blob: 0209373d7aca4aa3853e93d9e9e80d66f3b42b6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.framework.searchpolicy;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.felix.framework.Logger;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.*;
import org.apache.felix.moduleloader.*;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class R4SearchPolicyCore implements ModuleListener
private Logger m_logger = null;
private PropertyResolver m_config = null;
private IModuleFactory m_factory = null;
private Map m_availPkgMap = new HashMap();
private Map m_inUsePkgMap = new HashMap();
private Map m_moduleDataMap = new HashMap();
// Boot delegation packages.
private String[] m_bootPkgs = null;
private boolean[] m_bootPkgWildcards = null;
// Listener-related instance variables.
private static final ResolveListener[] m_emptyListeners = new ResolveListener[0];
private ResolveListener[] m_listeners = m_emptyListeners;
// Reusable empty array.
public static final IModule[] m_emptyModules = new IModule[0];
// Re-usable security manager for accessing class context.
private static SecurityManagerEx m_sm = new SecurityManagerEx();
public R4SearchPolicyCore(Logger logger, PropertyResolver config)
m_logger = logger;
m_config = config;
// Read the boot delegation property and parse it.
String s = m_config.get(Constants.FRAMEWORK_BOOTDELEGATION);
s = (s == null) ? "java.*" : s + ",java.*";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " ,");
m_bootPkgs = new String[st.countTokens()];
m_bootPkgWildcards = new boolean[m_bootPkgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
s = st.nextToken();
if (s.endsWith("*"))
m_bootPkgWildcards[i] = true;
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
m_bootPkgs[i] = s;
public IModuleFactory getModuleFactory()
return m_factory;
public void setModuleFactory(IModuleFactory factory)
throws IllegalStateException
if (m_factory == null)
m_factory = factory;
throw new IllegalStateException("Module manager is already initialized");
public synchronized R4Export[] getExports(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? null : data.m_exports;
public synchronized void setExports(IModule module, R4Export[] exports)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_exports = exports;
// When a module is added and its exports are set, create an
// aggregated list of available exports to simplify later
// processing when resolving bundles.
// Add exports to available package map.
for (int i = 0; (exports != null) && (i < exports.length); i++)
IModule[] modules = (IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(exports[i].getName());
// We want to add the module into the list of available
// exporters in sorted order (descending version and
// ascending bundle identifier). Insert using a simple
// binary search algorithm.
if (modules == null)
modules = new IModule[] { module };
int top = 0, bottom = modules.length - 1, middle = 0;
Version middleVersion = null;
while (top <= bottom)
middle = (bottom - top) / 2 + top;
middleVersion = Util.getExportPackage(
modules[middle], exports[i].getName()).getVersion();
// Sort in reverse version order.
int cmp = middleVersion.compareTo(exports[i].getVersion());
if (cmp < 0)
bottom = middle - 1;
else if (cmp == 0)
// Sort further by ascending bundle ID.
long middleId = Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(modules[middle].getId());
long exportId = Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(module.getId());
if (middleId < exportId)
top = middle + 1;
bottom = middle - 1;
top = middle + 1;
IModule[] newMods = new IModule[modules.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(modules, 0, newMods, 0, top);
System.arraycopy(modules, top, newMods, top + 1, modules.length - top);
newMods[top] = module;
modules = newMods;
m_availPkgMap.put(exports[i].getName(), modules);
public synchronized R4Import[] getImports(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? null : data.m_imports;
public synchronized void setImports(IModule module, R4Import[] imports)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_imports = imports;
public synchronized R4Import[] getDynamicImports(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? null : data.m_dynamicImports;
public synchronized void setDynamicImports(IModule module, R4Import[] imports)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_dynamicImports = imports;
public synchronized R4Library[] getLibraries(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? null : data.m_libraries;
public synchronized void setLibraries(IModule module, R4Library[] libraries)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_libraries = libraries;
public synchronized R4Wire[] getWires(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? null : data.m_wires;
public synchronized void setWires(IModule module, R4Wire[] wires)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_wires = wires;
public synchronized boolean isResolved(IModule module)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
return (data == null) ? false : data.m_resolved;
public synchronized void setResolved(IModule module, boolean resolved)
ModuleData data = (ModuleData) m_moduleDataMap.get(module);
if (data == null)
data = new ModuleData(module);
m_moduleDataMap.put(module, data);
data.m_resolved = resolved;
public Object[] definePackage(IModule module, String pkgName)
R4Package pkg = Util.getExportPackage(module, pkgName);
if (pkg != null)
return new Object[] {
pkgName, // Spec title.
pkg.getVersion().toString(), // Spec version.
"", // Spec vendor.
"", // Impl title.
"", // Impl version.
"" // Impl vendor.
return null;
public Class findClass(IModule module, String name)
throws ClassNotFoundException
// First, try to resolve the originating module.
// TODO: Consider opimizing this call to resolve, since it is called
// for each class load.
catch (ResolveException ex)
// We do not use the resolve exception as the
// cause of the exception, since this would
// potentially leak internal module information.
throw new ClassNotFoundException(
name + ": cannot resolve package "
+ ex.getPackage());
// Get the package of the target class.
String pkgName = Util.getClassPackage(name);
// Delegate any packages listed in the boot delegation
// property to the parent class loader.
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
// A wildcarded boot delegation package will be in the form of "foo.",
// so if the package is wildcarded do a startsWith() or a regionMatches()
// to ignore the trailing "." to determine if the request should be
// delegated to the paren class loader. If the package is not wildcarded,
// then simply do an equals() test to see if the request should be
// delegated to the parent class loader.
if ((m_bootPkgWildcards[i] &&
(pkgName.startsWith(m_bootPkgs[i]) ||
m_bootPkgs[i].regionMatches(0, pkgName, 0, pkgName.length())))
|| (!m_bootPkgWildcards[i] && m_bootPkgs[i].equals(pkgName)))
return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(name);
// Look in the module's imports.
Class clazz = findImportedClass(module, name, pkgName);
// If not found, try the module's own class path.
if (clazz == null)
clazz = module.getContentLoader().getClass(name);
// If still not found, then try the module's dynamic imports.
if (clazz == null)
clazz = findDynamicallyImportedClass(module, name, pkgName);
if (clazz == null)
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
return clazz;
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
diagnoseClassLoadError(module, name, pkgName);
throw ex;
private Class findImportedClass(IModule module, String name, String pkgName)
throws ClassNotFoundException
// We delegate to the module's wires to find the class.
R4Wire[] wires = getWires(module);
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
// If we find the class, then return it.
Class clazz = wires[i].getClass(name);
if (clazz != null)
return clazz;
return null;
private Class findDynamicallyImportedClass(
IModule module, String name, String pkgName)
throws ClassNotFoundException
// At this point, the module's imports were searched and so was the
// the module's content. Now we make an attempt to load the
// class via a dynamic import, if possible.
R4Wire wire = attemptDynamicImport(module, pkgName);
// If the dynamic import was successful, then this initial
// time we must directly return the result from dynamically
// created wire, but subsequent requests for classes in
// the associated package will be processed as part of
// normal static imports.
if (wire != null)
// Return the class.
return wire.getClass(name);
// At this point, the class could not be found by the bundle's static
// or dynamic imports, nor its own resources. Before we throw
// an exception, we will try to determine if the instigator of the
// class load was a class from a bundle or not. This is necessary
// because the specification mandates that classes on the class path
// should be hidden (except for java.*), but it does allow for these
// classes to be exposed by the system bundle as an export. However,
// in some situations classes on the class path make the faulty
// assumption that they can access everything on the class path from
// every other class loader that they come in contact with. This is
// not true if the class loader in question is from a bundle. Thus,
// this code tries to detect that situation. If the class
// instigating the class load was NOT from a bundle, then we will
// make the assumption that the caller actually wanted to use the
// parent class loader and we will delegate to it. If the class was
// from a bundle, then we will enforce strict class loading rules
// for the bundle and throw a class not found exception.
// Get the class context to see the classes on the stack.
Class[] classes = m_sm.getClassContext();
// Start from 1 to skip security manager class.
for (int i = 1; i < classes.length; i++)
// Find the first class on the call stack that is not one
// of the R4 search policy classes, nor a class loader or
// class itself, because we want to ignore the calls to
// ClassLoader.loadClass() and Class.forName().
if (!R4SearchPolicyCore.class.equals(classes[i])
&& !R4SearchPolicy.class.equals(classes[i])
&& !ClassLoader.class.isAssignableFrom(classes[i])
&& !Class.class.isAssignableFrom(classes[i]))
// If the instigating class was not from a bundle, then
// delegate to the parent class loader. Otherwise, break
// out of loop and return null.
if (!ContentClassLoader.class.isInstance(classes[i].getClassLoader()))
return this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(name);
return null;
public URL findResource(IModule module, String name)
throws ResourceNotFoundException
// First, try to resolve the originating module.
// TODO: Consider opimizing this call to resolve, since it is called
// for each class load.
catch (ResolveException ex)
// The spec states that if the bundle cannot be resolved, then
// only the local bundle's resources should be searched. So we
// will ask the module's own class path.
URL url = module.getContentLoader().getResource(name);
if (url != null)
return url;
// We need to throw a resource not found exception.
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
name + ": cannot resolve package "
+ ex.getPackage());
// Get the package of the target class.
String pkgName = Util.getResourcePackage(name);
// Delegate any packages listed in the boot delegation
// property to the parent class loader.
for (int i = 0; i < m_bootPkgs.length; i++)
// A wildcarded boot delegation package will be in the form of "foo.",
// so if the package is wildcarded do a startsWith() or a regionMatches()
// to ignore the trailing "." to determine if the request should be
// delegated to the paren class loader. If the package is not wildcarded,
// then simply do an equals() test to see if the request should be
// delegated to the parent class loader.
if ((m_bootPkgWildcards[i] &&
(pkgName.startsWith(m_bootPkgs[i]) ||
m_bootPkgs[i].regionMatches(0, pkgName, 0, m_bootPkgs[i].length() - 1)))
|| (!m_bootPkgWildcards[i] && m_bootPkgs[i].equals(pkgName)))
return getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(name);
// Look in the module's imports.
URL url = findImportedResource(module, name);
// If not found, try the module's own class path.
if (url == null)
url = module.getContentLoader().getResource(name);
// If still not found, then try the module's dynamic imports.
if (url == null)
url = findDynamicallyImportedResource(module, name, pkgName);
if (url == null)
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(name);
return url;
catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex)
throw ex;
private URL findImportedResource(IModule module, String name)
throws ResourceNotFoundException
// We delegate to the module's wires to find the class.
R4Wire[] wires = getWires(module);
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
// If we find the resource, then return it.
URL url = wires[i].getResource(name);
if (url != null)
return url;
return null;
private URL findDynamicallyImportedResource(
IModule module, String name, String pkgName)
throws ResourceNotFoundException
// At this point, the module's imports were searched and so was the
// the module's content. Now we make an attempt to load the
// class via a dynamic import, if possible.
R4Wire wire = attemptDynamicImport(module, pkgName);
// If the dynamic import was successful, then this initial
// time we must directly return the result from dynamically
// created wire, but subsequent requests for resources in
// the associated package will be processed as part of
// normal static imports.
if (wire != null)
// Return the resource.
return wire.getResource(name);
// At this point, the resource could not be found by the bundle's static
// or dynamic imports, nor its own resources. Before we throw
// an exception, we will try to determine if the instigator of the
// resource load was a class from a bundle or not. This is necessary
// because the specification mandates that classes on the class path
// should be hidden (except for java.*), but it does allow for these
// classes to be exposed by the system bundle as an export. However,
// in some situations classes on the class path make the faulty
// assumption that they can access everything on the class path from
// every other class loader that they come in contact with. This is
// not true if the class loader in question is from a bundle. Thus,
// this code tries to detect that situation. If the class
// instigating the resource load was NOT from a bundle, then we will
// make the assumption that the caller actually wanted to use the
// parent class loader and we will delegate to it. If the class was
// from a bundle, then we will enforce strict class loading rules
// for the bundle and throw a resource not found exception.
// Get the class context to see the classes on the stack.
Class[] classes = m_sm.getClassContext();
// Start from 1 to skip security manager class.
for (int i = 1; i < classes.length; i++)
// Find the first class on the call stack that is not one
// of the R4 search policy classes, nor a class loader or
// class itself, because we want to ignore the calls to
// ClassLoader.loadClass() and Class.forName().
if (!R4SearchPolicyCore.class.equals(classes[i])
&& !R4SearchPolicy.class.equals(classes[i])
&& !ClassLoader.class.isAssignableFrom(classes[i])
&& !Class.class.isAssignableFrom(classes[i]))
// If the instigating class was not from a bundle, then
// delegate to the parent class loader. Otherwise, break
// out of loop and return null.
if (!ContentClassLoader.class.isInstance(classes[i].getClassLoader()))
return this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(name);
return null;
private R4Wire attemptDynamicImport(IModule module, String pkgName)
R4Wire wire = null;
IModule candidate = null;
// There is an overriding assumption here that a package is
// never split across bundles. If a package can be split
// across bundles, then this will fail.
// Get the matching dynamic import, if any.
R4Import impMatch = createDynamicImportTarget(module, pkgName);
// If the target package does not match any dynamically imported
// packages or if the module is already wired for the target package,
// then just return null. The module may be already wired to the target
// package if the class being searched for does not actually exist.
if ((impMatch == null) || (Util.getWire(module, impMatch.getName()) != null))
return null;
// At this point, the target package has matched a dynamically
// imported package spec. Now we must try to find a candidate
// exporter for target package and add it to the module's set
// of wires.
// Lock module manager instance to ensure that nothing changes.
synchronized (m_factory)
// Try to add a new entry to the module's import attribute.
// Select the first candidate that successfully resolves.
// First check already resolved exports for a match.
IModule[] candidates = getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_inUsePkgMap.get(impMatch.getName()), impMatch);
// If there is an "in use" candidate, just take the first one.
if (candidates.length > 0)
candidate = candidates[0];
// If there were no "in use" candidates, then try "available"
// candidates.
if (candidate == null)
candidates = getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(impMatch.getName()), impMatch);
for (int candIdx = 0;
(candidate == null) && (candIdx < candidates.length);
candidate = candidates[candIdx];
catch (ResolveException ex)
// If we found a candidate, then add it to the module's
// wiring attribute.
if (candidate != null)
R4Wire[] wires = getWires(module);
R4Wire[] newWires = null;
if (wires == null)
newWires = new R4Wire[1];
newWires = new R4Wire[wires.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(wires, 0, newWires, 0, wires.length);
// Find the candidate's export package object and
// use that for creating the wire; this is necessary
// since it contains "uses" dependency information.
wire = new R4Wire(
module, candidate,
Util.getExportPackage(candidate, impMatch.getName()));
newWires[newWires.length - 1] = wire;
setWires(module, newWires);
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_DEBUG, "WIRE: [" + module + "] " + newWires[newWires.length - 1]);
catch (Exception ex)
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to dynamically import package.", ex);
return wire;
private R4Import createDynamicImportTarget(IModule module, String pkgName)
// Check the dynamic import specs for a match of
// the target package.
R4Import[] dynamics = getDynamicImports(module);
R4Import impMatch = null;
for (int i = 0; (impMatch == null) && (dynamics != null)
&& (i < dynamics.length); i++)
// Star matches everything.
if (dynamics[i].getName().equals("*"))
// Create a package instance without wildcard.
impMatch = new R4Import(pkgName, dynamics[i]
.getDirectives(), dynamics[i].getAttributes());
// Packages ending in ".*" must match starting strings.
else if (dynamics[i].getName().endsWith(".*"))
if (pkgName.regionMatches(0, dynamics[i].getName(), 0,
dynamics[i].getName().length() - 2))
// Create a package instance without wildcard.
impMatch = new R4Import(pkgName, dynamics[i]
.getDirectives(), dynamics[i].getAttributes());
// Or we can have a precise match.
if (pkgName.equals(dynamics[i].getName()))
impMatch = dynamics[i];
return impMatch;
public String findLibrary(IModule module, String name)
// Remove leading slash, if present.
if (name.startsWith("/"))
name = name.substring(1);
// TODO: This "matching" algorithm does not fully
// match the spec and should be improved.
R4Library[] libs = getLibraries(module);
for (int i = 0; (libs != null) && (i < libs.length); i++)
String path = libs[i].getPath(name);
if (path != null)
return path;
return null;
public IModule[] getAvailableExporters(R4Import pkg)
// Synchronized on the module manager to make sure that no
// modules are added, removed, or resolved.
synchronized (m_factory)
return getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(pkg.getName()), pkg);
public IModule[] getInUseExporters(R4Import pkg)
// Synchronized on the module manager to make sure that no
// modules are added, removed, or resolved.
synchronized (m_factory)
return getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_inUsePkgMap.get(pkg.getName()), pkg);
public void resolve(IModule rootModule)
throws ResolveException
// If the module is already resolved, then we can just return.
if (isResolved(rootModule))
// This variable maps an unresolved module to a list of resolver
// nodes, where there is one resolver node for each import that
// must be resolved. A resolver node contains the potential
// candidates to resolve the import and the current selected
// candidate index.
Map resolverMap = new HashMap();
// This map will be used to hold the final wires for all
// resolved modules, which can then be used to fire resolved
// events outside of the synchronized block.
Map resolvedModuleWireMap = null;
// Synchronize on the module manager, because we don't want
// any modules being added or removed while we are in the
// middle of this operation.
synchronized (m_factory)
// The first step is to populate the resolver map. This
// will use the target module to populate the resolver map
// with all potential modules that need to be resolved as a
// result of resolving the target module. The key of the
// map is a potential module to be resolved and the value is
// a list of resolver nodes, one for each of the module's
// imports, where each resolver node contains the potential
// candidates for resolving the import. Not all modules in
// this map will be resolved, only the target module and
// any candidates selected to resolve its imports and the
// transitive imports this implies.
populateResolverMap(resolverMap, rootModule);
// The next step is to use the resolver map to determine if
// the class space for the root module is consistent. This
// is an iterative process that transitively walks the "uses"
// relationships of all currently selected potential candidates
// for resolving import packages checking for conflicts. If a
// conflict is found, it "increments" the configuration of
// currently selected potential candidates and tests them again.
// If this method returns, then it has found a consistent set
// of candidates; otherwise, a resolve exception is thrown if
// it exhausts all possible combinations and could not find a
// consistent class space.
findConsistentClassSpace(resolverMap, rootModule);
// The final step is to create the wires for the root module and
// transitively all modules that are to be resolved from the
// selected candidates for resolving the root module's imports.
// When this call returns, each module's wiring and resolved
// attributes are set. The resulting wiring map is used below
// to fire resolved events outside of the synchronized block.
// The resolved module wire map maps a module to its array of
// wires.
resolvedModuleWireMap = createWires(resolverMap, rootModule);
} // End of synchronized block on module manager.
// Fire resolved events for all resolved modules;
// the resolved modules array will only be set if the resolve
// was successful after the root module was resolved.
if (resolvedModuleWireMap != null)
Iterator iter = resolvedModuleWireMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
fireModuleResolved((IModule) ((Map.Entry);
private void populateResolverMap(Map resolverMap, IModule module)
throws ResolveException
// Detect cycles.
if (resolverMap.get(module) != null)
// Map to hold the module's import packages
// and their respective resolving candidates.
List nodeList = new ArrayList();
// Even though the node list is currently empty, we
// record it in the resolver map early so we can use
// it to detect cycles.
resolverMap.put(module, nodeList);
// Loop through each import and calculate its resolving
// set of candidates.
R4Import[] imports = getImports(module);
for (int impIdx = 0; (imports != null) && (impIdx < imports.length); impIdx++)
// Get the candidates from the "in use" and "available"
// package maps. Candidates "in use" have higher priority
// than "available" ones, so put the "in use" candidates
// at the front of the list of candidates.
IModule[] inuse = getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_inUsePkgMap.get(
imports[impIdx].getName()), imports[impIdx]);
IModule[] available = getCompatibleExporters(
(IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(
imports[impIdx].getName()), imports[impIdx]);
IModule[] candidates = new IModule[inuse.length + available.length];
System.arraycopy(inuse, 0, candidates, 0, inuse.length);
System.arraycopy(available, 0, candidates, inuse.length, available.length);
// If we have candidates, then we need to recursively populate
// the resolver map with each of them.
ResolveException rethrow = null;
if (candidates.length > 0)
for (int candIdx = 0; candIdx < candidates.length; candIdx++)
// Only populate the resolver map with modules that
// are not already resolved.
if (!isResolved(candidates[candIdx]))
populateResolverMap(resolverMap, candidates[candIdx]);
catch (ResolveException ex)
// If we received a resolve exception, then the
// current candidate is not resolvable for some
// reason and should be removed from the list of
// candidates. For now, just null it.
candidates[candIdx] = null;
rethrow = ex;
// Remove any nulled candidates to create the final list
// of available candidates.
candidates = shrinkModuleArray(candidates);
// If no candidates exist at this point, then throw a
// resolve exception unless the import is optional.
if ((candidates.length == 0) && !imports[impIdx].isOptional())
// If we have received an exception while trying to populate
// the resolver map, rethrow that exception since it might
// be useful. NOTE: This is not necessarily the "only"
// correct exception, since it is possible that multiple
// candidates were not resolvable, but it is better than
// nothing.
if (rethrow != null)
throw rethrow;
throw new ResolveException(
"Unable to resolve.", module, imports[impIdx]);
else if (candidates.length > 0)
new ResolverNode(module, imports[impIdx], candidates));
private void dumpAvailablePackages()
synchronized (this)
System.out.println("AVAILABLE PACKAGES:");
for (Iterator i = m_availPkgMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
System.out.println(" " + entry.getKey());
IModule[] modules = (IModule[]) entry.getValue();
for (int j = 0; j < modules.length; j++)
System.out.println(" " + modules[j]);
private void dumpUsedPackages()
synchronized (this)
System.out.println("USED PACKAGES:");
for (Iterator i = m_inUsePkgMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
System.out.println(" " + entry.getKey());
IModule[] modules = (IModule[]) entry.getValue();
for (int j = 0; j < modules.length; j++)
System.out.println(" " + modules[j]);
private IModule[] getCompatibleExporters(IModule[] modules, R4Import target)
// Create list of compatible exporters.
IModule[] candidates = null;
for (int modIdx = 0; (modules != null) && (modIdx < modules.length); modIdx++)
// Get the modules export package for the target package.
R4Export export = Util.getExportPackage(modules[modIdx], target.getName());
// If compatible, then add the candidate to the list.
if ((export != null) && (target.isSatisfied(export)))
candidates = addModuleToArray(candidates, modules[modIdx]);
if (candidates == null)
return m_emptyModules;
return candidates;
private void findConsistentClassSpace(Map resolverMap, IModule rootModule)
throws ResolveException
List resolverList = null;
// Test the current set of candidates to determine if they
// are consistent. Keep looping until we find a consistent
// set or an exception is thrown.
Map cycleMap = new HashMap();
while (!isClassSpaceConsistent(resolverMap, rootModule, cycleMap))
"Constraint violation detected, will try to repair.");
// The incrementCandidateConfiguration() method requires an
// ordered access to the resolver map, so we will create
// a reusable list once right here.
if (resolverList == null)
resolverList = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = resolverMap.entrySet().iterator();
iter.hasNext(); )
resolverList.add((List) ((Map.Entry);
// Increment the candidate configuration so we can test again.
// Clear the cycle map.
private boolean isClassSpaceConsistent(
Map resolverMap, IModule rootModule, Map cycleMap)
// We do not need to verify that already resolved modules
// have consistent class spaces because they should be
// consistent by definition. Also, if the root module is
// part of a cycle, then just assume it is true.
if (isResolved(rootModule) || (cycleMap.get(rootModule) != null))
return true;
// Add to cycle map for future reference.
cycleMap.put(rootModule, rootModule);
// Create an implicit "uses" constraint for every exported package
// of the root module that is not also imported; uses constraints
// for exported packages that are also imported will be taken
// care of as part of normal import package processing.
R4Export[] exports = getExports(rootModule);
Map usesMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; (exports != null) && (i < exports.length); i++)
// Ignore exports that are also imported, since they
// will be taken care of when verifying import constraints.
if (Util.getImportPackage(rootModule, exports[i].getName()) == null)
usesMap.put(exports[i].getName(), rootModule);
// Loop through the current candidates for the module's imports
// (available in the resolver node list of the resolver map) and
// calculate the uses constraints for each of the currently
// selected candidates for resolving the imports. Compare each
// candidate's constraints to the existing constraints to check
// for conflicts.
List nodeList = (List) resolverMap.get(rootModule);
for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < nodeList.size(); nodeIdx++)
// Verify that the current candidate does not violate
// any "uses" constraints of existing candidates by
// calculating the candidate's transitive "uses" constraints
// for the provided package and testing whether they
// overlap with existing constraints.
// First, get the resolver node.
ResolverNode node = (ResolverNode) nodeList.get(nodeIdx);
// Verify that the current candidate itself has a consistent
// class space.
if (!isClassSpaceConsistent(
resolverMap, node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], cycleMap))
return false;
// Get the exported package from the current candidate that
// will be used to resolve the root module's import.
R4Export candidatePkg = Util.getExportPackage(
node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], node.m_import.getName());
// Calculate the "uses" dependencies implied by the candidate's
// exported package with respect to the currently selected
// candidates in the resolver map.
Map candUsesMap = calculateUsesDependencies(
new HashMap());
// Iterate through the root module's current set of transitive
// "uses" constraints and compare them with the candidate's
// transitive set of constraints.
Iterator usesIter = candUsesMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (usesIter.hasNext())
// If the candidate's uses constraints overlap with
// the existing uses constraints, but refer to a
// different provider, then the class space is not
// consistent; thus, return false.
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
if ((usesMap.get(entry.getKey()) != null) &&
(usesMap.get(entry.getKey()) != entry.getValue()))
return false;
// Since the current candidate's uses constraints did not
// conflict with existing constraints, merge all constraints
// and keep testing the remaining candidates for the other
// imports of the root module.
return true;
private Map calculateUsesDependencies(
Map resolverMap, IModule module, R4Export export, Map usesMap)
// Make sure we are not in a cycle.
if (usesMap.get(export.getName()) != null)
return usesMap;
// The target package at least uses itself,
// so add it to the uses map.
usesMap.put(export.getName(), module);
// Get the "uses" constraints for the target export
// package and calculate the transitive uses constraints
// of any used packages.
String[] uses = export.getUses();
List nodeList = (List) resolverMap.get(module);
// We need to walk the transitive closure of "uses" relationships
// for the current export package to calculate the entire set of
// "uses" constraints.
for (int usesIdx = 0; usesIdx < uses.length; usesIdx++)
// There are two possibilities at this point: 1) we are dealing
// with an already resolved bundle or 2) we are dealing with a
// bundle that has not yet been resolved. In case 1, there will
// be no resolver node in the resolver map, so we just need to
// examine the bundle directly to determine its exact constraints.
// In case 2, there will be a resolver node in the resolver map,
// so we will use that to determine the potential constraints of
// potential candidate for resolving the import.
// This is case 1, described in the comment above.
if (nodeList == null)
// Get the actual exporter from the wire or if there
// is no wire, then get the export is from the module
// itself.
R4Wire wire = Util.getWire(module, uses[usesIdx]);
if (wire != null)
usesMap = calculateUsesDependencies(
resolverMap, wire.getExportingModule(), wire.getExport(), usesMap);
export = Util.getExportPackage(module, uses[usesIdx]);
if (export != null)
usesMap = calculateUsesDependencies(
resolverMap, module, export, usesMap);
// This is case 2, described in the comment above.
// First, get the resolver node for the "used" package.
ResolverNode node = null;
for (int nodeIdx = 0;
(node == null) && (nodeIdx < nodeList.size());
node = (ResolverNode) nodeList.get(nodeIdx);
if (!node.m_import.getName().equals(uses[usesIdx]))
node = null;
// If there is a resolver node for the "used" package,
// then this means that the module imports the package
// and we need to recursively add the constraints of
// the potential exporting module.
if (node != null)
usesMap = calculateUsesDependencies(
Util.getExportPackage(node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], node.m_import.getName()),
// If there was no resolver node for the "used" package,
// then this means that the module exports the package
// and we need to recursively add the constraints of this
// other exported package of this module.
else if (Util.getExportPackage(module, uses[usesIdx]) != null)
usesMap = calculateUsesDependencies(
Util.getExportPackage(module, uses[usesIdx]),
return usesMap;
private void incrementCandidateConfiguration(List resolverList)
throws ResolveException
for (int i = 0; i < resolverList.size(); i++)
List nodeList = (List) resolverList.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nodeList.size(); j++)
ResolverNode node = (ResolverNode) nodeList.get(j);
// See if we can increment the node, without overflowing
// the candidate array bounds.
if ((node.m_idx + 1) < node.m_candidates.length)
// If the index will overflow the candidate array bounds,
// then set the index back to zero and try to increment
// the next candidate.
node.m_idx = 0;
throw new ResolveException(
"Unable to resolve due to constraint violation.", null, null);
private Map createWires(Map resolverMap, IModule rootModule)
Map resolvedModuleWireMap =
populateWireMap(resolverMap, rootModule, new HashMap());
Iterator iter = resolvedModuleWireMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
IModule module = (IModule) entry.getKey();
R4Wire[] wires = (R4Wire[]) entry.getValue();
// Set the module's resolved and wiring attribute.
setResolved(module, true);
// Only add wires attribute if some exist; export
// only modules may not have wires.
if (wires.length > 0)
setWires(module, wires);
// Remove the wire's exporting module from the "available"
// package map and put it into the "in use" package map;
// these steps may be a no-op.
for (int wireIdx = 0;
(wires != null) && (wireIdx < wires.length);
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_DEBUG, "WIRE: [" + module + "] " + wires[wireIdx]);
// First remove the wire module from "available" package map.
IModule[] modules = (IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName());
modules = removeModuleFromArray(modules, wires[wireIdx].getExportingModule());
m_availPkgMap.put(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName(), modules);
// Also remove any exported packages from the "available"
// package map that are from the module associated with
// the current wires where the exported packages were not
// actually exported; an export may not be exported if
// the module also imports the same package and was wired
// to a different module. If the exported package is not
// actually exported, then we just want to remove it
// completely, since it cannot be used.
if (wires[wireIdx].getExportingModule() != module)
modules = (IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName());
modules = removeModuleFromArray(modules, module);
m_availPkgMap.put(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName(), modules);
// Add the module of the wire to the "in use" package map.
modules = (IModule[]) m_inUsePkgMap.get(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName());
modules = addModuleToArray(modules, wires[wireIdx].getExportingModule());
m_inUsePkgMap.put(wires[wireIdx].getExport().getName(), modules);
return resolvedModuleWireMap;
private Map populateWireMap(Map resolverMap, IModule module, Map wireMap)
// If the module is already resolved or it is part of
// a cycle, then just return the wire map.
if (isResolved(module) || (wireMap.get(module) != null))
return wireMap;
List nodeList = (List) resolverMap.get(module);
R4Wire[] wires = new R4Wire[nodeList.size()];
// Put the module in the wireMap with an empty wire array;
// we do this early so we can use it to detect cycles.
wireMap.put(module, wires);
// Loop through each resolver node and create a wire
// for the selected candidate for the associated import.
for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < nodeList.size(); nodeIdx++)
// Get the import's associated resolver node.
ResolverNode node = (ResolverNode) nodeList.get(nodeIdx);
// Add the candidate to the list of wires.
R4Export export =
Util.getExportPackage(node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], node.m_import.getName());
wires[nodeIdx] = new R4Wire(module, node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], export);
// Create the wires for the selected candidate module.
wireMap = populateWireMap(resolverMap, node.m_candidates[node.m_idx], wireMap);
return wireMap;
// Event handling methods for validation events.
* Adds a resolver listener to the search policy. Resolver
* listeners are notified when a module is resolve and/or unresolved
* by the search policy.
* @param l the resolver listener to add.
public void addResolverListener(ResolveListener l)
// Verify listener.
if (l == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener is null");
// Use the m_noListeners object as a lock.
synchronized (m_emptyListeners)
// If we have no listeners, then just add the new listener.
if (m_listeners == m_emptyListeners)
m_listeners = new ResolveListener[] { l };
// Otherwise, we need to do some array copying.
// Notice, the old array is always valid, so if
// the dispatch thread is in the middle of a dispatch,
// then it has a reference to the old listener array
// and is not affected by the new value.
ResolveListener[] newList = new ResolveListener[m_listeners.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_listeners, 0, newList, 0, m_listeners.length);
newList[m_listeners.length] = l;
m_listeners = newList;
* Removes a resolver listener to this search policy.
* @param l the resolver listener to remove.
public void removeResolverListener(ResolveListener l)
// Verify listener.
if (l == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener is null");
// Use the m_emptyListeners object as a lock.
synchronized (m_emptyListeners)
// Try to find the instance in our list.
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < m_listeners.length; i++)
if (m_listeners[i].equals(l))
idx = i;
// If we have the instance, then remove it.
if (idx >= 0)
// If this is the last listener, then point to empty list.
if (m_listeners.length == 1)
m_listeners = m_emptyListeners;
// Otherwise, we need to do some array copying.
// Notice, the old array is always valid, so if
// the dispatch thread is in the middle of a dispatch,
// then it has a reference to the old listener array
// and is not affected by the new value.
ResolveListener[] newList = new ResolveListener[m_listeners.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(m_listeners, 0, newList, 0, idx);
if (idx < newList.length)
System.arraycopy(m_listeners, idx + 1, newList, idx,
newList.length - idx);
m_listeners = newList;
* Fires a validation event for the specified module.
* @param module the module that was resolved.
private void fireModuleResolved(IModule module)
// Event holder.
ModuleEvent event = null;
// Get a copy of the listener array, which is guaranteed
// to not be null.
ResolveListener[] listeners = m_listeners;
// Loop through listeners and fire events.
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
// Lazily create event.
if (event == null)
event = new ModuleEvent(m_factory, module);
* Fires an unresolved event for the specified module.
* @param module the module that was unresolved.
private void fireModuleUnresolved(IModule module)
// TODO: Call this method where appropriate.
// Event holder.
ModuleEvent event = null;
// Get a copy of the listener array, which is guaranteed
// to not be null.
ResolveListener[] listeners = m_listeners;
// Loop through listeners and fire events.
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
// Lazily create event.
if (event == null)
event = new ModuleEvent(m_factory, module);
// ModuleListener callback methods.
public void moduleAdded(ModuleEvent event)
public void moduleRemoved(ModuleEvent event)
// When a module is removed from the system, we need remove
// its exports from the "in use" and "available" package maps
// as well as remove the module from the module data map.
// Synchronize on the module manager, since we don't want any
// bundles to be installed or removed.
synchronized (m_factory)
// Remove exports from package maps.
R4Export[] exports = getExports(event.getModule());
for (int i = 0; (exports != null) && (i < exports.length); i++)
// Remove from "available" package map.
IModule[] modules = (IModule[]) m_availPkgMap.get(exports[i].getName());
if (modules != null)
modules = removeModuleFromArray(modules, event.getModule());
m_availPkgMap.put(exports[i].getName(), modules);
// Remove from "in use" package map.
modules = (IModule[]) m_inUsePkgMap.get(exports[i].getName());
if (modules != null)
modules = removeModuleFromArray(modules, event.getModule());
m_inUsePkgMap.put(exports[i].getName(), modules);
// Finally, remove module data.
// Simple utility methods.
private static IModule[] addModuleToArray(IModule[] modules, IModule m)
// Verify that the module is not already in the array.
for (int i = 0; (modules != null) && (i < modules.length); i++)
if (modules[i] == m)
return modules;
if (modules != null)
IModule[] newModules = new IModule[modules.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(modules, 0, newModules, 0, modules.length);
newModules[modules.length] = m;
modules = newModules;
modules = new IModule[] { m };
return modules;
private static IModule[] removeModuleFromArray(IModule[] modules, IModule m)
if (modules == null)
return m_emptyModules;
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
if (modules[i] == m)
idx = i;
if (idx >= 0)
// If this is the module, then point to empty list.
if ((modules.length - 1) == 0)
modules = m_emptyModules;
// Otherwise, we need to do some array copying.
IModule[] newModules = new IModule[modules.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(modules, 0, newModules, 0, idx);
if (idx < newModules.length)
modules, idx + 1, newModules, idx, newModules.length - idx);
modules = newModules;
return modules;
private static IModule[] shrinkModuleArray(IModule[] modules)
if (modules == null)
return m_emptyModules;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
if (modules[i] == null)
if (count > 0)
IModule[] newModules = new IModule[modules.length - count];
count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
if (modules[i] != null)
newModules[count++] = modules[i];
modules = newModules;
return modules;
// Simple utility classes.
private static class ModuleData
public IModule m_module = null;
public R4Export[] m_exports = null;
public R4Import[] m_imports = null;
public R4Import[] m_dynamicImports = null;
public R4Library[] m_libraries = null;
public R4Wire[] m_wires = null;
public boolean m_resolved = false;
public ModuleData(IModule module)
m_module = module;
private class ResolverNode
public IModule m_module = null;
public R4Import m_import = null;
public IModule[] m_candidates = null;
public int m_idx = 0;
public boolean m_visited = false;
public ResolverNode(IModule module, R4Import imp, IModule[] candidates)
m_module = module;
m_import = imp;
m_candidates = candidates;
if (isResolved(m_module))
m_visited = true;
private void diagnoseClassLoadError(IModule module, String name, String pkgName)
// We will try to do some diagnostics here to help the developer
// deal with this exception.
boolean imported = false;
boolean exported = false;
// First, get the bundle ID of the module doing the class loader.
long impId = Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(module.getId());
// Next, check to see if the module imports the package.
R4Wire[] wires = getWires(module);
for (int i = 0; (wires != null) && (i < wires.length); i++)
if (wires[i].getExport().getName().equals(pkgName))
imported = true;
long expId = Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Package '");
sb.append("' is imported by bundle ");
sb.append(" from bundle ");
sb.append(", but the exported package from bundle ");
sb.append(" does not contain the requested class '");
sb.append("'. Please verify that the class name is correct in the importing bundle ");
sb.append(" and/or that the exported package is correctly bundled in ");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());
// Next, check to see if the package was optionally imported and
// whether or not there is an exporter available.
if (!imported)
R4Import[] imports = getImports(module);
for (int i = 0; (imports != null) && (i < imports.length); i++)
if (imports[i].getName().equals(pkgName) && imports[i].isOptional())
imported = true;
// Try to see if there is an exporter available. It may be
// the case that the package is exported, but the attributes
// do not match, so check that case too.
IModule[] exporters = getInUseExporters(imports[i]);
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getAvailableExporters(imports[i]) : exporters;
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getInUseExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null)) : exporters;
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getAvailableExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null)) : exporters;
long expId = (exporters.length == 0)
? -1 : Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(exporters[0].getId());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Class '");
sb.append("' was not found, but this is likely normal since package '");
sb.append("' is optionally imported by bundle ");
if (exporters.length > 0)
sb.append(" However, bundle ");
if (imports[i].isSatisfied(
Util.getExportPackage(exporters[0], imports[i].getName())))
sb.append(" does export this package. Bundle ");
sb.append(" must be installed before bundle ");
sb.append(" is resolved or else the optional import will be ignored.");
sb.append(" does export this package with attributes that do not match.");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());
// Next, check to see if the package is dynamically imported
// by the module.
if (!imported)
R4Import imp = createDynamicImportTarget(module, pkgName);
if (imp != null)
imported = true;
// Try to see if there is an exporter available. It may be
// the case that the package is exported, but the attributes
// do not match, so check that case too.
IModule[] exporters = getInUseExporters(imp);
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getAvailableExporters(imp) : exporters;
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getInUseExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null)) : exporters;
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getAvailableExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null)) : exporters;
long expId = (exporters.length == 0)
? -1 : Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(exporters[0].getId());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Class '");
sb.append("' was not found, but this is likely normal since package '");
sb.append("' is dynamically imported by bundle ");
if (exporters.length > 0)
if (!imp.isSatisfied(
Util.getExportPackage(exporters[0], imp.getName())))
sb.append(" However, bundle ");
sb.append(" does export this package with attributes that do not match.");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());
// Next, if the package is not imported by the module, check to
// see if there is an exporter for the package.
if (!imported)
IModule[] exporters = getInUseExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null));
exporters = (exporters.length == 0)
? getAvailableExporters(new R4Import(pkgName, null, null)) : exporters;
if (exporters.length > 0)
exported = true;
long expId = Util.getBundleIdFromModuleId(exporters[0].getId());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Class '");
sb.append("' was not found because bundle ");
sb.append(" does not import '");
sb.append("' even though bundle ");
sb.append(" does export it. There are two fixes: 1) Add an import for '");
sb.append("' to bundle ");
sb.append("; imports are necessary for each class directly touched by bundle code or indirectly touched, such as super classes if their methods are used. ");
sb.append("2) Add package '");
sb.append("' to the '");
sb.append("' property; a library or VM bug can cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach is preferable for preserving modularity.");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());
// Next, try to see if the class is available from the system
// class loader.
if (!imported && !exported)
exported = true;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Package '");
sb.append("' is not imported by bundle ");
sb.append(", nor is there any bundle that exports package '");
sb.append("'. However, the class '");
sb.append("' is available from the system class loader. There are two fixes: 1) Add package '");
sb.append("' to the '");
sb.append("' property and modify bundle ");
sb.append(" to import this package; this causes the system bundle to export class path packages. 2) Add package '");
sb.append("' to the '");
sb.append("' property; a library or VM bug can cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach is preferable for preserving modularity.");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());
catch (Exception ex2)
// Finally, if there are no imports or exports for the package
// and it is not available on the system class path, simply
// log a message saying so.
if (!imported && !exported)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("****\n****\n");
sb.append("Class '");
sb.append("' was not found. Bundle ");
sb.append(" does not import package '");
sb.append("', nor is the package exported by any other bundle or available from the system class loader.");
m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, sb.toString());