blob: 4501d7a98a82440e6a02df8162f4db2e29c3bdae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.sigil.config;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.core.internal.model.osgi.BundleModelElement;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.core.internal.model.osgi.PackageExport;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.core.internal.model.osgi.PackageImport;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.core.internal.model.osgi.RequiredBundle;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.IModelElement;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.common.VersionRange;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.eclipse.ISigilBundle;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.osgi.IBundleModelElement;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.osgi.IPackageExport;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.osgi.IPackageImport;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.osgi.IPackageImport.OSGiImport;
import org.apache.felix.sigil.model.osgi.IRequiredBundle;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class BldProject implements IBldProject, IRepositoryConfig
private static final String OVERRIDE_PREFIX = "sigil.";
private static final int MAX_HEADER = 10240;
// cache to avoid loading the same default config for each project
private static Map<URL, BldConfig> defaultsCache = new HashMap<URL, BldConfig>();
private static Properties overrides;
private List<String> sourcePkgs;
private BldConfig config;
private BldConverter convert;
private BundleModelElement requirements;
private File baseDir;
private URI loc;
private Properties packageDefaults;
private TreeSet<String> packageWildDefaults;
private long lastModified;
/* package */BldProject( URI relLoc )
config = new BldConfig();
convert = new BldConverter( config );
loc = new File( "." ).toURI().resolve( relLoc ).normalize();
File f = new File( loc );
lastModified = f.lastModified();
baseDir = f.getParentFile();
/* package */void load() throws IOException
// allow System property overrides, e.g.
// ANT_OPTS='-Dsigil.option\;addMissingImports=false' ant
config.merge( getOverrides() );
InputStream in = null;
in = loc.toURL().openStream();
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( in );
bis.mark( MAX_HEADER );
readHeader( bis );
Properties p = new Properties();
p.load( bis );
config.merge( p );
Properties unknown = config.getUnknown();
if ( !unknown.isEmpty() )
System.err.println( "WARN: unknown keys " + unknown.keySet() + " in " + loc );
loadDefaults( p );
requirements = parseRequirements();
if ( in != null )
/* package */void loadDefaults( Properties p ) throws IOException
BldConfig c = loadDefaults( p, baseDir, null );
config.setDefault( c );
Properties options = config.getProps( null, BldConfig.P_OPTION );
if ( !options.containsKey( BldAttr.OPTION_ADD_IMPORTS ) )
c.setProp( null, BldConfig.P_OPTION, BldAttr.OPTION_ADD_IMPORTS, "true" );
// default omitUnusedImports option depends on number of bundles...
// we set it here to avoid it being written by save(),
// but as this may alter cached defaults, once set we have to reset it
// for each project.
boolean omitSet = options.containsKey( "__omit_set__" );
boolean multiple = getBundleIds().size() > 1;
if ( multiple || omitSet )
if ( !options.containsKey( BldAttr.OPTION_OMIT_IMPORTS ) || omitSet )
c.setProp( null, BldConfig.P_OPTION, BldAttr.OPTION_OMIT_IMPORTS, multiple + "" );
c.setProp( null, BldConfig.P_OPTION, "__omit_set__", "true" );
private synchronized BldConfig loadDefaults( Properties props, File base, BldConfig dflt ) throws IOException
boolean cached = false;
String defaults = props.getProperty( BldConfig.S_DEFAULTS, "-" + IBldProject.PROJECT_DEFAULTS );
if ( base != null && defaults.length() > 0 )
boolean ignore = defaults.startsWith( "-" );
if ( ignore )
defaults = defaults.substring( 1 );
File file = new File( base, defaults ).getCanonicalFile();
URL url = file.toURL();
if ( dflt == null )
dflt = defaultsCache.get( url );
if ( dflt != null )
return dflt;
dflt = new BldConfig();
defaultsCache.put( url, dflt );
cached = true;
Properties p = new Properties();
// FIXME stream not closed
p.load( url.openStream() );
dflt.merge( p );
ignore = false;
loadDefaults( p, file.getParentFile(), dflt );
catch ( IOException e )
if ( !ignore )
throw e;
if ( dflt == null )
return new BldConfig();
if ( cached )
Properties unknown = dflt.getUnknown();
if ( !unknown.isEmpty() )
System.err.println( "WARN: unknown keys " + unknown.keySet() + " in defaults for " + loc );
return dflt;
private static Properties getOverrides()
if ( overrides == null )
overrides = new Properties();
Properties sysProps = System.getProperties();
for ( Object okey : sysProps.keySet() )
String key = ( String ) okey;
if ( key.startsWith( OVERRIDE_PREFIX ) )
overrides.setProperty( key.substring( OVERRIDE_PREFIX.length() ), sysProps.getProperty( key ) );
return overrides;
private void readHeader( InputStream in ) throws IOException
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) );
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ( ( line = r.readLine() ) != null )
if ( line.startsWith( "#" ) )
header.append( line );
header.append( "\n" );
config.setComment( header.toString() );
public File resolve( String path )
File file = new File( path );
if ( !file.isAbsolute() )
// can't use loc.resolve(value), as value may not be valid URI.
file = new File( baseDir, path );
return file;
public String getVersion()
String version = config.getString( null, BldConfig.S_VERSION );
return version == null ? "0" : version;
public IBundleModelElement getDependencies()
IBundleModelElement dependencies = new BundleModelElement();
for ( IModelElement element : getRequirements().children() )
if ( element instanceof IPackageImport )
IPackageImport import1 = ( IPackageImport ) element;
if ( !import1.isDependency() )
IPackageImport pi = ( IPackageImport ) ( element.clone() );
pi.setParent( null );
dependencies.addImport( pi );
IRequiredBundle rb = ( IRequiredBundle ) ( element.clone() );
rb.setParent( null );
dependencies.addRequiredBundle( rb );
return dependencies;
private IBundleModelElement getRequirements()
return requirements;
* private boolean globMatch(String pkg, Set<String> set) { // exact match
* if (set.contains(pkg)) return true;
* // matches for (String glob : set) { if
* (glob.matches(pkg)) { return true; } }
* return false; }
* set internal OSGiImport and isDependency flags, based on external
* resolution= attribute.
* OSGiImport: AUTO ALWAYS NEVER dependency: default - compile !dependency:
* auto runtime ignore
private void setResolve( IPackageImport pi, String resolve ) throws IOException
if ( pi.isOptional() )
pi.setDependency( false );
if ( BldAttr.RESOLVE_COMPILE.equals( resolve ) )
if ( pi.isOptional() )
pi.setDependency( true );
pi.setOSGiImport( OSGiImport.NEVER );
else if ( BldAttr.RESOLVE_RUNTIME.equals( resolve ) )
pi.setDependency( false );
pi.setOSGiImport( OSGiImport.ALWAYS );
else if ( BldAttr.RESOLVE_AUTO.equals( resolve ) )
pi.setDependency( false );
else if ( BldAttr.RESOLVE_IGNORE.equals( resolve ) )
pi.setDependency( false );
pi.setOSGiImport( OSGiImport.NEVER );
else if ( resolve != null )
throw new IOException( "Bad attribute value: " + BldAttr.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTE + "=" + resolve );
* get external resolve= attribute from internal PackageImport flags. This
* is called from BldConverter.setBundle().
public static String getResolve( IPackageImport pi, boolean isDependency )
OSGiImport osgiImport = pi.getOSGiImport();
String resolve = null;
if ( isDependency )
if ( osgiImport.equals( OSGiImport.NEVER ) || pi.isOptional() )
resolve = BldAttr.RESOLVE_COMPILE;
switch ( osgiImport )
case ALWAYS:
resolve = BldAttr.RESOLVE_RUNTIME;
case AUTO:
resolve = BldAttr.RESOLVE_AUTO;
case NEVER:
resolve = BldAttr.RESOLVE_IGNORE;
return resolve;
public String getDefaultPackageVersion( String name )
if ( packageDefaults == null )
packageDefaults = config.getProps( null, BldConfig.P_PACKAGE_VERSION );
packageWildDefaults = new TreeSet<String>();
for ( Object key : packageDefaults.keySet() )
String pkg = ( String ) key;
if ( pkg.endsWith( "*" ) )
packageWildDefaults.add( pkg.substring( 0, pkg.length() - 1 ) );
String version = packageDefaults.getProperty( name );
if ( version == null )
for ( String pkg : packageWildDefaults )
if ( name.startsWith( pkg ) )
version = packageDefaults.getProperty( pkg + "*" );
// break; -- don't break, as we want the longest match
return version;
private synchronized BundleModelElement parseRequirements() throws IOException
BundleModelElement reqs = new BundleModelElement();
List<String> sourceContents = getSourcePkgs();
HashSet<String> exports = new HashSet<String>();
parseExports(reqs, exports);
parseImports(reqs, sourceContents, exports);
return reqs;
* @param reqs
* @param exports
private void parseExports( BundleModelElement reqs, HashSet<String> exports )
for ( IBldBundle bundle : getBundles() )
for ( IPackageExport export : bundle.getExports() )
exports.add( export.getPackageName() );
* @param reqs
* @throws IOException
private void parseRequires( BundleModelElement reqs ) throws IOException
Map<String, Map<String, String>> requires = config.getMap( null, BldConfig.M_REQUIRES );
Properties bundleDefaults = config.getProps( null, BldConfig.P_BUNDLE_VERSION );
if ( requires != null )
for ( String name : requires.keySet() )
Map<String, String> attr = requires.get( name );
String versions = attr.containsKey( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE ) ? attr.get( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE )
: bundleDefaults.getProperty( name );
String resolution = attr.get( BldAttr.RESOLUTION_ATTRIBUTE );
RequiredBundle rb = new RequiredBundle();
rb.setSymbolicName( name );
rb.setVersions( VersionRange.parseVersionRange( versions ) );
if ( BldAttr.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL.equals( resolution ) )
rb.setOptional( true );
else if ( resolution != null )
throw new IOException( "Bad attribute value: " + BldAttr.RESOLUTION_ATTRIBUTE + "=" + resolution );
reqs.addRequiredBundle( rb );
for ( IBldBundle bundle : getBundles() )
IRequiredBundle fh = bundle.getFragmentHost();
if ( fh != null )
reqs.addRequiredBundle( fh );
* @param reqs
* @param exports
* @param sourceContents
* @throws IOException
private void parseImports(BundleModelElement reqs, List<String> sourceContents, HashSet<String> exports) throws IOException
Map<String, Map<String, String>> imports = config.getMap( null, BldConfig.M_IMPORTS );
for ( String name : imports.keySet() )
Map<String, String> attr = imports.get( name );
String resolve = attr.get( BldAttr.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTE );
String resolution = attr.get( BldAttr.RESOLUTION_ATTRIBUTE );
String versions = attr.containsKey( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE ) ? attr.get( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE )
: getDefaultPackageVersion( name );
PackageImport pi = new PackageImport();
pi.setPackageName( name );
// avoid dependency on self-exports
// XXX: BldConverter.setBundle contains similar logic
if ( exports.contains( name ) && ( sourceContents.contains( name ) || sourceContents.isEmpty() ) )
pi.setDependency( false );
if ( versions == null )
versions = getVersion();
if ( !checkVersionRange( versions ) )
throw new IOException( "Failed to parse version range for " + resolve
+ " missing \"'s around version range?" );
pi.setVersions( VersionRange.parseVersionRange( versions ) );
if ( BldAttr.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL.equals( resolution ) )
pi.setOptional( true );
else if ( resolution != null )
throw new IOException( "Bad attribute value: " + BldAttr.RESOLUTION_ATTRIBUTE + "=" + resolution );
setResolve( pi, resolve );
reqs.addImport( pi );
private boolean checkVersionRange( String versions )
if ( versions == null || versions.length() == 0 )
return true;
switch ( versions.charAt( 0 ) )
case '(':
case '[':
switch ( versions.charAt( versions.length() - 1 ) )
case ')':
case ']':
return true;
return false;
return true;
public List<String> getBundleIds()
List<String> ids = config.getList( null, BldConfig.C_BUNDLES );
if ( ids == null )
return Collections.emptyList();
return ids;
public List<IBldBundle> getBundles()
ArrayList<IBldBundle> list = new ArrayList<IBldBundle>();
for ( String id : getBundleIds() )
list.add( new BldBundle( id ) );
return list;
// Implement IBldConfig: getRepositoryConfig
public Map<String, Properties> getRepositoryConfig()
HashMap<String, Properties> map = new HashMap<String, Properties>();
final Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
final Properties props = new Properties();
// supports ${.} and ${..} expansions
props.setProperty( ".", resolve( "." ).getCanonicalPath() );
props.setProperty( "..", resolve( ".." ).getCanonicalPath() );
catch ( IOException e )
for ( String name : config.getList( null, BldConfig.C_REPOSITORIES ) )
Properties repo = config.getProps( null, name );
for ( Object k : repo.keySet() )
String key = ( String ) k;
String value = repo.getProperty( key );
String expand = BldUtil.expand( value, new Properties()
public String getProperty( String name )
return props.getProperty( name, env.get( name ) );
} );
if ( !value.equals( expand ) )
value = expand;
repo.setProperty( key, value );
// backwards compatible support before ${.} and ${..} was added
if ( value.startsWith( "./" ) || value.startsWith( "../" ) )
// need canonical path, to normalise
value = resolve( value ).getCanonicalPath();
catch ( IOException e )
repo.setProperty( key, value );
map.put( name, repo );
return map;
public Properties getOptions()
return config.getProps( null, BldConfig.P_OPTION );
public Properties getDefaultPackageVersions()
return config.getProps( null, BldConfig.P_PACKAGE_VERSION );
public ISigilBundle getDefaultBundle()
List<String> bundles = getBundleIds();
if ( bundles.isEmpty() )
return null;
String id = bundles.get( 0 );
return getSigilBundle( id );
public ISigilBundle getSigilBundle( String id )
BldBundle bundle = new BldBundle( id );
return convert.getBundle( id, bundle );
public void setDefaultBundle( ISigilBundle bundle )
setSigilBundle( null, bundle );
public void setSigilBundle( String id, ISigilBundle bundle )
List<String> ids = getBundleIds();
if ( ids.isEmpty() )
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add( id == null ? bundle.getBundleInfo().getSymbolicName() : id );
config.setList( null, BldConfig.C_BUNDLES, list );
else if ( id == null )
id = ids.get( 0 );
else if ( !ids.contains( id ) )
List<String> list = config.getList( null, BldConfig.C_BUNDLES );
list.add( id );
config.setList( null, BldConfig.C_BUNDLES, list );
if ( ids.size() == 1 )
id = null; // don't prefix default bundle with id
convert.setBundle( id, bundle );
public void save() throws IOException
saveAs( new File( loc ) );
public void saveAs( File path ) throws IOException
File part = new File( path.getPath() + ".part" );
saveTo( new FileOutputStream( ( part ) ) );
if ( !part.renameTo( path ) )
throw new IOException( "failed to rename " + part + " to " + path );
public void saveTo( OutputStream out )
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( out ) );
config.write( writer );
public List<String> getSourceDirs()
List<String> list = config.getList( null, BldConfig.L_SRC_CONTENTS );
return list != null ? list : Collections.<String> emptyList();
public List<String> getSourcePkgs()
if ( sourcePkgs == null )
sourcePkgs = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String src : getSourceDirs() )
File dir = resolve( src );
if ( !dir.isDirectory() )
System.err.println( "WARN: sourcedir does not exist: " + dir );
// throw new RuntimeException("sourcedir: " + dir +
// " : is not a directory.");
findSrcPkgs( dir, null, sourcePkgs );
return sourcePkgs;
private void findSrcPkgs( File dir, String pkg, List<String> result )
ArrayList<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
boolean found = false;
for ( String name : dir.list() )
if ( name.endsWith( ".java" ) )
found = true;
else if ( !name.equals( ".svn" ) )
File d = new File( dir, name );
if ( d.isDirectory() )
dirs.add( d );
if ( pkg == null )
pkg = "";
else if ( pkg.equals( "" ) )
pkg = dir.getName();
pkg = pkg + "." + dir.getName();
if ( found )
result.add( pkg );
for ( File d : dirs )
findSrcPkgs( d, pkg, result );
* BldBundle
class BldBundle implements IBldBundle
private String id;
public BldBundle( String id )
{ = id;
public File resolve( String path )
return BldProject.this.resolve( path );
private String getString( String key )
return config.getString( id, key );
private boolean getBoolean( String key )
return Boolean.parseBoolean( getString( key ) );
private List<String> getList( String key )
List<String> list = config.getList( id, key );
return list != null ? list : Collections.<String> emptyList();
private Map<String, Map<String, String>> getMap( String key )
Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = config.getMap( id, key );
return map != null ? map : Collections.<String, Map<String, String>> emptyMap();
public String getActivator()
return getString( BldConfig.S_ACTIVATOR );
public String getId()
String name = getString( "id" );
return name != null ? name : id;
public String getVersion()
String ver = getString( BldConfig.S_VERSION );
if ( ver == null )
ver = BldProject.this.getVersion();
return ver;
public String getSymbolicName()
String name = getString( BldConfig.S_SYM_NAME );
return name != null ? name : getId();
public boolean isSingleton()
return getBoolean( BldConfig.S_SINGLETON );
public List<IPackageExport> getExports()
ArrayList<IPackageExport> list = new ArrayList<IPackageExport>();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> exports = getMap( BldConfig.M_EXPORTS );
if ( exports != null )
for ( String name : exports.keySet() )
Map<String, String> attrs = exports.get( name );
PackageExport pkgExport = new PackageExport();
pkgExport.setPackageName( name );
String version = attrs.get( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE );
// only default export version from local packages
if ( version == null && ( getSourcePkgs().isEmpty() || getSourcePkgs().contains( name ) ) )
version = getVersion();
if ( version != null )
pkgExport.setVersion( new Version( version ) );
list.add( pkgExport );
return list;
public List<IPackageImport> getImports()
ArrayList<IPackageImport> list = new ArrayList<IPackageImport>();
for ( IPackageImport import1 : getRequirements().childrenOfType( IPackageImport.class ) )
list.add( import1 );
return list;
public List<IRequiredBundle> getRequires()
ArrayList<IRequiredBundle> list = new ArrayList<IRequiredBundle>();
list.addAll( Arrays.asList( getRequirements().childrenOfType( IRequiredBundle.class ) ) );
for ( IBldBundle bundle : getBundles() )
IRequiredBundle fh = bundle.getFragmentHost();
if ( fh != null )
list.remove( fh );
return list;
public IRequiredBundle getFragmentHost()
IRequiredBundle fragment = null;
Map<String, Map<String, String>> fragments = getMap( BldConfig.M_FRAGMENT );
if ( fragments != null )
for ( String name : fragments.keySet() )
Map<String, String> attr = fragments.get( name );
String versions = attr.isEmpty() ? null : attr.get( BldAttr.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE );
fragment = new RequiredBundle();
fragment.setSymbolicName( name );
fragment.setVersions( VersionRange.parseVersionRange( versions ) );
return fragment;
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getLibs()
Map<String, Map<String, String>> libs = getMap( BldConfig.M_LIBS );
return ( libs != null ) ? libs : Collections.<String, Map<String, String>> emptyMap();
public List<String> getContents()
return getList( BldConfig.L_CONTENTS );
public List<String> getDownloadContents()
return getList( BldConfig.L_DL_CONTENTS );
public List<String> getComposites()
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String composite : getList( BldConfig.L_COMPOSITES ) )
list.add( composite );
return list;
public Map<String, String> getResources()
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
List<String> resources = getList( BldConfig.L_RESOURCES );
if ( resources != null )
for ( String resource : resources )
String[] paths = resource.split( "=", 2 );
String fsPath = ( paths.length > 1 ? paths[1] : "" );
map.put( paths[0], fsPath );
return map;
public Properties getHeaders()
Properties headers = config.getProps( id, BldConfig.P_HEADER );
return headers;
public long getLastModified()
return lastModified;