blob: 68046e1fc18bf6cc1758519ad2942eeb4c25152d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.ipojo.plugin;
import java.util.Properties;
* Hold values for an OSGi jar "bundle" manifest.
* @author <a href="">Apache Felix Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class OsgiManifest
* Bundle manifest header constants from the OSGi R4 framework constants.
private static final String BUNDLE_CATEGORY = "Bundle-Category";
// private static final String BUNDLE_CLASSPATH = "Bundle-ClassPath";
private static final String BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT = "Bundle-Copyright";
private static final String BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION = "Bundle-Description";
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "Bundle-Name";
private static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE = "Bundle-NativeCode";
private static final String EXPORT_PACKAGE = "Export-Package";
private static final String EXPORT_SERVICE = "Export-Service";
private static final String IMPORT_PACKAGE = "Import-Package";
private static final String DYNAMICIMPORT_PACKAGE = "DynamicImport-Package";
private static final String IMPORT_SERVICE = "Import-Service";
private static final String BUNDLE_VENDOR = "Bundle-Vendor";
private static final String BUNDLE_VERSION = "Bundle-Version";
private static final String BUNDLE_DOCURL = "Bundle-DocURL";
private static final String BUNDLE_CONTACTADDRESS = "Bundle-ContactAddress";
private static final String BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR = "Bundle-Activator";
private static final String BUNDLE_UPDATELOCATION = "Bundle-UpdateLocation";
private static final String BUNDLE_REQUIREDEXECUTIONENVIRONMENT = "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment";
private static final String BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "Bundle-SymbolicName";
private static final String BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION = "Bundle-Localization";
private static final String REQUIRE_BUNDLE = "Require-Bundle";
private static final String FRAGMENT_HOST = "Fragment-Host";
private static final String BUNDLE_MANIFESTVERSION = "Bundle-ManifestVersion";
private static final String BUNDLE_URL = "Bundle-URL";
private static final String BUNDLE_SOURCE = "Bundle-Source";
private static final String BUNDLE_DATE = "Bundle-Date";
private static final String METADATA_LOCATION = "Metadata-Location";
private static final String SERVICE_COMPONENT = "Service-Component";
// iPOJO Manifest Headers
private static final String IPOJO_METADATA ="iPOJO-Metadata";
private static final String IPOJO_COMPONENTS ="iPOJO-Components";
* Instance variables corresponding to the R4 framework manifest headers
private String bundleCategory;
// private String bundleClassPath;
private String bundleCopyright;
private String bundleDescription;
private String bundleName;
private String bundleNativeCode;
private String exportPackage;
private String exportService;
private String importPackage;
private String dynamicImportPackage;
private String importService;
private String bundleVendor;
private String bundleVersion;
private String bundleDocUrl;
private String bundleContactAddress;
private String bundleActivator;
private String bundleUpdateLocation;
private String bundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment;
private String bundleSymbolicName;
private String bundleLocalization;
private String requireBundle;
private String fragmentHost;
private String bundleManifestVersion;
* Instance variables supporting non-framework manifest headers
private String bundleUrl;
private String bundleSource;
private String bundleDate;
private String metadataLocation;
private String serviceComponent;
private String ignorePackage;
* iPOJO Headers
private String iPOJOMetadata;
private String iPOJOComponents;
private Properties entries = new Properties();
public Properties getEntries()
* setEntryValue( BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, getBundleClassPath(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_CATEGORY, getBundleCategory(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT, getBundleCopyright(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION, getBundleDescription(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_NAME, getBundleName(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_NATIVECODE, getBundleNativeCode(), null);
setEntryValue(EXPORT_PACKAGE, getExportPackage(), null);
setEntryValue(EXPORT_SERVICE, getExportService(), null);
setEntryValue(IMPORT_PACKAGE, getImportPackage(), null);
setEntryValue(DYNAMICIMPORT_PACKAGE, getDynamicImportPackage(), null);
setEntryValue(IMPORT_SERVICE, getImportService(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_VENDOR, getBundleVendor(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_VERSION, getBundleVersion(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_DOCURL, getBundleDocUrl(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_CONTACTADDRESS, getBundleContactAddress(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR, getBundleActivator(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_UPDATELOCATION, getBundleUpdateLocation(), null);
getBundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, getBundleSymbolicName(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION, getBundleLocalization(), null);
setEntryValue(REQUIRE_BUNDLE, getRequireBundle(), null);
setEntryValue(FRAGMENT_HOST, getFragmentHost(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_MANIFESTVERSION, getBundleManifestVersion(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_URL, getBundleUrl(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_SOURCE, getBundleSource(), null);
setEntryValue(BUNDLE_DATE, getBundleDate(), null);
setEntryValue(METADATA_LOCATION, getMetadataLocation(), null);
setEntryValue(SERVICE_COMPONENT, getServiceComponent(), null);
// iPOJO's metadata
setEntryValue(IPOJO_METADATA, getiPOJOMetadata(), null);
setEntryValue(IPOJO_COMPONENTS, getiPOJOComponents(), null);
return entries;
public String getBundleCategory()
return bundleCategory;
public void setBundleCategory(String bundleCategory)
this.bundleCategory = bundleCategory;
* public String getBundleClasspath() { return bundleClasspath; }
* public void setBundleClasspath(String bundleClasspath) {
* this.bundleClasspath = bundleClasspath; }
public String getBundleCopyright()
return bundleCopyright;
public void setBundleCopyright(String bundleCopyright)
this.bundleCopyright = bundleCopyright;
public String getBundleDescription()
return bundleDescription;
public void setBundleDescription(String bundleDescription)
this.bundleDescription = bundleDescription;
public String getBundleName()
return bundleName;
public void setBundleName(String bundleName)
this.bundleName = bundleName;
public String getBundleNativeCode()
return bundleNativeCode;
public void setBundleNativeCode(String bundleNativeCode)
this.bundleNativeCode = bundleNativeCode;
public String getExportPackage()
return exportPackage;
public void setExportPackage(String exportPackage)
this.exportPackage = trim(exportPackage);
public String getExportService()
return exportService;
public void setExportService(String exportService)
this.exportService = trim(exportService);
public String getImportPackage()
return importPackage;
public void setImportPackage(String importPackage)
this.importPackage = trim(importPackage);
public String getDynamicImportPackage()
return dynamicImportPackage;
public void setDynamicImportPackage(String dynamicImportPackage)
this.dynamicImportPackage = trim(dynamicImportPackage);
public String getImportService()
return importService;
public void setImportService(String importService)
this.importService = importService;
public String getBundleVendor()
return bundleVendor;
public void setBundleVendor(String bundleVendor)
this.bundleVendor = bundleVendor;
public String getBundleVersion()
return bundleVersion;
public void setBundleVersion(String bundleVersion)
this.bundleVersion = bundleVersion;
public String getBundleDocUrl()
return bundleDocUrl;
public void setBundleDocUrl(String bundleDocUrl)
this.bundleDocUrl = bundleDocUrl;
public String getBundleContactAddress()
return bundleContactAddress;
public void setBundleContactAddress(String bundleContactAddress)
this.bundleContactAddress = bundleContactAddress;
public String getBundleActivator()
return bundleActivator;
public void setBundleActivator(String bundleActivator)
this.bundleActivator = trim(bundleActivator);
public String getBundleUpdateLocation()
return bundleUpdateLocation;
public void setBundleUpdateLocation(String bundleUpdateLocation)
this.bundleUpdateLocation = bundleUpdateLocation;
public String getBundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment()
return bundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment;
public void setBundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment(
String bundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment)
this.bundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment = bundleRequiredExecutionEnvironment;
public String getBundleSymbolicName()
return bundleSymbolicName;
public void setBundleSymbolicName(String bundleSymbolicName)
this.bundleSymbolicName = trim(bundleSymbolicName);
public String getBundleLocalization()
return bundleLocalization;
public void setBundleLocalization(String bundleLocalization)
this.bundleLocalization = bundleLocalization;
public String getRequireBundle()
return requireBundle;
public void setRequireBundle(String requireBundle)
this.requireBundle = trim(requireBundle);
public String getFragmentHost()
return fragmentHost;
public void setFragmentHost(String fragmentHost)
this.fragmentHost = trim(fragmentHost);
public String getBundleManifestVersion()
return bundleManifestVersion;
public void setBundleManifestVersion(String bundleManifestVersion)
this.bundleManifestVersion = bundleManifestVersion;
public String getBundleUrl()
return bundleUrl;
public void setBundleUrl(String bundleUrl)
this.bundleUrl = bundleUrl;
public String getBundleSource()
return bundleSource;
public void setBundleSource(String bundleSource)
this.bundleSource = bundleSource;
public String getBundleDate()
return bundleDate;
public void setBundleDate(String bundleDate)
this.bundleDate = bundleDate;
public String getMetadataLocation()
return metadataLocation;
public void setMetadataLocation(String metadataLocation)
this.metadataLocation = metadataLocation;
public String getServiceComponent()
return serviceComponent;
public void setServiceComponent(String serviceComponent)
this.serviceComponent = serviceComponent;
public String getIgnorePackage()
return ignorePackage;
public void setIgnorePackage(String ignorePackage)
this.ignorePackage = ignorePackage;
* Removes all whitespace in the entry.
* @param entry
* The entry to be cleaned up.
* @return A copy of the entry string without any whitespace.
private String trim(String entry)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(entry.length());
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length(); i++)
char ch = entry.charAt(i);
if (ch > 32)
return buf.toString();
private void setEntryValue(String key, String value, String defaultValue)
if (value != null)
entries.put(key, value);
else if (defaultValue != null)
entries.put(key, defaultValue);
// iPOJO Headers
public String getiPOJOMetadata() {
return iPOJOMetadata;
public void setiPOJOMetadata( String metadata) {
this.iPOJOMetadata = metadata;
public String getiPOJOComponents() {
return iPOJOComponents;
public void setiPOJOComponents( String metadata) {
this.iPOJOComponents = metadata;