-4261] - NPE when an instance is declared without a configuration using the @ConfigurationTracker
* [FELIX-4268] - Duplicated name errors always happen when there are 2 factories with the same name
** Improvement
* [FELIX-4143] - Improve @Configuration management performances
* [FELIX-4216] - Allow @Property without name in constructors
* [FELIX-4228] - Improve dependency identification in log messages and exceptions
* [FELIX-4232] - Service Dependency Interceptors should be part of the instance architecture
* [FELIX-4252] - Make Extender's ThreadPool size configurable
* [FELIX-4262] - QueueServices should be observable
* [FELIX-4263] - iPOJO Core should use ranged imports
* [FELIX-4264] - JobInfo should provide a way to identify the kind of task
** New Feature
* [FELIX-4146] - Add getInstances and getInstanceNames in the Factory interface
* [FELIX-4147] - Add getProvidedService in ProvidedServiceDescription and allow external service management
* [FELIX-4215] - Extend manipulation metadata with argument names
* [FELIX-4231] - Provide service binding interceptors
* [FELIX-4265] - Provides a recorder for startup events
* [FELIX-4267] - Define Apache Karaf features for iPOJO
** Task
* [FELIX-3925] - Merge the temporal dependency handler within the service dependency handler
* [FELIX-4133] - Add distribution creation in the iPOJO runtime build
* [FELIX-4134] - Move integration-tests to the reactor
* [FELIX-4136] - Document service dependency interceptors
* [FELIX-4151] - Fix mistakes in the javadoc tags
* [FELIX-4156] - Fix versions of maven plugins
* [FELIX-4217] - Ensure compatibility between Aries Blueprint and iPOJO
* [FELIX-4245] - Deadlock in Dependency
* [FELIX-4270] - Bump iPOJO package version to 1.11.0
** Sub-task
* [FELIX-4239] - Extend service dependency documentation with the 'exception' attribute.
* [FELIX-4240] - Support the 'exception' attribute in service dependencies
* [FELIX-4242] - Support the 'timeout' attribute in service dependencies
* [FELIX-4243] - Define the dependency configuration matrix and improve error detection
* [FELIX-4244] - Extend the service dependency documentation with the timeout attribute
* [FELIX-4257] - Allow the dependency handler to track the entry and exit of inner class methods
Changes from 1.1.0 to 1.10.1
Important: The iPOJO's gogo commands were moved to the iPOJO runtime project.
** Bug
* [FELIX-4072] - onGet and onSet methods do not provide the reference on the pojo object
* [FELIX-4076] - Useless locking on getRequiredHandler
* [FELIX-4077] - Fix documentation urls in maven projects
* [FELIX-4089] - Extender do not deactivate managed components when stopped
* [FELIX-4096] - NPE when retrieve required and missing handler on a disposed factory
* [FELIX-4105] - Factories not disposed when their bundle is leaving
* [FELIX-4106] - Defensive service registration and update
* [FELIX-4108] - Deadlock in the new extender
* [FELIX-4109] - ComponentTypeDescription.addProperty() ignore immutable parameter
* [FELIX-4113] - Factories not disposed when the extension provider is leaving
* [FELIX-4114] - iPOJO ProvidedServiceDescription does not expose policy & CreationStrategy
* [FELIX-4123] - Deadlock in new extender because of factory lock used in removedService
* [FELIX-4127] - Configuration tracker bug when starting and stopping iPOJO successively
* [FELIX-4129] - Cannot change the optionality of a dependency
** Improvement
* [FELIX-1430] - Notification mechanism on bind/unbind events
* [FELIX-4073] - PrimitiveHandler.attach(ComponentInstance) is final
* [FELIX-4119] - Allow customization of DependencyHandler created Callbacks
** New Feature
* [FELIX-4116] - Ability to listen for component service dependencies, providings, configuration properties, ...
* [FELIX-4120] - Allow external entity to interact during the service resolution
* [FELIX-4125] - Provide 'components' and 'component' commands
* [FELIX-4130] - Allow retrieving the component instance from the instance description
* [FELIX-4131] - Explicitly set configuration's location when the configuration is null
** Task
* [FELIX-4092] - Move 'annotation' module from 'runtime' to 'manipulator' project
* [FELIX-4103] - Skip deployment of it-tests
* [FELIX-4104] - Do not run integration-tests in the default build
* [FELIX-4124] - Move arch-gogo to runtime
Version 1.1.0
** Bug
* [FELIX-3895] - iPOJO instance is not shown (with the "arch" commands) if constructor is failing
** Improvement
* [FELIX-3860] - factories and instances iPOJO gogo commands should show the "public=false" instances/factories
** Task
* [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent
Version 1.0.1
** Bug
* [FELIX-2632] Arch Gogo is not compatible with the new gogo (0.6.1)
Version 1.0.0
* Initial release