blob: c073d58bc8d57639a518af6ed9f22dc6d9f8d45d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) MX4J.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the MX4J License version 1.0.
* See the terms of the MX4J License in the documentation provided with this software.
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Date;
* Management interface for the HttpAdaptor MBean.
* @author <a href="">Carlos Quiroz</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public interface HttpAdaptorMBean
* Sets the value of the server's port
* @param port the new port's value
public void setPort(int port);
* Returns the port where the server is running on. Default is 8080
* @return HTTPServer's port
public int getPort();
* Sets the host name where the server will be listening
* @param host Server's host
public void setHost(java.lang.String host);
* Return the host name the server will be listening to. If null the server listen at the localhost
* @return the current hostname
java.lang.String getHost();
* Sets the Authentication Method.
* @param method none/basic/digest
public void setAuthenticationMethod(String method);
* Authentication Method
* @return authentication method
public String getAuthenticationMethod();
* Sets the object which will post process the XML results.
* The last value set between the setPostProcessor and setPostProcessorName will be the valid one
* @param processor a Post processor object
public void setProcessor(ProcessorMBean processor);
* Returns the Processor set by {@link #setProcessor}
public ProcessorMBean getProcessor();
* Sets the classname of the object which will post process the XML results.
* The adaptor will try to build the object and use the processor name ObjectName to register it.
* The class name has to implements and be MBean compliant
* @param processorClass a Post processor object
public void setProcessorClass(String processorClass);
* Sets the object name of the PostProcessor MBean. If ProcessorClass is set the processor will be created
* @param processorName a Post processor object
public void setProcessorNameString(String processorName) throws MalformedObjectNameException;
* Sets the object name which will post process the XML result. The last value set between the setPostProcessor and setPostProcessorName will be the valid one. The MBean will be verified to be of instance HttpPostProcessor
* @param processorName The new processorName value
public void setProcessorName(ObjectName processorName);
* Returns the ObjectName of the processor set by {@link #setProcessorName}
public ObjectName getProcessorName();
* Sets the object which create the server sockets
* @param factory the socket factory
public void setSocketFactory(AdaptorServerSocketFactory factory);
* Sets the factory's object name which will create the server sockets
* @param factoryName the socket factory
public void setSocketFactoryName(ObjectName factoryName);
* Sets the factory's object name which will create the server sockets
* @param factoryName the socket factory
public void setSocketFactoryNameString(String factoryName) throws MalformedObjectNameException;
* Indicates whether the server's running
* @return The active value
public boolean isActive();
* Starting date
* @return The date when the server was started
public Date getStartDate();
* Requests count
* @return The total of requests served so far
public long getRequestsCount();
* Gets the HttpAdaptor version
* @return HttpAdaptor's version
public String getVersion();
* Adds a command processor object
public void addCommandProcessor(String path, HttpCommandProcessor processor);
* Adds a command processor object by class
public void addCommandProcessor(String path, String processorClass);
* Removes a command processor object by class
public void removeCommandProcessor(String path);
* Starts the server
public void start() throws IOException;
* Stops the HTTP daemon
public void stop();
* Adds an authorization pair as username/password
public void addAuthorization(String username, String password);