blob: aad348c10db95b1fd67cb8be14d6a6a20dcb7884 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2004, 2009). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.osgi.service.component;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* A Component Context object is used by a component instance to interact with
* its execution context including locating services by reference name. Each
* component instance has a unique Component Context.
* <p>
* A component instance may have an activate method. If a component instance has
* a suitable and accessible activate method, this method will be called when a
* component configuration is activated. If the activate method takes a
* <code>ComponentContext</code> argument, it will be passed the component
* instance's Component Context object. If the activate method takes a
* <code>BundleContext</code> argument, it will be passed the component
* instance's Bundle Context object. If the activate method takes a
* <code>Map</code> argument, it will be passed an unmodifiable Map containing
* the component properties.
* <p>
* A component instance may have a deactivate method. If a component instance
* has a suitable and accessible deactivate method, this method will be called
* when the component configuration is deactivated. If the deactivate method
* takes a <code>ComponentContext</code> argument, it will be passed the
* component instance's Component Context object. If the deactivate method takes
* a <code>BundleContext</code> argument, it will be passed the component
* instance's Bundle Context object. If the deactivate method takes a
* <code>Map</code> argument, it will be passed an unmodifiable Map containing
* the component properties. If the deactivate method takes an <code>int</code>
* or <code>Integer</code> argument, it will be passed the reason code for the
* component instance's deactivation.
* @ThreadSafe
* @version $Revision: 6462 $
public interface ComponentContext {
* Returns the component properties for this Component Context.
* @return The properties for this Component Context. The Dictionary is read
* only and cannot be modified.
public Dictionary getProperties();
* Returns the service object for the specified reference name.
* <p>
* If the cardinality of the reference is <code>0..n</code> or
* <code>1..n</code> and multiple services are bound to the reference, the
* service with the highest ranking (as specified in its
* <code>Constants.SERVICE_RANKING</code> property) is returned. If there is
* a tie in ranking, the service with the lowest service ID (as specified in
* its <code>Constants.SERVICE_ID</code> property); that is, the service
* that was registered first is returned.
* @param name The name of a reference as specified in a
* <code>reference</code> element in this component's description.
* @return A service object for the referenced service or <code>null</code>
* if the reference cardinality is <code>0..1</code> or
* <code>0..n</code> and no bound service is available.
* @throws ComponentException If the Service Component Runtime catches an
* exception while activating the bound service.
public Object locateService(String name);
* Returns the service object for the specified reference name and
* <code>ServiceReference</code>.
* @param name The name of a reference as specified in a
* <code>reference</code> element in this component's description.
* @param reference The <code>ServiceReference</code> to a bound service.
* This must be a <code>ServiceReference</code> provided to the
* component via the bind or unbind method for the specified
* reference name.
* @return A service object for the referenced service or <code>null</code>
* if the specified <code>ServiceReference</code> is not a bound
* service for the specified reference name.
* @throws ComponentException If the Service Component Runtime catches an
* exception while activating the bound service.
public Object locateService(String name, ServiceReference reference);
* Returns the service objects for the specified reference name.
* @param name The name of a reference as specified in a
* <code>reference</code> element in this component's description.
* @return An array of service objects for the referenced service or
* <code>null</code> if the reference cardinality is
* <code>0..1</code> or <code>0..n</code> and no bound service is
* available. If the reference cardinality is <code>0..1</code> or
* <code>1..1</code> and a bound service is available, the array
* will have exactly one element.
* @throws ComponentException If the Service Component Runtime catches an
* exception while activating a bound service.
public Object[] locateServices(String name);
* Returns the <code>BundleContext</code> of the bundle which contains this
* component.
* @return The <code>BundleContext</code> of the bundle containing this
* component.
public BundleContext getBundleContext();
* If the component instance is registered as a service using the
* <code>servicefactory=&quot;true&quot;</code> attribute, then this method
* returns the bundle using the service provided by the component instance.
* <p>
* This method will return <code>null</code> if:
* <ul>
* <li>The component instance is not a service, then no bundle can be using
* it as a service.
* <li>The component instance is a service but did not specify the
* <code>servicefactory=&quot;true&quot;</code> attribute, then all bundles
* using the service provided by the component instance will share the same
* component instance.
* <li>The service provided by the component instance is not currently being
* used by any bundle.
* </ul>
* @return The bundle using the component instance as a service or
* <code>null</code>.
public Bundle getUsingBundle();
* Returns the Component Instance object for the component instance
* associated with this Component Context.
* @return The Component Instance object for the component instance.
public ComponentInstance getComponentInstance();
* Enables the specified component name. The specified component name must
* be in the same bundle as this component.
* @param name The name of a component or <code>null</code> to indicate all
* components in the bundle.
public void enableComponent(String name);
* Disables the specified component name. The specified component name must
* be in the same bundle as this component.
* @param name The name of a component.
public void disableComponent(String name);
* If the component instance is registered as a service using the
* <code>service</code> element, then this method returns the service
* reference of the service provided by this component instance.
* <p>
* This method will return <code>null</code> if the component instance is
* not registered as a service.
* @return The <code>ServiceReference</code> object for the component
* instance or <code>null</code> if the component instance is not
* registered as a service.
public ServiceReference getServiceReference();