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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.metatype;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.AttributeDefinition;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
* The <code>MetaDataReaderTest</code> class tests the
* <code>MetaDataReader</code> class.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class MetaDataReaderTest extends TestCase
private MetaDataReader reader;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
reader = new MetaDataReader();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception
reader = null;
public void testEmpty() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String empty = "<MetaData />";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
public void testOptionalAttributesInMetaData() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String name = "myattribute";
String value = "working";
String localization = "test";
String empty = "<MetaData " + name + "=\"" + value + "\" localization=\"" + localization + "\" />";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertEquals( localization, mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
assertNotNull( mti.getOptionalAttributes() );
assertEquals( 1, mti.getOptionalAttributes().size() );
assertEquals( value, mti.getOptionalAttributes().get( name ) );
public void testWithNamespace_1_0_0() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String empty = "<metatype:MetaData xmlns:metatype=\"\" "
+ "xmlns:xsi=\"\" ></metatype:MetaData>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNotNull( mti );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
public void testWithNamespace_1_1_0() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String empty = "<metatype:MetaData xmlns:metatype=\"\" "
+ "xmlns:xsi=\"\" ></metatype:MetaData>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNotNull( mti );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
public void testWithNamespace_1_2_0() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String empty = "<metatype:MetaData xmlns:metatype=\"\" "
+ "xmlns:xsi=\"\" ></metatype:MetaData>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNotNull( mti );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
public void testWithInvalidNamespaceUri()
String empty = "<metatype:MetaData xmlns:metatype=\"\" "
+ "xmlns:xsi=\"\" ></metatype:MetaData>";
read( empty );
fail( "Parse failure expected for unsupported namespace URI" );
catch ( IOException e )
// expected due to unsupported namespace URI
public void testWithInvalidNamespaceName()
String empty = "<datatype:MetaData xmlns:metatype=\"\" "
+ "xmlns:xsi=\"\" ></datatype:MetaData>";
read( empty );
fail( "Parse failure expected for undefined namespace prefix" );
catch ( IOException e )
// expected due to undefined namespace prefix used
public void testEmptyLocalization() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String testLoc = "OSGI-INF/folder/base";
String empty = "<MetaData localization=\"" + testLoc + "\"/>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertEquals( testLoc, mti.getLocalePrefix() );
public void testSingleEmptyOCD() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String ocdName = "ocd0";
String ocdId = "id.ocd0";
String ocdDescription = "ocd0 description";
String empty = "<MetaData><OCD id=\"" + ocdId + "\" name=\"" + ocdName + "\" description=\"" + ocdDescription
+ "\" /></MetaData>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNotNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
assertEquals( 1, mti.getObjectClassDefinitions().size() );
OCD ocd = ( OCD ) mti.getObjectClassDefinitions().values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( ocdId, ocd.getID() );
assertEquals( ocdName, ocd.getName() );
assertEquals( ocdDescription, ocd.getDescription() );
assertNull( ocd.getAttributeDefinitions() );
public void testSingleOCDSingleRequiredAttr() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
String ocdName = "ocd0";
String ocdId = "id.ocd0";
String ocdDescription = "ocd0 description";
String adId = "id.ad0";
String adName = "ad0";
String adDescription = "ad0 description";
String adType = "String";
int adCardinality = 789;
String adDefault = " a , b , c ";
String empty = "<MetaData>" + "<OCD id=\"" + ocdId + "\" name=\"" + ocdName + "\" description=\""
+ ocdDescription + "\">" + "<AD id=\"" + adId + "\" name=\"" + adName + "\" type=\"" + adType
+ "\" description=\"" + adDescription + "\" cardinality=\"" + adCardinality + "\" default=\"" + adDefault
+ "\">" + "</AD>" + "</OCD>" + "</MetaData>";
MetaData mti = read( empty );
assertNull( mti.getLocalePrefix() );
assertNotNull( mti.getObjectClassDefinitions() );
assertEquals( 1, mti.getObjectClassDefinitions().size() );
OCD ocd = ( OCD ) mti.getObjectClassDefinitions().values().iterator().next();
assertNotNull( ocd.getAttributeDefinitions() );
assertEquals( 1, ocd.getAttributeDefinitions().size() );
AD ad = ( AD ) ocd.getAttributeDefinitions().values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( adId, ad.getID() );
assertEquals( adName, ad.getName() );
assertEquals( adDescription, ad.getDescription() );
assertEquals( AttributeDefinition.STRING, ad.getType() );
assertEquals( adCardinality, ad.getCardinality() );
assertNotNull( ad.getDefaultValue() );
assertEquals( 3, ad.getDefaultValue().length );
String[] defaultValue = ad.getDefaultValue();
assertEquals( "a", defaultValue[0] );
assertEquals( "b", defaultValue[1] );
assertEquals( "c", defaultValue[2] );
private MetaData read( String data ) throws IOException
InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream( data.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
return reader.parse( input );