blob: b4e8ad0a66a1fb30d8ce8097208336085d4e3891 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.framework.util;
public interface FelixConstants extends org.osgi.framework.Constants
public static final String SYSTEM_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "org.apache.felix.framework";
// Framework constants and values.
public static final String FRAMEWORK_VERSION_VALUE = "1.5";
public static final String FRAMEWORK_VENDOR_VALUE = "Apache Software Foundation";
// Framework constants and values.
public static final String FELIX_VERSION_PROPERTY = "felix.version";
// Miscellaneous manifest constants.
public static final String DIRECTIVE_SEPARATOR = ":=";
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR = "=";
public static final String CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR = ",";
public static final String CLASS_PATH_DOT = ".";
public static final String PACKAGE_SEPARATOR = ";";
public static final String VERSION_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = ".";
public static final int VERSION_SEGMENT_COUNT = 3;
public static final String BUNDLE_NATIVECODE_OPTIONAL = "*";
// Miscellaneous OSGi constants.
public static final String BUNDLE_URL_PROTOCOL = "bundle";
// Miscellaneous framework configuration property names.
public static final String FRAMEWORK_BUNDLECACHE_IMPL
= "felix.bundlecache.impl";
public static final String LOG_LEVEL_PROP = "felix.log.level";
public static final String LOG_LOGGER_PROP = "felix.log.logger";
public static final String SYSTEMBUNDLE_ACTIVATORS_PROP
= "felix.systembundle.activators";
public static final String BUNDLE_STARTLEVEL_PROP
= "felix.startlevel.bundle";
public static final String SERVICE_URLHANDLERS_PROP = "felix.service.urlhandlers";
public static final String IMPLICIT_BOOT_DELEGATION_PROP = "felix.bootdelegation.implicit";
public static final String BOOT_CLASSLOADERS_PROP = "felix.bootdelegation.classloaders";
public static final String USE_LOCALURLS_PROP = "felix.jarurls";
// Start level-related constants.
public static final int FRAMEWORK_INACTIVE_STARTLEVEL = 0;
public static final int FRAMEWORK_DEFAULT_STARTLEVEL = 1;
public static final int SYSTEMBUNDLE_DEFAULT_STARTLEVEL = 0;
public static final int BUNDLE_DEFAULT_STARTLEVEL = 1;
// Miscellaneous properties values.
public static final String FAKE_URL_PROTOCOL_VALUE = "location:";
public static final String FELIX_EXTENSION_ACTIVATOR = "Felix-Activator";