blob: a923bcdb2aa8efb82aca9b48c1c52fe5cbacb337 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2008, 2009). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.osgi.service.blueprint.container;
* Provides access to a concrete type and its optional generic type parameters.
* <p>
* Java 5 and later support generic types. These types consist of a raw class
* with type parameters. This class models such a <code>Type</code> class but
* ensures that the type is <em>reified</em>. Reification means that the Type
* graph associated with a Java 5 <code>Type</code> instance is traversed until
* the type becomes a concrete class. This class is available with the
* {@link #getRawClass()} method. The optional type parameters are recursively
* represented as Reified Types.
* <p>
* In Java 1.4, a class has by definition no type parameters. This class
* implementation provides the Reified Type for Java 1.4 by making the raw class
* the Java 1.4 class and using a Reified Type based on the <code>Object</code>
* class for any requested type parameter.
* <p>
* A Blueprint extender implementations can subclass this class and provide
* access to the generic type parameter graph for conversion. Such a subclass
* must <em>reify</em> the different Java 5 <code>Type</code> instances into the
* reified form. That is, a form where the raw Class is available with its
* optional type parameters as Reified Types.
* @Immutable
* @version $Revision: 7564 $
public class ReifiedType {
private final static ReifiedType OBJECT = new ReifiedType(Object.class);
private final Class clazz;
* Create a Reified Type for a raw Java class without any generic type
* parameters. Subclasses can provide the optional generic type parameter
* information. Without subclassing, this instance has no type parameters.
* @param clazz The raw class of the Reified Type.
public ReifiedType(Class clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
* Return the raw class represented by this type.
* The raw class represents the concrete class that is associated with a
* type declaration. This class could have been deduced from the generics
* type parameter graph of the declaration. For example, in the following
* example:
* <pre>
* Map&lt;String, ? extends Metadata&gt;
* </pre>
* The raw class is the Map class.
* @return The raw class represented by this type.
public Class getRawClass() {
return clazz;
* Return a type parameter for this type.
* The type parameter refers to a parameter in a generic type declaration
* given by the zero-based index <code>i</code>.
* For example, in the following example:
* <pre>
* Map&lt;String, ? extends Metadata&gt;
* </pre>
* type parameter 0 is <code>String</code>, and type parameter 1 is
* <code>Metadata</code>.
* <p>
* This implementation returns a Reified Type that has <code>Object</code>
* as class. Any object is assignable to Object and therefore no conversion
* is then necessary. This is compatible with versions of Java language
* prior to Java 5.
* This method should be overridden by a subclass that provides access to
* the generic type parameter information for Java 5 and later.
* @param i The zero-based index of the requested type parameter.
* @return The <code>ReifiedType</code> for the generic type parameter at
* the specified index.
public ReifiedType getActualTypeArgument(int i) {
return OBJECT;
* Return the number of type parameters for this type.
* <p>
* This implementation returns <code>0</code>. This method should be
* overridden by a subclass that provides access to the generic type
* parameter information for Java 5 and later.
* @return The number of type parameters for this type.
public int size() {
return 0;