blob: c1f69c3672806c8971256523b170e0eec9a6f417 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes in the 1.8.2
** Bug
* [FELIX-2825] - The maven-ipojo-plugin does not replace component classes in WAR files
* [FELIX-3012] - "Duplicate name&signature" problem
* [FELIX-3098] - iPOJO new manipulator crashes when using a custom reporter
* [FELIX-3145] - VerifyError on Java 7
* [FELIX-3249] - iPOJO Bnd Plugin do not write all the metadatas in the manifest
** Improvement
* [FELIX-3017] - The manipulator should return the original class if it's already manipulated
* [FELIX-3078] - Introduce resource abstraction in the iPOJO manipulator
* [FELIX-3079] - Adapt the Ant task and the maven plugin to use the new manipulator capabilities
* [FELIX-3080] - Implement a BND plugin for iPOJO
* [FELIX-3131] - Elements and attributes should conserve the insertion order
* [FELIX-3204] - @Temporal should handle instantiation-time properties
* [FELIX-3244] - Manipulator : DefaultManifestBuilder should be more extensible