blob: 74c0061e330cb19044323eebbdab0fa3eb65ee0d [file] [log] [blame]
If you are using eclipse:
1. Init a workspace to be maven-compatible (see maven site)
2. Run maven eclipse:eclipse to create the .project file
3. Run maven install to add jmood to your M2_REPO
or just mvn package to generate the bundle in target/
4. To test it you can just run the FelixLauncher class under
src/test/java. This creates a temporary './cache' directory for Felix.
Note that no shell is available so you can only interact with felix
remotely through JMood
5. Connect to JMood using your favorite general purpose JMX console
(for example, jconsole, bundled with java 5) or help us building one ;-)
The url is printed in the console but it should be:
-> service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://${host}:1199/server
where ${host}=your_hostname or 'localhost' if no non-loopback interface is found.
- If you are using java1.4 the framework won't find the and packages so it will not resolve JMood. You can choose between Sun's reference
or mx4j ( implementations. Just bundle them and export those
two packages and everything should work fine.
- If running on Java 5+, JMood uses the PlatformMBeanServer
else (java.version<1.5.0) it creates an independent MBeanServer and
JVM MBeans are not available any more.
- MBeans for some compendium services are created if those services are available
but no static dependency is needed.
- JMood creates an RMIRegistry on port 1199, this value is hard-coded for the moment, so be sure it is free
- JMood automatically creates a policy manager with a dummy policy if none found. Note that it has not been
very much tested with *real* security, and that many management operations need AdminPermission to work fine.