blob: e2e4370e5d0992dd031e6e9848f003c6922733c8 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* Builds a Dependency Manager Service Dependency. Dependency callbacks can be defined using methods reflection like
* in original DM API, or using Java8 method references.
* Unlike with original DM, dependencies are required by default.
* @param <S> the type of the service dependency
public interface ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> extends DependencyBuilder<ServiceDependency>, ServiceCallbacksBuilder<S, ServiceDependencyBuilder<S>> {
* Configures the service dependency filter
* @param filter the service filter
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> filter(String filter);
* Configures this dependency with the given ServiceReference.
* @param ref the service reference
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> ref(ServiceReference<S> ref);
* Configures this dependency as optional. By default, a dependency is required.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> optional();
* Configures this dependency as required. By default, a dependency is required.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> required();
* Configures whether this dependency is required or not.
* @param required true if the dependency is required, false if not. Unlike with the original DM API, service dependencies are required by default.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> required(boolean required);
* Configures debug mode
* @param label the label used by debug messages
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> debug(String label);
* Propagates the dependency properties to the component service properties.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> propagate();
* Configures whether the dependency properties must be propagated or not to the component service properties.
* @param propagate true if the service dependency properties should be propagated to the properties provided by the component using this dependency.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> propagate(boolean propagate);
* Configures a method that can is called in order to get propagated service properties.
* @param instance an object instance
* @param method the method name to call on the object instance. This method returns the propagated service properties.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> propagate(Object instance, String method);
* Specifies a function that is called to get the propagated service properties for this service dependency.
* @param propagate a function that is called to get the propagated service properties for this service dependency.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> propagate(Function<ServiceReference<S>, Dictionary<String, Object>> propagate);
* Specifies a function that is called to get the propagated service properties for this service dependency.
* @param propagate a function that is called to get the propagated service properties for this service dependency.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> propagate(BiFunction<ServiceReference<S>, S, Dictionary<String, Object>> propagate);
* Sets the default implementation if the service is not available.
* @param defaultImpl the implementation used by default when the service is not available.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> defImpl(Object defaultImpl);
* Sets a timeout for this dependency. A timed dependency blocks the invoker thread is the required dependency is currently unavailable, until it comes up again.
* @param timeout the timeout to wait in milliseconds when the service disappears. If the timeout expires, an IllegalStateException is thrown
* when the missing service is invoked.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> timeout(long timeout);
* Injects this dependency in all fields matching the dependency type.
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> autoConfig();
* Configures whether or not the dependency can be injected in all fields matching the dependency type.
* @param autoConfig true if the dependency can be injected in all fields matching the dependency type
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> autoConfig(boolean autoConfig);
* Injects this dependency on the field with the given name
* @param field the field name where the dependency must be injected
* @return this builder
ServiceDependencyBuilder<S> autoConfig(String field);