blob: f70b1470b23f7398f256f1b8d6e5eb033c2073e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.framework.searchpolicy;
import org.apache.felix.moduleloader.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.FelixResolver;
import org.apache.felix.framework.Logger;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.CompoundEnumeration;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.FelixConstants;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.SecureAction;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.SecurityManagerEx;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.Util;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.manifestparser.ManifestParser;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.manifestparser.R4Library;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class ModuleImpl implements IModule
private final Logger m_logger;
private final Map m_configMap;
private final FelixResolver m_resolver;
private final String m_id;
private final IContent m_content;
private final Map m_headerMap;
private final String m_manifestVersion;
private final Version m_version;
private final String m_symbolicName;
private final ICapability[] m_capabilities;
private final IRequirement[] m_requirements;
private final IRequirement[] m_dynamicRequirements;
private final R4Library[] m_nativeLibraries;
private Bundle m_bundle = null;
private IModule[] m_fragments = null;
private IWire[] m_wires = null;
private IModule[] m_dependentHosts = new IModule[0];
private IModule[] m_dependentImporters = new IModule[0];
private IModule[] m_dependentRequirers = new IModule[0];
private volatile boolean m_isResolved = false;
private IContent[] m_contentPath;
private IContent[] m_fragmentContents = null;
private IURLPolicy m_urlPolicy = null;
private ModuleClassLoader m_classLoader;
private ProtectionDomain m_protectionDomain = null;
private static SecureAction m_secureAction = new SecureAction();
// Boot delegation packages.
private final String[] m_bootPkgs;
private final boolean[] m_bootPkgWildcards;
// Re-usable security manager for accessing class context.
private static SecurityManagerEx m_sm = new SecurityManagerEx();
public ModuleImpl(Logger logger, Map configMap, FelixResolver resolver,
String id, Map headerMap, IContent content) throws BundleException
m_logger = logger;
m_configMap = configMap;
m_resolver = resolver;
m_id = id;
m_headerMap = headerMap;
m_content = content;
// We need to special case the system bundle module, which does not
// have a content.
if (m_content != null)
ManifestParser mp = new ManifestParser(m_logger, m_configMap, m_headerMap);
// Record some of the parsed metadata. Note, if this is an extension
// bundle it's exports are removed, since they will be added to the
// system bundle directly later on.
m_manifestVersion = mp.getManifestVersion();
m_version = mp.getBundleVersion();
m_capabilities = (Util.isExtensionBundle(m_headerMap))
? null : mp.getCapabilities();
m_requirements = mp.getRequirements();
m_dynamicRequirements = mp.getDynamicRequirements();
m_nativeLibraries = mp.getLibraries();
// Get symbolic name.
String symName = null;
for (int capIdx = 0;
(m_capabilities != null) && (capIdx < m_capabilities.length);
if (m_capabilities[capIdx].getNamespace().equals(ICapability.MODULE_NAMESPACE))
symName = (String) m_capabilities[capIdx].getProperties().get(
m_symbolicName = symName;
// Verify that all native libraries exist in advance; this will
// throw an exception if the native library does not exist.
for (int i = 0;
(m_nativeLibraries != null) && (i < m_nativeLibraries.length);
String entryName = m_nativeLibraries[i].getEntryName();
if (entryName != null)
if (m_content.getEntryAsNativeLibrary(entryName) == null)
throw new BundleException("Native library does not exist: " + entryName);
// We close the module content here to make sure it is closed
// to avoid having to close it if there is an exception during
// the entire module creation process.
// TODO: REFACTOR - If we do the above check here, then we open the module's content
// immediately every time, which means we must close it here so we don't have
// to remember to close it if there are other failures during module init.
m_manifestVersion = null;
m_version = null;
m_capabilities = null;
m_requirements = null;
m_dynamicRequirements = null;
m_nativeLibraries = null;
m_symbolicName = null;
// Read the boot delegation property and parse it.
// TODO: REFACTOR - This used to be per framework, now it is per module
// which doesn't really make sense. Maybe pass in the arrays.
String s = (m_configMap == null)
? null
: (String) m_configMap.get(Constants.FRAMEWORK_BOOTDELEGATION);
s = (s == null) ? "java.*" : s + ",java.*";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " ,");
m_bootPkgs = new String[st.countTokens()];
m_bootPkgWildcards = new boolean[m_bootPkgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
s = st.nextToken();
if (s.endsWith("*"))
m_bootPkgWildcards[i] = true;
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
m_bootPkgs[i] = s;
Logger getLogger()
return m_logger;
FelixResolver getResolver()
return m_resolver;
public synchronized Bundle getBundle()
return m_bundle;
public synchronized void setBundle(Bundle bundle)
if (m_bundle == null)
m_bundle = bundle;
public String getId()
return m_id;
public String getManifestVersion()
return m_manifestVersion;
public Version getVersion()
return m_version;
public String getSymbolicName()
return m_symbolicName;
public Map getHeaders()
return m_headerMap;
public ICapability[] getCapabilities()
return m_capabilities;
public IRequirement[] getRequirements()
return m_requirements;
public IRequirement[] getDynamicRequirements()
return m_dynamicRequirements;
public R4Library[] getNativeLibraries()
return m_nativeLibraries;
public synchronized IModule[] getFragments()
return m_fragments;
public synchronized void attachFragments(IModule[] fragments) throws Exception
// Remove module from old fragment dependencies.
// We will generally only remove module fragment
// dependencies when we are uninstalling the module.
for (int i = 0; (m_fragments != null) && (i < m_fragments.length); i++)
((ModuleImpl) m_fragments[i]).removeDependentHost(this);
// Update the dependencies on the new fragments.
m_fragments = fragments;
// We need to add ourself as a dependent of each fragment
// module. We also need to create an array of fragment contents
// to attach to our content loader.
if (m_fragments != null)
IContent[] fragmentContents = new IContent[m_fragments.length];
for (int i = 0; (m_fragments != null) && (i < m_fragments.length); i++)
((ModuleImpl) m_fragments[i]).addDependentHost(this);
fragmentContents[i] =
// Now attach the fragment contents to our content loader.
private void attachFragmentContents(IContent[] fragmentContents)
throws Exception
// Close existing fragment contents.
if (m_fragmentContents != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_fragmentContents.length; i++)
m_fragmentContents = fragmentContents;
if (m_contentPath != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_contentPath.length; i++)
m_contentPath = initializeContentPath();
public synchronized IWire[] getWires()
return m_wires;
public synchronized void setWires(IWire[] wires)
// Remove module from old wire modules' dependencies,
// since we are no longer dependent on any the moduels
// from the old wires.
for (int i = 0; (m_wires != null) && (i < m_wires.length); i++)
if (m_wires[i].getCapability().getNamespace().equals(ICapability.MODULE_NAMESPACE))
((ModuleImpl) m_wires[i].getExporter()).removeDependentRequirer(this);
else if (m_wires[i].getCapability().getNamespace().equals(ICapability.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
((ModuleImpl) m_wires[i].getExporter()).removeDependentImporter(this);
m_wires = wires;
// Add ourself as a dependent to the new wires' modules.
for (int i = 0; (m_wires != null) && (i < m_wires.length); i++)
if (m_wires[i].getCapability().getNamespace().equals(ICapability.MODULE_NAMESPACE))
((ModuleImpl) m_wires[i].getExporter()).addDependentRequirer(this);
else if (m_wires[i].getCapability().getNamespace().equals(ICapability.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
((ModuleImpl) m_wires[i].getExporter()).addDependentImporter(this);
public synchronized IModule[] getDependentHosts()
return m_dependentHosts;
public synchronized void addDependentHost(IModule module)
m_dependentHosts = addDependent(m_dependentHosts, module);
public synchronized void removeDependentHost(IModule module)
m_dependentHosts = removeDependent(m_dependentHosts, module);
public synchronized IModule[] getDependentImporters()
return m_dependentImporters;
public synchronized void addDependentImporter(IModule module)
m_dependentImporters = addDependent(m_dependentImporters, module);
public synchronized void removeDependentImporter(IModule module)
m_dependentImporters = removeDependent(m_dependentImporters, module);
public synchronized IModule[] getDependentRequirers()
return m_dependentRequirers;
public synchronized void addDependentRequirer(IModule module)
m_dependentRequirers = addDependent(m_dependentRequirers, module);
public synchronized void removeDependentRequirer(IModule module)
m_dependentRequirers = removeDependent(m_dependentRequirers, module);
public synchronized IModule[] getDependents()
IModule[] dependents = new IModule[
m_dependentHosts.length + m_dependentImporters.length + m_dependentRequirers.length];
m_dependentHosts.length + m_dependentImporters.length,
return dependents;
public Class getClassByDelegation(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
return getClassLoader().loadClass(name);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
// TODO: REFACTOR - Should this log?
throw ex;
public URL getResourceByDelegation(String name)
return getClassLoader().getResource(name);
public Enumeration getResourcesByDelegation(String name)
Enumeration urls = null;
List enums = new ArrayList();
// First, try to resolve the originating module.
// TODO: FRAMEWORK - Consider opimizing this call to resolve, since it is called
// for each class load.
catch (ResolveException ex)
// The spec states that if the bundle cannot be resolved, then
// only the local bundle's resources should be searched. So we
// will ask the module's own class path.
urls = getResourcesFromModule(name);
return urls;
// Get the package of the target class/resource.
String pkgName = Util.getResourcePackage(name);
// Delegate any packages listed in the boot delegation
// property to the parent class loader.
// NOTE for the default package:
// Only consider delegation if we have a package name, since
// we don't want to promote the default package. The spec does
// not take a stand on this issue.
if (pkgName.length() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
// A wildcarded boot delegation package will be in the form of
// "foo.", so if the package is wildcarded do a startsWith() or a
// regionMatches() to ignore the trailing "." to determine if the
// request should be delegated to the parent class loader. If the
// package is not wildcarded, then simply do an equals() test to
// see if the request should be delegated to the parent class loader.
if ((m_bootPkgWildcards[i] &&
(pkgName.startsWith(m_bootPkgs[i]) ||
m_bootPkgs[i].regionMatches(0, pkgName, 0, pkgName.length())))
|| (!m_bootPkgWildcards[i] && m_bootPkgs[i].equals(pkgName)))
urls = getClass().getClassLoader().getResources(name);
catch (IOException ex)
// This shouldn't happen and even if it does, there
// is nothing we can do, so just ignore it.
// If this is a java.* package, then always terminate the
// search; otherwise, continue to look locally.
if (m_bootPkgs[i].startsWith("java."))
return urls;
// Look in the module's imports.
// We delegate to the module's wires for the resources.
// If any resources are found, this means that the package of these
// resources is imported, we must not keep looking since we do not
// support split-packages.
// Note that the search may be aborted if this method throws an
// exception, otherwise it continues if a null is returned.
IWire[] wires = getWires();
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
if (wires[i] instanceof R4Wire)
// If we find the class or resource, then return it.
urls = wires[i].getResources(name);
catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex)
urls = null;
if (urls != null)
return new CompoundEnumeration((Enumeration[])
enums.toArray(new Enumeration[enums.size()]));
// See whether we can get the resource from the required bundles and
// regardless of whether or not this is the case continue to the next
// step potentially passing on the result of this search (if any).
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
if (wires[i] instanceof R4WireModule)
// If we find the class or resource, then add it.
urls = wires[i].getResources(name);
catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex)
urls = null;
if (urls != null)
// Try the module's own class path. If we can find the resource then
// return it together with the results from the other searches else
// try to look into the dynamic imports.
urls = getResourcesFromModule(name);
if (urls != null)
// If not found, then try the module's dynamic imports.
// At this point, the module's imports were searched and so was the
// the module's content. Now we make an attempt to load the
// class/resource via a dynamic import, if possible.
IWire wire = null;
wire = m_resolver.resolveDynamicImport(this, pkgName);
catch (ResolveException ex)
// Ignore this since it is likely normal.
if (wire != null)
urls = wire.getResources(name);
catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex)
urls = null;
if (urls != null)
return new CompoundEnumeration((Enumeration[])
enums.toArray(new Enumeration[enums.size()]));
public boolean isResolved()
return m_isResolved;
public void setResolved()
m_isResolved = true;
public String toString()
return m_id;
private static IModule[] addDependent(IModule[] modules, IModule module)
// Make sure the dependent module is not already present.
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
if (modules[i].equals(module))
return modules;
IModule[] tmp = new IModule[modules.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(modules, 0, tmp, 0, modules.length);
tmp[modules.length] = module;
return tmp;
private static IModule[] removeDependent(IModule[] modules, IModule module)
IModule[] tmp = modules;
// Make sure the dependent module is present.
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
if (modules[i].equals(module))
// If this is the module, then point to empty list.
if ((modules.length - 1) == 0)
tmp = new IModule[0];
// Otherwise, we need to do some array copying.
tmp = new IModule[modules.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(modules, 0, tmp, 0, i);
if (i < tmp.length)
System.arraycopy(modules, i + 1, tmp, i, tmp.length - i);
return tmp;
public synchronized void close()
for (int i = 0; (m_contentPath != null) && (i < m_contentPath.length); i++)
for (int i = 0; (m_fragmentContents != null) && (i < m_fragmentContents.length); i++)
m_classLoader = null;
public IContent getContent()
return m_content;
synchronized IContent[] getClassPath()
if (m_contentPath == null)
m_contentPath = initializeContentPath();
catch (Exception ex)
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get module class path.", ex);
return m_contentPath;
public synchronized void setURLPolicy(IURLPolicy urlPolicy)
m_urlPolicy = urlPolicy;
public synchronized IURLPolicy getURLPolicy()
return m_urlPolicy;
public synchronized void setSecurityContext(Object securityContext)
m_protectionDomain = (ProtectionDomain) securityContext;
public synchronized Object getSecurityContext()
return m_protectionDomain;
public Class getClassFromModule(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
return getClassLoader().findClass(name);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
throw ex;
public URL getResourceFromModule(String name)
URL url = null;
// Remove leading slash, if present, but special case
// "/" so that it returns a root URL...this isn't very
// clean or meaninful, but the Spring guys want it.
if (name.equals("/"))
// Just pick a class path index since it doesn't really matter.
url = getURLPolicy().createURL(1, name);
else if (name.startsWith("/"))
name = name.substring(1);
// Check the module class path.
IContent[] contentPath = getClassPath();
for (int i = 0;
(url == null) &&
(i < contentPath.length); i++)
if (contentPath[i].hasEntry(name))
url = getURLPolicy().createURL(i + 1, name);
return url;
public Enumeration getResourcesFromModule(String name)
Vector v = new Vector();
// Special case "/" so that it returns a root URLs for
// each bundle class path entry...this isn't very
// clean or meaningful, but the Spring guys want it.
if (name.equals("/"))
for (int i = 0; i < getClassPath().length; i++)
v.addElement(getURLPolicy().createURL(i + 1, name));
// Remove leading slash, if present.
if (name.startsWith("/"))
name = name.substring(1);
// Check the module class path.
IContent[] contentPath = getClassPath();
for (int i = 0; i < contentPath.length; i++)
if (contentPath[i].hasEntry(name))
// Use the class path index + 1 for creating the path so
// that we can differentiate between module content URLs
// (where the path will start with 0) and module class
// path URLs.
v.addElement(getURLPolicy().createURL(i + 1, name));
return v.elements();
// TODO: API: Investigate how to handle this better, perhaps we need
// multiple URL policies, one for content -- one for class path.
public URL getResourceFromContent(String name)
URL url = null;
// Check for the special case of "/", which represents
// the root of the bundle according to the spec.
if (name.equals("/"))
url = getURLPolicy().createURL(0, "/");
if (url == null)
// Remove leading slash, if present.
if (name.startsWith("/"))
name = name.substring(1);
// Check the module content.
if (getContent().hasEntry(name))
// Module content URLs start with 0, whereas module
// class path URLs start with the index into the class
// path + 1.
url = getURLPolicy().createURL(0, name);
return url;
public boolean hasInputStream(int index, String urlPath)
if (urlPath.startsWith("/"))
urlPath = urlPath.substring(1);
if (index == 0)
return m_content.hasEntry(urlPath);
return getClassPath()[index - 1].hasEntry(urlPath);
public InputStream getInputStream(int index, String urlPath)
throws IOException
if (urlPath.startsWith("/"))
urlPath = urlPath.substring(1);
if (index == 0)
return m_content.getEntryAsStream(urlPath);
return getClassPath()[index - 1].getEntryAsStream(urlPath);
private synchronized ModuleClassLoader getClassLoader()
if (m_classLoader == null)
m_classLoader = m_secureAction.createModuleClassLoader(
this, m_protectionDomain);
return m_classLoader;
private IContent[] initializeContentPath() throws Exception
List contentList = new ArrayList();
calculateContentPath(m_content, contentList, true);
for (int i = 0; (m_fragmentContents != null) && (i < m_fragmentContents.length); i++)
calculateContentPath(m_fragmentContents[i], contentList, false);
return (IContent[]) contentList.toArray(new IContent[contentList.size()]);
private List calculateContentPath(IContent content, List contentList, boolean searchFragments)
throws Exception
// Creating the content path entails examining the bundle's
// class path to determine whether the bundle JAR file itself
// is on the bundle's class path and then creating content
// objects for everything on the class path.
// Create a list to contain the content path for the specified content.
List localContentList = new ArrayList();
// Find class path meta-data.
String classPath = (String) m_headerMap.get(FelixConstants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH);
// Parse the class path into strings.
String[] classPathStrings = ManifestParser.parseDelimitedString(
classPath, FelixConstants.CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR);
if (classPathStrings == null)
classPathStrings = new String[0];
// Create the bundles class path.
for (int i = 0; i < classPathStrings.length; i++)
// Remove any leading slash, since all bundle class path
// entries are relative to the root of the bundle.
classPathStrings[i] = (classPathStrings[i].startsWith("/"))
? classPathStrings[i].substring(1)
: classPathStrings[i];
// Check for the bundle itself on the class path.
if (classPathStrings[i].equals(FelixConstants.CLASS_PATH_DOT))
// Try to find the embedded class path entry in the current
// content.
IContent embeddedContent = content.getEntryAsContent(classPathStrings[i]);
// If the embedded class path entry was not found, it might be
// in one of the fragments if the current content is the bundle,
// so try to search the fragments if necessary.
for (int fragIdx = 0;
searchFragments && (embeddedContent == null)
&& (m_fragmentContents != null) && (fragIdx < m_fragmentContents.length);
embeddedContent = m_fragmentContents[fragIdx].getEntryAsContent(classPathStrings[i]);
// If we found the embedded content, then add it to the
// class path content list.
if (embeddedContent != null)
// TODO: FRAMEWORK - Per the spec, this should fire a FrameworkEvent.INFO event;
// need to create an "Eventer" class like "Logger" perhaps.
"Class path entry not found: "
+ classPathStrings[i]);
// If there is nothing on the class path, then include
// "." by default, as per the spec.
if (localContentList.size() == 0)
// Now add the local contents to the global content list and return it.
return contentList;
// From ModuleClassLoader
Object findClassOrResourceByDelegation(String name, boolean isClass)
throws ClassNotFoundException, ResourceNotFoundException
// First, try to resolve the originating module.
// TODO: FRAMEWORK - Consider opimizing this call to resolve, since it is called
// for each class load.
catch (ResolveException ex)
if (isClass)
// We do not use the resolve exception as the
// cause of the exception, since this would
// potentially leak internal module information.
throw new ClassNotFoundException(
name + ": cannot resolve package "
+ ex.getRequirement());
// The spec states that if the bundle cannot be resolved, then
// only the local bundle's resources should be searched. So we
// will ask the module's own class path.
URL url = getResourceFromModule(name);
if (url != null)
return url;
// We need to throw a resource not found exception.
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
name + ": cannot resolve package "
+ ex.getRequirement());
// Get the package of the target class/resource.
String pkgName = (isClass)
? Util.getClassPackage(name)
: Util.getResourcePackage(name);
// Delegate any packages listed in the boot delegation
// property to the parent class loader.
Object result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
// A wildcarded boot delegation package will be in the form of "foo.",
// so if the package is wildcarded do a startsWith() or a regionMatches()
// to ignore the trailing "." to determine if the request should be
// delegated to the parent class loader. If the package is not wildcarded,
// then simply do an equals() test to see if the request should be
// delegated to the parent class loader.
if (pkgName.length() > 0)
// Only consider delegation if we have a package name, since
// we don't want to promote the default package. The spec does
// not take a stand on this issue.
if ((m_bootPkgWildcards[i] &&
(pkgName.startsWith(m_bootPkgs[i]) ||
m_bootPkgs[i].regionMatches(0, pkgName, 0, pkgName.length())))
|| (!m_bootPkgWildcards[i] && m_bootPkgs[i].equals(pkgName)))
result = (isClass)
? (Object) getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(name)
: (Object) getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(name);
// If this is a java.* package, then always terminate the
// search; otherwise, continue to look locally if not found.
if (m_bootPkgs[i].startsWith("java.") || (result != null))
return result;
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
// If this is a java.* package, then always terminate the
// search; otherwise, continue to look locally if not found.
if (m_bootPkgs[i].startsWith("java."))
throw ex;
// Look in the module's imports. Note that the search may
// be aborted if this method throws an exception, otherwise
// it continues if a null is returned.
result = searchImports(name, isClass);
// If not found, try the module's own class path.
if (result == null)
result = (isClass)
? (Object) getClassFromModule(name)
: (Object) getResourceFromModule(name);
// If still not found, then try the module's dynamic imports.
if (result == null)
result = searchDynamicImports(name, pkgName, isClass);
if (result == null)
if (isClass)
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(name);
return result;
private Object searchImports(String name, boolean isClass)
throws ClassNotFoundException, ResourceNotFoundException
// We delegate to the module's wires to find the class or resource.
IWire[] wires = getWires();
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
// If we find the class or resource, then return it.
Object result = (isClass)
? (Object) wires[i].getClass(name)
: (Object) wires[i].getResource(name);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;
private Object searchDynamicImports(
String name, String pkgName, boolean isClass)
throws ClassNotFoundException, ResourceNotFoundException
// At this point, the module's imports were searched and so was the
// the module's content. Now we make an attempt to load the
// class/resource via a dynamic import, if possible.
IWire wire = null;
wire = m_resolver.resolveDynamicImport(this, pkgName);
catch (ResolveException ex)
// Ignore this since it is likely normal.
// If the dynamic import was successful, then this initial
// time we must directly return the result from dynamically
// created wire, but subsequent requests for classes/resources
// in the associated package will be processed as part of
// normal static imports.
if (wire != null)
// Return the class or resource.
return (isClass)
? (Object) wire.getClass(name)
: (Object) wire.getResource(name);
// At this point, the class/resource could not be found by the bundle's
// static or dynamic imports, nor its own content. Before we throw
// an exception, we will try to determine if the instigator of the
// class/resource load was a class from a bundle or not. This is necessary
// because the specification mandates that classes on the class path
// should be hidden (except for java.*), but it does allow for these
// classes/resources to be exposed by the system bundle as an export.
// However, in some situations classes on the class path make the faulty
// assumption that they can access everything on the class path from
// every other class loader that they come in contact with. This is
// not true if the class loader in question is from a bundle. Thus,
// this code tries to detect that situation. If the class
// instigating the load request was NOT from a bundle, then we will
// make the assumption that the caller actually wanted to use the
// parent class loader and we will delegate to it. If the class was
// from a bundle, then we will enforce strict class loading rules
// for the bundle and throw an exception.
// Get the class context to see the classes on the stack.
Class[] classes = m_sm.getClassContext();
// Start from 1 to skip security manager class.
for (int i = 1; i < classes.length; i++)
// Find the first class on the call stack that is not from
// the class loader that loaded the Felix classes or is not
// a class loader or class itself, because we want to ignore
// calls to ClassLoader.loadClass() and Class.forName() since
// we are trying to find out who instigated the class load.
// Also since Felix uses threads for changing the start level
// and refreshing packages, it is possible that there is no
// module classes on the call stack; therefore, as soon as we
// see Thread on the call stack we exit this loop. Other cases
// where modules actually use threads are not an issue because
// the module classes will be on the call stack before the
// Thread class.
// TODO: FRAMEWORK - This check is a hack and we should see if we can think
// of another way to do it, since it won't necessarily work in all situations.
if (Thread.class.equals(classes[i]))
else if ((this.getClass().getClassLoader() != classes[i].getClassLoader())
&& !ClassLoader.class.isAssignableFrom(classes[i])
&& !Class.class.equals(classes[i])
&& !Proxy.class.equals(classes[i]))
// If there are no bundles providing exports for this
// package and if the instigating class was not from a
// bundle, then delegate to the parent class loader.
// Otherwise, break out of loop and return null.
boolean delegate = true;
for (ClassLoader cl = classes[i].getClassLoader(); cl != null; cl = cl.getClass().getClassLoader())
if (ModuleClassLoader.class.isInstance(cl))
delegate = false;
// If delegate is true then there are no bundles
// providing exports for this package and the instigating
// class was not from a bundle. Therefore,
// delegate to the parent class loader in case
// that this is not due to outside code calling a method
// on the bundle interface (e.g., Bundle.loadClass()).
if (delegate && !Bundle.class.isInstance(classes[i - 1]))
// Return the class or resource from the parent class loader.
return (isClass)
? (Object) this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(name)
: (Object) this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(name);
catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex)
// Ignore, will return null
return null;