blob: c49e2325a249a1e682eaecc5b41c93e23c9ae47e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.framework;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.framework.cache.DefaultBundleCache;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.CaseInsensitiveMap;
import org.apache.felix.framework.util.MutablePropertyResolverImpl;
* <p>
* This class is the default way to instantiate and execute the framework. It is not
* intended to be the only way to instantiate and execute the framework; rather, it is
* one example of how to do so. When embedding the framework in a host application,
* this class can serve as a simple guide of how to do so. It may even be
* worthwhile to reuse some of its property handling capabilities. This class
* is completely static and is only intended to start a single instance of
* the framework.
* </p>
public class Main
* The system property name used to specify an URL to the system
* property file.
public static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROP = "";
* The default name used for the system properties file.
public static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_FILE_VALUE = "";
* The system property name used to specify an URL to the configuration
* property file to be used for the created the framework instance.
public static final String CONFIG_PROPERTIES_PROP = "";
* The default name used for the configuration properties file.
public static final String CONFIG_PROPERTIES_FILE_VALUE = "";
private static Felix m_felix = null;
* <p>
* This method performs the main task of constructing an framework instance
* and starting its execution. The following functions are performed
* when invoked:
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li><i><b>Read the system properties file.<b></i> This is a file
* containing properties to be pushed into <tt>System.setProperty()</tt>
* before starting the framework. This mechanism is mainly shorthand
* for people starting the framework from the command line to avoid having
* to specify a bunch of <tt>-D</tt> system property definitions.
* The only properties defined in this file that will impact the framework's
* behavior are the those concerning setting HTTP proxies, such as
* <tt>http.proxyHost</tt>, <tt>http.proxyPort</tt>, and
* <tt>http.proxyAuth</tt>.
* </li>
* <li><i><b>Perform system property variable substitution on system
* properties.</b></i> Any system properties in the system property
* file whose value adheres to <tt>${&lt;system-prop-name&gt;}</tt>
* syntax will have their value substituted with the appropriate
* system property value.
* </li>
* <li><i><b>Read the framework's configuration property file.</b></i> This is
* a file containing properties used to configure the framework
* instance and to pass configuration information into
* bundles installed into the framework instance. The configuration
* property file is called <tt></tt> by default
* and is located in the same directory as the <tt>felix.jar</tt>
* file, which is typically in the <tt>lib/</tt> directory of the
* Felix installation directory. It is possible to use a different
* location for the property file by specifying the desired URL
* using the <tt></tt> system property;
* this should be set using the <tt>-D</tt> syntax when executing
* the JVM. Refer to the
* <a href="Felix.html#start(org.apache.felix.framework.util.MutablePropertyResolver, org.apache.felix.framework.util.MutablePropertyResolver, java.util.List)">
* <tt>Felix.start()</tt></a> method documentation for more
* information on the framework configuration options.
* </li>
* <li><i><b>Perform system property variable substitution on configuration
* properties.</b></i> Any configuration properties whose value adheres to
* <tt>${&lt;system-prop-name&gt;}</tt> syntax will have their value
* substituted with the appropriate system property value.
* </li>
* <li><i><b>Ensure the default bundle cache has sufficient information to
* initialize.</b></i> The default implementation of the bundle cache
* requires either a profile name or a profile directory in order to
* start. The configuration properties are checked for at least one
* of the <tt>felix.cache.profile</tt> or <tt>felix.cache.profiledir</tt>
* properties. If neither is found, the user is asked to supply a profile
* name that is added to the configuration property set. See the
* <a href="cache/DefaultBundleCache.html"><tt>DefaultBundleCache</tt></a>
* documentation for more details its configuration options.
* </li>
* <li><i><b>Creates and starts a framework instance.</b></i> A simple
* <a href="util/MutablePropertyResolver.html"><tt>MutablePropertyResolver</tt></a>
* is created for the configuration property file and is passed
* into the framework when it is started.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* It should be noted that simply starting an instance of the framework is not enough
* to create an interactive session with it. It is necessary to install
* and start bundles that provide an interactive impl; this is generally
* done by specifying an "auto-start" property in the framework configuration
* property file. If no interactive impl bundles are installed or if
* the configuration property file cannot be found, the framework will appear to
* be hung or deadlocked. This is not the case, it is executing correctly,
* there is just no way to interact with it. Refer to the
* <a href="Felix.html#start(org.apache.felix.framework.util.MutablePropertyResolver, org.apache.felix.framework.util.MutablePropertyResolver, java.util.List)">
* <tt>Felix.start()</tt></a> method documentation for more information on
* framework configuration options.
* </p>
* @param argv An array of arguments, all of which are ignored.
* @throws Exception If an error occurs.
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
// Load system properties.
// Read configuration properties.
Properties configProps = Main.readConfigProperties();
// See if the profile name property was specified.
String profileName = configProps.getProperty(DefaultBundleCache.CACHE_PROFILE_PROP);
// See if the profile directory property was specified.
String profileDirName = configProps.getProperty(DefaultBundleCache.CACHE_PROFILE_DIR_PROP);
// Print welcome banner.
System.out.println("\nWelcome to Felix.");
// If no profile or profile directory is specified in the
// properties, then ask for a profile name.
if ((profileName == null) && (profileDirName == null))
System.out.print("Enter profile name: ");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
profileName = in.readLine();
catch (IOException ex)
System.err.println("Could not read input.");
if (profileName.length() != 0)
configProps.setProperty(DefaultBundleCache.CACHE_PROFILE_PROP, profileName);
// A profile directory or name must be specified.
if ((profileDirName == null) && (profileName.length() == 0))
System.err.println("You must specify a profile name or directory.");
// Now create an instance of the framework.
m_felix = new Felix();
new MutablePropertyResolverImpl(new CaseInsensitiveMap(configProps)),
catch (Exception ex)
System.err.println("Could not create framework: " + ex);
* <p>
* Loads the properties in the system property file associated with the
* framework installation into <tt>System.setProperty()</tt>. These properties
* are not directly used by the framework in anyway. By default, the system property
* file is located in the same directory as the <tt>felix.jar</tt> file and
* is called "<tt></tt>". This may be changed by setting the
* "<tt></tt>" system property to an
* arbitrary URL.
* </p>
public static void loadSystemProperties()
// The system properties file is either specified by a system
// property or it is in the same directory as the Felix JAR file.
// Try to load it from one of these places.
// See if the property URL was specified as a property.
URL propURL = null;
String custom = System.getProperty(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROP);
if (custom != null)
propURL = new URL(custom);
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
System.err.print("Main: " + ex);
// Determine where felix.jar is located by looking at the
// system class path.
String jarLoc = null;
String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
int index = classpath.toLowerCase().indexOf("felix.jar");
int start = classpath.lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparator, index) + 1;
if (index > start)
jarLoc = classpath.substring(start, index);
if (jarLoc.length() == 0)
jarLoc = ".";
// Can't figure it out so use the current directory as default.
jarLoc = System.getProperty("user.dir");
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
System.err.print("Main: " + ex);
// Read the properties file.
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream is = null;
is = propURL.openConnection().getInputStream();
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
// Ignore file not found.
catch (Exception ex)
"Main: Error loading system properties from " + propURL);
System.err.println("Main: " + ex);
if (is != null) is.close();
catch (IOException ex2)
// Nothing we can do.
// Perform variable substitution for system properties.
for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
System.setProperty(name, substVars((String) props.getProperty(name)));
* <p>
* Reads the configuration properties in the configuration property
* file associated with the framework installation; these properties are
* only accessible to the framework and are intended for configuration
* purposes. By default, the configuration property file is located in
* the same directory as the <tt>felix.jar</tt> file and is called
* "<tt></tt>". This may be changed by setting the
* "<tt></tt>" system property to an
* arbitrary URL.
* </p>
* @return A <tt>Properties</tt> instance or <tt>null</tt> if there was an error.
public static Properties readConfigProperties()
// The config properties file is either specified by a system
// property or it is in the same directory as the Felix JAR file.
// Try to load it from one of these places.
// See if the property URL was specified as a property.
URL propURL = null;
String custom = System.getProperty(CONFIG_PROPERTIES_PROP);
if (custom != null)
propURL = new URL(custom);
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
System.err.print("Main: " + ex);
return null;
// Determine where felix.jar is located by looking at the
// system class path.
String jarLoc = null;
String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
int index = classpath.toLowerCase().indexOf("felix.jar");
int start = classpath.lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparator, index) + 1;
if (index > start)
jarLoc = classpath.substring(start, index);
if (jarLoc.length() == 0)
jarLoc = ".";
// Can't figure it out so use the current directory as default.
jarLoc = System.getProperty("user.dir");
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
System.err.print("Main: " + ex);
return null;
// Read the properties file.
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream is = null;
is = propURL.openConnection().getInputStream();
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
// Ignore file not found.
catch (Exception ex)
"Error loading config properties from " + propURL);
System.err.println("Main: " + ex);
if (is != null) is.close();
catch (IOException ex2)
// Nothing we can do.
return null;
// Perform variable substitution for system properties.
for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
props.setProperty(name, substVars((String) props.getProperty(name)));
return props;
private static final String DELIM_START = "${";
private static final char DELIM_STOP = '}';
private static final int DELIM_START_LEN = 2;
private static final int DELIM_STOP_LEN = 1;
* <p>
* This method performs system property variable substitution on the
* specified string value. If the specified string contains the
* syntax <tt>${&lt;system-prop-name&gt;}</tt>, then the corresponding
* system property value is substituted for the marker.
* </p>
* @param val The string on which to perform system property substitution.
* @return The value of the specified string after system property substitution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If there was a syntax error in the
* system property variable marker syntax.
public static String substVars(String val)
throws IllegalArgumentException
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
if (val == null)
return val;
int i = 0;
int j, k;
while (true)
j = val.indexOf(DELIM_START, i);
if (j == -1)
if (i == 0)
return val;
sbuf.append(val.substring(i, val.length()));
return sbuf.toString();
sbuf.append(val.substring(i, j));
k = val.indexOf(DELIM_STOP, j);
if (k == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
'"' + val +
"\" has no closing brace. Opening brace at position "
+ j + '.');
String key = val.substring(j, k);
// Try system properties.
String replacement = System.getProperty(key, null);
if (replacement != null)