blob: 33188ac22f9968d7de7c211d6981cf0e000ed116 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* Service Dependency Callback management.
* @param <S> the type of the service dependency
* @param <B> the type of the sub-classes which may extend this class
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"})
public class ServiceCallbacksBuilderImpl<S, B extends ServiceCallbacksBuilder<S, B>> implements ServiceCallbacksBuilder<S, B> {
protected boolean m_autoConfig = true;
protected boolean m_autoConfigInvoked = false;
protected String m_autoConfigField;
protected Object m_callbackInstance;
protected String m_added;
protected String m_changed;
protected String m_removed;
protected String m_swapped;
protected final Class<S> m_serviceClass;
enum Cb {
* List of service (add/change/remove) callbacks.
protected final Map<Cb, List<MethodRef<Object, S>>> m_refs = new HashMap<>();
* List of swap callbacks
protected final List<SwapMethodRef<?, S>> m_swapRefs = new ArrayList<>();
* This interface (lambda) is called when we want to invoke a method reference. the lambda is called with all necessary service dependency
* informations.
* When the lambda is called, it will invoke the proper callback on the given component instance.
* @param <I> type of a component instance
* @param <T> service dependency type
interface MethodRef<I, S> {
public void accept(I instance, Component c, ServiceReference<S> ref, S service);
* This interface (lambda) is called when we want to invoke a swap method reference. the lambda is called with all necessary swap info.
* When the lambda is called, it will invoke the proper swap callback on the given component instance.
* @param <I> type of a component instance
* @param <T> service dependency type
interface SwapMethodRef<I, S> {
public void accept(I instance, Component c, ServiceReference<S> oldRef, S oldService, ServiceReference<S> newRef, S newService);
public ServiceCallbacksBuilderImpl(Class<S> serviceClass) {
m_serviceClass = serviceClass;
public B autoConfig() {
return (B) this;
public B autoConfig(String field) {
m_autoConfigField = field;
m_autoConfigInvoked = true;
return (B) this;
public B autoConfig(boolean autoConfig) {
m_autoConfig = autoConfig;
m_autoConfigInvoked = true;
return (B) this;
public B cb(String ... callbacks) {
return cbi(null, callbacks);
public B cbi(Object callbackInstance, String ... callbacks) {
switch (callbacks.length) {
case 1:
cb(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], null, null, null);
case 2:
cb(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], null, callbacks[1], null);
case 3:
cb(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], callbacks[1], callbacks[2], null);
case 4:
cb(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], callbacks[1], callbacks[2], callbacks[3]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong number of arguments: " + callbacks.length + ". " +
"Possible arguments: [add], [add, remove], [add, change, remove], or [add, change, remove, swap]");
return (B) this;
private B cb(Object callbackInstance, String added, String changed, String removed, String swapped) {
m_callbackInstance = callbackInstance;
m_added = added != null ? added : m_added;
m_changed = changed != null ? changed : m_changed;
m_removed = removed != null ? removed : m_removed;
m_swapped = swapped != null ? swapped : m_swapped;
if (! m_autoConfigInvoked) m_autoConfig = false;
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeService<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeService<T, S> add, CbTypeService<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeService<T, S> add, CbTypeService<T, S> change, CbTypeService<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, srv));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, srv));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, srv));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbService<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbService<S> add, CbService<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbService<S> add, CbService<S> change, CbService<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(srv));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(srv));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(srv));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> add, CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> add, CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> change, CbTypeServiceMap<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbServiceMap<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbServiceMap<S> add, CbServiceMap<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbServiceMap<S> add, CbServiceMap<S> change, CbServiceMap<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(srv, new SRefAsMap(ref)));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> add, CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> add, CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> change, CbTypeServiceDict<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbServiceDict<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbServiceDict<S> add, CbServiceDict<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbServiceDict<S> add, CbServiceDict<S> change, CbServiceDict<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(srv, new SRefAsDictionary(ref)));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRefService<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRefService<T, S> add, CbTypeRefService<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRefService<T, S> add, CbTypeRefService<T, S> change, CbTypeRefService<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, ref, srv));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, ref, srv));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, ref, srv));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbRefService<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbRefService<S> add, CbRefService<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbRefService<S> add, CbRefService<S> change, CbRefService<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(ref, srv));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(ref, srv));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(ref, srv));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRef<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRef<T, S> add, CbTypeRef<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeRef<T, S> add, CbTypeRef<T, S> change, CbTypeRef<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, ref));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, ref));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, ref));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbRef<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbRef<S> add, CbRef<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbRef<S> add, CbRef<S> change, CbRef<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(ref));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(ref));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(ref));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponent<T> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponent<T> add, CbTypeComponent<T> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponent<T> add, CbTypeComponent<T> change, CbTypeComponent<T> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, comp));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, comp));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, comp));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbComponent add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbComponent add, CbComponent remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbComponent add, CbComponent change, CbComponent remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(comp));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(comp));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(comp));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> change, CbTypeComponentRef<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, comp, ref));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, comp, ref));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, comp, ref));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbComponentRef<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbComponentRef<S> add, CbComponentRef<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbComponentRef<S> add, CbComponentRef<S> change, CbComponentRef<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(comp, ref));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(comp, ref));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(comp, ref));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentService<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentService<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentService<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentService<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentService<T, S> change, CbTypeComponentService<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, comp, srv));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, comp, srv));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, comp, srv));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbComponentService<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbComponentService<S> add, CbComponentService<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbComponentService<S> add, CbComponentService<S> change, CbComponentService<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(comp, srv));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(comp, srv));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(comp, srv));
return (B) this;
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> add) {
return cb(add, null, null);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> B cb(CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> add, CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> change, CbTypeComponentRefService<T, S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept((T) inst, comp, ref, srv));
if (change != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept((T) inst, comp, ref, srv));
if (remove != null)
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0), (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept((T) inst, comp, ref, srv));
return (B) this;
public B cbi(CbComponentRefService<S> add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public B cbi(CbComponentRefService<S> add, CbComponentRefService<S> remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public B cbi(CbComponentRefService<S> add, CbComponentRefService<S> change, CbComponentRefService<S> remove) {
if (add != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> add.accept(comp, ref, srv));
if (change != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> change.accept(comp, ref, srv));
if (remove != null)
setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (inst, comp, ref, srv) -> remove.accept(comp, ref, srv));
return (B) this;
public <T> B sw(CbTypeServiceService<T, S> swap) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(swap, 0);
return setComponentSwapCallbackRef(type, (inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) ->
swap.accept((T) inst, oserv, nserv));
public <T> B sw(CbTypeComponentServiceService<T, S> swap) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(swap, 0);
return setComponentSwapCallbackRef(type, (inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) ->
swap.accept((T) inst, component, oserv, nserv));
public <T> B sw(CbTypeRefServiceRefService<T, S> swap) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(swap, 0);
return setComponentSwapCallbackRef(type, (inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) ->
swap.accept((T) inst, oref, oserv, nref, nserv));
public <T> B sw(CbTypeComponentRefServiceRefService<T, S> swap) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(swap, 0);
return setComponentSwapCallbackRef(type, (inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) ->
swap.accept((T) inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv));
public B swi(CbServiceService<S> swap) {
return setInstanceSwapCallbackRef((inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) -> swap.accept(oserv, nserv));
public B swi(CbComponentServiceService<S> swap) {
return setInstanceSwapCallbackRef((inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) -> swap.accept(component, oserv, nserv));
public B swi(CbRefServiceRefService<S> swap) {
return setInstanceSwapCallbackRef((inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) -> swap.accept(oref, oserv, nref, nserv));
public B swi(CbComponentRefServiceRefService<S> swap) {
return setInstanceSwapCallbackRef((inst, component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv) -> swap.accept(component, oref, oserv, nref, nserv));
protected <I> B setComponentCallbackRef(Cb cbType, Class<I> type, MethodRef<I, S> ref) {
if (! m_autoConfigInvoked) m_autoConfig = false;
List<MethodRef<Object, S>> list = m_refs.computeIfAbsent(cbType, l -> new ArrayList<>());
list.add((instance, component, sref, service) -> {
Object componentImpl = Stream.of(component.getInstances())
.filter(impl -> Helpers.getClass(impl).equals(type))
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("The method reference " + ref + " does not match any available component impl classes."));
ref.accept((I) componentImpl, component, sref, service);
return (B) this;
protected <T> B setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb cbType, MethodRef<T, S> ref) {
if (! m_autoConfigInvoked) m_autoConfig = false;
List<MethodRef<Object, S>> list = m_refs.computeIfAbsent(cbType, l -> new ArrayList<>());
list.add((instance, component, sref, service) -> {
ref.accept((T) component.getInstance(), component, sref, service);
return (B) this;
public <I> B setComponentSwapCallbackRef(Class<I> type, SwapMethodRef<I, S> ref) {
if (! m_autoConfigInvoked) m_autoConfig = false;
m_swapRefs.add((instance, component, oref, oservice, nref, nservice) -> {
Object componentImpl = Stream.of(component.getInstances())
.filter(impl -> Helpers.getClass(impl).equals(type))
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("The method reference " + ref + " does not match any available component impl classes."));
ref.accept((I) componentImpl, component, oref, oservice, nref, nservice);
return (B) this;
public <I> B setInstanceSwapCallbackRef(SwapMethodRef<I, S> ref) {
if (! m_autoConfigInvoked) m_autoConfig = false;
m_swapRefs.add((instance, component, oref, oservice, nref, nservice) -> {
ref.accept((I) component.getInstance(), component, oref, oservice, nref, nservice);
return (B) this;
Object createCallbackInstance() {
Object cb = null;
cb = new Object() {
void add(Component c, ServiceReference<S> ref, Object service) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.ADD, c, ref, (S) service);
void change(Component c, ServiceReference<S> ref, Object service) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.CHG, c, ref, (S) service);
void remove(Component c, ServiceReference<S> ref, Object service) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.REM, c, ref, (S) service);
void swap(Component c, ServiceReference<S> oldRef, Object oldSrv, ServiceReference<S> newRef, Object newSrv) {
invokeSwapMethodRefs(c, oldRef, (S) oldSrv, newRef, (S) newSrv);
return cb;
boolean hasRefs() {
return m_refs.size() > 0 || m_swapRefs.size() > 0;
boolean hasCallbacks() {
return m_callbackInstance != null || m_added != null || m_changed != null || m_removed != null || m_swapped != null;
String getAutoConfigField() {
return m_autoConfigField;
Object getCallbackInstance() {
return m_callbackInstance;
String getAdded() {
return m_added;
String getChanged() {
return m_changed;
String getRemoved() {
return m_removed;
String getSwapped() {
return m_swapped;
private void invokeMethodRefs(Cb cbType, Component comp, ServiceReference<S> ref, S service) {
m_refs.computeIfPresent(cbType, (k, mrefs) -> {
mrefs.forEach(mref -> mref.accept(null, comp, ref, service));
return mrefs;
private void invokeSwapMethodRefs(Component c, ServiceReference<S> oref, S osrv, ServiceReference<S> nref, S nsrv) {
m_swapRefs.forEach(ref -> ref.accept(null, c, oref, osrv, nref, nsrv));
private void requiresNoCallbacks() {
if (hasCallbacks()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("can't mix method references and string callbacks.");
private void requiresNoMethodRefs() {
if (hasRefs()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("can't mix method references and string callbacks.");