blob: 7d56dbf4cae07776242b4629b195dc3e1e4ab52d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scrplugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.helper.IssueLog;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.helper.PropertyHandler;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.helper.StringUtils;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.JavaClassDescription;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.JavaClassDescriptionInheritanceComparator;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.JavaField;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.JavaTag;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.ModifiableJavaClassDescription;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.tags.qdox.QDoxJavaClassDescription;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.xml.ComponentDescriptorIO;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.xml.MetaTypeIO;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.MetaTypeService;
* The <code>SCRDescriptorGenerator</code> class does the hard work of
* generating the SCR descriptors. This class is being instantiated and
* configured by clients and the {@link #execute()} method called to generate
* the descriptor files.
* <p>
* When using this class carefully consider calling <i>all</i> setter methods
* to properly configure the generator. All setter method document, which
* default value is assumed for the respective property if the setter is
* not called.
* <p>
* Instances of this class are not thread save and should not be reused.
public class SCRDescriptorGenerator
private final Log logger;
private File outputDirectory = null;
private JavaClassDescriptorManager descriptorManager;
private String finalName = "serviceComponents.xml";
private String metaTypeName = "metatype.xml";
private boolean generateAccessors = true;
protected boolean strictMode = false;
private Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
private String specVersion = null;
* Create an instance of this generator using the given {@link Log}
* instance of logging.
public SCRDescriptorGenerator( Log logger )
this.logger = logger;
* Sets the directory where the descriptor files will be created.
* <p>
* This field has no default value and this setter <b>must</b> called prior
* to calling {@link #execute()}.
public void setOutputDirectory( File outputDirectory )
this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
* Sets the {@link JavaClassDescriptorManager} instance used to access
* existing descriptors and to parse JavaDoc tags as well as interpret
* the SCR annotations.
* <p>
* This field has no default value and this setter <b>must</b> called prior
* to calling {@link #execute()}.
public void setDescriptorManager( JavaClassDescriptorManager descriptorManager )
this.descriptorManager = descriptorManager;
* Sets the name of the SCR declaration descriptor file. This file will be
* created in the <i>OSGI-INF</i> directory below the
* {@link #setOutputDirectory(File) output directory}.
* <p>
* This file will be overwritten if already existing. If no descriptors
* are created the file is actually removed.
* <p>
* The default value of this property is <code>serviceComponents.xml</code>.
public void setFinalName( String finalName )
this.finalName = finalName;
* Sets the name of the file taking the Metatype Service descriptors. This
* file will be created in the <i>OSGI-INF/metatype</i> directory below the
* {@link #setOutputDirectory(File) output directory}.
* <p>
* This file will be overwritten if already existing. If no descriptors
* are created the file is actually removed.
* <p>
* The default value of this property is <code>metatype.xml</code>.
public void setMetaTypeName( String metaTypeName )
this.metaTypeName = metaTypeName;
* Defines whether bind and unbind methods are automatically created by
* the SCR descriptor generator.
* <p>
* The generator uses the ASM library to create the method byte codes
* directly inside the class files. If bind and unbind methods are not
* to be created, the generator fails if such methods are missing.
* <p>
* The default value of this property is <code>true</code>.
public void setGenerateAccessors( boolean generateAccessors )
this.generateAccessors = generateAccessors;
* Defines whether warnings should be considered as errors and thus cause
* the generation process to fail.
* <p>
* The default value of this property is <code>false</code>.
public void setStrictMode( boolean strictMode )
this.strictMode = strictMode;
* Sets global properties to be set for each descriptor. If a descriptor
* provides properties of the same name, the descriptor properties are preferred
* over the properties provided here.
* <p>
* The are no default global properties.
public void setProperties( Map<String, String> properties )
{ = new HashMap<String, String>( properties );
* Sets the Declarative Services specification version number to be forced
* on the declarations.
* <p>
* Supported values for this property are <code>null</code> to autodetect
* the specification version, <code>1.0</code> to force 1.0 descriptors and
* <code>1.1</code> to force 1.1 descriptors. If 1.0 descriptors are forced
* the generation fails if a descriptor requires 1.1 functionality.
* <p>
* The default is to generate the descriptor version according to the
* capabilities used by the descriptors. If no 1.1 capabilities, such as
* <code>configuration-policy</code>, are used, version 1.0 is used,
* otherwise a 1.1 descriptor is generated.
public void setSpecVersion( String specVersion )
this.specVersion = specVersion;
* Actually generates the Declarative Services and Metatype descriptors
* scanning the java sources provided by the
* {@link #setDescriptorManager(JavaClassDescriptorManager) descriptor manager}.
* @return <code>true</code> if descriptors have been generated.
* @throws SCRDescriptorException
* @throws SCRDescriptorFailureException
public boolean execute() throws SCRDescriptorException, SCRDescriptorFailureException
this.logger.debug( "Starting SCRDescriptorMojo...." );
this.logger.debug( "..generating accessors: " + this.generateAccessors );
this.logger.debug( "..parsing javadocs: " + this.descriptorManager.isParseJavadocs() );
this.logger.debug( "..processing annotations: " + this.descriptorManager.isProcessAnnotations() );
// check speck version configuration
int specVersion = toSpecVersionCode( this.specVersion, null );
if ( this.specVersion == null )
this.logger.debug( " detecting spec version" );
this.logger.debug( "..using spec version " + this.specVersion + " (" + specVersion + ")" );
final IssueLog iLog = new IssueLog( this.strictMode );
final MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
metaData.setLocalization( MetaTypeService.METATYPE_DOCUMENTS_LOCATION + "/metatype" );
// iterate through all source classes and check for component tag
final JavaClassDescription[] javaSources = descriptorManager.getSourceDescriptions();
Arrays.sort( javaSources, new JavaClassDescriptionInheritanceComparator() );
final List<Component> scannedComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
for ( int i = 0; i < javaSources.length; i++ )
this.logger.debug( "Testing source " + javaSources[i].getName() );
final JavaTag tag = javaSources[i].getTagByName( Constants.COMPONENT );
if ( tag != null )
this.logger.debug( "Processing service class " + javaSources[i].getName() );
// check if there is more than one component tag!
if ( javaSources[i].getTagsByName( Constants.COMPONENT, false ).length > 1 )
iLog.addError( "Class " + javaSources[i].getName() + " has more than one " + Constants.COMPONENT
+ " tag." + " Merge the tags to a single tag.", tag.getSourceLocation(), tag.getLineNumber() );
final Component comp = this.createComponent( javaSources[i], tag, metaData, iLog );
if ( comp.getSpecVersion() > specVersion )
// if a spec version has been configured and a component requires a higher
// version, this is considered an error!
if ( this.specVersion != null )
String v = Constants.COMPONENT_DS_SPEC_VERSION_10;
if ( comp.getSpecVersion() == Constants.VERSION_1_1 )
iLog.addError( "Component " + comp + " requires spec version " + v
+ " but plugin is configured to use version " + this.specVersion, tag
.getSourceLocation(), tag.getLineNumber() );
specVersion = comp.getSpecVersion();
scannedComponents.add( comp );
catch ( SCRDescriptorException sde )
iLog.addError( sde.getMessage(), sde.getSourceLocation(), sde.getLineNumber() );
this.logger.debug( "..generating descriptor for spec version: " + this.specVersion );
// now check for abstract components and fill components objects
final Components components = new Components();
final Components abstractComponents = new Components();
components.setSpecVersion( specVersion );
abstractComponents.setSpecVersion( specVersion );
for ( final Component comp : scannedComponents )
final int errorCount = iLog.getNumberOfErrors();
// before we can validate we should check the references for bind/unbind method
// in order to create them if possible
for ( final Reference ref : comp.getReferences() )
// if this is a field with a single cardinality,
// we look for the bind/unbind methods
// and create them if they are not availabe
if ( this.generateAccessors && !ref.isLookupStrategy() )
if ( ref.getJavaTag().getField() != null
&& comp.getJavaClassDescription() instanceof ModifiableJavaClassDescription )
if ( ref.getCardinality().equals( "0..1" ) || ref.getCardinality().equals( "1..1" ) )
final String bindValue = ref.getBind();
final String unbindValue = ref.getUnbind();
final String name = ref.getName();
final String type = ref.getInterfacename();
boolean createBind = false;
boolean createUnbind = false;
// Only create method if no bind name has been specified
if ( bindValue == null && ref.findMethod( specVersion, "bind" ) == null )
// create bind method
createBind = true;
if ( unbindValue == null && ref.findMethod( specVersion, "unbind" ) == null )
// create unbind method
createUnbind = true;
if ( createBind || createUnbind )
( ( ModifiableJavaClassDescription ) comp.getJavaClassDescription() ).addMethods( name,
type, createBind, createUnbind );
comp.validate( specVersion, iLog );
// ignore component if it has errors
if ( iLog.getNumberOfErrors() == errorCount )
if ( !comp.isDs() )
logger.debug( "Ignoring descriptor " + comp );
else if ( comp.isAbstract() )
this.logger.debug( "Adding abstract descriptor " + comp );
abstractComponents.addComponent( comp );
this.logger.debug( "Adding descriptor " + comp );
components.addComponent( comp );
abstractComponents.addComponent( comp );
// log issues
iLog.logMessages( logger );
// after checking all classes, throw if there were any failures
if ( iLog.hasErrors() )
throw new SCRDescriptorFailureException( "SCR Descriptor parsing had failures (see log)" );
boolean addResources = false;
// write meta type info if there is a file name
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( this.metaTypeName ) )
File mtFile = new File( this.outputDirectory, "OSGI-INF" + File.separator + "metatype" + File.separator
+ this.metaTypeName );
final int size = metaData.getOCDs().size() + metaData.getDesignates().size();
if ( size > 0 )
{ "Generating " + size + " MetaType Descriptors to " + mtFile );
MetaTypeIO.write( metaData, mtFile );
addResources = true;
if ( mtFile.exists() )
{ "Meta type file name is not set: meta type info is not written." );
// if we have descriptors, write them in our scr private file (for component inheritance)
final File adFile = new File( this.outputDirectory, Constants.ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE_PATH );
if ( !abstractComponents.getComponents().isEmpty() )
{ "Writing abstract service descriptor " + adFile + " with "
+ abstractComponents.getComponents().size() + " entries." );
ComponentDescriptorIO.write( abstractComponents, adFile, true );
addResources = true;
this.logger.debug( "No abstract SCR Descriptors found in project." );
// remove file
if ( adFile.exists() )
this.logger.debug( "Removing obsolete abstract service descriptor " + adFile );
// check descriptor file
final File descriptorFile = StringUtils.isEmpty( this.finalName ) ? null : new File( new File(
this.outputDirectory, "OSGI-INF" ), this.finalName );
// terminate if there is nothing else to write
if ( components.getComponents().isEmpty() )
this.logger.debug( "No SCR Descriptors found in project." );
// remove file if it exists
if ( descriptorFile != null && descriptorFile.exists() )
this.logger.debug( "Removing obsolete service descriptor " + descriptorFile );
if ( descriptorFile == null )
throw new SCRDescriptorFailureException( "Descriptor file name must not be empty." );
// finally the descriptors have to be written ....
descriptorFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // ensure parent dir "Generating " + components.getComponents().size() + " Service Component Descriptors to "
+ descriptorFile );
ComponentDescriptorIO.write( components, descriptorFile, false );
addResources = true;
return addResources;
* Create a component for the java class description.
* @param description
* @return The generated component descriptor or null if any error occurs.
* @throws SCRDescriptorException
protected Component createComponent( JavaClassDescription description, JavaTag componentTag, MetaData metaData,
final IssueLog iLog ) throws SCRDescriptorException
// create a new component
final Component component = new Component( componentTag );
// set implementation
component.setImplementation( new Implementation( description.getName() ) );
final OCD ocd = this.doComponent( componentTag, component, metaData, iLog );
boolean inherited = getBoolean( componentTag, Constants.COMPONENT_INHERIT, true );
this.doServices( description.getTagsByName( Constants.SERVICE, inherited ), component, description );
// collect references from class tags and fields
final Map<String, Object[]> references = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
// Utility handler for propertie
final PropertyHandler propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler( component, ocd );
JavaClassDescription currentDescription = description;
// properties
final JavaTag[] props = currentDescription.getTagsByName( Constants.PROPERTY, false );
for ( int i = 0; i < props.length; i++ )
propertyHandler.testProperty( props[i], null, description == currentDescription );
// references
final JavaTag[] refs = currentDescription.getTagsByName( Constants.REFERENCE, false );
for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
this.testReference( references, refs[i], null, description == currentDescription );
// fields
final JavaField[] fields = currentDescription.getFields();
for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ )
JavaTag tag = fields[i].getTagByName( Constants.REFERENCE );
if ( tag != null )
this.testReference( references, tag, fields[i].getName(), description == currentDescription );
propertyHandler.handleField( fields[i], description == currentDescription );
currentDescription = currentDescription.getSuperClass();
while ( inherited && currentDescription != null );
// process properties
propertyHandler.processProperties(, iLog );
// process references
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object[]>> refIter = references.entrySet().iterator();
while ( refIter.hasNext() )
final Map.Entry<String, Object[]> entry =;
final String refName = entry.getKey();
final Object[] values = entry.getValue();
final JavaTag tag = ( JavaTag ) values[0];
this.doReference( tag, refName, component, values[1].toString() );
// pid handling
final boolean createPid = getBoolean( componentTag, Constants.COMPONENT_CREATE_PID, true );
if ( createPid )
// check for an existing pid first
boolean found = false;
final Iterator<Property> iter = component.getProperties().iterator();
while ( !found && iter.hasNext() )
final Property prop =;
found = org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_PID.equals( prop.getName() );
if ( !found )
final Property pid = new Property();
component.addProperty( pid );
pid.setName( org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_PID );
pid.setValue( component.getName() );
return component;
* Fill the component object with the information from the tag.
* @param tag
* @param component
protected OCD doComponent( JavaTag tag, Component component, MetaData metaData, final IssueLog iLog )
throws SCRDescriptorException
// check if this is an abstract definition
final String abstractType = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_ABSTRACT );
if ( abstractType != null )
component.setAbstract( "yes".equalsIgnoreCase( abstractType ) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase( abstractType ) );
// default true for abstract classes, false otherwise
component.setAbstract( tag.getJavaClassDescription().isAbstract() );
// check if this is a definition to ignore
final String ds = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_DS );
component.setDs( ( ds == null ) ? true : ( "yes".equalsIgnoreCase( ds ) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase( ds ) ) );
String name = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_NAME );
component.setName( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) ? component.getImplementation().getClassame() : name );
component.setEnabled( Boolean.valueOf( getBoolean( tag, Constants.COMPONENT_ENABLED, true ) ) );
component.setFactory( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_FACTORY ) );
// FELIX-1703: support explicit SCR version declaration
final String dsSpecVersion = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_DS_SPEC_VERSION );
if ( dsSpecVersion != null )
component.setSpecVersion( toSpecVersionCode( dsSpecVersion, tag ) );
// FELIX-593: immediate attribute does not default to true all the
// times hence we only set it if declared in the tag
if ( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_IMMEDIATE ) != null )
component.setImmediate( Boolean.valueOf( getBoolean( tag, Constants.COMPONENT_IMMEDIATE, true ) ) );
// check for V1.1 attributes: configuration policy
if ( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_CONFIG_POLICY ) != null )
component.setSpecVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_1 );
component.setConfigurationPolicy( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_CONFIG_POLICY ) );
// check for V1.1 attributes: activate, deactivate
if ( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_ACTIVATE ) != null )
component.setSpecVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_1 );
component.setActivate( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_ACTIVATE ) );
if ( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_DEACTIVATE ) != null )
component.setSpecVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_1 );
component.setDeactivate( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_DEACTIVATE ) );
if ( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_MODIFIED ) != null )
component.setSpecVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_1 );
component.setModified( tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_MODIFIED ) );
// whether metatype information is to generated for the component
final String metaType = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_METATYPE );
final boolean hasMetaType = metaType == null || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase( metaType )
|| "true".equalsIgnoreCase( metaType );
if ( hasMetaType )
// ocd
final OCD ocd = new OCD();
metaData.addOCD( ocd );
ocd.setId( component.getName() );
String ocdName = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_LABEL );
if ( ocdName == null )
ocdName = "%" + component.getName() + ".name";
ocd.setName( ocdName );
String ocdDescription = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION );
if ( ocdDescription == null )
ocdDescription = "%" + component.getName() + ".description";
ocd.setDescription( ocdDescription );
// designate
final Designate designate = new Designate();
metaData.addDesignate( designate );
designate.setPid( component.getName() );
// factory pid
final String setFactoryPidValue = tag.getNamedParameter( Constants.COMPONENT_SET_METATYPE_FACTORY_PID );
final boolean setFactoryPid = setFactoryPidValue != null
&& ( "yes".equalsIgnoreCase( setFactoryPidValue ) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase( setFactoryPidValue ) );
if ( setFactoryPid )
if ( component.getFactory() == null )
designate.setFactoryPid( component.getName() );
iLog.addWarning( "Component factory " + component.getName()
+ " should not set metatype factory pid.", tag.getSourceLocation(), tag.getLineNumber() );
// designate.object
final MTObject mtobject = new MTObject();
designate.setObject( mtobject );
mtobject.setOcdref( component.getName() );
return ocd;
return null;
* Process the service annotations
* @param services
* @param component
* @param description
* @throws SCRDescriptorException
protected void doServices( JavaTag[] services, Component component, JavaClassDescription description )
throws SCRDescriptorException
// no services, hence certainly no service factory
if ( services == null || services.length == 0 )
final Service service = new Service();
component.setService( service );
boolean serviceFactory = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < services.length; i++ )
final String name = services[i].getNamedParameter( Constants.SERVICE_INTERFACE );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
this.addInterfaces( service, services[i], description );
String interfaceName = name;
// check if the value points to a class/interface
// and search through the imports
// but only for local services
if ( description instanceof QDoxJavaClassDescription )
final JavaClassDescription serviceClass = description.getReferencedClass( name );
if ( serviceClass == null )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Interface '" + name + "' in class " + description.getName()
+ " does not point to a valid class/interface.", services[i] );
interfaceName = serviceClass.getName();
final Interface interf = new Interface( services[i] );
interf.setInterfacename( interfaceName );
service.addInterface( interf );
serviceFactory |= getBoolean( services[i], Constants.SERVICE_FACTORY, false );
service.setServicefactory( serviceFactory );
* Recursively add interfaces to the service.
protected void addInterfaces( final Service service, final JavaTag serviceTag,
final JavaClassDescription description ) throws SCRDescriptorException
if ( description != null )
JavaClassDescription[] interfaces = description.getImplementedInterfaces();
for ( int j = 0; j < interfaces.length; j++ )
final Interface interf = new Interface( serviceTag );
interf.setInterfacename( interfaces[j].getName() );
service.addInterface( interf );
// recursivly add interfaces implemented by this interface
this.addInterfaces( service, serviceTag, interfaces[j] );
// try super class
this.addInterfaces( service, serviceTag, description.getSuperClass() );
* Test a newly found reference
* @param references
* @param reference
* @param defaultName
* @param isInspectedClass
* @throws SCRDescriptorException
protected void testReference( Map<String, Object[]> references, JavaTag reference, String defaultName,
boolean isInspectedClass ) throws SCRDescriptorException
final String refName = this.getReferenceName( reference, defaultName );
if ( refName != null )
if ( references.containsKey( refName ) )
// if the current class is the class we are currently inspecting, we
// have found a duplicate definition
if ( isInspectedClass )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Duplicate definition for reference " + refName + " in class "
+ reference.getJavaClassDescription().getName(), reference );
// ensure interface
String type = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_INTERFACE );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( type ) )
if ( reference.getField() != null )
type = reference.getField().getType();
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Interface missing for reference " + refName + " in class "
+ reference.getJavaClassDescription().getName(), reference );
else if ( isInspectedClass )
// check if the value points to a class/interface
// and search through the imports
final JavaClassDescription serviceClass = reference.getJavaClassDescription().getReferencedClass(
type );
if ( serviceClass == null )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Interface '" + type + "' in class "
+ reference.getJavaClassDescription().getName()
+ " does not point to a valid class/interface.", reference );
type = serviceClass.getName();
references.put( refName, new Object[]
{ reference, type } );
protected String getReferenceName( JavaTag reference, String defaultName ) throws SCRDescriptorException
String name = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_NAME );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
return name;
name = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_NAME_REF );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
final JavaField refField = this.getReferencedField( reference, name );
final String[] values = refField.getInitializationExpression();
if ( values == null || values.length == 0 )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Referenced field for " + name
+ " has no values for a reference name.", reference );
if ( values.length > 1 )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Referenced field " + name
+ " has more than one value for a reference name.", reference );
name = values[0];
return defaultName;
protected JavaField getReferencedField( final JavaTag tag, String ref ) throws SCRDescriptorException
int classSep = ref.lastIndexOf( '.' );
JavaField field = null;
if ( classSep == -1 )
// local variable
field = tag.getJavaClassDescription().getFieldByName( ref );
if ( field == null )
field = tag.getJavaClassDescription().getExternalFieldByName( ref );
if ( field == null )
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Reference references unknown field " + ref + " in class "
+ tag.getJavaClassDescription().getName(), tag );
return field;
* @param reference
* @param defaultName
* @param component
protected void doReference( JavaTag reference, String name, Component component, String type )
throws SCRDescriptorException
final Reference ref = new Reference( reference, component.getJavaClassDescription() );
ref.setName( name );
ref.setInterfacename( type );
ref.setCardinality( reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_CARDINALITY ) );
if ( ref.getCardinality() == null )
ref.setCardinality( "1..1" );
ref.setPolicy( reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_POLICY ) );
if ( ref.getPolicy() == null )
ref.setPolicy( "static" );
ref.setTarget( reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_TARGET ) );
final String bindValue = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_BIND );
if ( bindValue != null )
ref.setBind( bindValue );
final String unbindValue = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_UNDBIND );
if ( unbindValue != null )
ref.setUnbind( unbindValue );
final String isChecked = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_CHECKED );
if ( isChecked != null )
ref.setChecked( Boolean.valueOf( isChecked ).booleanValue() );
final String strategy = reference.getNamedParameter( Constants.REFERENCE_STRATEGY );
if ( strategy != null )
ref.setStrategy( strategy );
component.addReference( ref );
public static boolean getBoolean( JavaTag tag, String name, boolean defaultValue )
String value = tag.getNamedParameter( name );
return ( value == null ) ? defaultValue : Boolean.valueOf( value ).booleanValue();
* Converts the specification version string to a specification version
* code. Currently the following conversions are supported:
* <table>
* <tr><td><code>null</code></td><td>0</td></tr>
* <tr><td>1.0</td><td>0</td></tr>
* <tr><td>1.1</td><td>1</td></tr>
* </table>
* @param specVersion The specification version to convert. This may be
* <code>null</code> to assume the default version.
* @return The specification version code.
* @throws SCRDescriptorException if the <code>specVersion</code> parameter
* is not a supported value.
private int toSpecVersionCode( String specVersion, JavaTag tag ) throws SCRDescriptorException
if ( specVersion == null || specVersion.equals( Constants.COMPONENT_DS_SPEC_VERSION_10 ) )
return Constants.VERSION_1_0;
else if ( specVersion.equals( Constants.COMPONENT_DS_SPEC_VERSION_11 ) )
return Constants.VERSION_1_1;
// unknown specVersion string
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Unsupported or unknown DS spec version: " + specVersion, tag );