blob: 45c4ca0923298bdf8ee91c00606a7b43bc4eab40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.core;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.R4Attribute;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.R4Export;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.R4Import;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.R4Package;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.ConfigurationPrinter;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.DefaultVariableResolver;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.SimpleWebConsolePlugin;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.WebConsoleConstants;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.WebConsoleUtil;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.Logger;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.OsgiManagerPlugin;
import org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.Util;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONWriter;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.ExportedPackage;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin;
import org.osgi.service.startlevel.StartLevel;
* The <code>BundlesServlet</code> provides the bundles plugins, used to display
* the list of bundles, installed on the framework. It also adds ability to control
* the lifecycle of the bundles, like start, stop, uninstall, install.
public class BundlesServlet extends SimpleWebConsolePlugin implements OsgiManagerPlugin, ConfigurationPrinter
/** the label of the bundles plugin - used by other plugins to reference to plugin details */
public static final String NAME = "bundles";
private static final String TITLE = "Bundles";
private static final String CSS[] = { "/res/ui/bundles.css" };
// bootdelegation property entries. wildcards are converted to package
// name prefixes. whether an entry is a wildcard or not is set as a flag
// in the bootPkgWildcards array.
// see #activate and #isBootDelegated
private String[] bootPkgs;
// a flag for each entry in bootPkgs indicating whether the respective
// entry was declared as a wildcard or not
// see #activate and #isBootDelegated
private boolean[] bootPkgWildcards;
private ServiceRegistration configurationPrinter;
// templates
private final String TEMPLATE_MAIN;
private final String TEMPLATE_UPLOAD;
/** Default constructor */
public BundlesServlet()
super(NAME, TITLE, CSS);
// load templates
TEMPLATE_MAIN = readTemplateFile( "/templates/bundles.html" );
TEMPLATE_UPLOAD = readTemplateFile( "/templates/bundles_upload.html" );
* @see org.apache.felix.webconsole.AbstractWebConsolePlugin#activate(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)
public void activate( BundleContext bundleContext )
super.activate( bundleContext );
// bootdelegation property parsing from Apache Felix R4SearchPolicyCore
String bootDelegation = bundleContext.getProperty( Constants.FRAMEWORK_BOOTDELEGATION );
bootDelegation = ( bootDelegation == null ) ? "java.*" : bootDelegation + ",java.*";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( bootDelegation, " ," );
bootPkgs = new String[st.countTokens()];
bootPkgWildcards = new boolean[bootPkgs.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < bootPkgs.length; i++ )
bootDelegation = st.nextToken();
if ( bootDelegation.endsWith( "*" ) )
bootPkgWildcards[i] = true;
bootDelegation = bootDelegation.substring( 0, bootDelegation.length() - 1 );
bootPkgs[i] = bootDelegation;
configurationPrinter = bundleContext.registerService( ConfigurationPrinter.SERVICE, this, null );
* @see org.apache.felix.webconsole.SimpleWebConsolePlugin#deactivate()
public void deactivate()
if ( configurationPrinter != null )
configurationPrinter = null;
//---------- ConfigurationPrinter
* @see org.apache.felix.webconsole.ConfigurationPrinter#printConfiguration(
public void printConfiguration( PrintWriter pw )
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
writeJSON( w, null, null, null, true, Locale.ENGLISH );
String jsonString = w.toString();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject( jsonString );
pw.println( "Status: " + json.get( "status" ) );
JSONArray data = json.getJSONArray( "data" );
for ( int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++ )
if ( !data.isNull( i ) )
JSONObject bundle = data.getJSONObject( i );
pw.println( MessageFormat.format( "Bundle {0} - {1} {2} (state: {3})", new Object[]
{ bundle.get( "id" ), bundle.get( "name" ), bundle.get( "version" ), bundle.get( "state" ) } ) );
JSONArray props = bundle.getJSONArray( "props" );
for ( int pi = 0; pi < props.length(); pi++ )
if ( !props.isNull( pi ) )
JSONObject entry = props.getJSONObject( pi );
pw.print( " " + entry.get( "key" ) + ": " );
Object entryValue = entry.get( "value" );
if ( entryValue instanceof JSONArray )
JSONArray entryArray = ( JSONArray ) entryValue;
for ( int ei = 0; ei < entryArray.length(); ei++ )
if ( !entryArray.isNull( ei ) )
pw.println( " " + entryArray.get( ei ) );
pw.println( entryValue );
catch ( Exception e )
log( "Problem rendering Bundle details for configuration status", e );
//---------- BaseWebConsolePlugin
* @see org.apache.felix.webconsole.AbstractWebConsolePlugin#doGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ) throws ServletException,
final RequestInfo reqInfo = new RequestInfo(request);
if ( "upload".equals(reqInfo.pathInfo) )
super.doGet(request, response);
if ( reqInfo.bundle == null && reqInfo.bundleRequested )
if ( reqInfo.extension.equals("json") )
final String pluginRoot = ( String ) request.getAttribute( WebConsoleConstants.ATTR_PLUGIN_ROOT );
final String servicesRoot = getServicesRoot( request );
this.renderJSON(response, reqInfo.bundle, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, request.getLocale());
// nothing more to do
super.doGet( request, response );
* @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doPost(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
protected void doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp ) throws ServletException, IOException
final RequestInfo reqInfo = new RequestInfo(req);
if ( reqInfo.bundle == null && reqInfo.bundleRequested ) {
boolean success = false;
final String action = req.getParameter( "action" );
Bundle bundle = getBundle( req.getPathInfo() );
if ( bundle != null )
if ( action == null )
success = true;
else if ( "start".equals( action ) )
// start bundle
success = true;
catch ( BundleException be )
log( "Cannot start", be );
else if ( "stop".equals( action ) )
// stop bundle
success = true;
catch ( BundleException be )
log( "Cannot stop", be );
else if ( "refresh".equals( action ) )
// refresh bundle wiring
refresh( bundle );
success = true;
else if ( "update".equals( action ) )
// update the bundle
update( bundle );
success = true;
else if ( "uninstall".equals( action ) )
// uninstall bundle
success = true;
bundle = null; // bundle has gone !
catch ( BundleException be )
log( "Cannot uninstall", be );
if ( "refreshPackages".equals( action ) )
getPackageAdmin().refreshPackages( null );
success = true;
if ( success )
// let's wait a little bit to give the framework time
// to process our request
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// we ignore this
final String pluginRoot = ( String ) req.getAttribute( WebConsoleConstants.ATTR_PLUGIN_ROOT );
final String servicesRoot = getServicesRoot( req );
this.renderJSON(resp, null, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, req.getLocale() );
super.doPost( req, resp );
private String getServicesRoot(HttpServletRequest request)
return ( ( String ) request.getAttribute( WebConsoleConstants.ATTR_APP_ROOT ) ) +
"/" + ServicesServlet.LABEL + "/";
Bundle getBundle( String pathInfo )
// only use last part of the pathInfo
pathInfo = pathInfo.substring( pathInfo.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
// assume bundle Id
final long bundleId = Long.parseLong( pathInfo );
if ( bundleId >= 0 )
return getBundleContext().getBundle( bundleId );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
// check if this follows the pattern {symbolic-name}[:{version}]
final int pos = pathInfo.indexOf(':');
final String symbolicName;
final String version;
if ( pos == -1 ) {
symbolicName = pathInfo;
version = null;
} else {
symbolicName = pathInfo.substring(0, pos);
version = pathInfo.substring(pos+1);
// search
final Bundle[] bundles = getBundleContext().getBundles();
for(int i=0; i<bundles.length; i++)
final Bundle bundle = bundles[i];
// check symbolic name first
if ( symbolicName.equals(bundle.getSymbolicName()) )
if ( version == null || version.equals(bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION)) )
return bundle;
return null;
private void appendBundleInfoCount( final StringBuffer buf, String msg, int count )
buf.append(" bundle");
if ( count != 1 )
buf.append( 's' );
buf.append(' ');
* @see org.apache.felix.webconsole.AbstractWebConsolePlugin#renderContent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
protected void renderContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
// get request info from request attribute
final RequestInfo reqInfo = getRequestInfo(request);
final int startLevel = getStartLevel().getInitialBundleStartLevel();
// prepare variables
DefaultVariableResolver vars = ( ( DefaultVariableResolver ) WebConsoleUtil.getVariableResolver( request ) );
vars.put( "startLevel", String.valueOf(startLevel));
vars.put( "drawDetails", reqInfo.bundleRequested ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE );
vars.put( "currentBundle", (reqInfo.bundleRequested && reqInfo.bundle != null ? String.valueOf(reqInfo.bundle.getBundleId()) : "null"));
if ( "upload".equals(reqInfo.pathInfo) )
final String pluginRoot = ( String ) request.getAttribute( WebConsoleConstants.ATTR_PLUGIN_ROOT );
final String servicesRoot = getServicesRoot ( request );
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
writeJSON(w, reqInfo.bundle, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, request.getLocale() );
vars.put( "__bundles__", w.toString());
private void renderJSON( final HttpServletResponse response, final Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot, final String servicesRoot, final Locale locale )
throws IOException
response.setContentType( "application/json" );
response.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" );
final PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
writeJSON(pw, bundle, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, locale);
private void writeJSON( final Writer pw, final Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot, final String servicesRoot, final Locale locale )
throws IOException
writeJSON( pw, bundle, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, false, locale );
private void writeJSON( final Writer pw, final Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot,
final String servicesRoot, final boolean fullDetails, final Locale locale ) throws IOException
final Bundle[] allBundles = this.getBundles();
final Object[] status = getStatusLine(allBundles);
final String statusLine = (String) status[5];
final Bundle[] bundles = ( bundle != null ) ? new Bundle[]
{ bundle } : allBundles;
Util.sort( bundles, locale );
final JSONWriter jw = new JSONWriter( pw );
jw.key( "status" );
jw.value( statusLine );
// add raw status
jw.key( "s" );
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) jw.value(status[i]);
jw.key( "data" );
for ( int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++ )
bundleInfo( jw, bundles[i], fullDetails || bundle != null, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, locale );
catch ( JSONException je )
throw new IOException( je.toString() );
private Object[] getStatusLine(final Bundle[] bundles)
Object[] ret = new Object[6];
int active = 0, installed = 0, resolved = 0, fragments = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++ )
switch ( bundles[i].getState() )
case Bundle.ACTIVE:
case Bundle.INSTALLED:
case Bundle.RESOLVED:
if ( isFragmentBundle( bundles[i] ) )
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("Bundle information: ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "in total", bundles.length);
if ( active == bundles.length || active + fragments == bundles.length )
buffer.append(" - all ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "active.", bundles.length);
if ( active != 0 )
buffer.append(", ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "active", active);
if ( fragments != 0 )
buffer.append(", ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "active fragments", fragments);
if ( resolved != 0 )
buffer.append(", ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "resolved", resolved);
if ( installed != 0 )
buffer.append(", ");
appendBundleInfoCount(buffer, "installed", installed);
ret[0] = new Integer(bundles.length);
ret[1] = new Integer(active);
ret[2] = new Integer(fragments);
ret[3] = new Integer(resolved);
ret[4] = new Integer(installed);
ret[5] = buffer.toString();
return ret;
private void bundleInfo( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle, boolean details, final String pluginRoot, final String servicesRoot, final Locale locale )
throws JSONException
jw.key( "id" );
jw.value( bundle.getBundleId() );
jw.key( "name" );
jw.value( Util.getName( bundle, locale ) );
jw.key( "state" );
jw.value( toStateString( bundle ) );
jw.key( "version" );
jw.value( Util.getHeaderValue(bundle, Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION) );
jw.key( "symbolicName" );
jw.value( Util.getHeaderValue(bundle, Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME) );
jw.key( "actions" );
if ( bundle.getBundleId() != 0 )
if ( hasStart(bundle) )
action( jw, hasStart( bundle ), "start", "Start", "start" );
action( jw, hasStop( bundle ), "stop", "Stop", "stop" );
action( jw, true, "refresh", "Refresh Package Imports", "refresh" );
action( jw, true, "update", "Update", "update" );
action( jw, hasUninstall( bundle ), "uninstall", "Uninstall", "delete" );
if ( details )
bundleDetails( jw, bundle, pluginRoot, servicesRoot, locale );
private final Bundle[] getBundles()
return getBundleContext().getBundles();
private String toStateString( final Bundle bundle )
switch ( bundle.getState() )
case Bundle.INSTALLED:
return "Installed";
case Bundle.RESOLVED:
if ( isFragmentBundle(bundle) )
return "Fragment";
return "Resolved";
case Bundle.STARTING:
return "Starting";
case Bundle.ACTIVE:
return "Active";
case Bundle.STOPPING:
return "Stopping";
case Bundle.UNINSTALLED:
return "Uninstalled";
return "Unknown: " + bundle.getState();
private void action( JSONWriter jw, boolean enabled, String op, String opLabel, String image ) throws JSONException
jw.key( "enabled" ).value( enabled );
jw.key( "name" ).value( opLabel );
jw.key( "link" ).value( op );
jw.key( "image" ).value( image );
private final boolean isFragmentBundle( Bundle bundle)
return getPackageAdmin().getBundleType( bundle ) == PackageAdmin.BUNDLE_TYPE_FRAGMENT;
private final boolean hasStart( Bundle bundle )
if ( isFragmentBundle(bundle) )
return false;
return bundle.getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED || bundle.getState() == Bundle.RESOLVED;
private final boolean hasStop( Bundle bundle )
if ( isFragmentBundle(bundle) )
return false;
return bundle.getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE;
private static final boolean hasUninstall( Bundle bundle )
return bundle.getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED || bundle.getState() == Bundle.RESOLVED
|| bundle.getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE;
private final void bundleDetails( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot, final String servicesRoot, final Locale locale)
throws JSONException
Dictionary headers = bundle.getHeaders( locale == null ? null : locale.toString() );
jw.key( "props" );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Symbolic Name", bundle.getSymbolicName() );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Version", headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Bundle Location", bundle.getLocation() );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Last Modification", new Date( bundle.getLastModified() ) );
String docUrl = ( String ) headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_DOCURL );
if ( docUrl != null )
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Bundle Documentation", docUrl );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Vendor", headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_VENDOR ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Copyright", headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Description", headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Start Level", getStartLevel( bundle ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Bundle Classpath", headers.get( Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH ) );
listFragmentInfo( jw, bundle, pluginRoot );
if ( bundle.getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED )
listImportExportsUnresolved( jw, bundle, pluginRoot );
listImportExport( jw, bundle, pluginRoot );
listServices( jw, bundle, servicesRoot );
listHeaders( jw, bundle );
private final Integer getStartLevel( Bundle bundle )
StartLevel sl = getStartLevel();
return ( sl != null ) ? new Integer( sl.getBundleStartLevel( bundle ) ) : null;
private void listImportExport( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot ) throws JSONException
PackageAdmin packageAdmin = getPackageAdmin();
if ( packageAdmin == null )
Map usingBundles = new TreeMap();
ExportedPackage[] exports = packageAdmin.getExportedPackages( bundle );
if ( exports != null && exports.length > 0 )
// do alphabetical sort
Arrays.sort( exports, new Comparator()
public int compare( ExportedPackage p1, ExportedPackage p2 )
return p1.getName().compareTo( p2.getName() );
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
return compare( ( ExportedPackage ) o1, ( ExportedPackage ) o2 );
} );
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
for ( int j = 0; j < exports.length; j++ )
ExportedPackage export = exports[j];
collectExport( val, export.getName(), export.getVersion() );
Bundle[] ubList = export.getImportingBundles();
if ( ubList != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < ubList.length; i++ )
Bundle ub = ubList[i];
String name = ub.getSymbolicName();
if (name == null) name = ub.getLocation();
usingBundles.put( name, ub );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Exported Packages", val );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Exported Packages", "---" );
exports = packageAdmin.getExportedPackages( ( Bundle ) null );
if ( exports != null && exports.length > 0 )
// collect import packages first
final List imports = new ArrayList();
for ( int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++ )
final ExportedPackage ep = exports[i];
final Bundle[] importers = ep.getImportingBundles();
for ( int j = 0; importers != null && j < importers.length; j++ )
if ( importers[j].getBundleId() == bundle.getBundleId() )
imports.add( ep );
// now sort
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
if ( imports.size() > 0 )
final ExportedPackage[] packages = ( ExportedPackage[] ) imports.toArray( new ExportedPackage[imports
.size()] );
Arrays.sort( packages, new Comparator()
public int compare( ExportedPackage p1, ExportedPackage p2 )
return p1.getName().compareTo( p2.getName() );
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
return compare( ( ExportedPackage ) o1, ( ExportedPackage ) o2 );
} );
// and finally print out
for ( int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++ )
ExportedPackage ep = packages[i];
collectImport( val, ep.getName(), ep.getVersion(), false, ep, pluginRoot );
// add description if there are no imports
val.put( "None" );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Imported Packages", val );
if ( !usingBundles.isEmpty() )
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
for ( Iterator ui = usingBundles.values().iterator(); ui.hasNext(); )
Bundle usingBundle = ( Bundle );
val.put( getBundleDescriptor( usingBundle, pluginRoot ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Importing Bundles", val );
private void listImportExportsUnresolved( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot ) throws JSONException
Dictionary dict = bundle.getHeaders();
String target = ( String ) dict.get( Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE );
if ( target != null )
R4Package[] pkgs = R4Package.parseImportOrExportHeader( target );
if ( pkgs != null && pkgs.length > 0 )
// do alphabetical sort
Arrays.sort( pkgs, new Comparator()
public int compare( R4Package p1, R4Package p2 )
return p1.getName().compareTo( p2.getName() );
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
return compare( ( R4Package ) o1, ( R4Package ) o2 );
} );
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++ )
R4Export export = new R4Export( pkgs[i] );
collectExport( val, export.getName(), export.getVersion() );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Exported Packages", val );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Exported Packages", "---" );
target = ( String ) dict.get( Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE );
if ( target != null )
R4Package[] pkgs = R4Package.parseImportOrExportHeader( target );
if ( pkgs != null && pkgs.length > 0 )
Map imports = new TreeMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++ )
R4Package pkg = pkgs[i];
imports.put( pkg.getName(), new R4Import( pkg ) );
// collect import packages first
final Map candidates = new HashMap();
PackageAdmin packageAdmin = getPackageAdmin();
if ( packageAdmin != null )
ExportedPackage[] exports = packageAdmin.getExportedPackages( ( Bundle ) null );
if ( exports != null && exports.length > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++ )
final ExportedPackage ep = exports[i];
R4Import imp = ( R4Import ) imports.get( ep.getName() );
if ( imp != null && imp.isSatisfied( toR4Export( ep ) ) )
candidates.put( ep.getName(), ep );
// now sort
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
if ( imports.size() > 0 )
for ( Iterator ii = imports.values().iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
R4Import r4Import = ( R4Import );
ExportedPackage ep = ( ExportedPackage ) candidates.get( r4Import.getName() );
// if there is no matching export, check whether this
// bundle has the package, ignore the entry in this case
if ( ep == null )
String path = r4Import.getName().replace( '.', '/' );
if ( bundle.getEntry( path ) != null )
collectImport( val, r4Import.getName(), r4Import.getVersion(), r4Import.isOptional(), ep, pluginRoot );
// add description if there are no imports
val.put( "---" );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Imported Packages", val );
private String getServiceID(ServiceReference ref, final String servicesRoot) {
String id = ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ).toString();
StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer();
if ( servicesRoot != null ) {
val.append( "<a href='" ).append( servicesRoot ).append( id ).append( "'>" );
val.append( id );
val.append( "</a>" );
return val.toString();
} else {
return id;
private void listServices( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle, final String servicesRoot ) throws JSONException
ServiceReference[] refs = bundle.getRegisteredServices();
if ( refs == null || refs.length == 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
String key = "Service ID " + getServiceID( refs[i], servicesRoot );
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
appendProperty( val, refs[i], Constants.OBJECTCLASS, "Types" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], Constants.SERVICE_PID, "Service PID" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], "org.apache.felix.karaf.features.configKey", "Feature PID" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_FACTORYPID, "Factory PID" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_NAME, "Component Name" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_ID, "Component ID" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_FACTORY, "Component Factory" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, "Description" );
appendProperty( val, refs[i], Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, "Vendor" );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, key, val);
private void listHeaders( JSONWriter jw, Bundle bundle ) throws JSONException
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
Dictionary headers = bundle.getHeaders();
Enumeration he = headers.keys();
while ( he.hasMoreElements() )
Object header = he.nextElement();
String value = String.valueOf(headers.get( header ));
// Package headers may be long, support line breaking by
// ensuring blanks after comma and semicolon.
value = enableLineWrapping(value);
val.put( header + ": " + value );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Manifest Headers", val );
private static final String enableLineWrapping(final String value)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(value.length() * 2 / 3);
synchronized (sb)
{ // faster
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
final char ch = value.charAt( i );
sb.append( ch );
if ( ch == ';' || ch == ',' )
sb.append( ' ' );
return sb.toString();
private void listFragmentInfo( final JSONWriter jw, final Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot )
throws JSONException
if ( isFragmentBundle( bundle ) )
Bundle[] hostBundles = getPackageAdmin().getHosts( bundle );
if ( hostBundles != null )
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < hostBundles.length; i++ )
val.put( getBundleDescriptor( hostBundles[i], pluginRoot ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Host Bundles", val );
Bundle[] fragmentBundles = getPackageAdmin().getFragments( bundle );
if ( fragmentBundles != null )
JSONArray val = new JSONArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < fragmentBundles.length; i++ )
val.put( getBundleDescriptor( fragmentBundles[i], pluginRoot ) );
WebConsoleUtil.keyVal( jw, "Fragments Attached", val );
private void appendProperty( JSONArray array, ServiceReference ref, String name, String label )
StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer();
Object value = ref.getProperty( name );
if ( value instanceof Object[] )
Object[] values = ( Object[] ) value;
dest.append( label ).append( ": " );
for ( int j = 0; j < values.length; j++ )
if ( j > 0 )
dest.append( ", " );
dest.append( values[j] );
else if ( value != null )
dest.append( label ).append( ": " ).append( value );
private void collectExport( JSONArray array, String name, Version version )
StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer();
boolean bootDel = isBootDelegated( name );
if ( bootDel )
val.append( "!! " );
val.append( name );
val.append( ",version=" );
val.append( version );
if ( bootDel )
val.append( " -- Overwritten by Boot Delegation" );
private void collectImport( JSONArray array, String name, Version version, boolean optional,
ExportedPackage export, final String pluginRoot )
StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer();
boolean bootDel = isBootDelegated( name );
String marker = null;
val.append( name );
val.append( ",version=" ).append( version );
if ( export != null )
val.append( " from " );
val.append( getBundleDescriptor( export.getExportingBundle(), pluginRoot ) );
if ( bootDel )
val.append( " -- Overwritten by Boot Delegation" );
marker = "INFO";
val.append( " -- Cannot be resolved" );
marker = "ERROR";
if ( optional )
val.append( " but is not required" );
if ( bootDel )
val.append( " and overwritten by Boot Delegation" );
if ( marker != null ) {
val.insert(0, ": ");
val.insert(0, marker);
// returns true if the package is listed in the bootdelegation property
private boolean isBootDelegated( String pkgName )
// bootdelegation analysis from Apache Felix R4SearchPolicyCore
// Only consider delegation if we have a package name, since
// we don't want to promote the default package. The spec does
// not take a stand on this issue.
if ( pkgName.length() > 0 )
// Delegate any packages listed in the boot delegation
// property to the parent class loader.
for ( int i = 0; i < bootPkgs.length; i++ )
// A wildcarded boot delegation package will be in the form of
// "foo.", so if the package is wildcarded do a startsWith() or
// a regionMatches() to ignore the trailing "." to determine if
// the request should be delegated to the parent class loader.
// If the package is not wildcarded, then simply do an equals()
// test to see if the request should be delegated to the parent
// class loader.
if ( ( bootPkgWildcards[i] && ( pkgName.startsWith( bootPkgs[i] ) || bootPkgs[i].regionMatches( 0,
pkgName, 0, pkgName.length() ) ) )
|| ( !bootPkgWildcards[i] && bootPkgs[i].equals( pkgName ) ) )
return true;
return false;
private R4Export toR4Export( ExportedPackage export )
R4Attribute version = new R4Attribute( Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, export.getVersion().toString(), false );
return new R4Export( export.getName(), null, new R4Attribute[]
{ version } );
private String getBundleDescriptor( Bundle bundle, final String pluginRoot )
StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer();
if ( pluginRoot != null )
val.append( "<a href='" ).append( pluginRoot ).append( '/' ).append( bundle.getBundleId() ).append( "'>" );
if ( bundle.getSymbolicName() != null )
// list the bundle name if not null
val.append( bundle.getSymbolicName() );
val.append( " (" ).append( bundle.getBundleId() );
val.append( ")" );
else if ( bundle.getLocation() != null )
// otherwise try the location
val.append( bundle.getLocation() );
val.append( " (" ).append( bundle.getBundleId() );
val.append( ")" );
// fallback to just the bundle id
// only append the bundle
val.append( bundle.getBundleId() );
if ( pluginRoot != null )
val.append( "</a>" );
return val.toString();
private void refresh( final Bundle bundle )
getPackageAdmin().refreshPackages( new Bundle[]
{ bundle } );
private void update( final Bundle bundle )
UpdateHelper t = new UpdateHelper( bundle, false )
protected Logger getLog()
return BundlesServlet.this.getLog();
protected Object getService( String serviceName )
return BundlesServlet.this.getService( serviceName );
private final class RequestInfo
public final String extension;
public final Bundle bundle;
public final boolean bundleRequested;
public final String pathInfo;
protected RequestInfo( final HttpServletRequest request )
String info = request.getPathInfo();
// remove label and starting slash
info = info.substring(getLabel().length() + 1);
// get extension
if ( info.endsWith(".json") )
extension = "json";
info = info.substring(0, info.length() - 5);
extension = "html";
// we only accept direct requests to a bundle if they have a slash after the label
String bundleInfo = null;
if (info.startsWith("/") )
bundleInfo = info.substring(1);
if ( bundleInfo == null || bundleInfo.length() == 0 )
bundle = null;
bundleRequested = false;
pathInfo = null;
bundle = getBundle(bundleInfo);
bundleRequested = true;
pathInfo = bundleInfo;
request.setAttribute(BundlesServlet.class.getName(), this);
static final RequestInfo getRequestInfo(final HttpServletRequest request)
return (RequestInfo)request.getAttribute( BundlesServlet.class.getName() );
private final PackageAdmin getPackageAdmin()
return ( PackageAdmin ) getService( PackageAdmin.class.getName() );
private final StartLevel getStartLevel()
return ( StartLevel ) getService( StartLevel.class.getName() );
// TODO: may remove later, when BaseWebConsolePlugin is made to extend SimpleWebConsolePlugin
private Logger log;
Logger getLog()
if ( log == null )
log = new Logger( getBundleContext() );
return log;