blob: 6033e6a7987760c4cf5d8da07d254730c465d2a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.felix.scr.Reference;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* The <code>DependencyManager</code> manages the references to services
* declared by a single <code>&lt;reference&gt;</code element in component
* descriptor.
class DependencyManager implements ServiceListener, Reference
// mask of states ok to send events
private static final int STATE_MASK = AbstractComponentManager.STATE_UNSATISFIED
| AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ACTIVATING | AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ACTIVE
| AbstractComponentManager.STATE_REGISTERED | AbstractComponentManager.STATE_FACTORY;
// the ServiceReference class instance
private static final Class SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS = ServiceReference.class;
// pseudo service to mark a bound service without actual service instance
private static final Object BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL = new Object();
// the component to which this dependency belongs
private AbstractComponentManager m_componentManager;
// Reference to the metadata
private ReferenceMetadata m_dependencyMetadata;
// The map of bound services indexed by their ServiceReference
private Map m_bound;
// the number of matching services registered in the system
private int m_size;
// the object on which the bind/undind methods are to be called
private transient Object m_componentInstance;
// the bind method
private Method m_bind;
// whether the bind method takes a service reference
private boolean m_bindUsesReference;
// the unbind method
private Method m_unbind;
// whether the unbind method takes a service reference
private boolean m_unbindUsesReference;
// the target service filter string
private String m_target;
// the target service filter
private Filter m_targetFilter;
* Constructor that receives several parameters.
* @param dependency An object that contains data about the dependency
DependencyManager( AbstractComponentManager componentManager, ReferenceMetadata dependency )
m_componentManager = componentManager;
m_dependencyMetadata = dependency;
m_bound = Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap() );
// setup the target filter from component descriptor
setTargetFilter( m_dependencyMetadata.getTarget() );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager " + getName() + " created: filter="
+ getTarget() + ", interface=" + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface(), m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
//---------- ServiceListener interface ------------------------------------
* Called when a registered service changes state. In the case of service
* modification the service is assumed to be removed and added again.
public void serviceChanged( ServiceEvent event )
final ServiceReference ref = event.getServiceReference();
final String serviceString = "Service " + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() + "/"
+ ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID );
switch ( event.getType() )
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED:
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Adding " + serviceString,
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// consider the service if the filter matches
if ( targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
serviceAdded( ref );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Ignoring added Service for "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " : does not match target filter " + getTarget(),
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
case ServiceEvent.MODIFIED:
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Updating " + serviceString,
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// remove the service first
serviceRemoved( ref );
// recalculate the number of services matching the filter
// because we don't know whether this service previously matched
// or not
ServiceReference refs[] = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
m_size = ( refs == null ) ? 0 : refs.length;
// now try to bind the service
serviceAdded( ref );
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING:
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Removing " + serviceString,
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// manage the service counter if the filter matchs
if ( targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Not counting Service for "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " : Service " + ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID )
+ " does not match target filter " + getTarget(), m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(),
null );
// remove the service ignoring the filter match because if the
// service is bound, it has to be removed no matter what
serviceRemoved( ref );
* Called by the {@link #serviceChanged(ServiceEvent)} method if a new
* service is registered with the system or if a registered service has been
* modified.
* <p>
* Depending on the component state and dependency configuration, the
* component may be activated, re-activated or the service just be provided.
* @param reference The reference to the service newly registered or
* modified.
private void serviceAdded( ServiceReference reference )
// if the component is currently unsatisfied, it may become satisfied
// by adding this service, try to activate (also schedule activation
// if the component is pending deactivation)
if ( m_componentManager.getState() == AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ENABLED )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_INFO, "Dependency Manager: Service "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " registered, activate component", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// otherwise check whether the component is in a state to handle the event
else if ( handleServiceEvent() )
// if the dependency is static and adding the service has an
// influence on service binding because the dependency is multiple
// or optional and unbound, the component needs to be reactivated
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
// only reactivate if the service has an influence on binding
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() || !isBound() )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Service "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " registered, reactivate component", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
m_componentManager.reactivate( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE );
// single service binding only which already exists
// we have to check whether the bound service is to be
// replaced
ServiceReference[] boundRefs = getBoundServiceReferences();
if ( isHigher( reference, boundRefs[0] ) )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Service "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " with higher ranking registered, reactivate component",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
m_componentManager.reactivate( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE );
// otherwise bind if we have a bind method and the service needs
// be bound
else if ( m_dependencyMetadata.getBind() != null )
// multiple bindings or not bound at all yet
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() || !isBound() )
// bind the service, getting it if required
invokeBindMethod( reference );
// single service binding only which already exists
// we have to check whether the bound service is to be
// replaced
ServiceReference[] boundRefs = getBoundServiceReferences();
if ( isHigher( reference, boundRefs[0] ) )
// bind the service, getting it if required
invokeBindMethod( reference );
// unbind the old service reference
unbind( boundRefs );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"Dependency Manager: Ignoring service addition, wrong state "
+ m_componentManager.state(),
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
* Called by the {@link #serviceChanged(ServiceEvent)} method if an existing
* service is unregistered from the system or if a registered service has
* been modified.
* <p>
* Depending on the component state and dependency configuration, the
* component may be deactivated, re-activated, the service just be unbound
* with or without a replacement service.
* @param reference The reference to the service unregistering or being
* modified.
private void serviceRemoved( ServiceReference reference )
// check whether we are bound to that service, do nothing if not
if ( getBoundService( reference ) == null )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Ignoring removed Service for "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + " : Service " + reference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID )
+ " not bound", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// otherwise check whether the component is in a state to handle the event
else if ( handleServiceEvent() )
// if the dependency is not satisfied anymore, we have to
// deactivate the component
if ( !isSatisfied() )
"Dependency Manager: Deactivating component due to mandatory dependency on "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + "/" + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface()
+ " not satisfied", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// deactivate the component now
m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE );
// if the dependency is static, we have to reactivate the component
// to "remove" the dependency
else if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Static dependency on "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + "/" + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() + " is broken",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE );
catch ( Exception ex )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Exception while recreating dependency ",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
// dynamic dependency, multiple or single but this service is the bound one
// try to bind a replacement service first if this is a unary
// cardinality reference and a replacement is available.
if ( !m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() )
// if the dependency is mandatory and no replacement is
// available, bind returns false and we deactivate
if ( !bind() )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"Dependency Manager: Deactivating component due to mandatory dependency on "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getName() + "/" + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface()
+ " not satisfied", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE );
// abort here we do not need to do more
// call the unbind method if one is defined
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind() != null )
invokeUnbindMethod( reference );
// make sure the service is returned
ungetService( reference );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"Dependency Manager: Ignoring service removal, wrong state "
+ m_componentManager.state(),
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
private boolean handleServiceEvent()
return ( m_componentManager.getState() & STATE_MASK ) != 0;
//---------- Reference interface ------------------------------------------
public String getServiceName()
return m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface();
public ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences()
return getBoundServiceReferences();
public boolean isOptional()
return m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional();
public boolean isMultiple()
return m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple();
public boolean isStatic()
return m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic();
public String getBindMethodName()
return m_dependencyMetadata.getBind();
public String getUnbindMethodName()
return m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind();
//---------- Service tracking support -------------------------------------
* Enables this dependency manager by starting to listen for service
* events.
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException if the target filter is invalid
void enable() throws InvalidSyntaxException
// get the current number of registered services available
ServiceReference refs[] = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
m_size = ( refs == null ) ? 0 : refs.length;
// register the service listener
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() + ")";
m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().addServiceListener( this, filterString );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Registered for service events, currently " + m_size
+ " service(s) match the filter", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
* Disposes off this dependency manager by removing as a service listener
* and ungetting all services, which are still kept in the list of our
* bound services. This list will not be empty if the service lookup
* method is used by the component to access the service.
void dispose()
BundleContext context = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext();
context.removeServiceListener( this );
m_size = 0;
// unget all services we once got
ServiceReference[] boundRefs = getBoundServiceReferences();
if ( boundRefs != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < boundRefs.length; i++ )
ungetService( boundRefs[i] );
// drop the method references (to help GC)
m_bind = null;
m_unbind = null;
* Returns the number of services currently registered in the system,
* which match the service criteria (interface and optional target filter)
* configured for this dependency. The number returned by this method has
* no correlation to the number of services bound to this dependency
* manager. It is actually the maximum number of services which may be
* bound to this dependency manager.
* @see #isValid()
int size()
return m_size;
* Returns an array of <code>ServiceReference</code> instances for services
* implementing the interface and complying to the (optional) target filter
* declared for this dependency. If no matching service can be found
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the configured target filter is
* syntactically incorrect an error message is logged with the LogService
* and <code>null</code> is returned.
* <p>
* This method always directly accesses the framework's service registry
* and ignores the services bound by this dependency manager.
ServiceReference[] getFrameworkServiceReferences()
return m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(
m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface(), getTarget() );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem with filter '" + getTarget() + "'",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ise );
return null;
* Returns a <code>ServiceReference</code> instances for a service
* implementing the interface and complying to the (optional) target filter
* declared for this dependency. If no matching service can be found
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the configured target filter is
* syntactically incorrect an error message is logged with the LogService
* and <code>null</code> is returned. If multiple matching services are
* registered the service with the highest service.ranking value is
* returned. If multiple matching services have the same service.ranking
* value, the service with the lowest is returned.
* <p>
* This method always directly accesses the framework's service registry
* and ignores the services bound by this dependency manager.
ServiceReference getFrameworkServiceReference()
// get the framework registered services and short cut
ServiceReference[] refs = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
if ( refs == null )
return null;
else if ( refs.length == 1 )
return refs[0];
// is it correct to assume an ordered bound services set ?
int maxRanking = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
long minId = Long.MAX_VALUE;
ServiceReference selectedRef = null;
// find the service with the highest ranking
for ( int i = 0; refs != null && i < refs.length; i++ )
ServiceReference ref = refs[i];
int ranking = getServiceRanking( ref );
long id = getServiceId( ref );
if ( maxRanking < ranking || ( maxRanking == ranking && id < minId ) )
maxRanking = ranking;
minId = id;
selectedRef = ref;
return selectedRef;
* Returns the service instance for the service reference returned by the
* {@link #getFrameworkServiceReference()} method. If this returns a
* non-<code>null</code> service instance the service is then considered
* bound to this instance.
Object getService()
ServiceReference sr = getFrameworkServiceReference();
return ( sr != null ) ? getService( sr ) : null;
* Returns an array of service instances for the service references returned
* by the {@link #getFrameworkServiceReferences()} method. If no services
* match the criteria configured for this dependency <code>null</code> is
* returned. All services returned by this method will be considered bound
* after this method returns.
Object[] getServices()
ServiceReference[] sr = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
if ( sr == null || sr.length == 0 )
return null;
List services = new ArrayList();
for ( int i = 0; i < sr.length; i++ )
Object service = getService( sr[i] );
if ( service != null )
services.add( service );
return ( services.size() > 0 ) ? services.toArray() : null;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the <code>newReference</code> has a higher
* ranking than the <code>oldReference</code>, otherwise <code>false</code>
* is returned.
* <p>
* The higher ranking of a service reference is defined in the OSGi
* Compendium Services Specification as the service with the highest service
* ranking as specified by the service.ranking property. If both services
* have the same service ranking, then the service with the lowest service
* ID as specified by the property is chosen.
* @param newReference The ServiceReference representing the newly added
* Service
* @param oldReference The ServiceReference representing the service which
* is already bound to the component
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>newReference</code> has higher ranking
private boolean isHigher( ServiceReference newReference, ServiceReference oldReference )
// get and compare the service.ranking properties
int nrRank = getServiceRanking( newReference );
int orRank = getServiceRanking( oldReference );
if ( nrRank > orRank )
return true;
else if ( nrRank < orRank )
return false;
// no ranks are equal, compare the service ids. These ids are never equal,
// so unless a problem exists, this should be decisive
return getServiceId( newReference ) < getServiceId( oldReference );
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore, we don't expect an exception, since the
// property is set by the framework as a Long value; so we neither
// expect this property to be null nor to be anything else than Long
// fall back to newReference not being higher
return false;
* Returns the value of the <code>service.ranking</code> service property
* if the property exists and is of type <code>java.lang.Integer</code>. If
* the property does not exist or is of another type, zero is returned as
* the default value for service ranking.
* @param serviceReference The Service reference whose ranking is to be
* returned.
private int getServiceRanking( ServiceReference serviceReference )
Object nrRankObj = serviceReference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_RANKING );
if ( nrRankObj instanceof Integer )
return ( ( Integer ) nrRankObj ).intValue();
return 0;
* Returns the value of the <code></code> service property.
* @param serviceReference The Service reference whose service id is to be
* returned.
* @throws ClassCastException if the <code></code> property exists
* but is not a <code>java.lang.Long</code> value. This is not
* expected since the framework should guarantee this property and
* its type.
* @throws NullPointerException if the <code></code> property
* does not exist. This is not expected since the framework should
* guarantee this property and its type.
private long getServiceId( ServiceReference serviceReference )
return ( ( Long ) serviceReference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ) ).longValue();
//---------- bound services maintenance -----------------------------------
* Returns an array of <code>ServiceReference</code> instances of all
* services this instance is bound to.
private ServiceReference[] getBoundServiceReferences()
return ( ServiceReference[] ) m_bound.keySet().toArray( new ServiceReference[m_bound.size()] );
* Returns <code>true</code> if at least one service has been bound
private boolean isBound()
return !m_bound.isEmpty();
* Adds the {@link #BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL} object as a pseudo service to
* the map of bound services. This method allows keeping track of services
* which have been bound but not retrieved from the service registry, which
* is the case if the bind method is called with a ServiceReference instead
* of the service object itself.
* <p>
* We have to keep track of all services for which we called the bind
* method to be able to call the unbind method in case the service is
* unregistered.
* @param serviceReference The reference to the service being marked as
* bound.
private void bindService( ServiceReference serviceReference )
m_bound.put( serviceReference, BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL );
* Returns the bound service represented by the given service reference
* or <code>null</code> if this is instance is not currently bound to that
* service.
* @param serviceReference The reference to the bound service
* @return the service for the reference or the {@link #BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL}
* if the service is bound or <code>null</code> if the service is not
* bound.
private Object getBoundService( ServiceReference serviceReference )
return m_bound.get( serviceReference );
* Returns the service described by the ServiceReference. If this instance
* is already bound the given service, that bound service instance is
* returned. Otherwise the service retrieved from the service registry
* and kept as a bound service for future use.
* @param serviceReference The reference to the service to be returned
* @return The requested service or <code>null</code> if no service is
* registered for the service reference (any more).
Object getService( ServiceReference serviceReference )
// check whether we already have the service and return that one
Object service = getBoundService( serviceReference );
if ( service != null && service != BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL )
return service;
// otherwise acquire the service and keep it
service = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().getService( serviceReference );
if ( service != null )
m_bound.put( serviceReference, service );
// returne the acquired service (may be null of course)
return service;
* Ungets the service described by the ServiceReference and removes it from
* the list of bound services.
void ungetService( ServiceReference serviceReference )
// check we really have this service, do nothing if not
Object service = m_bound.remove( serviceReference );
if ( service != null && service != BOUND_SERVICE_SENTINEL )
m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().ungetService( serviceReference );
//---------- DependencyManager core ---------------------------------------
* Returns the name of the service reference.
public String getName()
return m_dependencyMetadata.getName();
* Returns <code>true</code> if this dependency manager is satisfied, that
* is if eithern the dependency is optional or the number of services
* registered in the framework and available to this dependency manager is
* not zero.
public boolean isSatisfied()
return size() > 0 || m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional();
boolean open( Object instance )
m_componentInstance = instance;
return bind();
* Revoke all bindings. This method cannot throw an exception since it must
* try to complete all that it can
void close( )
unbind( getBoundServiceReferences() );
m_componentInstance = null;
* initializes a dependency. This method binds all of the service
* occurrences to the instance object
* @return true if the dependency is satisfied and at least the minimum
* number of services could be bound. Otherwise false is returned.
private boolean bind()
// If no references were received, we have to check if the dependency
// is optional, if it is not then the dependency is invalid
if ( !isSatisfied() )
return false;
// if no bind method is configured or if this is a delayed component,
// we have nothing to do and just signal success
if ( m_componentInstance == null || m_dependencyMetadata.getBind() == null )
return true;
// assume success to begin with: if the dependency is optional,
// we don't care, whether we can bind a service. Otherwise, we
// require at least one service to be bound, thus we require
// flag being set in the loop below
boolean success = m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional();
// Get service reference(s)
if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() )
// bind all registered services
ServiceReference[] refs = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
if ( refs != null )
for ( int index = 0; index < refs.length; index++ )
// success is if we have the minimal required number of services bound
if ( invokeBindMethod( refs[index] ) )
// of course, we have success if the service is bound
success = true;
// bind best matching service
ServiceReference ref = getFrameworkServiceReference();
if ( ref != null && invokeBindMethod( ref ) )
// of course, we have success if the service is bound
success = true;
// success will be true, if the service is optional or if at least
// one service was available to be bound (regardless of whether the
// bind method succeeded or not)
return success;
* Revoke the given bindings. This method cannot throw an exception since
* it must try to complete all that it can
private void unbind( ServiceReference[] boundRefs )
// only invoke the unbind method if there is an instance (might be null
// in the delayed component situation) and the unbind method is declared.
boolean doUnbind = m_componentInstance != null && m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind() != null;
if ( boundRefs != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < boundRefs.length; i++ )
if ( doUnbind )
invokeUnbindMethod( boundRefs[i] );
// unget the service, we call it here since there might be a
// bind method (or the locateService method might have been
// called) but there is no unbind method to actually unbind
// the service (see FELIX-832)
ungetService( boundRefs[i] );
* Gets a bind or unbind method according to the policies described in the
* specification
* @param methodname The name of the method
* @param targetClass the class to which the method belongs to
* @param parameterClassName the name of the class of the parameter that is
* passed to the method
* @param serviceBundle the bundle of the registered service.
* @return the method or null
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class for parameterClassName cannot
* be found.
* @throws InvocationTargetException If an unexpected error occurrs trying
* to get the method from the targetClass.
private Method getBindingMethod( String methodname, Class targetClass, String parameterClassName )
throws InvocationTargetException
Class parameterClass = null;
// 112.3.1 The method is searched for using the following priority
// 1. The method's parameter type is org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference
// 2. The method's parameter type is the type specified by the
// reference's interface attribute
// 3. The method's parameter type is assignable from the type specified
// by the reference's interface attribute
// Case 1 - ServiceReference parameter
return ReflectionHelper.getMethod( targetClass, methodname, new Class[]
{ SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS }, false, false );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex )
// Case2 - Service object parameter
// need the class loader of the target class, which may be the
// system classloader, which case getClassLoader may retur null
ClassLoader loader = targetClass.getClassLoader();
if ( loader == null )
loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
parameterClass = loader.loadClass( parameterClassName );
return ReflectionHelper.getMethod( targetClass, methodname, new Class[]
{ parameterClass }, false, false );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex2 )
// Case 3 - Service interface assignement compatible methods
// Get all potential bind methods
Method candidateBindMethods[] = targetClass.getDeclaredMethods();
// Iterate over them
for ( int i = 0; i < candidateBindMethods.length; i++ )
Method method = candidateBindMethods[i];
// Get the parameters for the current method
Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();
// Select only the methods that receive a single
// parameter
// and a matching name
if ( parameters.length == 1 && method.getName().equals( methodname ) )
// Get the parameter type
Class theParameter = parameters[0];
// Check if the parameter type is ServiceReference
// or is assignable from the type specified by the
// reference's interface attribute
if ( theParameter.isAssignableFrom( parameterClass ) )
// Final check: it must be public or protected
if ( Modifier.isPublic( method.getModifiers() )
|| Modifier.isProtected( method.getModifiers() ) )
if ( !method.isAccessible() )
method.setAccessible( true );
return method;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex2 )
// if we can't load the class, perhaps the method is declared in a super class
// so we try this class next
// TODO: Case 4: same as case 2, but + Map param
// TODO: Case 5: same as case 3, but + Map param
// if we get here, we have no method, so check the super class
targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
return ( targetClass != null ) ? getBindingMethod( methodname, targetClass, parameterClassName ) : null;
* Calls the bind method. In case there is an exception while calling the
* bind method, the service is not considered to be bound to the instance
* object
* <p>
* If the reference is singular and a service has already been bound to the
* component this method has no effect and just returns <code>true</code>.
* @param ref A ServiceReference with the service that will be bound to the
* instance object
* @return true if the service should be considered bound. If no bind
* method is found or the method call fails, <code>true</code> is
* returned. <code>false</code> is only returned if the service must
* be handed over to the bind method but the service cannot be
* retrieved using the service reference.
private boolean invokeBindMethod( ServiceReference ref )
// The bind method is only invoked if the implementation object is not
// null. This is valid for both immediate and delayed components
if ( m_componentInstance != null )
// Get the bind method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "getting bind: " + m_dependencyMetadata.getBind(),
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
if ( m_bind == null )
m_bind = getBindingMethod( m_dependencyMetadata.getBind(), m_componentInstance.getClass(),
m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() );
// 112.3.1 If the method is not found , SCR must log an error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
if ( m_bind == null )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "bind() method not found", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return true;
// cache whether the bind method takes a reference
m_bindUsesReference = SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS.equals( m_bind.getParameterTypes()[0] );
// Get the parameter
Object parameter;
if ( m_bindUsesReference )
parameter = ref;
// mark this service as bound using the special sentinel
bindService( ref );
// get the service, fail binding if the service is not
// available (any more)
parameter = getService( ref );
if ( parameter == null )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_INFO, "Dependency Manager: Service " + ref
+ " has already gone, not binding", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return false;
// Invoke the method
m_bind.invoke( m_componentInstance, new Object[]
{ parameter } );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "bound: " + getName() + "/"
+ ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ), m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return true;
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not is not declared protected or
// public, SCR must log an error message with the log service,
// if present, and ignore the method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "bind() method cannot be called", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return true;
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
// 112.5.7 If a bind method throws an exception, SCR must log an
// error message containing the exception [...]
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "DependencyManager : exception while invoking "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getBind() + "()", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return true;
else if ( m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata().isImmediate() == false )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"DependencyManager : Delayed component not yet created, assuming bind method call succeeded",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return true;
else if ( m_componentManager.getState() == AbstractComponentManager.STATE_ACTIVATING )
// when activating the method, events may be handled before the
// open(Object) method has been called on this instance. This is
// not a problem, because the open(Object) method will catch up
// this services any way
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "DependencyManager : Not yet open for activating component",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return true;
// this is not expected: if the component is immediate the
// implementationObject is not null (asserted by the caller)
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR,
"DependencyManager : Immediate component not yet created, bind method cannot be called",
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
return false;
* Calls the unbind method.
* <p>
* If the reference is singular and the given service is not the one bound
* to the component this method has no effect and just returns
* <code>true</code>.
* @param ref A service reference corresponding to the service that will be
* unbound
* @return true if the call was successful, false otherwise
private void invokeUnbindMethod( ServiceReference ref )
// The unbind method is only invoked if the implementation object is not
// null. This is valid for both immediate and delayed components
if ( m_componentInstance != null )
// Get the bind method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "getting unbind: " + m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind(),
m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
if ( m_unbind == null )
m_unbind = getBindingMethod( m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind(), m_componentInstance.getClass(),
m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() );
if ( m_unbind == null )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not found, SCR must log an error
// message with the log service, if present, and ignore the
// method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "unbind() method not found", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
// cache whether the unbind method takes a reference
m_unbindUsesReference = SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS.equals( m_unbind.getParameterTypes()[0] );
// Get the parameter
Object parameter = null;
if ( m_unbindUsesReference )
parameter = ref;
parameter = getService( ref );
if ( parameter == null )
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_INFO, "Dependency Manager: Service " + ref
+ " has already gone, not unbinding", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
m_unbind.invoke( m_componentInstance, new Object[]
{ parameter } );
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "unbound: " + getName() + "/"
+ ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ), m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), null );
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// 112.3.1 If the method is not is not declared protected or
// public, SCR must log an error message with the log service,
// if present, and ignore the method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "unbind() method cannot be called", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), ex );
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
// 112.5.13 If an unbind method throws an exception, SCR must
// log an error message containing the exception [...]
.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "DependencyManager : exception while invoking "
+ m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind() + "()", m_componentManager.getComponentMetadata(), ex
.getCause() );
// don't care whether we can or cannot call the unbind method
// if the component instance has already been cleared by the
// close() method
m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"DependencyManager : Component not set, no need to call unbind method", m_componentManager
.getComponentMetadata(), null );
//------------- Service target filter support -----------------------------
* Sets the target filter from target filter property contained in the
* properties. The filter is taken from a property whose name is derived
* from the dependency name and the suffix <code>.target</code> as defined
* for target properties on page 302 of the Declarative Services
* Specification, section 112.6.
* @param properties The properties containing the optional target service
* filter property
void setTargetFilter( Dictionary properties )
setTargetFilter( ( String ) properties.get( m_dependencyMetadata.getTargetPropertyName() ) );
* Sets the target filter of this dependency to the new filter value. If the
* new target filter is the same as the old target filter, this method has
* not effect. Otherwise any services currently bound but not matching the
* new filter are unbound. Likewise any registered services not currently
* bound but matching the new filter are bound.
* @param target The new target filter to be set. This may be
* <code>null</code> if no target filtering is to be used.
private void setTargetFilter( String target )
// do nothing if target filter does not change
if ( ( m_target == null && target == null ) || ( m_target != null && m_target.equals( target ) ) )
m_target = target;
if ( target != null )
m_targetFilter = m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext().createFilter( target );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
// log
m_targetFilter = null;
m_targetFilter = null;
// check for services to be removed
if ( m_targetFilter != null )
ServiceReference[] refs = getBoundServiceReferences();
if ( refs != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
if ( !m_targetFilter.match( refs[i] ) )
// might want to do this asynchronously ??
serviceRemoved( refs[i] );
// check for new services to be added and set the number of
// matching services
ServiceReference[] refs = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
if ( refs != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
if ( getBoundService( refs[i] ) == null )
// might want to do this asynchronously ??
serviceAdded( refs[i] );
m_size = refs.length;
// no services currently match the filter
m_size = 0;
* Returns the target filter of this dependency as a string or
* <code>null</code> if this dependency has no target filter set.
* @return The target filter of this dependency or <code>null</code> if
* none is set.
public String getTarget()
return m_target;
* Checks whether the service references matches the target filter of this
* dependency.
* @param ref The service reference to check
* @return <code>true</code> if this dependency has no target filter or if
* the target filter matches the service reference.
private boolean targetFilterMatch( ServiceReference ref )
return m_targetFilter == null || m_targetFilter.match( ref );