blob: 1ca4b718dc06eba7809ec2cbf7f8b976b2bef2ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
public class ConfigurationManagerTest extends TestCase
private PrintStream replacedStdErr;
private ByteArrayOutputStream output;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
replacedStdErr = System.err;
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setErr( new PrintStream( output ) );
protected void tearDown() throws Exception
System.setErr( replacedStdErr );
public void testLogNoLogService()
ConfigurationManager configMgr = createConfigurationManager( null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
// lower than error -- no output
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR - 1 );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
// minimal log level -- no output
setLogLevel( configMgr, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO );
assertNoLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
// maximal log level -- all output
setLogLevel( configMgr, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
// this test always expects output since when using a LogService, the log
// level property is ignored
public void testLogWithLogService()
LogService logService = new MockLogService();
ConfigurationManager configMgr = createConfigurationManager( logService );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR - 1 );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
setLogLevel( configMgr, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Debug Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_INFO, "Info Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Warning Test Message", null );
assertLog( configMgr, LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error Test Message", null );
public void testLogSetup()
final MockBundleContext bundleContext = new MockBundleContext();
ConfigurationManager configMgr = createConfigurationManager( null );
// ensure the configuration data goes to target
bundleContext.setProperty( "", "target/config" );
// default value is 2
bundleContext.setProperty( "", null );
configMgr.start( bundleContext );
assertEquals( 2, getLogLevel( configMgr ) );
configMgr.stop( bundleContext );
// illegal number yields default value
bundleContext.setProperty( "", "not-a-number" );
configMgr.start( bundleContext );
assertEquals( 2, getLogLevel( configMgr ) );
configMgr.stop( bundleContext );
bundleContext.setProperty( "", "-100" );
configMgr.start( bundleContext );
assertEquals( -100, getLogLevel( configMgr ) );
configMgr.stop( bundleContext );
bundleContext.setProperty( "", "4" );
configMgr.start( bundleContext );
assertEquals( 4, getLogLevel( configMgr ) );
configMgr.stop( bundleContext );
private void assertNoLog( ConfigurationManager configMgr, int level, String message, Throwable t )
configMgr.log( level, message, t );
assertTrue( "Expecting no log output", output.size() == 0 );
// clear the output for future data
private void assertLog( ConfigurationManager configMgr, int level, String message, Throwable t )
configMgr.log( level, message, t );
assertTrue( "Expecting log output", output.size() > 0 );
final String expectedLog = MockLogService.toMessageLine( level, message );
final String actualLog = new String( output.toByteArray() );
assertEquals( "Log Message not correct", expectedLog, actualLog );
// clear the output for future data
private static void setLogLevel( ConfigurationManager configMgr, int level )
final String fieldName = "logLevel";
Field field = configMgr.getClass().getDeclaredField( fieldName );
field.setAccessible( true );
field.setInt( configMgr, level );
catch ( Throwable ignore )
throw ( IllegalArgumentException ) new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set logLevel field value" )
.initCause( ignore );
private static int getLogLevel( ConfigurationManager configMgr )
final String fieldName = "logLevel";
Field field = configMgr.getClass().getDeclaredField( fieldName );
field.setAccessible( true );
return field.getInt( configMgr );
catch ( Throwable ignore )
throw ( IllegalArgumentException ) new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot get logLevel field value" )
.initCause( ignore );
private static ConfigurationManager createConfigurationManager( final LogService logService )
ConfigurationManager configMgr = new ConfigurationManager();
Field field = configMgr.getClass().getDeclaredField( "logTracker" );
field.setAccessible( true );
field.set( configMgr, new ServiceTracker( new MockBundleContext(), "", null )
public Object getService()
return logService;
} );
catch ( Throwable ignore )
throw ( IllegalArgumentException ) new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set logTracker field value" )
.initCause( ignore );
return configMgr;