blob: bcf5b8b84330cedc04d6d97e1cfc2ca45d8301e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* This class implements a <code>java.util.Set</code> which acts as a service factory.
* When a <code>Service</annotation> contains a <code>factory</code> attribute, this class is provided
* into the OSGi registry with a <code></code> service property. So, another factory component
* may be injected with this Set. And each time a Dictionary configuration is registered in the Set,
* then a new Service instance will be instantiated, and will be provided with the Dictionary passed to the
* Service instance.
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" })
public class FactorySet extends AbstractSet<Dictionary>
* The actual Service instance that is allocated for each dictionaries added in this Set.
private Object m_impl;
* The Service provided in the OSGi registry.
private final String[] m_provide;
* The properties to be provided by the Service.
private final Dictionary m_serviceProperties;
* The configure Service callback used to pass configuration added in this Set.
private final String m_configure;
* The map between our Dictionaries and corresponding Service instances.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<ServiceKey, Object> m_services = new ConcurrentHashMap<ServiceKey, Object>();
* The list of Dependencies which are applied in the Service.
private MetaData m_srvMeta;
* The list of Dependencies which are applied in the Service.
private List<MetaData> m_depsMeta;
* The DependencyManager (injected by reflection), which is used to create Service instances.
private DependencyManager m_dm; // Injected
* This class is used to serialize concurrent method calls, and allow to leave our methods unsynchronized.
* This is required because some of our methods may invoke some Service callbacks, which must be called outside
* synchronized block (in order to avoid potential dead locks).
private SerialExecutor m_serialExecutor = new SerialExecutor();
* Flag used to check if our service is Active.
private volatile boolean m_active;
* The bundle containing the Service annotated with the factory attribute.
private Bundle m_bundle;
* Flag used to check if a service is being created
private final static Object SERVICE_CREATING = new Object();
* This class wraps <tt>Dictionary</tt>, allowing to store the dictionary into a Map, using
* reference-equality in place of object-equality when getting the Dictionary from the Map.
private static class ServiceKey
private Dictionary m_dictionary;
public ServiceKey(Dictionary dictionary)
m_dictionary = dictionary;
Dictionary getDictionary()
return m_dictionary;
public boolean equals(Object that)
return that instanceof ServiceKey ? (((ServiceKey) that).getDictionary() == m_dictionary)
: false;
public int hashCode()
return System.identityHashCode(m_dictionary);
public String toString()
return Dictionary.class.getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(m_dictionary);
* Sole constructor.
* @param b the bundle containing the Service annotated with the factory attribute
* @param impl The Service implementation class
* @param serviceProperties The Service properties
* @param provides The Services provided by this Service
* @param factoryConfigure The configure callback invoked in order to pass configurations added in this Set.
public FactorySet(Bundle b, MetaData srvMeta, List<MetaData> depsMeta)
m_serviceProperties = srvMeta.getDictionary(, null);
m_provide = srvMeta.getStrings(Params.provides, null);
m_configure = srvMeta.getString(Params.factoryConfigure, null);
m_bundle = b;
m_srvMeta = srvMeta;
m_depsMeta = depsMeta;
* Our Service is starting.
public void start()
m_active = true;
* Our Service is stopping: we have to remove all Service instances that we have created.
public void stop()
m_active = false;
* Create or Update a Service.
public boolean add(final Dictionary configuration)
// Check parameter validity
if (configuration == null)
throw new NullPointerException("configuration parameter can't be null");
// Check if our service is running.
// Check if service is being created
ServiceKey serviceKey = new ServiceKey(configuration);
boolean creating = false;
synchronized (this)
if (!m_services.containsKey(serviceKey))
m_services.put(serviceKey, SERVICE_CREATING);
creating = true;
// Create or Update the Service.
m_serialExecutor.enqueue(new Runnable()
public void run()
return creating;
* Another Service wants to remove an existing Service.
* This method is not synchronized but uses a SerialExecutor for serializing concurrent method call.
* (This avoid potential dead locks, especially when Service callback methods are invoked).
public boolean remove(final Object configuration)
// Check parameter validity.
if (configuration == null)
throw new NullPointerException("configuration parameter can't be null");
if (!(configuration instanceof Dictionary))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration must be an instance of a Dictionary");
// Check if our service is active.
// Check if service is created (or creating)
boolean found = m_services.containsKey(new ServiceKey((Dictionary) configuration));
if (found)
// Create or Update the Service.
m_serialExecutor.enqueue(new Runnable()
public void run()
doRemove((Dictionary) configuration);
return found;
* Another Service wants to remove all existing Services.
* This method is not synchronized but uses a SerialExecutor for serializing concurrent method call.
* (This avoid potential dead locks, especially when Service callback methods are invoked).
public void clear()
if (!m_active)
// Create or Update the Service.
m_serialExecutor.enqueue(new Runnable()
public void run()
* returns the list of active Service instances configurations.
public Iterator<Dictionary> iterator()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"iterator method is not supported by DependencyManager Set's service factories");
public String toString()
return FactorySet.class.getName() + "(" + m_services.size() + " active instances)";
* Returns the number of active Service instances.
public int size()
if (!m_active)
return 0;
return m_services.size();
* Checks if our Service is available (we are not stopped").
private void checkServiceAvailable()
if (!m_active)
throw new IllegalStateException("Service not available");
* Add or create a new Service instance, given its configuration. This method is invoked by the
* SerialExecutor, hence it's thread safe and we'll invoke Service's callbacks without being
* synchronized (hence this will avoid potential dead locks).
private void doAdd(Dictionary configuration)
// Check if the service exists.
ServiceKey serviceKey = new ServiceKey(configuration);
Object service = m_services.get(serviceKey);
if (service == null || service == SERVICE_CREATING)
// Create the Service / impl
Component s = m_dm.createComponent();
Class implClass = m_bundle.loadClass(m_srvMeta.getString(Params.impl));
String factoryMethod = m_srvMeta.getString(Params.factoryMethod, null);
if (factoryMethod == null)
m_impl = implClass.newInstance();
Method m = implClass.getDeclaredMethod(factoryMethod);
m_impl = m.invoke(null);
// Invoke "configure" callback
if (m_configure != null)
invokeConfigure(m_impl, m_configure, configuration);
// Create Service
if (m_provide != null)
// Merge service properties with the configuration provided by the factory.
Dictionary serviceProperties = mergeSettings(m_serviceProperties, configuration);
s.setInterface(m_provide, serviceProperties);
s.setComposition(m_srvMeta.getString(Params.composition, null));
ServiceLifecycleHandler lfcleHandler = new ServiceLifecycleHandler(s, m_bundle, m_dm,
m_srvMeta, m_depsMeta);
// The dependencies will be plugged by our lifecycle handler.
s.setCallbacks(lfcleHandler, "init", "start", "stop", "destroy");
// Adds dependencies (except named dependencies, which are managed by the lifecycle handler).
for (MetaData dependency: m_depsMeta)
String name = dependency.getString(, null);
if (name == null)
DependencyBuilder depBuilder = new DependencyBuilder(dependency);
"ServiceLifecycleHandler.init: adding dependency %s into service %s",
dependency, m_srvMeta);
Dependency d =, m_dm, false);
// Register the Service instance, and keep track of it.
Log.instance().log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "ServiceFactory: created service %s", m_srvMeta);
m_services.put(serviceKey, s);
catch (Throwable t)
// Make sure the SERVICE_CREATING flag is also removed
Log.instance().log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, "ServiceFactory: could not instantiate service %s",
t, m_srvMeta);
// Reconfigure an already existing Service.
if (m_configure != null)
Log.instance().log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "ServiceFactory: updating service %s", m_impl);
invokeConfigure(m_impl, m_configure, configuration);
// Update service properties
if (m_provide != null)
Dictionary settings = mergeSettings(m_serviceProperties, configuration);
((Component) service).setServiceProperties(settings);
private void doRemove(Dictionary configuraton)
Log.instance().log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "ServiceFactory: removing service %s", m_srvMeta);
ServiceKey serviceKey = new ServiceKey(configuraton);
Object service = m_services.remove(serviceKey);
if (service != null && service != SERVICE_CREATING)
m_dm.remove((Component) service);
private void doClear()
for (Object service: m_services.values())
if (service instanceof Component)
m_dm.remove((Component) service);
* Merge factory configuration settings with the service properties. The private factory configuration
* settings are ignored. A factory configuration property is private if its name starts with a dot (".").
* @param serviceProperties
* @param factoryConfiguration
* @return
private Dictionary mergeSettings(Dictionary serviceProperties, Dictionary factoryConfiguration)
Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
if (serviceProperties != null)
Enumeration keys = serviceProperties.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements())
Object key = keys.nextElement();
Object val = serviceProperties.get(key);
props.put(key, val);
Enumeration keys = factoryConfiguration.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements())
Object key = keys.nextElement();
if (!key.toString().startsWith("."))
// public properties are propagated
Object val = factoryConfiguration.get(key);
props.put(key, val);
return props;
* Invokes the configure callback method on the service instance implemenatation.
* @param impl
* @param configure
* @param config
private void invokeConfigure(Object impl, String configure, Dictionary config)
InvocationUtil.invokeCallbackMethod(impl, configure,
new Class[][] { { Dictionary.class } },
new Object[][] { { config } });
catch (Throwable t)
if (t instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) t;
throw new RuntimeException("Could not invoke method " + configure
+ " on object " + impl);