blob: 8cd257eeca714dc308ed6ecf1f334b366098744c [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
public class BundleAdapterBuilderImpl implements AdapterBase<BundleAdapterBuilder>, BundleAdapterBuilder {
private Consumer<ComponentBuilder<?>> m_compBuilder = (compBuilder -> {});
protected final Map<Cb, List<MethodRef<Object>>> m_refs = new HashMap<>();
private DependencyManager m_dm;
private boolean m_autoAdd;
private String m_added;
private String m_changed;
private String m_removed;
private String m_filter;
private int m_stateMask = -1;
private boolean m_propagate;
private Object m_callbackInstance;
private String m_add;
private String m_change;
private String m_remove;
enum Cb {
interface MethodRef<I> {
public void accept(I instance, Component c, Bundle b);
public BundleAdapterBuilderImpl(DependencyManager dm) {
m_dm = dm;
public void andThenBuild(Consumer<ComponentBuilder<?>> builder) {
m_compBuilder = m_compBuilder.andThen(builder);
public BundleAdapterBuilderImpl autoAdd(boolean autoAdd) {
m_autoAdd = autoAdd;
return this;
public boolean isAutoAdd() {
return m_autoAdd;
public BundleAdapterBuilder mask(int mask) {
m_stateMask = mask;
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder filter(String filter) {
m_filter = filter;
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder propagate(boolean propagate) {
m_propagate = propagate;
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder propagate() {
m_propagate = true;
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder cb(String ... callbacks) {
return cbi(null, callbacks);
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(Object callbackInstance, String ... callbacks) {
switch (callbacks.length) {
case 1:
return cbi(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], null, null);
case 2:
return cbi(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], null, callbacks[1]);
case 3:
return cbi(callbackInstance, callbacks[0], callbacks[1], callbacks[2]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong number of arguments: " + callbacks.length + ". " +
"Possible arguments: [add], [add, remove] or [add, change, remove]");
private BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(Object callbackInstance, String add, String change, String remove) {
m_callbackInstance = callbackInstance;
m_add = add;
m_change = change;
m_remove = remove;
return this;
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeBundle<T> add) {
return cb(add, (CbTypeBundle<T>) null, (CbTypeBundle<T>) null);
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeBundle<T> add, CbTypeBundle<T> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeBundle<T> add, CbTypeBundle<T> change, CbTypeBundle<T> remove) {
if (add != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0);
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { add.accept((T) instance, bundle); });
if (change != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0);
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { change.accept((T) instance, bundle); });
if (remove != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0);
setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.REM, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { remove.accept((T) instance, bundle); });
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbBundle add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbBundle add, CbBundle remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbBundle add, CbBundle change, CbBundle remove) {
if (add != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (instance, component, bundle) -> { add.accept(bundle); });
if (change != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (instance, component, bundle) -> { change.accept(bundle); });
if (remove != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (instance, component, bundle) -> { remove.accept(bundle); });
return this;
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeComponentBundle<T> add) {
return cb((CbTypeComponentBundle<T>) add, (CbTypeComponentBundle<T>) null, (CbTypeComponentBundle<T>) null);
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeComponentBundle<T> add, CbTypeComponentBundle<T> remove) {
return cb(add, null, remove);
public <T> BundleAdapterBuilder cb(CbTypeComponentBundle<T> add, CbTypeComponentBundle<T> change, CbTypeComponentBundle<T> remove) {
if (add != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(add, 0);
return setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { add.accept((T) instance, component, bundle); });
if (change != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(change, 0);
return setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { change.accept((T) instance, component, bundle); });
if (remove != null) {
Class<T> type = Helpers.getLambdaArgType(remove, 0);
return setComponentCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, type, (instance, component, bundle) -> { remove.accept((T) instance, component, bundle); });
return this;
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbComponentBundle add) {
return cbi(add, null, null);
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbComponentBundle add, CbComponentBundle remove) {
return cbi(add, null, remove);
public BundleAdapterBuilder cbi(CbComponentBundle add, CbComponentBundle change, CbComponentBundle remove) {
if (add != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.ADD, (instance, component, bundle) -> { add.accept(component, bundle); });
if (change != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.CHG, (instance, component, bundle) -> { change.accept(component, bundle); });
if (remove != null) setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb.REM, (instance, component, bundle) -> { remove.accept(component, bundle); });
return this;
public Component build() {
Component c = null;
if (m_refs.size() > 0) {
Object wrapCallback = new Object() {
public void add(Component comp, Bundle bundle) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.ADD, comp, bundle);
public void change(Component comp, Bundle bundle) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.CHG, comp, bundle);
public void remove(Component comp, Bundle bundle) {
invokeMethodRefs(Cb.REM, comp, bundle);
c = m_dm.createBundleAdapterService(m_stateMask, m_filter, m_propagate, wrapCallback, "add", "change", "remove");
} else {
c = m_dm.createBundleAdapterService(m_stateMask, m_filter, m_propagate, m_callbackInstance, m_add, m_change, m_remove);
ComponentBuilderImpl cb = new ComponentBuilderImpl(c, false);
m_compBuilder.accept (cb);
private <U> BundleAdapterBuilder setInstanceCallbackRef(Cb cbType, MethodRef<U> ref) {
List<MethodRef<Object>> list = m_refs.computeIfAbsent(cbType, l -> new ArrayList<>());
list.add((instance, component, bundle) -> ref.accept(null, component, bundle));
return this;
private <U> BundleAdapterBuilder setComponentCallbackRef(Cb cbType, Class<U> type, MethodRef<U> ref) {
List<MethodRef<Object>> list = m_refs.computeIfAbsent(cbType, l -> new ArrayList<>());
list.add((instance, component, bundle) -> {
Object componentImpl = Stream.of(component.getInstances())
.filter(impl -> Helpers.getClass(impl).equals(type))
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("The method reference " + ref + " does not match any available component impl classes."));
ref.accept((U) componentImpl, component, bundle);
return this;
private void invokeMethodRefs(Cb cbType, Component comp, Bundle bundle) {
m_refs.computeIfPresent(cbType, (k, mrefs) -> {
mrefs.forEach(mref -> mref.accept(null, comp, bundle));
return mrefs;
private void checkHasNoMethodRefs() {
if (m_refs.size() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't mix method references with reflection based callbacks");
private void checkHasNoReflectionCallbacks() {
if (m_added != null || m_changed != null || m_removed != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't mix method references with reflection based callbacks");