blob: 0c978ea4f9b3d3d92ccc644ea4526d6f94dea1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Builds a Dependency Manager Component. Components are the main building blocks for OSGi applications.
* They can publish themselves as a service, and they can have dependencies.
* These dependencies will influence their life cycle as component will only be activated when all
* required dependencies are available.
* <p> This interface is also the base interface for extended components like aspects, adapters, etc ...
* <p> Example of a component that depends on a ConfigurationAdmin service. The dependency is injected by reflection
* on a class field which type matches the ConfigurationAdmin interface:
* <pre>{@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void activate() throws Exception {
* component(comp -> comp.impl(Configurator.class).withSrv(ConfigurationAdmin.class));
* }
* }
* } </pre>
* @param <B> the type of a builder that may extends this builder interface (aspect/adapter).
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public interface ComponentBuilder<B extends ComponentBuilder<B>> {
* Configures the component implementation. Can be a class name, or a component implementation object.
* @param impl the component implementation (a class, or an Object).
* @return this builder
B impl(Object impl);
* Sets the factory to use to create the implementation. You can specify both the factory class and method to invoke. The method should return the implementation,
* and can use any method to create it. Actually, this can be used together with setComposition to create a composition of instances that work together to implement
* a component. The factory itself can also be instantiated lazily by not specifying an instance, but a Class.
* @param factory the factory instance, or the factory class.
* @param createMethod the create method called on the factory in order to instantiate the component instance.
* @return this builder
B factory(Object factory, String createMethod);
* Configures a factory that can be used to create this component implementation.
* Example:
* <pre> {@code
* factory(ComponentImpl::new)", or "factory(() -> new ComponentImpl())
* }</pre>
* @param create the factory used to create the component implementation.
* @return this builder
B factory(Supplier<?> create);
* Configures a factory used to create this component implementation using a Factory object and a method in the Factory object.
* Example:
* <pre> {@code
* factory(Factory::new, Factory::create)
* }</pre>
* @param <U> the type of the factory returned by the supplier
* @param <V> the type of the object that is returned by the factory create method.
* @param factory the function used to create the Factory itself
* @param create the method reference on the Factory method that is used to create the Component implementation
* @return this builder
<U, V> B factory(Supplier<U> factory, Function<U, V> create);
* Configures a factory used to create this component implementation using a Factory object and a "getComponent" factory method.
* the Factory method may then return multiple objects that will be part of this component implementation.
* Example:
* <pre> {@code
* CompositionManager mngr = new CompositionManager();
* ...
* factory(mngr::create, mngr::getComposition)
* }</pre>
* @param factory the supplier used to return the main component implementation instance
* @param getComposition the supplier that returns the list of instances that are part of the component implementation classes.
* @return this builder
B factory(Supplier<?> factory, Supplier<Object[]> getComposition);
* Configures a factory that also returns a composition of objects for this component implemenation.
* Example:
* <pre> {@code
* factory(CompositionManager::new, CompositionManager::create, CompositionManager::getComposition).
* }</pre>
* Here, the CompositionManager will act as a factory (the create method will return the component implementation object), and the
* CompositionManager.getComposition() method will return all the objects that are also part of the component implementation.
* @param <U> the type of the object returned by the supplier factory
* @param factory the function used to create the Factory itself
* @param create the Factory method used to create the main component implementation object
* @param getComposition the Factory method used to return the list of objects that are also part of the component implementation.
* @return this builder
<U> B factory(Supplier<U> factory, Function<U, ?> create, Function<U, Object[]> getComposition);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @return this builder
B provides(Class<?> iface);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param name a property name for the provided service
* @param value a property value for the provided service
* @param rest the rest of property name/value pairs.
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?> iface, String name, Object value, Object ... rest);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* Warning: you can only use this method if you compile your application using the "-parameters" javac option.
* code example:
* <pre> {@code
* provides(MyService.class, property1 -> "value1", property2 -> 123);
* }</pre>
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties a list of fluent service properties for the provided service. You can specify a list of lambda expression, each one implementing the
* {@link FluentProperty} interface that allows to define a property name using a lambda parameter.
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?> iface, FluentProperty ... properties);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties the properties for the provided service
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?> iface, Dictionary<?,?> properties);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces list of services provided by the component.
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?>[] ifaces);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param name a property name for the provided service
* @param value a property value for the provided service
* @param rest the rest of property name/value pairs.
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?>[] ifaces, String name, Object value, Object ... rest);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* Warning: you can only use this method if you compile your application using the "-parameters" javac option.
* code example:
* <pre> {@code
* provides(new Class[] { MyService.class, MyService2.class }, property1 -> "value1", property2 -> 123);
* }</pre>
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties a list of fluent service properties for the provided service. You can specify a list of lambda expression, each one implementing the
* {@link FluentProperty} interface that allows to define a property name using a lambda parameter.
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?>[] ifaces, FluentProperty ... properties);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties the properties for the provided service
* @return this builder.
B provides(Class<?>[] ifaces, Dictionary<?,?> properties);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the service provided by this component.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String iface);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param name a property name for the provided service
* @param value a property value for the provided service
* @param rest the rest of property name/value pairs.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String iface, String name, Object value, Object ... rest);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* Warning: you can only use this method if you compile your application using the "-parameters" javac option.
* code example:
* <pre> {@code
* provides(MyService.class, property1 -> "value1", property2 -> 123);
* }</pre>
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties a list of fluent service properties for the provided service. You can specify a list of lambda expression, each one implementing the
* {@link FluentProperty} interface that allows to define a property name using a lambda parameter.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String iface, FluentProperty ... properties);
* Sets the public interface under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param iface the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties the properties for the provided service
* @return this builder.
B provides(String iface, Dictionary<?,?> properties);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces the list of services provided by the component.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String[] ifaces);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param name a property name for the provided service
* @param value a property value for the provided service
* @param rest the rest of property name/value pairs.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String[] ifaces, String name, Object value, Object ... rest);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* Warning: you can only use this method if you compile your application using the "-parameters" javac option.
* code example:
* <pre> {@code
* provides(new Class[] { MyService.class, MyService2.class }, property1 -> "value1", property2 -> 123);
* }</pre>
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties a list of fluent service properties for the provided service. You can specify a list of lambda expression, each one implementing the
* {@link FluentProperty} interface that allows to define a property name using a lambda parameter.
* @return this builder.
B provides(String[] ifaces, FluentProperty ... properties);
* Sets the public interfaces under which this component should be registered in the OSGi service registry.
* @param ifaces the public interfaces to register in the OSGI service registry.
* @param properties the properties for the provided service
* @return this builder.
B provides(String[] ifaces, Dictionary<?,?> properties);
* Sets the component's service properties
* @param properties the component's service properties
* @return this builder
B properties(Dictionary<?,?> properties);
* Sets the components's service properties using varargs. The number of parameters must be even, representing a list of pair property key-value.
* <pre> {@code
* Example: properties("param1", "value1", "service.ranking", 3)
* }</pre>
* @param name the first property name
* @param value the first property value
* @param rest the rest of properties key/value pairs.
* @return this builder
B properties(String name, Object value, Object ... rest);
* Sets the components's service properties using List of lamda properties.
* Example:
* <pre> {@code
* properties(param1 -> "value1, param2 -> 2);
* }</pre>
* When you use this method, you must compile your source code using the "-parameters" option, and the "arg0" parameter
* name is now allowed.
* @param properties the fluent properties
* @return this builder
B properties(FluentProperty ... properties);
* Adds a required/autoconfig service dependency.
* @param service the service dependency filter
* @param filter the service filter
* @return this builder
B withSrv(Class<?> service, String filter);
* Adds in one shot multiple required/autoconfig service dependencies.
* @param services the dependencies that are required and that will be injected in any field with the same dependency type.
* @return this builder
B withSrv(Class<?> ... services);
* Adds a service dependency built using a Consumer lambda that is provided with a ServiceDependencyBuilder.
* @param <U> the type of the dependency service
* @param service the service
* @param consumer the lambda for building the service dependency
* @return this builder.
<U> B withSrv(Class<U> service, Consumer<ServiceDependencyBuilder<U>> consumer);
* Adds a configuration dependency.
* @param consumer the lambda used to build the configuration dependency.
* @return this builder.
B withCnf(Consumer<ConfigurationDependencyBuilder> consumer);
* Adds multiple configuration dependencies in one single call. All configurations are injected by default in the "updated" callback.
* @param pids list of configuration pids.
* @return this builder
default B withCnf(String ... pids) {
Stream.of(pids).forEach(pid -> withCnf(cnf ->;
return (B) this;
* Adds multiple configuration dependencies in one single call.
* @param pids list of configuration pids
* @return this builder
default B withCnf(Class<?> ... pids) {
Stream.of(pids).forEach(pid -> withCnf(cnf ->;
return (B) this;
* Adds a bundle dependency.
* @param consumer the lambda used to build the bundle dependency.
* @return this builder.
B withBundle(Consumer<BundleDependencyBuilder> consumer);
* Adds a CompletableFuture dependency.
* @param <U> the type of the result of the CompletableFuture.
* @param future a CompletableFuture on which the dependency will wait for
* @param consumer the builder used to build the dependency
* @return this builder.
<U> B withFuture(CompletableFuture<U> future, Consumer<FutureDependencyBuilder<U>> consumer);
* Sets the name of the method used as the "init" callback. This method, when found, is
* invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The dependency manager will look for a method of this name with the following signatures,
* in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Component component)</li>
* <li>method()</li>
* </ol>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
B init(String callback);
* Sets the name of the method used as the "start" callback. This method, when found, is
* invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation. The
* dependency manager will look for a method of this name with the following signatures,
* in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Component component)</li>
* <li>method()</li>
* </ol>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
B start(String callback);
* Sets the name of the method used as the "stop" callback. This method, when found, is
* invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation. The
* dependency manager will look for a method of this name with the following signatures,
* in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Component component)</li>
* <li>method()</li>
* </ol>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
B stop(String callback);
* Sets the name of the method used as the "destroy" callback. This method, when found, is
* invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation. The
* dependency manager will look for a method of this name with the following signatures,
* in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Component component)</li>
* <li>method()</li>
* </ol>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
B destroy(String callback);
* Sets the name of the methods used as init callback that is invoked on a given Object instance.
* These methods, when found, are invoked on the specified instance as part of the life cycle management
* of the component implementation.
* <p>
* Specifying an instance means you can create a manager
* that will be invoked whenever the life cycle of a component changes and this manager
* can then decide how to expose this life cycle to the actual component, offering an
* important indirection when developing your own component models.
* @see #init(String)
* @param callbackInstance the instance the callback will be invoked on.
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
B init(Object callbackInstance, String callback);
* Sets the name of the methods used as start callback that is invoked on a given Object instance.
* These methods, when found, are invoked on the specified instance as part of the life cycle management
* of the component implementation.
* <p>
* Specifying an instance means you can create a manager
* that will be invoked whenever the life cycle of a component changes and this manager
* can then decide how to expose this life cycle to the actual component, offering an
* important indirection when developing your own component models.
* @see #start(String)
* @param callbackInstance the instance the callback will be invoked on.
* @param callback the name of the start method
* @return this builder.
B start(Object callbackInstance, String callback);
* Sets the name of the methods used as stop callback that is invoked on a given Object instance.
* These methods, when found, are invoked on the specified instance as part of the life cycle management
* of the component implementation.
* <p>
* Specifying an instance means you can create a manager
* that will be invoked whenever the life cycle of a component changes and this manager
* can then decide how to expose this life cycle to the actual component, offering an
* important indirection when developing your own component models.
* @see #stop(String)
* @param callbackInstance the instance the callback will be invoked on.
* @param callback the name of the stop method
* @return this builder.
B stop(Object callbackInstance, String callback);
* Sets the name of the methods used as destroy callback that is invoked on a given Object instance.
* These methods, when found, are invoked on the specified instance as part of the life cycle management
* of the component implementation.
* <p>
* Specifying an instance means you can create a manager
* that will be invoked whenever the life cycle of a component changes and this manager
* can then decide how to expose this life cycle to the actual component, offering an
* important indirection when developing your own component models.
* @see #destroy(String)
* @param callbackInstance the instance the callback will be invoked on.
* @param callback the name of the destroy method
* @return this builder.
B destroy(Object callbackInstance, String callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "init" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method does not take any parameters.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes.
* @return this builder
<U> B init(CbConsumer<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "start" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes.
* @return this builder.
<U> B start(CbConsumer<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "stop" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes.
* @return this builder.
<U> B stop(CbConsumer<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "destroy" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes.
* @return this builder.
<U> B destroy(CbConsumer<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "init" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder
<U> B init(CbTypeComponent<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "start" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
<U> B start(CbTypeComponent<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "stop" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
<U> B stop(CbTypeComponent<U> callback);
* Sets a method reference used as the "destroy" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param <U> the type of the component class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback a method reference must point to method from one of the component instance classes. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
<U> B destroy(CbTypeComponent<U> callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "init" callback. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component
* implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method does not take any parameters.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method does not take any parameters.
* @return this builder
B initInstance(Runnable callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "start" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method does not take any parameters.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method does not take any parameters.
* @return this builder.
B startInstance(Runnable callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "stop" callback. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component
* implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method does not take any parameters.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method does not take any parameters.
* @return this builder
B stopInstance(Runnable callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "destroy" callback. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component
* implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method does not take any parameters.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method does not take any parameters.
* @return this builder
B destroyInstance(Runnable callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "init" callback. It is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component
* implementation.
* This method is useful because when it is invoked, all required dependencies defines in the Activator
* are already injected, and you can then add more extra dependencies from the init() method.
* And once all extra dependencies will be available and injected, then the "start" callback will be invoked.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference.
* @return this builder
B initInstance(CbComponent callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "start" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
B startInstance(CbComponent callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "stop" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
B stopInstance(CbComponent callback);
* Sets an Object instance method reference used as the "destroy" callback. This method reference must point to method from one
* of the component instance classes. This method is invoked as part of the life cycle management of the component implementation.
* The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @param callback an Object instance method reference. The method takes as argument a Component parameter.
* @return this builder.
B destroyInstance(CbComponent callback);
* Configures OSGi object (BundleContext, Component, etc ...) that will be injected in any field having the same OSGi object type.
* @param clazz the OSGi object type (BundleContext, Component, DependencyManager).
* @param autoConfig true if the OSGi object has to be injected, false if not
* @return this builder
B autoConfig(Class<?> clazz, boolean autoConfig);
* Configures OSGi object (BundleContext, Component, etc ...) that will be injected in a given field.
* @param clazz the OSGi object type (BundleContext, Component, DependencyManager).
* @param field the field that will be injected with the OSGI object
* @return this builder
B autoConfig(Class<?> clazz, String field);
* Activates debug mode
* @param label the debug label
* @return this builder
B debug(String label);
* Automatically adds this component to its DependencyManager object. When a lambda builds a Component using this builder, by default
* the built component is auto added to its DependencyManager object, unless you invoke autoAdd(false).
* @param autoAdd true for automatically adding this component to the DependencyManager object, false if not
* @return this builder
B autoAdd(boolean autoAdd);
* Sets the method to invoke on the service implementation to get back all
* instances that are part of a composition and need dependencies injected.
* All of them will be searched for any of the dependencies. The method that
* is invoked must return an <code>Object[]</code>.
* @param getCompositionMethod the method to invoke
* @return this builder
B composition(String getCompositionMethod);
* Sets the instance and method to invoke to get back all instances that
* are part of a composition and need dependencies injected. All of them
* will be searched for any of the dependencies. The method that is
* invoked must return an <code>Object[]</code>.
* @param instance the instance that has the method
* @param getCompositionMethod the method to invoke
* @return this builder
B composition(Object instance, String getCompositionMethod);
* Sets a java8 method reference to a Supplier that returns all instances that are part of a composition and need dependencies injected.
* All of them will be searched for any of the dependencies. The method that
* is invoked must return an <code>Object[]</code>.
* @param getCompositionMethod the method to invoke
* @return this builder
B composition(Supplier<Object[]> getCompositionMethod);
* Builds the real DependencyManager Component.
* @return the real DependencyManager Component.
Component build();