blob: 5a92dd2ea0c04c27d3d360e4ac75e9729f85b2b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleListener;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
* The <code>ConfigurationManager</code> is the central class in this
* implementation of the Configuration Admin Service Specification. As such it
* has the following tasks:
* <ul>
* <li>It is a <code>BundleActivator</code> which is called when the bundle
* is started and stopped.
* <li>It is a <code>BundleListener</code> which gets informed when the
* states of bundles change. Mostly this is needed to unbind any bound
* configuration in case a bundle is uninstalled.
* <li>It is a <code>ServiceListener</code> which gets informed when
* <code>ManagedService</code> and <code>ManagedServiceFactory</code>
* services are registered and unregistered. This is used to provide
* configuration to these services. As a service listener it also listens for
* {@link PersistenceManager} instances being registered to support different
* configuration persistence layers.
* <li>A {@link ConfigurationAdminFactory} instance is registered as the
* <code>ConfigurationAdmin</code> service.
* <li>A {@link FilePersistenceManager} instance is registered as a default
* {@link PersistenceManager}.
* <li>Last but not least this instance manages all tasks laid out in the
* specification such as maintaining configuration, taking care of configuration
* events, etc.
* </ul>
* <p>
* The default {@link FilePersistenceManager} is configured with a configuration
* location taken from the <code></code> framework property. If
* this property is not set the <code>config</code> directory in the current
* working directory as specified in the <code>user.dir</code> system property
* is used.
* @author fmeschbe
public class ConfigurationManager implements BundleActivator, BundleListener
* The name of the bundle context property defining the location for the
* configuration files (value is "").
* @see #FilePersistenceManager(BundleContext)
public static final String CM_CONFIG_DIR = "";
// random number generator to create configuration PIDs for factory
// configurations
private static SecureRandom numberGenerator;
// comparator used to keep the ordered persistence manager map
private static final Comparator cmRankComp = new RankingComparator( true, ConfigurationPlugin.CM_RANKING );
// the BundleContext of the Configuration Admin Service bundle
private BundleContext bundleContext;
// the service reference to the ConfigurationAdmin service
private ServiceReference configurationAdminReference;
// the ServiceTracker to emit log services (see log(int, String, Throwable))
private ServiceTracker logTracker;
// the ConfigurationEvent listeners
private ServiceTracker configurationListenerTracker;
// service tracker for managed services
private ServiceTracker managedServiceTracker;
// service tracker for managed service factories
private ServiceTracker managedServiceFactoryTracker;
// PersistenceManager services
private ServiceTracker persistenceManagerTracker;
// the thread used to schedule tasks required to run asynchronously
private UpdateThread updateThread;
* The actual list of {@link PersistenceManager persistence managers} to use
* when looking for configuration data. This list is built from the
* {@link #persistenceManagerMap}, which is ordered according to the
* {@link RankingComparator}.
private PersistenceManager[] persistenceManagers;
// the persistenceManagerTracker.getTrackingCount when the
// persistenceManagers were last got
private int pmtCount;
// the cache of Factory instances mapped by their factory PID
private Map factories;
// the cache of Configuration instances mapped by their PID
private Map configurations;
public void start( BundleContext bundleContext )
// track the log service using a ServiceTracker
logTracker = new ServiceTracker( bundleContext, LogService.class.getName(), null );;
// set up some fields
this.bundleContext = bundleContext;
this.factories = new HashMap();
this.configurations = new HashMap();
// configurationlistener support
configurationListenerTracker = new ServiceTracker( bundleContext, ConfigurationListener.class.getName(), null );;
// initialize the asynchonous updater thread
this.updateThread = new UpdateThread( this );
// set up the location (might throw IllegalArgumentException)
FilePersistenceManager fpm = new FilePersistenceManager( bundleContext, bundleContext
.getProperty( CM_CONFIG_DIR ) );
Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_PID, fpm.getClass().getName() );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, "Platform Filesystem Persistence Manager" );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, "Apache Software Foundation" );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, new Integer( Integer.MIN_VALUE ) );
bundleContext.registerService( PersistenceManager.class.getName(), fpm, props );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot create the FilePersistenceManager", iae );
// register as bundle and service listener
bundleContext.addBundleListener( this );
// get all persistence managers to begin with
pmtCount = 1; // make sure to get the persistence managers at least
// once
persistenceManagerTracker = new ServiceTracker( bundleContext, PersistenceManager.class.getName(), null );;
// create and register configuration admin - start after PM tracker ...
ConfigurationAdminFactory caf = new ConfigurationAdminFactory( this );
Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_PID, "" );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, "Configuration Admin Service Specification 1.2 Implementation" );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, "Apache Software Foundation" );
bundleContext.registerService( ConfigurationAdmin.class.getName(), caf, props );
// start handling ManagedService[Factory] services
managedServiceTracker = new ManagedServiceTracker();
managedServiceFactoryTracker = new ManagedServiceFactoryTracker();
public void stop( BundleContext bundleContext )
// stop handling ManagedService[Factory] services
// don't care for PersistenceManagers any more
// stop listening for events
bundleContext.removeBundleListener( this );
if ( configurationListenerTracker != null )
if ( updateThread != null )
// terminate asynchrounous updates
// wait for all updates to terminate
catch ( InterruptedException ie )
// don't really care
if ( logTracker != null )
this.bundleContext = null;
this.configurations = null;
// ---------- Configuration caching support --------------------------------
ConfigurationImpl getCachedConfiguration( String pid )
synchronized ( configurations )
return ( ConfigurationImpl ) configurations.get( pid );
Iterator getCachedConfigurations()
synchronized ( configurations )
return configurations.values().iterator();
ConfigurationImpl cacheConfiguration( ConfigurationImpl configuration )
synchronized ( configurations )
Object existing = configurations.get( configuration.getPid() );
if ( existing != null )
return ( ConfigurationImpl ) existing;
configurations.put( configuration.getPid(), configuration );
return configuration;
void removeConfiguration( ConfigurationImpl configuration )
synchronized ( configurations )
configurations.remove( configuration.getPid() );
// ---------- ConfigurationAdminImpl support -------------------------------
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
ConfigurationImpl createFactoryConfiguration( ConfigurationAdminImpl configurationAdmin, String factoryPid )
throws IOException
Factory factory = getFactory( factoryPid );
// check Persmission if factory is bound to another bundle
if ( factory.getBundleLocation() != null
&& !factory.getBundleLocation().equals( configurationAdmin.getBundle().getLocation() ) )
// create the configuration
String pid = createPid( factoryPid );
ConfigurationImpl config = createConfiguration( pid, factoryPid, configurationAdmin.getBundle().getLocation() );
// add the configuration to the factory
factory.addPID( pid );;
return config;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see,
* java.lang.String)
ConfigurationImpl createFactoryConfiguration( String factoryPid, String location ) throws IOException
// create the configuration
String pid = createPid( factoryPid );
ConfigurationImpl config = createConfiguration( pid, factoryPid, location );
// add the configuration to the factory
Factory factory = getFactory( factoryPid );
factory.addPID( pid );;
return config;
ConfigurationImpl getExistingConfiguration( String pid ) throws IOException
ConfigurationImpl config = getCachedConfiguration( pid );
if ( config != null )
return config;
PersistenceManager[] pmList = getPersistenceManagers();
for ( int i = 0; i < pmList.length; i++ )
if ( pmList[i].exists( pid ) )
Dictionary props = pmList[i].load( pid );
config = new ConfigurationImpl( this, pmList[i], props );
return cacheConfiguration( config );
// neither the cache nor any persistence manager has configuration
return null;
ConfigurationImpl getConfiguration( String pid, String bundleLocation ) throws IOException
// check for existing (cached or persistent) configuration
ConfigurationImpl config = getExistingConfiguration( pid );
if ( config != null )
return config;
// else create new configuration also setting the bundle location
return createConfiguration( pid, null, bundleLocation );
ConfigurationImpl[] listConfigurations( ConfigurationAdminImpl configurationAdmin, String filterString )
throws IOException, InvalidSyntaxException
Filter filter = null;
if ( filterString != null )
filter = bundleContext.createFilter( filterString );
boolean unprivileged = configurationAdmin != null && !configurationAdmin.hasPermission();
String location = unprivileged ? configurationAdmin.getBundle().getLocation() : null;
List configList = new ArrayList();
PersistenceManager[] pmList = getPersistenceManagers();
for ( int i = 0; i < pmList.length; i++ )
Enumeration configs = pmList[i].getDictionaries();
while ( configs.hasMoreElements() )
Dictionary config = ( Dictionary ) configs.nextElement();
// ignore non-Configuration dictionaries
String pid = ( String ) config.get( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
if ( pid == null )
// ignore this config if not privileged and not bound to bundle
if ( unprivileged )
Object boundLocation = config.get( ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_BUNDLELOCATION );
if ( !location.equals( boundLocation ) )
// check filter
if ( filter == null || filter.match( config ) )
// ensure the and returned a cached config if available
ConfigurationImpl cfg = getCachedConfiguration( pid );
if ( cfg == null )
cfg = new ConfigurationImpl( this, pmList[i], config );
configList.add( cfg );
return ( ConfigurationImpl[] ) configList.toArray( new ConfigurationImpl[configList
.size()] );
void deleted( ConfigurationImpl config )
// remove the configuration from the cache
removeConfiguration( config );
updateThread.schedule( new DeleteConfiguration( config ) );
void updated( ConfigurationImpl config )
updateThread.schedule( new UpdateConfiguration( config ) );
void fireConfigurationEvent( int type, String pid, String factoryPid )
updateThread.schedule( new FireConfigurationEvent( type, pid, factoryPid) );
// ---------- BundleListener -----------------------------------------------
public void bundleChanged( BundleEvent event )
if ( event.getType() == BundleEvent.UNINSTALLED )
String location = event.getBundle().getLocation();
PersistenceManager[] pmList = getPersistenceManagers();
for ( int i = 0; i < pmList.length; i++ )
Enumeration configs = pmList[i].getDictionaries();
while ( configs.hasMoreElements() )
Dictionary config = ( Dictionary ) configs.nextElement();
String pid = ( String ) config.get( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
if ( pid != null )
ConfigurationImpl cfg = getCachedConfiguration( pid );
if ( cfg == null )
cfg = new ConfigurationImpl( this, pmList[i], config );
if ( location.equals( cfg.getBundleLocation() ) )
cfg.setBundleLocation( null );
Factory factory = Factory.getFactory( pmList[i], config );
if ( factory != null )
Factory cachedFactory = ( Factory ) factories.get( factory.getFactoryPid() );
if ( cachedFactory != null )
factory = cachedFactory;
if ( location.equals( factory.getBundleLocation() ) )
factory.setBundleLocation( null );
catch ( Exception e )
log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Problem unbinding configurations for bundle " + location, e );
// ---------- internal -----------------------------------------------------
private PersistenceManager[] getPersistenceManagers()
int currentPmtCount = persistenceManagerTracker.getTrackingCount();
if ( persistenceManagers == null || currentPmtCount > pmtCount )
PersistenceManager[] pm;
ServiceReference[] refs = persistenceManagerTracker.getServiceReferences();
if ( refs == null || refs.length == 0 )
pm = new PersistenceManager[0];
// sort the references according to the cmRanking property
SortedSet pms = new TreeSet( new RankingComparator( false ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
pms.add( refs[i] );
// create the service array from the sorted set of referenecs
pm = new PersistenceManager[pms.size()];
int pmIndex = 0;
for ( Iterator pi = pms.iterator(); pi.hasNext(); pmIndex++)
ServiceReference ref = ( ServiceReference );
pm[pmIndex] = ( PersistenceManager ) persistenceManagerTracker.getService( ref );
pmtCount = currentPmtCount;
persistenceManagers = pm;
return persistenceManagers;
private void configure( ServiceReference sr, ManagedService service )
String pid = ( String ) sr.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
if ( pid != null )
ManagedServiceUpdate update = new ManagedServiceUpdate( pid, sr, service );
updateThread.schedule( update );
private void configure( ServiceReference sr, ManagedServiceFactory service )
String pid = ( String ) sr.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
if ( pid != null )
ManagedServiceFactoryUpdate update = new ManagedServiceFactoryUpdate( pid, sr, service );
updateThread.schedule( update );
ConfigurationImpl createConfiguration( String pid, String factoryPid, String bundleLocation ) throws IOException
// create the configuration (which will also be stored immediately)
ConfigurationImpl config = new ConfigurationImpl( this, getPersistenceManagers()[0], pid, factoryPid,
bundleLocation );
return cacheConfiguration( config );
Factory getFactory( String factoryPid ) throws IOException
Factory factory = ( Factory ) factories.get( factoryPid );
if ( factory != null )
return factory;
PersistenceManager[] pmList = getPersistenceManagers();
for ( int i = 0; i < pmList.length; i++ )
if ( Factory.exists( pmList[i], factoryPid ) )
factory = Factory.load( pmList[i], factoryPid );
factories.put( factoryPid, factory );
return factory;
// if getting here, there is no configuration yet, optionally create new
return createFactory( factoryPid );
Factory createFactory( String factoryPid )
Factory factory = new Factory( getPersistenceManagers()[0], factoryPid );
factories.put( factoryPid, factory );
return factory;
* Calls the registered configuration plugins on the given configuration
* object unless the configuration has just been created and not been
* updated yet.
* @param sr The service reference of the managed service (factory) which
* is to be updated with configuration
* @param cfg The configuration object whose properties have to be passed
* through the plugins
* @return The properties from the configuration object passed through the
* plugins or <code>null</code> if the configuration object has
* been newly created and no properties exist yet.
private Dictionary callPlugins( ServiceReference sr, ConfigurationImpl cfg )
Dictionary props = cfg.getProperties();
// guard against NPE for new configuration never updated
if (props == null) {
return null;
ServiceReference[] plugins = null;
String pid = ( String ) sr.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
String filter = "(|(!(*))(" + pid + "))";
plugins = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ConfigurationPlugin.class.getName(), filter );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
// no filter, no exception ...
// abort early if there are no plugins
if ( plugins == null || plugins.length == 0 )
return props;
// sort the plugins by their service.cmRanking
SortedSet pluginSet = new TreeSet( cmRankComp );
for ( int i = 0; plugins != null && i < plugins.length; i++ )
pluginSet.add( plugins[i] );
// call the plugins in order
for ( Iterator pi = pluginSet.iterator(); pi.hasNext(); )
ServiceReference pluginRef = ( ServiceReference );
ConfigurationPlugin plugin = ( ConfigurationPlugin ) bundleContext.getService( pluginRef );
plugin.modifyConfiguration( sr, props );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem calling" + " configuration plugin", t );
// ensure ungetting the plugin
bundleContext.ungetService( pluginRef );
cfg.setAutoProperties( props, false );
return props;
* Creates a PID for the given factoryPid
* @param factoryPid
* @return
private static String createPid( String factoryPid )
SecureRandom ng = numberGenerator;
if ( ng == null )
numberGenerator = ng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[16];
ng.nextBytes( randomBytes );
randomBytes[6] &= 0x0f; /* clear version */
randomBytes[6] |= 0x40; /* set to version 4 */
randomBytes[8] &= 0x3f; /* clear variant */
randomBytes[8] |= 0x80; /* set to IETF variant */
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( factoryPid.length() + 1 + 36 );
// prefix the new pid with the factory pid
buf.append( factoryPid ).append( "." );
// serialize the UUID into the buffer
for ( int i = 0; i < randomBytes.length; i++ )
if ( i == 4 || i == 6 || i == 8 || i == 10 )
buf.append( '-' );
int val = randomBytes[i] & 0xff;
buf.append( Integer.toHexString( val >> 4 ) );
buf.append( Integer.toHexString( val & 0xf ) );
return buf.toString();
void log( int level, String message, Throwable t )
LogService log = ( LogService ) logTracker.getService();
if ( log != null )
log.log( configurationAdminReference, level, message, t );
String code;
switch ( level )
case LogService.LOG_INFO:
code = "*INFO *";
case LogService.LOG_WARNING:
code = "*WARN *";
case LogService.LOG_ERROR:
code = "*ERROR*";
case LogService.LOG_DEBUG:
code = "*DEBUG*";
System.err.println( code + " " + message );
if ( t != null )
t.printStackTrace( System.err );
// ---------- inner classes ------------------------------------------------
private class ManagedServiceUpdate implements Runnable
private String pid;
private ServiceReference sr;
private ManagedService service;
ManagedServiceUpdate( String pid, ServiceReference sr, ManagedService service )
{ = pid; = sr;
this.service = service;
public void run()
// get or load configuration for the pid
ConfigurationImpl cfg;
cfg = getExistingConfiguration( pid );
catch ( IOException ioe )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error loading configuration for " + pid, ioe );
// this will be set below to be given to the service
Dictionary dictionary;
// check configuration and call plugins if existing and not new
if ( cfg != null && !cfg.isNew() )
// 104.3 Ignore duplicate PIDs from other bundles and report
// them to the log
// 104.4.1 No update call back for PID already bound to another
// bundle location
// 104.4.1 assign configuration to bundle if unassigned
String bundleLocation = sr.getBundle().getLocation();
if ( cfg.getBundleLocation() == null )
cfg.setBundleLocation( bundleLocation );
else if ( !bundleLocation.equals( cfg.getBundleLocation() ) )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot use configuration for " + pid + " requested by bundle "
+ sr.getBundle().getLocation() + " but belongs to " + cfg.getBundleLocation(), null );
// 104.3 Report an error in the log if more than one service
// with
// the same PID asks for the configuration
if ( cfg.getServiceReference() != null && !sr.equals( cfg.getServiceReference() ) )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration for " + pid + " has already been used for service "
+ cfg.getServiceReference() + " and will now also be given to " + sr, null );
// assign the configuration to the service
cfg.setServiceReference( sr );
// prepare the configuration for the service (call plugins)
dictionary = callPlugins( sr, cfg );
// 104.5.3 ManagedService.updated must be called with null
// if no configuration is available
dictionary = null;
// update the service with the configuration
service.updated( dictionary );
catch ( ConfigurationException ce )
if ( ce.getProperty() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Updating configuration property " + ce.getProperty()
+ " caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Updating configuration caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Unexpected problem updating configuration", t );
// 104.5.3 CM_UPDATED is sent asynchronously to all
// ConfigurationListeners
fireConfigurationEvent( ConfigurationEvent.CM_UPDATED, pid, null );
private class ManagedServiceFactoryUpdate implements Runnable
private String factoryPid;
private ServiceReference sr;
private ManagedServiceFactory service;
ManagedServiceFactoryUpdate( String factoryPid, ServiceReference sr, ManagedServiceFactory service )
this.factoryPid = factoryPid; = sr;
this.service = service;
public void run()
Factory factory;
factory = getFactory( factoryPid );
catch ( IOException ioe )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot get factory mapping for factory PID " + factoryPid, ioe );
String bundleLocation = sr.getBundle().getLocation();
if ( factory.getBundleLocation() == null )
// bind to the location of the service if unbound
factory.setBundleLocation( bundleLocation );
else if ( !bundleLocation.equals( factory.getBundleLocation() ) )
// factory PID is bound to another bundle
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot use Factory configuration for " + factoryPid
+ " requested by bundle " + sr.getBundle().getLocation() + " but belongs to "
+ factory.getBundleLocation(), null );
Set pids = factory.getPIDs();
for ( Iterator pi = pids.iterator(); pi.hasNext(); )
String pid = ( String );
ConfigurationImpl cfg;
cfg = getExistingConfiguration( pid );
catch ( IOException ioe )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error loading configuration for " + pid, ioe );
// sanity check on the configuration
if ( cfg == null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration " + pid + " referred to by factory " + factoryPid
+ " does not exist", null );
factory.removePID( pid );
else if ( cfg.isNew() )
// Configuration has just been created but not yet updated
// we currently just ignore it and have the update mechanism
// provide the configuration to the ManagedServiceFactory
else if ( !factoryPid.equals( cfg.getFactoryPid() ) )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration " + pid + " referred to by factory " + factoryPid
+ " seems to belong to factory " + cfg.getFactoryPid(), null );
factory.removePID( pid );
// check bundle location of configuration
if ( cfg.getBundleLocation() == null )
// bind to the location of the service if unbound
cfg.setBundleLocation( bundleLocation );
else if ( !bundleLocation.equals( cfg.getBundleLocation() ) )
// configuration is bound to another bundle
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration " + pid + " (factory " + factoryPid
+ ") belongs to bundle " + cfg.getBundleLocation() + " but was requested for bundle "
+ bundleLocation, null );
// prepare the configuration for the service (call plugins)
Dictionary dictionary = callPlugins( sr, cfg );
// update the service with the configuration
// only, if there is non-null configuration data
if ( dictionary != null )
service.updated( pid, dictionary );
catch ( ConfigurationException ce )
if ( ce.getProperty() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Updating configuration property " + ce.getProperty()
+ " caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Updating configuration caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(),
ce );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, sr + ": Unexpected problem updating configuration", t );
private class UpdateConfiguration implements Runnable
private ConfigurationImpl config;
UpdateConfiguration( ConfigurationImpl config )
this.config = config;
public void run()
if ( config.getFactoryPid() == null )
ServiceReference[] sr = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ManagedService.class.getName(), "("
+ Constants.SERVICE_PID + "=" + config.getPid() + ")" );
if ( sr != null && sr.length > 0 )
ManagedService srv = ( ManagedService ) bundleContext.getService( sr[0] );
// bind the configuration, fail if bound to another
// bundle !!
// check bundle location of configuration
String bundleLocation = sr[0].getBundle().getLocation();
if ( config.getBundleLocation() == null )
// bind to the location of the service if
// unbound
config.setBundleLocation( bundleLocation );
else if ( !bundleLocation.equals( config.getBundleLocation() ) )
// configuration is bound to another bundle
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration " + config.getPid() + " belongs to bundle "
+ config.getBundleLocation() + " but was requested for bundle " + bundleLocation,
null );
// prepare the configuration for the service (call plugins)
Dictionary dictionary = callPlugins( sr[0], config );
// update the ManagedService with the properties
srv.updated( dictionary );
bundleContext.ungetService( sr[0] );
ServiceReference[] sr = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ManagedServiceFactory.class.getName(),
"(" + Constants.SERVICE_PID + "=" + config.getFactoryPid() + ")" );
if ( sr != null && sr.length > 0 )
ManagedServiceFactory srv = ( ManagedServiceFactory ) bundleContext.getService( sr[0] );
// bind the configuration, fail if bound to another
// bundle !!
// check bundle location of configuration
String bundleLocation = sr[0].getBundle().getLocation();
if ( config.getBundleLocation() == null )
// bind to the location of the service if
// unbound
config.setBundleLocation( bundleLocation );
else if ( !bundleLocation.equals( config.getBundleLocation() ) )
// configuration is bound to another bundle
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Configuration " + config.getPid() + " (factory "
+ config.getFactoryPid() + ") belongs to bundle " + config.getBundleLocation()
+ " but was requested for bundle " + bundleLocation, null );
// prepare the configuration for the service (call plugins)
Dictionary dictionary = callPlugins( sr[0], config );
// update the ManagedServiceFactory with the properties
// only, if there is non-null configuration data
if ( dictionary != null )
srv.updated( config.getPid(), dictionary );
bundleContext.ungetService( sr[0] );
catch ( ConfigurationException ce )
if ( ce.getProperty() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Updating configuration property " + ce.getProperty()
+ " caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Updating configuration caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem updating configuration", t );
fireConfigurationEvent( ConfigurationEvent.CM_UPDATED, config.getPid(), config.getFactoryPid() );
private class DeleteConfiguration implements Runnable
private String pid;
private String factoryPid;
DeleteConfiguration( ConfigurationImpl config )
{ = config.getPid();
this.factoryPid = config.getFactoryPid();
public void run()
if ( factoryPid == null )
ServiceReference[] sr = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ManagedService.class.getName(), "("
+ Constants.SERVICE_PID + "=" + pid + ")" );
if ( sr != null && sr.length > 0 )
ManagedService srv = ( ManagedService ) bundleContext.getService( sr[0] );
srv.updated( null );
bundleContext.ungetService( sr[0] );
// remove the pid from the factory
Factory factory = getFactory( factoryPid );
factory.removePID( pid );;
ServiceReference[] sr = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ManagedServiceFactory.class.getName(),
"(" + Constants.SERVICE_PID + "=" + factoryPid + ")" );
if ( sr != null && sr.length > 0 )
ManagedServiceFactory srv = ( ManagedServiceFactory ) bundleContext.getService( sr[0] );
srv.deleted( pid );
bundleContext.ungetService( sr[0] );
catch ( ConfigurationException ce )
if ( ce.getProperty() != null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Updating configuration property " + ce.getProperty()
+ " caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Updating configuration caused a problem: " + ce.getReason(), ce );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem updating configuration", t );
fireConfigurationEvent( ConfigurationEvent.CM_DELETED, pid, factoryPid );
private class FireConfigurationEvent implements Runnable
private int type;
private String pid;
private String factoryPid;
FireConfigurationEvent( int type, String pid, String factoryPid )
this.type = type; = pid;
this.factoryPid = factoryPid;
public void run()
// get the listeners
ServiceReference[] srs = configurationListenerTracker.getServiceReferences();
if ( srs == null || srs.length == 0 )
ConfigurationEvent event = new ConfigurationEvent( configurationAdminReference, type, factoryPid, pid);
for ( int i = 0; i < srs.length; i++ )
ConfigurationListener cl = ( ConfigurationListener ) configurationListenerTracker.getService( srs[i] );
cl.configurationEvent( event );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem delivery configuration event to " + srs[i], t );
private abstract class AbstractManagedServiceTracker extends ServiceTracker
AbstractManagedServiceTracker( String className )
super( bundleContext, className, null );
public void removedService( ServiceReference reference, Object service )
// check whether we can take back the configuration object
String pid = ( String ) reference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_PID );
if ( pid != null )
ConfigurationImpl cfg = getCachedConfiguration( pid );
if ( cfg != null && reference.equals( cfg.getServiceReference() ) )
cfg.setServiceReference( null );
super.removedService( reference, service );
private class ManagedServiceTracker extends AbstractManagedServiceTracker
super( ManagedService.class.getName() );
public Object addingService( ServiceReference reference )
ManagedService service = ( ManagedService ) super.addingService( reference );
// configure the managed service
if ( service != null )
configure( reference, service );
return service;
private class ManagedServiceFactoryTracker extends AbstractManagedServiceTracker
super( ManagedServiceFactory.class.getName() );
public Object addingService( ServiceReference reference )
ManagedServiceFactory service = ( ManagedServiceFactory ) super.addingService( reference );
// configure the managed service
if ( service != null )
configure( reference, service );
return service;