blob: 857e7c9cf44ae9aeb4fd1bc78a0b4c72810927ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.Activator;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.BundleComponentActivator;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.ComponentRegistry;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.TargetedPID;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
public class ConfigurationSupport implements ConfigurationListener
private static final ChangeCount changeCounter;
ChangeCount cc = null;
Configuration.class.getMethod( "getChangeCount", null );
cc = new R5ChangeCount();
catch ( SecurityException e )
catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
if ( cc == null )
cc = new R4ChangeCount();
changeCounter = cc;
// the registry of components to be configured
private final ComponentRegistry m_registry;
// the service m_registration of the ConfigurationListener service
private ServiceRegistration m_registration;
public ConfigurationSupport(final BundleContext bundleContext, final ComponentRegistry registry)
this.m_registry = registry;
// register as listener for configurations
Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
props.put(Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, "Declarative Services Configuration Support Listener");
props.put(Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, "The Apache Software Foundation");
this.m_registration = bundleContext.registerService(new String[]
{ "" }, this, props);
public void dispose()
if (this.m_registration != null)
this.m_registration = null;
// ---------- BaseConfigurationSupport overwrites
public boolean configureComponentHolder(final ComponentHolder holder)
// 112.7 configure unless configuration not required
if (!holder.getComponentMetadata().isConfigurationIgnored())
final BundleContext bundleContext = holder.getActivator().getBundleContext();
if ( bundleContext == null )
return false;// bundle was stopped concurrently with configuration deletion
final String confPid = holder.getComponentMetadata().getConfigurationPid();
final ServiceReference<?> caRef = bundleContext.getServiceReference(ComponentRegistry.CONFIGURATION_ADMIN);
if (caRef != null)
final Object cao = bundleContext.getService(caRef);
if (cao != null)
if ( cao instanceof ConfigurationAdmin )
final ConfigurationAdmin ca = ( ConfigurationAdmin ) cao;
final Collection<Configuration> factory = findFactoryConfigurations(ca, confPid, bundleContext.getBundle());
if (!factory.isEmpty())
boolean created = false;
for (Configuration config: factory)
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null, "Configuring holder {0} with factory configuration {1}",
new Object[] {holder, config}, null );
config = getConfiguration( ca, config.getPid() );
if ( checkBundleLocation( config, bundleContext.getBundle() ))
long changeCount = changeCounter.getChangeCount( config, false, -1 );
created |= holder.configurationUpdated(config.getPid(), config.getProperties(), changeCount, new TargetedPID(config.getFactoryPid()));
return created;
// check for configuration and configure the holder
Configuration singleton = findSingletonConfiguration(ca, confPid, bundleContext.getBundle());
if (singleton != null)
singleton = getConfiguration( ca, singleton.getPid() );
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null, "Configuring holder {0} with configuration {1}",
new Object[] {holder, singleton}, null );
if ( singleton != null && checkBundleLocation( singleton, bundleContext.getBundle() ))
long changeCount = changeCounter.getChangeCount( singleton, false, -1 );
holder.configurationUpdated(confPid, singleton.getProperties(), changeCount, new TargetedPID(singleton.getPid()));
return true;
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Cannot configure component {0}",
new Object[] {holder.getComponentMetadata().getName()}, null );
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, null,
"Component Bundle's Configuration Admin is not compatible with "
+ "ours. This happens if multiple Configuration Admin API versions "
+ "are deployed and different bundles wire to different versions", null );
return false;
bundleContext.ungetService( caRef );
catch ( IllegalStateException e )
// ignore, bundle context was shut down during the above.
return false;
// ---------- ServiceListener
public void configureComponentHolders(final ServiceReference<ConfigurationAdmin> configurationAdminReference,
final Object configurationAdmin)
if (configurationAdmin instanceof ConfigurationAdmin)
Configuration[] configs = findConfigurations((ConfigurationAdmin) configurationAdmin, null);
if (configs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
ConfigurationEvent cfgEvent = new ConfigurationEvent(configurationAdminReference,
ConfigurationEvent.CM_UPDATED, configs[i].getFactoryPid(), configs[i].getPid());
// ---------- ConfigurationListener
* Called by the Configuration Admin service if a configuration is updated
* or removed.
* <p>
* This method is really only called upon configuration changes; it is not
* called for existing configurations upon startup of the Configuration
* Admin service. To bridge this gap, the
* {@link ComponentRegistry#serviceChanged(org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent)} method called when the
* Configuration Admin service is registered calls #configureComponentHolders which calls this method for all
* existing configurations to be able to forward existing configurations to
* components.
* @param event The configuration change event
public void configurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent event)
final TargetedPID pid = new TargetedPID( event.getPid());
String rawFactoryPid = event.getFactoryPid();
final TargetedPID factoryPid = rawFactoryPid == null? null: new TargetedPID( rawFactoryPid);
// iterate over all components which must be configured with this pid
// (since DS 1.2, components may specify a specific configuration PID (112.4.4 configuration-pid)
Collection<ComponentHolder> holders;
if (factoryPid == null)
holders = this.m_registry.getComponentHoldersByPid(pid);
holders = this.m_registry.getComponentHoldersByPid(factoryPid);
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null, "configurationEvent: Handling {0} of Configuration PID={1} for component holders {2}",
new Object[] {getEventType(event), pid, holders},
for ( ComponentHolder componentHolder: holders )
if (!componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().isConfigurationIgnored())
switch (event.getType()) {
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_DELETED:
if ( factoryPid != null || !configureComponentHolder( componentHolder ) )
componentHolder.configurationDeleted( pid.getServicePid() );
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_UPDATED:
final BundleComponentActivator activator = componentHolder.getActivator();
if (activator == null)
final BundleContext bundleContext = activator.getBundleContext();
if (bundleContext == null)
TargetedPID targetedPid = factoryPid == null? pid: factoryPid;
TargetedPID oldTargetedPID = componentHolder.getConfigurationTargetedPID(pid);
if ( targetedPid.equals(oldTargetedPID) || targetedPid.bindsStronger( oldTargetedPID ))
final ConfigurationInfo configInfo = getConfigurationInfo( pid, componentHolder, bundleContext );
if ( checkBundleLocation( configInfo.getBundleLocation(), bundleContext.getBundle() ) )
//If this is replacing a weaker targetedPID delete the old one.
if ( !targetedPid.equals(oldTargetedPID) && oldTargetedPID != null)
componentHolder.configurationDeleted( pid.getServicePid() );
componentHolder.configurationUpdated( pid.getServicePid(), configInfo.getProps(), configInfo.getChangeCount(), targetedPid );
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_LOCATION_CHANGED:
//TODO is this logic correct for factory pids????
final BundleComponentActivator activator = componentHolder.getActivator();
if (activator == null)
final BundleContext bundleContext = activator.getBundleContext();
if (bundleContext == null)
TargetedPID targetedPid = factoryPid == null? pid: factoryPid;
TargetedPID oldTargetedPID = componentHolder.getConfigurationTargetedPID(pid);
if ( targetedPid.equals(oldTargetedPID))
//this sets the location to this component's bundle if not already set. OK here
//since it used to be set to this bundle, ok to reset it
final ConfigurationInfo configInfo = getConfigurationInfo( pid, componentHolder, bundleContext );
if (configInfo.getProps() == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Existing Configuration with pid " + pid +
" has had its properties set to null and location changed. We expected a delete event first.");
//this config was used on this component. Does it still match?
if (!checkBundleLocation( configInfo.getBundleLocation(), bundleContext.getBundle() ))
//no, delete it
componentHolder.configurationDeleted( pid.getServicePid() );
//maybe there's another match
//else still matches
boolean better = targetedPid.bindsStronger( oldTargetedPID );
if ( better )
//this sets the location to this component's bundle if not already set. OK here
//because if it is set to this bundle we will use it.
final ConfigurationInfo configInfo = getConfigurationInfo( pid, componentHolder, bundleContext );
if (configInfo.getProps() == null)
//location has been changed before any properties are set. We don't care. Wait for an updated event with the properties
//this component was not configured with this config. Should it be now?
if ( checkBundleLocation( configInfo.getBundleLocation(), bundleContext.getBundle() ) )
if ( oldTargetedPID != null )
//this is a better match, delete old before setting new
componentHolder.configurationDeleted( pid.getServicePid() );
componentHolder.configurationUpdated( pid.getServicePid(), configInfo.getProps(),
configInfo.getChangeCount(), pid );
//else worse match, do nothing
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Unknown ConfigurationEvent type {0}", new Object[] {event.getType()},
private String getEventType(ConfigurationEvent event)
switch (event.getType())
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_UPDATED:
return "UPDATED";
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_DELETED:
return "DELETED";
case ConfigurationEvent.CM_LOCATION_CHANGED:
return "Unkown event type: " + event.getType();
private static class ConfigurationInfo
private final Dictionary<String, Object> props;
private final String bundleLocation;
private long changeCount;
public ConfigurationInfo(Dictionary<String, Object> props, String bundleLocation, long changeCount)
this.props = props;
this.bundleLocation = bundleLocation;
this.changeCount = changeCount;
public long getChangeCount()
return changeCount;
public void setChangeCount(long changeCount)
this.changeCount = changeCount;
public Dictionary<String, Object> getProps()
return props;
public String getBundleLocation()
return bundleLocation;
* This gets config admin, gets the requested configuration, extracts the info we need from it, and ungets config admin.
* Some versions of felix config admin do not allow access to configurations after the config admin instance they were obtained from
* are ungot. Extracting the info we need into "configInfo" solves this problem.
* @param pid TargetedPID for the desired configuration
* @param componentHolder ComponentHolder that holds the old change count (for r4 fake change counting)
* @param bundleContext BundleContext to get the CA from
* @return ConfigurationInfo object containing the info we need from the configuration.
private ConfigurationInfo getConfigurationInfo(final TargetedPID pid, ComponentHolder componentHolder,
final BundleContext bundleContext)
final ServiceReference caRef = bundleContext
if (caRef != null)
final Object cao = bundleContext.getService(caRef);
if (cao != null)
if ( cao instanceof ConfigurationAdmin )
final ConfigurationAdmin ca = ( ConfigurationAdmin ) cao;
final Configuration config = getConfiguration( ca, pid.getRawPid() );
return new ConfigurationInfo(config.getProperties(), config.getBundleLocation(),
changeCounter.getChangeCount( config, true, componentHolder.getChangeCount( pid.getServicePid() ) ) );
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Cannot reconfigure component {0}",
new Object[] {componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().getName()}, null );
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, null,
"Component Bundle's Configuration Admin is not compatible with " +
"ours. This happens if multiple Configuration Admin API versions " +
"are deployed and different bundles wire to different versions",
null );
bundleContext.ungetService( caRef );
catch (IllegalStateException ise)
// If the bundle has been stopped concurrently
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Bundle in unexpected state",
return null;
private Configuration getConfiguration(final ConfigurationAdmin ca, final String pid)
return ca.getConfiguration(pid);
catch (IOException ioe)
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Failed reading configuration for pid={0}", new Object[] {pid}, ioe);
return null;
* Returns the configuration whose PID equals the given pid. If no such
* configuration exists, <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param ca Configuration Admin service
* @param pid Pid for desired configuration
* @param bundle bundle of the component we are configuring (used in targeted pids)
* @return configuration with the specified Pid
public Configuration findSingletonConfiguration(final ConfigurationAdmin ca, final String pid, Bundle bundle)
final String filter = getTargetedPidFilter( pid, bundle, Constants.SERVICE_PID );
final Configuration[] cfg = findConfigurations(ca, filter);
if (cfg == null)
return null;
String longest = null;
Configuration best = null;
for (Configuration config: cfg)
if ( checkBundleLocation( config, bundle ) )
String testPid = config.getPid();
if ( longest == null || testPid.length() > longest.length())
longest = testPid;
best = config;
return best;
* Returns all configurations whose factory PID equals the given factory PID
* or <code>null</code> if no such configurations exist
* @param ca ConfigurationAdmin service
* @param factoryPid factory Pid we want the configurations for
* @param bundle bundle we're working for (for location and location permission)
* @return the configurations specifying the supplied factory Pid.
private Collection<Configuration> findFactoryConfigurations(final ConfigurationAdmin ca, final String factoryPid, Bundle bundle)
final String filter = getTargetedPidFilter( factoryPid, bundle, ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_FACTORYPID );
Configuration[] configs = findConfigurations(ca, filter);
if (configs == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Configuration> configsByPid = new HashMap<String, Configuration>();
for (Configuration config: configs)
if ( checkBundleLocation( config, bundle ) )
Configuration oldConfig = configsByPid.get( config.getPid() );
if ( oldConfig == null )
configsByPid.put( config.getPid(), config );
String newPid = config.getFactoryPid();
String oldPid = oldConfig.getFactoryPid();
if ( newPid.length() > oldPid.length() )
configsByPid.put( config.getPid(), config );
return configsByPid.values();
private boolean checkBundleLocation(Configuration config, Bundle bundle)
if (config == null)
return false;
String configBundleLocation = config.getBundleLocation();
return checkBundleLocation( configBundleLocation, bundle );
private boolean checkBundleLocation(String configBundleLocation, Bundle bundle)
if ( configBundleLocation == null)
return true;
if (configBundleLocation.startsWith( "?" ))
return bundle.hasPermission(new ConfigurationPermission(configBundleLocation, ConfigurationPermission.TARGET));
return configBundleLocation.equals(bundle.getLocation());
private Configuration[] findConfigurations(final ConfigurationAdmin ca, final String filter)
return ca.listConfigurations(filter);
catch (IOException ioe)
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, null, "Problem listing configurations for filter={0}", new Object[] {filter}, ioe);
catch (InvalidSyntaxException ise)
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, null, "Invalid Configuration selection filter {0}", new Object[] {filter}, ise);
// no factories in case of problems
return null;
private String getTargetedPidFilter(String pid, Bundle bundle, String key)
String bsn = bundle.getSymbolicName();
String version = bundle.getVersion().toString();
String location = escape(bundle.getLocation());
String f = String.format(
key, pid, bsn, version, location );
return f;
* see core spec 3.2.7. Escape \*() with preceding \
* @param value
* @return escaped string
static final String escape(String value)
return value.replaceAll( "([\\\\\\*\\(\\)])", "\\\\$1" );
private interface ChangeCount {
long getChangeCount( Configuration configuration, boolean fromEvent, long previous );
private static class R5ChangeCount implements ChangeCount {
public long getChangeCount(Configuration configuration, boolean fromEvent, long previous)
return configuration.getChangeCount();
private static class R4ChangeCount implements ChangeCount {
public long getChangeCount(Configuration configuration, boolean fromEvent, long previous)
return fromEvent? previous + 1:0;