blob: 7111d36f44bdfc4932cf5de46d99163fc325096b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class ResourceDependencyImpl extends DependencyBase implements ResourceDependency, ResourceHandler, DependencyActivation, ComponentDependencyDeclaration {
private volatile BundleContext m_context;
private volatile ServiceRegistration m_registration;
private Object m_callbackInstance;
private String m_callbackAdded;
private String m_callbackChanged;
private String m_callbackRemoved;
private boolean m_autoConfig;
private String m_autoConfigInstance;
protected List m_services = new ArrayList();
private String m_resourceFilter;
private URL m_trackedResource;
private List m_resources = new ArrayList();
private URL m_resourceInstance;
private boolean m_propagate;
private Object m_propagateCallbackInstance;
private String m_propagateCallbackMethod;
public ResourceDependencyImpl(BundleContext context, Logger logger) {
m_context = context;
m_autoConfig = true;
public ResourceDependencyImpl(ResourceDependencyImpl prototype) {
m_context = prototype.m_context;
m_autoConfig = prototype.m_autoConfig;
m_callbackInstance = prototype.m_callbackInstance;
m_callbackAdded = prototype.m_callbackAdded;
m_callbackChanged = prototype.m_callbackChanged;
m_callbackRemoved = prototype.m_callbackRemoved;
m_autoConfigInstance = prototype.m_autoConfigInstance;
m_resourceFilter = prototype.m_resourceFilter;
m_trackedResource = prototype.m_trackedResource;
m_propagate = prototype.m_propagate;
public Dependency createCopy() {
return new ResourceDependencyImpl(this);
public synchronized boolean isAvailable() {
return m_resources.size() > 0;
public void start(DependencyService service) {
boolean needsStarting = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (!m_isStarted) {
m_isStarted = true;
needsStarting = true;
if (needsStarting) {
Dictionary props = null;
if (m_trackedResource != null) {
props = new Properties();
props.put(ResourceHandler.URL, m_trackedResource);
else if (m_resourceFilter != null) {
props = new Properties();
props.put(ResourceHandler.FILTER, m_resourceFilter);
m_registration = m_context.registerService(ResourceHandler.class.getName(), this, props);
public void stop(DependencyService service) {
boolean needsStopping = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (m_services.size() == 1 && m_services.contains(service)) {
m_isStarted = false;
needsStopping = true;
if (needsStopping) {
m_registration = null;
public void added(URL resource) {
if (m_trackedResource == null || m_trackedResource.equals(resource)) {
long counter;
Object[] services;
synchronized (this) {
counter = m_resources.size();
services = m_services.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
DependencyService ds = (DependencyService) services[i];
if (counter == 1) {
if (!isRequired()) {
invokeAdded(ds, resource);
else {
invokeAdded(ds, resource);
public void changed(URL resource) {
if (m_trackedResource == null || m_trackedResource.equals(resource)) {
Object[] services;
synchronized (this) {
services = m_services.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
DependencyService ds = (DependencyService) services[i];
invokeChanged(ds, resource);
public void removed(URL resource) {
if (m_trackedResource == null || m_trackedResource.equals(resource)) {
long counter;
Object[] services;
synchronized (this) {
counter = m_resources.size();
services = m_services.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
DependencyService ds = (DependencyService) services[i];
if (counter == 0) {
if (!isRequired()) {
invokeRemoved(ds, resource);
else {
invokeRemoved(ds, resource);
public void invokeAdded(DependencyService ds, URL serviceInstance) {
invoke(ds, serviceInstance, m_callbackAdded);
public void invokeChanged(DependencyService ds, URL serviceInstance) {
invoke(ds, serviceInstance, m_callbackChanged);
public void invokeRemoved(DependencyService ds, URL serviceInstance) {
invoke(ds, serviceInstance, m_callbackRemoved);
private void invoke(DependencyService ds, URL serviceInstance, String name) {
if (name != null) {
ds.invokeCallbackMethod(getCallbackInstances(ds), name,
new Class[][] {{ Component.class, URL.class }, { Component.class, Object.class }, { Component.class }, { URL.class }, { Object.class }, {}},
new Object[][] {{ ds.getServiceInterface(), serviceInstance }, { ds.getServiceInterface(), serviceInstance }, { ds.getServiceInterface() }, { serviceInstance }, { serviceInstance }, {}}
* Sets the callbacks for this service. These callbacks can be used as hooks whenever a
* dependency is added or removed. When you specify callbacks, the auto configuration
* feature is automatically turned off, because we're assuming you don't need it in this
* case.
* @param added the method to call when a service was added
* @param removed the method to call when a service was removed
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setCallbacks(String added, String removed) {
return setCallbacks(null, added, null, removed);
* Sets the callbacks for this service. These callbacks can be used as hooks whenever a
* dependency is added, changed or removed. When you specify callbacks, the auto
* configuration feature is automatically turned off, because we're assuming you don't
* need it in this case.
* @param added the method to call when a service was added
* @param changed the method to call when a service was changed
* @param removed the method to call when a service was removed
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setCallbacks(String added, String changed, String removed) {
return setCallbacks(null, added, changed, removed);
* Sets the callbacks for this service. These callbacks can be used as hooks whenever a
* dependency is added or removed. They are called on the instance you provide. When you
* specify callbacks, the auto configuration feature is automatically turned off, because
* we're assuming you don't need it in this case.
* @param instance the instance to call the callbacks on
* @param added the method to call when a service was added
* @param removed the method to call when a service was removed
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setCallbacks(Object instance, String added, String removed) {
return setCallbacks(instance, added, null, removed);
* Sets the callbacks for this service. These callbacks can be used as hooks whenever a
* dependency is added, changed or removed. They are called on the instance you provide. When you
* specify callbacks, the auto configuration feature is automatically turned off, because
* we're assuming you don't need it in this case.
* @param instance the instance to call the callbacks on
* @param added the method to call when a service was added
* @param changed the method to call when a service was changed
* @param removed the method to call when a service was removed
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setCallbacks(Object instance, String added, String changed, String removed) {
// if at least one valid callback is specified, we turn off auto configuration
if (added != null || removed != null || changed != null) {
m_callbackInstance = instance;
m_callbackAdded = added;
m_callbackChanged = changed;
m_callbackRemoved = removed;
return this;
private void ensureNotActive() {
if (m_registration != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify state while active.");
* Sets auto configuration for this service. Auto configuration allows the
* dependency to fill in any attributes in the service implementation that
* are of the same type as this dependency. Default is on.
* @param autoConfig the value of auto config
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setAutoConfig(boolean autoConfig) {
m_autoConfig = autoConfig;
return this;
* Sets auto configuration for this service. Auto configuration allows the
* dependency to fill in the attribute in the service implementation that
* has the same type and instance name.
* @param instanceName the name of attribute to auto config
* @return this service dependency
public synchronized ResourceDependency setAutoConfig(String instanceName) {
m_autoConfig = (instanceName != null);
m_autoConfigInstance = instanceName;
return this;
private synchronized Object[] getCallbackInstances(DependencyService ds) {
if (m_callbackInstance == null) {
return ds.getCompositionInstances();
else {
return new Object[] { m_callbackInstance };
public ResourceDependency setResource(URL resource) {
m_trackedResource = resource;
return this;
public synchronized ResourceDependency setRequired(boolean required) {
return this;
public ResourceDependency setFilter(String resourceFilter) {
m_resourceFilter = resourceFilter;
return this;
public synchronized boolean isAutoConfig() {
return m_autoConfig;
public URL getResource() {
return lookupResource();
private URL lookupResource() {
try {
return (URL) m_resources.get(0);
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return null;
public Object getAutoConfigInstance() {
return lookupResource();
public String getAutoConfigName() {
return m_autoConfigInstance;
public Class getAutoConfigType() {
return URL.class;
public void invokeAdded(DependencyService service) {
// we remember these for future reference, needed for required callbacks
m_resourceInstance = lookupResource();
invokeAdded(service, m_resourceInstance);
public void invokeRemoved(DependencyService service) {
invokeRemoved(service, m_resourceInstance);
m_resourceInstance = null;
public ResourceDependency setPropagate(boolean propagate) {
m_propagate = propagate;
return this;
public ResourceDependency setPropagate(Object instance, String method) {
setPropagate(instance != null && method != null);
m_propagateCallbackInstance = instance;
m_propagateCallbackMethod = method;
return this;
public Dictionary getProperties() {
URL resource = lookupResource();
if (resource != null) {
if (m_propagateCallbackInstance != null && m_propagateCallbackMethod != null) {
try {
return (Dictionary) InvocationUtil.invokeCallbackMethod(m_propagateCallbackInstance, m_propagateCallbackMethod, new Class[][] {{ URL.class }}, new Object[][] {{ resource }});
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
m_logger.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Exception while invoking callback method", e.getCause());
catch (Exception e) {
m_logger.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Exception while trying to invoke callback method", e);
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not invoke callback");
else {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(ResourceHandler.HOST, resource.getHost());
props.setProperty(ResourceHandler.PATH, resource.getPath());
props.setProperty(ResourceHandler.PROTOCOL, resource.getProtocol());
props.setProperty(ResourceHandler.PORT, Integer.toString(resource.getPort()));
return props;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot find resource");
public boolean isPropagated() {
return m_propagate;
public ResourceDependency setInstanceBound(boolean isInstanceBound) {
return this;
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (m_resourceFilter != null) {
if (m_trackedResource != null) {
return sb.toString();
public String getType() {
return "resource";