blob: 2d254681670d0bbf200c7efd8aaf4faec222c88b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.bundlerepository;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class R4Package
private String m_name = "";
protected R4Directive[] m_directives = null;
protected R4Attribute[] m_attrs = null;
protected Version m_version = null;
public R4Package(String name, R4Directive[] directives, R4Attribute[] attrs)
m_name = name;
m_directives = (directives == null) ? new R4Directive[0] : directives;
m_attrs = (attrs == null) ? new R4Attribute[0] : attrs;
// Find and parse version attribute, if present.
String rangeStr = "0.0.0";
for (int i = 0; i < m_attrs.length; i++)
if (m_attrs[i].getName().equals(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE) ||
// Normalize version attribute name.
m_attrs[i] = new R4Attribute(
Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, m_attrs[i].getValue(),
rangeStr = m_attrs[i].getValue();
VersionRange range = VersionRange.parse(rangeStr);
// For now, ignore if we have a version range.
m_version = range.getLow();
public String getName()
return m_name;
public R4Directive[] getDirectives()
return m_directives;
public R4Attribute[] getAttributes()
return m_attrs;
public Version getVersion()
return m_version;
public String toString()
String msg = getName();
for (int i = 0; (m_directives != null) && (i < m_directives.length); i++)
msg = msg + " [" + m_directives[i].getName() + ":="+ m_directives[i].getValue() + "]";
for (int i = 0; (m_attrs != null) && (i < m_attrs.length); i++)
msg = msg + " [" + m_attrs[i].getName() + "="+ m_attrs[i].getValue() + "]";
return msg;
// Like this: pkg1; pkg2; dir1:=dirval1; dir2:=dirval2; attr1=attrval1; attr2=attrval2,
// pkg1; pkg2; dir1:=dirval1; dir2:=dirval2; attr1=attrval1; attr2=attrval2
public static R4Package[] parseImportOrExportHeader(String s)
R4Package[] pkgs = null;
if (s != null)
if (s.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The import and export headers cannot be an empty string.");
String[] ss = Util.parseDelimitedString(s, ",");
pkgs = parsePackageStrings(ss);
return (pkgs == null) ? new R4Package[0] : pkgs;
// Like this: pkg1; pkg2; dir1:=dirval1; dir2:=dirval2; attr1=attrval1; attr2=attrval2
public static R4Package[] parsePackageStrings(String[] ss)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (ss == null)
return null;
List completeList = new ArrayList();
for (int ssIdx = 0; ssIdx < ss.length; ssIdx++)
// Break string into semi-colon delimited pieces.
String[] pieces = Util.parseDelimitedString(ss[ssIdx], ";");
// Count the number of different packages; packages
// will not have an '=' in their string. This assumes
// that packages come first, before directives and
// attributes.
int pkgCount = 0;
for (int pieceIdx = 0; pieceIdx < pieces.length; pieceIdx++)
if (pieces[pieceIdx].indexOf('=') >= 0)
// Error if no packages were specified.
if (pkgCount == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No packages specified on import: " + ss[ssIdx]);
// Parse the directives/attributes.
R4Directive[] dirs = new R4Directive[pieces.length - pkgCount];
R4Attribute[] attrs = new R4Attribute[pieces.length - pkgCount];
int dirCount = 0, attrCount = 0;
int idx = -1;
String sep = null;
for (int pieceIdx = pkgCount; pieceIdx < pieces.length; pieceIdx++)
// Check if it is a directive.
if ((idx = pieces[pieceIdx].indexOf(":=")) >= 0)
sep = ":=";
// Check if it is an attribute.
else if ((idx = pieces[pieceIdx].indexOf("=")) >= 0)
sep = "=";
// It is an error.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Not a directive/attribute: " + ss[ssIdx]);
String key = pieces[pieceIdx].substring(0, idx).trim();
String value = pieces[pieceIdx].substring(idx + sep.length()).trim();
// Remove quotes, if value is quoted.
if (value.startsWith("\"") && value.endsWith("\""))
value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
// Save the directive/attribute in the appropriate array.
if (sep.equals(":="))
dirs[dirCount++] = new R4Directive(key, value);
attrs[attrCount++] = new R4Attribute(key, value, false);
// Shrink directive array.
R4Directive[] dirsFinal = new R4Directive[dirCount];
System.arraycopy(dirs, 0, dirsFinal, 0, dirCount);
// Shrink attribute array.
R4Attribute[] attrsFinal = new R4Attribute[attrCount];
System.arraycopy(attrs, 0, attrsFinal, 0, attrCount);
// Create package attributes for each package and
// set directives/attributes. Add each package to
// completel list of packages.
R4Package[] pkgs = new R4Package[pkgCount];
for (int pkgIdx = 0; pkgIdx < pkgCount; pkgIdx++)
pkgs[pkgIdx] = new R4Package(pieces[pkgIdx], dirsFinal, attrsFinal);
R4Package[] pkgs = (R4Package[])
completeList.toArray(new R4Package[completeList.size()]);
return pkgs;