blob: 70abede2d1c976d3e6209b6bc04a94a4ac558faa [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.compatibility;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class is compiled against 1.5 or later to provide access to the generic
* signatures. It can convert a Class, Field, Method or constructor to a generic
* signature and it can normalize a signature. Both are methods. Normalized
* signatures can be string compared and match even if the type variable names
* differ.
* @version $Id$
public class Signatures {
* Check if the environment has generics, i.e. later than Java 5 VM.
* @return true if generics are supported
* @throws Exception
public boolean hasGenerics() throws Exception {
try {
call(Signatures.class, "getGenericSuperClass");
return true;
catch (NoSuchMethodException mnfe) {
return false;
* Helper class to track an index in a string.
static class Rover {
final String s;
int i;
public Rover(String s) {
this.s = s;
i = 0;
char peek() {
return s.charAt(i);
char take() {
return s.charAt(i++);
char take(char c) {
char x = s.charAt(i++);
if (c != x)
throw new IllegalStateException("get() expected " + c + " but got + " + x);
return x;
public String upTo(String except) {
int start = i;
while (except.indexOf(peek()) < 0)
return s.substring(start, i);
public boolean isEOF() {
return i >= s.length();
* Calculate the generic signature of a Class,Method,Field, or Constructor.
* @param f
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getSignature(Object c) throws Exception {
if (c instanceof Class< ? >)
return getSignature((Class< ? >) c);
if (c instanceof Constructor< ? >)
return getSignature((Constructor< ? >) c);
if (c instanceof Method)
return getSignature((Method) c);
if (c instanceof Field)
return getSignature((Field) c);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(c.toString());
* Calculate the generic signature of a Class. A Class consists of:
* <pre>
* class ::= declaration? reference reference*
* </pre>
* @param f
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getSignature(Class< ? > c) throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
declaration(sb, c);
reference(sb, call(c, "getGenericSuperclass"));
for (Object type : (Object[]) call(c, "getGenericInterfaces")) {
reference(sb, type);
return sb.toString();
* Calculate the generic signature of a Method. A Method consists of:
* <pre>
* method ::= declaration? '(' reference* ')' reference
* </pre>
* @param c
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getSignature(Method m) throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
declaration(sb, m);
for (Object type : (Object[]) call(m, "getGenericParameterTypes")) {
reference(sb, type);
reference(sb, call(m, "getGenericReturnType"));
return sb.toString();
* Calculate the generic signature of a Constructor. A Constructor consists
* of:
* <pre>
* constructor ::= declaration? '(' reference* ')V'
* </pre>
* @param c
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getSignature(Constructor< ? > c) throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
declaration(sb, c);
for (Object type : (Object[]) call(c, "getGenericParameterTypes")) {
reference(sb, type);
reference(sb, void.class);
return sb.toString();
* Calculate the generic signature of a Field. A Field consists of:
* <pre>
* constructor ::= reference
* </pre>
* @param c
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getSignature(Field f) throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Object t = call(f, "getGenericType");
reference(sb, t);
return sb.toString();
* Classes, Methods, or Constructors can have a declaration that provides
* nested a scope for type variables. A Method/Constructor inherits
* the type variables from its class and a class inherits its type variables
* from its outer class. The declaration consists of the following
* syntax:
* <pre>
* declarations ::= '<' declaration ( ',' declaration )* '>'
* declaration ::= identifier ':' declare
* declare ::= types | variable
* types ::= ( 'L' class ';' )? ( ':' 'L' interface ';' )*
* variable ::= 'T' id ';'
* </pre>
* @param sb
* @param gd
* @throws Exception
private void declaration(StringBuilder sb, Object gd) throws Exception {
Object[] typeParameters = (Object[]) call(gd, "getTypeParameters");
if (typeParameters.length > 0) {
for (Object tv : typeParameters) {
sb.append(call(tv, "getName"));
Object[] bounds = (Object[]) call(tv, "getBounds");
if (bounds.length > 0 && isInterface(bounds[0])) {
for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) {
reference(sb, bounds[i]);
* Verify that the type is an interface.
* @param type
* the type to check.
* @return true if this is a class that is an interface or a Parameterized
* Type that is an interface
* @throws Exception
private boolean isInterface(Object type) throws Exception {
if (type instanceof Class)
return (((Class< ? >) type).isInterface());
if (isInstance(type.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType"))
return isInterface(call(type, "getRawType"));
return false;
* This is the heart of the signature builder. A reference is used
* in a lot of places. It referes to another type.
* <pre>
* reference ::= array | class | primitive | variable
* array ::= '[' reference
* class ::= 'L' body ( '.' body )* ';'
* body ::= id ( '<' ( wildcard | reference )* '>' )?
* variable ::= 'T' id ';'
* primitive ::= PRIMITIVE
* </pre>
* @param sb
* @param t
* @throws Exception
private void reference(StringBuilder sb, Object t) throws Exception {
if (isInstance(t.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType")) {
parameterizedType(sb, t);
} else if (isInstance(t.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType")) {
reference(sb, call(t, "getGenericComponentType"));
} else if (isInstance(t.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.WildcardType")) {
Object[] lowerBounds = (Object[]) call(t, "getLowerBounds");
Object[] upperBounds = (Object[]) call(t, "getUpperBounds");
if (upperBounds.length == 1 && upperBounds[0] == Object.class)
upperBounds = new Object[0];
if (upperBounds.length != 0) {
// extend
for (Object upper : upperBounds) {
reference(sb, upper);
} else if (lowerBounds.length != 0) {
// super, can only be one by the language
for (Object lower : lowerBounds) {
reference(sb, lower);
} else
} else if (isInstance(t.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable")) {
sb.append(call(t, "getName"));
} else if (t instanceof Class< ? >) {
Class< ? > c = (Class< ? >) t;
if (c.isPrimitive()) {
} else {
String name = c.getName().replace('.', '/');
* Creates the signature for a Parameterized Type. A Parameterized Type has
* a raw class and a set of type variables.
* @param sb
* @param pt
* @throws Exception
private void parameterizedType(StringBuilder sb, Object pt) throws Exception {
Object owner = call(pt, "getOwnerType");
String name = ((Class< ? >) call(pt, "getRawType")).getName().replace('.', '/');
if (owner != null) {
if (isInstance(owner.getClass(), "java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType"))
parameterizedType(sb, owner);
sb.append(((Class< ? >) owner).getName().replace('.', '/'));
int n = name.lastIndexOf('$');
name = name.substring(n + 1);
for (Object parameterType : (Object[]) call(pt, "getActualTypeArguments")) {
reference(sb, parameterType);
* Handle primitives, these need to be translated to a single char.
* @param type
* the primitive class
* @return the single char associated with the primitive
private char primitive(Class< ? > type) {
if (type == byte.class)
return 'B';
else if (type == char.class)
return 'C';
else if (type == double.class)
return 'D';
else if (type == float.class)
return 'F';
else if (type == int.class)
return 'I';
else if (type == long.class)
return 'J';
else if (type == short.class)
return 'S';
else if (type == boolean.class)
return 'Z';
else if (type == void.class)
return 'V';
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown primitive type " + type);
* Normalize a signature to make sure the name of the variables are always
* the same. We change the names of the type variables to _n, where n is an
* integer. n is incremented for every new name and already used names are
* replaced with the _n name.
* @return a normalized signature
public String normalize(String signature) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
Rover rover = new Rover(signature);
declare(sb, map, rover);
if (rover.peek() == '(') {
// method or constructor
while (rover.peek() != ')') {
reference(sb, map, rover, true);
reference(sb, map, rover, true); // return type
} else {
// field or class
reference(sb, map, rover, true); // field type or super class
while (!rover.isEOF()) {
reference(sb, map, rover, true); // interfaces
return sb.toString();
* The heart of the routine. Handle a reference to a type. Can be an array,
* a class, a type variable, or a primitive.
* @param sb
* @param map
* @param rover
* @param primitivesAllowed
private void reference(StringBuilder sb, Map<String,String> map, Rover rover, boolean primitivesAllowed) {
char type = rover.take();
if (type == '[') {
reference(sb, map, rover, true);
} else if (type == 'L') {
String fqnb = rover.upTo("<;.");
body(sb, map, rover);
while (rover.peek() == '.') {
body(sb, map, rover);
} else if (type == 'T') {
String name = rover.upTo(";");
name = assign(map, name);
} else {
if (!primitivesAllowed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Primitives are not allowed without an array");
* Because classes can be nested the body handles the part that can be
* nested, the reference handles the enclosing L ... ;
* @param sb
* @param map
* @param rover
private void body(StringBuilder sb, Map<String,String> map, Rover rover) {
if (rover.peek() == '<') {
while (rover.peek() != '>') {
switch (rover.peek()) {
case 'L' :
case '[' :
reference(sb, map, rover, false);
case 'T' :
String name;
sb.append(rover.take('T')); // 'T'
name = rover.upTo(";");
sb.append(assign(map, name));
case '+' : // extends
case '-' : // super
reference(sb, map, rover, false);
case '*' : // wildcard
* Handle the declaration part.
* @param sb
* @param map
* @param rover
private void declare(StringBuilder sb, Map<String,String> map, Rover rover) {
char c = rover.peek();
if (c == '<') {
while (rover.peek() != '>') {
String name = rover.upTo(":");
name = assign(map, name);
typeVar: while (rover.peek() == ':') {
switch (rover.peek()) {
case ':' : // empty class cases
continue typeVar;
default :
reference(sb, map, rover, false);
* Handles the assignment of type variables to index names so that we have a
* normalized name for each type var.
* @param map
* the map with variables.
* @param name
* The name of the variable
* @return the index name, like _1
private String assign(Map<String,String> map, String name) {
if (map.containsKey(name))
return map.get(name);
int n = map.size();
map.put(name, "_" + n);
return "_" + n;
private boolean isInstance(Class< ? > type, String string) {
if (type == null)
return false;
if (type.getName().equals(string))
return true;
if (isInstance(type.getSuperclass(), string))
return true;
for (Class< ? > intf : type.getInterfaces()) {
if (isInstance(intf, string))
return true;
return false;
private Object call(Object gd, String string) throws Exception {
Method m = gd.getClass().getMethod(string);
return m.invoke(gd);