blob: 5a029c0f5c1f4aa127ea83d3fb99f205b6f00d34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.osgi.framework;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.*;
class PackageAdminImpl implements PackageAdmin, Runnable
private Felix m_felix = null;
private Bundle[][] m_reqBundles = null;
public PackageAdminImpl(Felix felix)
m_felix = felix;
// Start a thread to perform asynchronous package refreshes.
Thread t = new Thread(this, "FelixPackageAdmin");
* Returns the exported package associated with the specified
* package name.
* @param name the name of the exported package to find.
* @return the exported package or null if no matching package was found.
public ExportedPackage getExportedPackage(String name)
return m_felix.getExportedPackage(name);
* Returns the packages exported by the specified bundle.
* @param bundle the bundle whose exported packages are to be returned.
* @return an array of packages exported by the bundle or null if the
* bundle does not export any packages.
public ExportedPackage[] getExportedPackages(Bundle b)
return m_felix.getExportedPackages(b);
* The OSGi specification states that refreshing packages is
* asynchronous; this method simply notifies the package admin
* thread to do a refresh.
* @param bundles array of bundles to refresh or <tt>null</tt> to refresh
* any bundles in need of refreshing.
public synchronized void refreshPackages(Bundle[] bundles)
throws SecurityException
// Save our request parameters and notify all.
if (m_reqBundles == null)
m_reqBundles = new Bundle[][] { bundles };
Bundle[][] newReqBundles = new Bundle[m_reqBundles.length + 1][];
System.arraycopy(m_reqBundles, 0,
newReqBundles, 0, m_reqBundles.length);
newReqBundles[m_reqBundles.length] = bundles;
m_reqBundles = newReqBundles;
* The OSGi specification states that package refreshes happen
* asynchronously; this is the run() method for the package
* refreshing thread.
public void run()
// This thread loops forever, thus it should
// be a daemon thread.
Bundle[] bundles = null;
while (true)
synchronized (this)
// Wait for a refresh request.
while (m_reqBundles == null)
catch (InterruptedException ex)
// Get the bundles parameter for the current
// refresh request.
if (m_reqBundles != null)
bundles = m_reqBundles[0];
// Perform refresh.
// Remove the first request since it is now completed.
synchronized (this)
if (m_reqBundles.length == 1)
m_reqBundles = null;
Bundle[][] newReqBundles = new Bundle[m_reqBundles.length - 1][];
System.arraycopy(m_reqBundles, 1,
newReqBundles, 0, m_reqBundles.length - 1);
m_reqBundles = newReqBundles;
public ExportedPackage[] getExportedPackages(String name)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getExportedPackages()
return null;
public boolean resolveBundles(Bundle[] bundles)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.resolveBundles()
return false;
public RequiredBundle[] getRequiredBundles(String symbolicName)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getRequiredBundles()
return null;
public Bundle[] getBundles(String symbolicName, String versionRange)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getBundles()
return null;
public Bundle[] getFragments(Bundle bundle)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getFragments()
return null;
public Bundle[] getHosts(Bundle bundle)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getHosts()
return null;
public Bundle getBundle(Class clazz)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getBundle()
return null;
public int getBundleType(Bundle bundle)
// TODO: Implement PackageAdmin.getBundleType()
return 0;