blob: eb6b0b776b2b757ab727de4ce7905fa0fb6fb681 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.osgi.framework.cache;
import org.apache.osgi.framework.LogWrapper;
import org.apache.osgi.framework.util.PropertyResolver;
* <p>
* This class, combined with <tt>DefaultBundleArchive</tt>, implements the
* default file system-based bundle cache for Felix. It is possible to
* configure the default behavior of this class by passing properties into
* Felix constructor. The configuration properties for this class are:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li><tt>felix.cache.bufsize</tt> - Sets the buffer size to be used by
* the cache; the default value is 4096. The integer
* value of this string provides control over the size of the
* internal buffer of the disk cache for performance reasons.
* </li>
* <li><tt>felix.cache.dir</tt> - Sets the directory to be used by the
* cache as its cache directory. The cache directory is where all
* profile directories are stored and a profile directory is where a
* set of installed bundles are stored. By default, the cache
* directory is <tt>.felix</tt> in the user's home directory. If
* this property is specified, then its value will be used as the cache
* directory instead of <tt>.felix</tt>. This directory will be created
* if it does not exist.
* </li>
* <li><tt>felix.cache.profile</tt> - Sets the profile name that will be
* used to create a profile directory inside of the cache directory.
* The created directory will contained all installed bundles associated
* with the profile.
* </li>
* <li><tt>felix.cache.profiledir</tt> - Sets the directory to use as the
* profile directory for the bundle cache; by default the profile
* name is used to create a directory in the <tt>.felix</tt> cache
* directory. If this property is specified, then the cache directory
* and profile name properties are ignored. The specified value of this
* property is used directly as the directory to contain all cached
* bundles. If this property is set, it is not necessary to set the
* cache directory or profile name properties. This directory will be
* created if it does not exist.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* For specific information on how to configure Felix using system properties,
* refer to the Felix usage documentation.
* </p>
* @see org.apache.osgi.framework.util.DefaultBundleArchive
public class DefaultBundleCache implements BundleCache
public static final String CACHE_BUFSIZE_PROP = "felix.cache.bufsize";
public static final String CACHE_DIR_PROP = "felix.cache.dir";
public static final String CACHE_PROFILE_DIR_PROP = "felix.cache.profiledir";
public static final String CACHE_PROFILE_PROP = "felix.cache.profile";
protected static transient int BUFSIZE = 4096;
protected static transient final String CACHE_DIR_NAME = ".felix";
protected static transient final String BUNDLE_DIR_PREFIX = "bundle";
private PropertyResolver m_cfg = null;
private LogWrapper m_logger = null;
private File m_profileDir = null;
private BundleArchive[] m_archives = null;
public DefaultBundleCache()
public void initialize(PropertyResolver cfg, LogWrapper logger) throws Exception
// Save Properties reference.
m_cfg = cfg;
// Save LogService reference.
m_logger = logger;
// Get buffer size value.
String sBufSize = m_cfg.get(CACHE_BUFSIZE_PROP);
if (sBufSize != null)
BUFSIZE = Integer.parseInt(sBufSize);
catch (NumberFormatException ne)
// Use the default value.
// See if the profile directory is specified.
String profileDirStr = m_cfg.get(CACHE_PROFILE_DIR_PROP);
if (profileDirStr != null)
m_profileDir = new File(profileDirStr);
// Since no profile directory was specified, then the profile
// directory will be a directory in the cache directory named
// after the profile.
// First, determine the location of the cache directory; it
// can either be specified or in the default location.
String cacheDirStr = m_cfg.get(CACHE_DIR_PROP);
if (cacheDirStr == null)
// Since no cache directory was specified, put it
// ".felix" in the user's home by default.
cacheDirStr = System.getProperty("user.home");
cacheDirStr = cacheDirStr.endsWith(File.separator)
? cacheDirStr : cacheDirStr + File.separator;
cacheDirStr = cacheDirStr + CACHE_DIR_NAME;
// Now, get the profile name.
String profileName = m_cfg.get(CACHE_PROFILE_PROP);
if (profileName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No profile name or directory has been specified.");
// Profile name cannot contain the File.separator char.
else if (profileName.indexOf(File.separator) >= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The profile name cannot contain the file separator character.");
m_profileDir = new File(cacheDirStr, profileName);
// Create profile directory.
if (!m_profileDir.exists())
if (!m_profileDir.mkdirs())
"Unable to create directory: " + m_profileDir);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create profile directory.");
// Create the existing bundle archives in the profile directory,
// if any exist.
File[] children = m_profileDir.listFiles();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; (children != null) && (i < children.length); i++)
// Count the legitimate bundle directories.
if (children[i].getName().startsWith(BUNDLE_DIR_PREFIX))
m_archives = new BundleArchive[count];
count = 0;
for (int i = 0; (children != null) && (i < children.length); i++)
// Ignore directories that aren't bundle directories.
if (children[i].getName().startsWith(BUNDLE_DIR_PREFIX))
String id = children[i].getName().substring(BUNDLE_DIR_PREFIX.length());
m_archives[count] = new DefaultBundleArchive(
m_logger, children[i], Long.parseLong(id));
public BundleArchive[] getArchives()
throws Exception
return m_archives;
public BundleArchive getArchive(long id)
throws Exception
for (int i = 0; i < m_archives.length; i++)
if (m_archives[i].getId() == id)
return m_archives[i];
return null;
public BundleArchive create(long id, String location, InputStream is)
throws Exception
// Define new bundle's directory.
File bundleDir = new File(m_profileDir, "bundle" + id);
// Buffer the input stream.
is = new BufferedInputStream(is, DefaultBundleCache.BUFSIZE);
// Create an archive instance for the new bundle.
BundleArchive ba = new DefaultBundleArchive(
m_logger, bundleDir, id, location, is);
// Add the archive instance to the list of bundle archives.
BundleArchive[] bas = new BundleArchive[m_archives.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_archives, 0, bas, 0, m_archives.length);
bas[m_archives.length] = ba;
m_archives = bas;
return ba;
if (is != null) is.close();
public void update(BundleArchive ba, InputStream is)
throws Exception
// Buffer the input stream.
is = new BufferedInputStream(is, DefaultBundleCache.BUFSIZE);
// Do the update.
((DefaultBundleArchive) ba).update(is);
if (is != null) is.close();
public void purge(BundleArchive ba)
throws Exception
((DefaultBundleArchive) ba).purge();
public void remove(BundleArchive ba)
throws Exception
((DefaultBundleArchive) ba).remove();