blob: c59b54a44eaa2e78bb560deea0394b5bba64c99d [file] [log] [blame]
Project Oscar
Unlike .NET, which requires that applications are packaged as assemblies
with explicit dependencies among them, the Java platform does not offer
sufficient support for modularity. This lack of support complicates not
only Java application development, but also subsequent deployment and
administration. Many of the complications result from the fact that
every project that requires some form of modularity ends up inventing
their own ClassLoader-based approach for solving their needs. This
phenomenon is evident in application servers, integrated development
environments, and any component- or plugin-oriented systems. The OSGi
framework defined by the OSGi Alliance has a long history of addressing
these types of issues and the imminent release of version R4 of the OSGi
specification is set to move the OSGi framework even further along
this path.
The recent adoption of OSGi technology as the modularity layer of the
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) underscores the inroads that OSGi
technology has made. Further, the announcement of JSR 277 verifies that
demand for modularity in Java has reached a critical point.
This project can serve the greater Java open source community by
providing immediate modularity support for Java applications today
through the OSGi framework, creating a unifying community around open
source OSGi technology, and tracking and participating in the progression
of JSR 277.
We propose the creation of a new Apache project, Oscar, that will achieve
the following goals :
1) create a compliant, independent implementation of the OSGi R4 core
framework with framework-dependent services under the Apache License,
Version 2.0.
2) unify resources from the OSGi community to implement, document, maintain,
and support standard OSGi R4 services.
3) provide a focal point for the OSGi community to develop interfaces, APIs,
and other common needs not fully specified by the OSGi R4 specification,
such as store interfaces, aspects of the runtime container's packaging
and configuration, and the design and behavior of bundle repositories.
4) provide a focal point for the open-source OSGi community to develop next
generation enhancements to the core framework and act as a conduit for
the open-source community to the OSGi Alliance.
5) evangelize the OSGi Service Platform within Apache and provide documentation
and support for successful container migrations.
Starting Participants
We propose that the following people are considered the starting participants.
We hope to start with a diverse cross-section of the community and preserve
this as we grow. The information in parenthesis indicates other community
participation or relevant experiences of that individual.
These individuals have expressed an interest in participating in the
architecture and design work and in participating as committers for the
Apache-licensed implementation :
Richard Hall (OSGi Alliance (Invited Researcher) and Founder of the Oscar project)
Alex Karasulu (Apache)
Enrique Rodriguez (Apache)
Trustin Lee (Apache)
These individuals will participate as Incubator Mentors :
Alex Karasulu (Apache)
The following Apache Members will be the sponsoring members :
Alex Karasulu (Apache)
Noel Bergman (Apache)
Carsten Ziegeler (Apache)
Berin Loritsch (Apache)
Sylvain Wallez (Apache)
Bertrand Delacretaz (Apache)
Upayavira (Apache)
Brett Porter (Apache)
The following community members support this effort :
Daniel Fagerstrom (Apache)
Niclas Hedhman (Apache)
Reinhard Poetz (Apache)
Stefano Mazzocchi (Apache)
Andreas Oberhack (Apache)
Timothy Bennett (Apache and Metro Government of Nashville/Davidson County)
Peter Kriens (OSGi Alliance (Director of Technology) and Managing Director, aQute)
Humberto Cervantes (Service Binder author and Professor/Researcher, UAM Iztapalapa)
Marcel Offermans (+2 others, Luminis)
Rob Walker (Ascert)
Gerald Friedland (Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, E-Chalk Project)
Juan Alonso (Independent)
Stéphane Frénot (Associate Professor, INSA-Lyon/INRIA)
Frédéric Le Mouël (Associate Professor, INSA-Lyon/INRIA)
Emil Ivov (PhD Candidate, Louis Pasteur University, Strasboug, France)
Tom Enderes (CTO, Gatewide LLC)
Eric Swindell (Software Craftsman, Caribbean Blue)
Jesus Bermejo (Independent)
David Ence (Lockheed Martin)
Ed Anuff (DriveFire)
Rick Litton (Kyocera)
Peter Neubauer (OPS4J)
Francesco Furfari (Domoware, Domotics Lab, ISTI-CNR)
Stefano Lenzi (Domoware, Domotics Lab, ISTI-CNR)
Matteo Demuru (Domoware, Domotics Lab, ISTI-CNR)
Karl Pauls (Raccoon/Eureka/Sopa, Researcher (DFG), Fu-Berlin)
Heejune Ahn (Independent)
Yalcin Akdogan (Zeroadmin Software)
Juan C. Dueñas (ITEA/Eureka researcher and Associate Professor, DIT-UPM)
José L. Ruiz (PhD Candidate, DIT-UPM)
Manuel Santillan (PhD Candidate, DIT-UPM)
David Leangen (Bioscene Informatics, Japan)
Miles Sabin (Technical Director, Codefarm Software Ltd.)
Roger Ni (ASPire Technologies)
Mikael Desertot (University of Grenoble)
Clement Escoffier (University of Grenoble)
Didier Donsez (University of Grenoble)
Stéphane Chomat (University of Grenoble)
Cristina Marin (University of Grenoble)
Antonin Chazalet (University of Grenoble)
Operating Considerations
We have established a list for discussions. Unless your comment is directed
to the general Incubator community or the Incubator PMC, please post
everything to :
You can subscribe by sending an email to
Until this proposal has been accepted by the Apache Incubator PMC, these lists
are provisional.
Alex Karasulu +1-904-982-6992