blob: 477bd050e2b758b6d500a975b838e870d1f9ed24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2004, 2008). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package info.dmtree.spi;
import info.dmtree.DmtException;
* Provides atomic read-write access to the part of the tree handled by the
* plugin that created this session.
* @version $Revision: 5673 $
public interface TransactionalDataSession extends ReadWriteDataSession {
* Commits a series of DMT operations issued in the current atomic session
* since the last transaction boundary. Transaction boundaries are the
* creation of this object that starts the session, and all subsequent
* {@link #commit} and {@link #rollback} calls.
* <p>
* This method can fail even if all operations were successful. This can
* happen due to some multi-node semantic constraints defined by a specific
* implementation. For example, node A can be required to always have
* children A/B, A/C and A/D. If this condition is broken when
* <code>commit()</code> is executed, the method will fail, and throw a
* <code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> exception.
* <p>
* In many cases the tree is not the only way to manage a given part of the
* system. It may happen that while modifying some nodes in an atomic
* session, the underlying settings are modified parallelly outside the
* scope of the DMT. If this is detected during commit, an exception with
* the code <code>CONCURRENT_ACCESS</code> is thrown.
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes
* <ul>
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the operation failed
* because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>CONCURRENT_ACCESS</code> if it is detected that some
* modification has been made outside the scope of the DMT to the
* nodes affected in the session's operations
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
void commit() throws DmtException;
* Rolls back a series of DMT operations issued in the current atomic
* session since the last transaction boundary. Transaction boundaries are
* the creation of this object that starts the session, and all subsequent
* {@link #commit} and {@link #rollback} calls.
* @throws DmtException with the error code <code>ROLLBACK_FAILED</code>
* in case the rollback did not succeed
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
void rollback() throws DmtException;