blob: ff949ac0d5d431ebecca4f4f8a371f4b9cf6b3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.ipojo.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.MissingHandlerException;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.UnacceptableConfiguration;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.OSGiTestCase;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.donut.Donut;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.donut.DonutConsumer;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.donut.DonutProvider;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.donut.EventTracker;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.util.EahTestUtils;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.util.IPojoTestUtils;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.event.Event;
* Test the good behaviour of the EventAdminHandler.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class GoodTests extends OSGiTestCase {
* The number of providers to test.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS = 6;
* The number of providers using the event admin handler to test.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_EAH_PROVIDERS = 4;
* The number of consumers to test.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS = 6;
* The number of synchronous providers to test.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_SYNCHRONOUS_PROVIDERS = 3;
* The number of slow consumers to test.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_QUICK_CONSUMERS = 3;
* The list of topics to test.
private static final String[] TOPICS_LIST = { "foo", "bar", "nut",
"foo,bar", "bar,nut", "foo,nut", "foo,bar,nut" };
* The utility class instance.
public EahTestUtils m_utils;
* The providers' instances.
private ComponentInstance[] m_providersInstances;
* The providers' service references.
private ServiceReference[] m_providersServices;
* The providers' services.
private DonutProvider[] m_providers;
* The synchronous providers' services.
private DonutProvider[] m_synchronousProviders;
* The instances of providers that uses the event admin handler.
private ComponentInstance[] m_eahProvidersInstances;
* The services of the providers that uses the event admin handler.
private DonutProvider[] m_eahProviders;
* The synchronous donut event provider service.
private DonutProvider m_synchronousDonutEventProvider;
* The consumers' instances.
private ComponentInstance[] m_consumersInstances;
* The consumers' service references.
private ServiceReference[] m_consumersServices;
* The consumers' services.
private DonutConsumer[] m_consumers;
* The slow consumers' services.
private DonutConsumer[] m_quickConsumers;
* The event tracker' instances.
private ComponentInstance m_eventTrackerInstance;
* The event tracker' service references.
private ServiceReference m_eventTrackerService;
* The event tracker service.
private EventTracker m_eventTracker;
* The filtered consumers' instances.
private ComponentInstance[] m_filteredConsumersInstances;
* The filtered consumers' service references.
private ServiceReference[] m_filteredConsumersServices;
* The filtered consumers' services.
private DonutConsumer[] m_filteredConsumers;
* The providers' instances with specified topics.
private ComponentInstance[] m_topicsProvidersInstances;
* The providers' service references with specified topics.
private ServiceReference[] m_topicsProvidersServices;
* The providers' service with specified topics.
private DonutProvider[] m_topicsProviders;
* The provider that send donuts on the "foo" topic.
private DonutProvider m_fooProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "bar" topic.
private DonutProvider m_barProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "nut" topic.
private DonutProvider m_nutProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "foo,bar" topics.
private DonutProvider m_fooBarProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "bar,nut" topics.
private DonutProvider m_barNutProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "foo,nut" topics.
private DonutProvider m_fooNutProvider;
* The provider that send donuts on the "foo,bar,nut" topics.
private DonutProvider m_fooBarNutProvider;
* The consumers' instances with specified topics.
private ComponentInstance[] m_topicsConsumersInstances;
* The consumers' service references with specified topics.
private ServiceReference[] m_topicsConsumersServices;
* The consumers' service references with specified topics.
private DonutConsumer[] m_topicsConsumers;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "foo" topic.
private DonutConsumer m_fooConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "bar" topic.
private DonutConsumer m_barConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "nut" topic.
private DonutConsumer m_nutConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "foo,bar" topics.
private DonutConsumer m_fooBarConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "bar,nut" topics.
private DonutConsumer m_barNutConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "foo,nut" topics.
private DonutConsumer m_fooNutConsumer;
* The consumer that receive donuts on the "foo,bar,nut" topics.
private DonutConsumer m_fooBarNutConsumer;
* Initialization before test cases.
* Create all the instances
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration
* something bad happened
* @throws MissingHandlerException
* something bad happened
* @throws ConfigurationException
* something bad happened
public void setUp()
throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException,
ConfigurationException {
m_utils = new EahTestUtils(getContext());
Dictionary properties = new Hashtable();
// All the providers
m_providersInstances = new ComponentInstance[NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS];
m_providersServices = new ServiceReference[NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS];
m_providers = new DonutProvider[NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS];
m_synchronousProviders = new DonutProvider[NUMBER_OF_SYNCHRONOUS_PROVIDERS];
m_eahProviders = new DonutProvider[NUMBER_OF_EAH_PROVIDERS];
m_eahProvidersInstances = new ComponentInstance[NUMBER_OF_EAH_PROVIDERS];
m_topicsProvidersInstances = new ComponentInstance[TOPICS_LIST.length];
m_topicsProvidersServices = new ServiceReference[TOPICS_LIST.length];
m_topicsProviders = new DonutProvider[TOPICS_LIST.length];
// Create the (asynchronous) donut provider
properties.put("","asynchronous donut provider");
m_providersInstances[0] = m_utils.getDonutProviderFactory()
// Create the synchronous donut provider
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","synchronous donut provider");
m_providersInstances[1] = m_utils.getSynchronousDonutProviderFactory()
// Create the (asynchronous) donut event provider
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","asynchronous donut event provider");
m_providersInstances[2] = m_utils.getDonutEventProviderFactory()
// Create the synchronous donut event provider
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","synchronous donut event provider");
m_providersInstances[3] = m_utils
// Create the (asynchronous) event provider
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","asynchronous event provider");
m_providersInstances[4] = m_utils.getEventProviderFactory()
// Create the synchronous event provider
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","synchronous event provider");
m_providersInstances[5] = m_utils.getSynchronousEventProviderFactory()
// Get all the services references
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS; i++) {
m_providersServices[i] = IPojoTestUtils.getServiceReferenceByName(
getContext(), DonutProvider.class.getName(),
m_providers[i] = (DonutProvider) getContext()
m_synchronousProviders[0] = m_providers[1];
m_synchronousProviders[1] = m_providers[3];
m_synchronousProviders[2] = m_providers[5];
m_eahProviders[0] = m_providers[0];
m_eahProviders[1] = m_providers[1];
m_eahProviders[2] = m_providers[2];
m_eahProviders[3] = m_providers[3];
m_eahProvidersInstances[0] = m_providersInstances[0];
m_eahProvidersInstances[1] = m_providersInstances[1];
m_eahProvidersInstances[2] = m_providersInstances[2];
m_eahProvidersInstances[3] = m_providersInstances[3];
m_synchronousDonutEventProvider = m_providers[3];
// All the consumers
m_consumersInstances = new ComponentInstance[NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS];
m_consumersServices = new ServiceReference[NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS];
m_consumers = new DonutConsumer[NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS];
m_quickConsumers = new DonutConsumer[NUMBER_OF_QUICK_CONSUMERS];
m_filteredConsumersInstances = new ComponentInstance[Donut.FLAVOURS.length];
m_filteredConsumersServices = new ServiceReference[Donut.FLAVOURS.length];
m_filteredConsumers = new DonutConsumer[Donut.FLAVOURS.length];
m_topicsConsumersInstances = new ComponentInstance[TOPICS_LIST.length];
m_topicsConsumersServices = new ServiceReference[TOPICS_LIST.length];
m_topicsConsumers = new DonutConsumer[TOPICS_LIST.length];
// Create the (quick) donut consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","quick donut consumer");
m_consumersInstances[0] = m_utils.getDonutConsumerFactory()
// Create the (quick) donut event consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","quick donut event consumer");
m_consumersInstances[1] = m_utils.getDonutEventConsumerFactory()
// Create the (quick) event consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","quick event consumer");
m_consumersInstances[2] = m_utils.getEventConsumerFactory()
// Create the slow donut consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("slow", Boolean.TRUE);
properties.put("","slow donut consumer");
m_consumersInstances[3] = m_utils.getDonutConsumerFactory()
// Create the slow donut event consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","slow donut event consumer");
properties.put("slow", Boolean.TRUE);
m_consumersInstances[4] = m_utils.getDonutEventConsumerFactory()
// Create the slow event consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","slow event consumer");
properties.put("slow", Boolean.TRUE);
m_consumersInstances[5] = m_utils.getEventConsumerFactory()
// Get all the services references
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS; i++) {
m_consumersServices[i] = IPojoTestUtils.getServiceReferenceByName(
getContext(), DonutConsumer.class.getName(),
m_consumers[i] = (DonutConsumer) getContext()
m_quickConsumers[0] = m_consumers[0];
m_quickConsumers[1] = m_consumers[1];
m_quickConsumers[2] = m_consumers[2];
// Create the event tracker
properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("","event tracker");
m_eventTrackerInstance = m_utils.getEventTrackerFactory()
m_eventTrackerService = IPojoTestUtils.getServiceReferenceByName(
getContext(), EventTracker.class.getName(), m_eventTrackerInstance
m_eventTracker = (EventTracker) getContext()
// Create the filtered consumer
Dictionary filter = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < Donut.FLAVOURS.length; i++) {
String flavour = Donut.FLAVOURS[i];
properties = new Hashtable();
filter.put("donut-event-subscriber", "(flavour=" + flavour + ")");
properties.put("",flavour + " donut consumer");
properties.put("event.filter", filter);
m_filteredConsumersInstances[i] = m_utils
m_filteredConsumersServices[i] = IPojoTestUtils
.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), DonutConsumer.class
.getName(), m_filteredConsumersInstances[i]
m_filteredConsumers[i] = (DonutConsumer) getContext()
// Create the providers and consumers selling and receiving donuts on
// specific topics
Dictionary topics = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < TOPICS_LIST.length; i++) {
String topicsString = TOPICS_LIST[i];
properties = new Hashtable();
// Create provider
topics.put("donut-publisher", topicsString);
properties.put("event.topics", topics);
properties.put("",topicsString + " donut provider");
m_topicsProvidersInstances[i] = m_utils
m_topicsProvidersServices[i] = IPojoTestUtils
.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), DonutProvider.class
.getName(), m_topicsProvidersInstances[i]
m_topicsProviders[i] = (DonutProvider) getContext()
// Create consumer
properties = new Hashtable();
topics.put("donut-subscriber", topicsString);
properties.put("event.topics", topics);
properties.put("",topicsString + " donut consumer");
m_topicsConsumersInstances[i] = m_utils.getDonutConsumerFactory()
m_topicsConsumersServices[i] = IPojoTestUtils
.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), DonutConsumer.class
.getName(), m_topicsConsumersInstances[i]
m_topicsConsumers[i] = (DonutConsumer) getContext()
m_fooProvider = m_topicsProviders[0];
m_barProvider = m_topicsProviders[1];
m_nutProvider = m_topicsProviders[2];
m_fooBarProvider = m_topicsProviders[3];
m_barNutProvider = m_topicsProviders[4];
m_fooNutProvider = m_topicsProviders[5];
m_fooBarNutProvider = m_topicsProviders[6];
m_fooConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[0];
m_barConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[1];
m_nutConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[2];
m_fooBarConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[3];
m_barNutConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[4];
m_fooNutConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[5];
m_fooBarNutConsumer = m_topicsConsumers[6];
* Creates a subscriber listening on a pattern topic (ending with '*').
* @throws ConfigurationException something bad happened.
* @throws MissingHandlerException something bad happened.
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration something bad happened.
public void testSubscriberWithPatternTopic() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
Dictionary properties = new Hashtable();
Dictionary topics = new Hashtable();
// Create the donut consumer instance, listening on a pattern topic
properties.put("","subscriber with pattern topic");
topics.put("donut-subscriber", "a/pattern/topic/*");
properties.put("event.topics", topics);
ComponentInstance instance = m_utils.getDonutConsumerFactory()
* Test the event handler reliability by sending events with all kinds of
* publisher and check they are received by all kinds of subscriber.
public void testReliability() {
// Flush donut list for each consumer
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS; i++) {
// Send a lot of donut with each provider
List sentDonuts = new ArrayList(NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS
* EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS; j++) {
// Wait a respectable amount of time
+ EahTestUtils.A_LONG_TIME);
// Collect all received donuts for each consumer
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS; i++) {
List receivedDonuts = Arrays.asList(m_consumers[i].getAllDonuts());
"The number of received donuts must be the same as the number of sent donuts.",
sentDonuts.size(), receivedDonuts.size());
assertTrue("The receiver must have eaten all sent donuts.",
* Test the synchronism of event sending for the component.
* This test consists to send synchronously a big amount of donuts and to
* check immediately if it has been received (by all quick consumers).
public void testSynchronism() {
// Flush donut list for quick consumers
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_QUICK_CONSUMERS; i++) {
// Send a lot of donuts and check they are immediately received.
Donut sentDonut;
Donut receivedDonut;
for (int i = 0; i < EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_SYNCHRONOUS_PROVIDERS; j++) {
sentDonut = m_synchronousProviders[j].sellDonut();
for (int k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_QUICK_CONSUMERS; k++) {
receivedDonut = m_quickConsumers[k].getDonut();
"The donut must have been received immediately and be the be the same as the sent one.",
sentDonut, receivedDonut);
* Test that the received events contains the instance name of the sender.
public void testInstanceName() {
// Flush event list of the event tracker
// Send donuts and check the sender instance name
Event receivedEvent;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EAH_PROVIDERS; i++) {
receivedEvent = m_eventTracker.waitForEvent();
"The instance name property of the received message must be the same as the sender instance name.",
m_eahProvidersInstances[i].getInstanceName(), receivedEvent
* Test the event filtering.
* This test send donuts with different flavours. Each filtered consumer
* must receive only a certain kind of donut. Of course, all donuts must
* have been received too.
public void testFilters() {
// The sent donuts, sorted by flavour
List[] sentDonuts = new List[Donut.FLAVOURS.length];
// Flush donut list for each filtered consumer
for (int i = 0; i < Donut.FLAVOURS.length; i++) {
sentDonuts[i] = new ArrayList(EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS
/ Donut.FLAVOURS.length);
// Send donuts
for (int j = 0; j < EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS; j++) {
Donut donut = m_synchronousDonutEventProvider.sellDonut();
// Check the received donuts
for (int i = 0; i < Donut.FLAVOURS.length; i++) {
Donut[] receivedDonuts = m_filteredConsumers[i].getAllDonuts();
"The number of received donuts must be the same as the number of sent donuts with the matching flavour.",
sentDonuts[i].size(), receivedDonuts.length);
"The receiver must have eaten all sent donuts matching the wanted flavour.",
* Test the event topic.
* This test send donuts on several topics. Each consumer (who listens to
* one or several topics) must receive donuts sent on his specifics topics.
public void testTopics() {
// The sent donuts, sorted by topic
int foos = 0;
int bars = 0;
int nuts = 0;
// Flush consumers
// Send donuts
for (int i = 0; i < EahTestUtils.NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
// Check received donuts
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", foos,
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", bars,
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", nuts,
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", foos
+ bars, m_fooBarConsumer.getAllDonuts().length);
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", bars
+ nuts, m_barNutConsumer.getAllDonuts().length);
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", foos
+ nuts, m_fooNutConsumer.getAllDonuts().length);
assertEquals("The number of received donuts must be correct.", foos
+ bars + nuts, m_fooBarNutConsumer.getAllDonuts().length);
* Finalization after test cases.
* Release all services references and destroy instances.
public void tearDown() {
int index;
for (index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_PROVIDERS; index++) {
for (index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS; index++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Donut.FLAVOURS.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < TOPICS_LIST.length; i++) {