blob: 2b745c91077756e15d7045d8c6379b50cbc13b43 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from the 1.8.6 to 1.8.10
** Bug
* [FELIX-3827] - Error in bbd-ipojo-plugin of manipulating jar with embedded dependencies with maven bundle plugin + bnd-ipojo-plugin
* [FELIX-3900] - @HandlerDeclaration do not convert DOM Attributes to iPOJO Attributes correctly
* [FELIX-3938] - maven-ipojo-plugin does not behave as bnd-ipojo-plugin
* [FELIX-3974] - Properties cannot be set as immutable using annotations
* [FELIX-3995] - Missing options in Bind annotation
* [FELIX-4027] - The iPOJO Ant task requires org.objectweb.asm.tree
* [FELIX-4046] - Inner class manipulation fails with expanded frames
* [FELIX-4052] - Instance declaration not created correctly when using @Instantiate if the @Component specifies a name
** Improvement
* [FELIX-3286] - Update POM to use the new parent
* [FELIX-3452] - Extending maven-ipojo-plugin with directoryManipulation support.
* [FELIX-3749] - Refactor the manipulator for better (and extensible) annotation support
* [FELIX-3837] - PojoizationPlugin should be more extensible
* [FELIX-3901] - Avoid converting Xml namespace declaration with @HandlerDeclaration
* [FELIX-3927] - Exclude iPOJO 2.0 packages during manipulation
** New Feature
* [FELIX-3699] - Allow annotations to handle custom component definitions.
* [FELIX-4059] - Provide a CLI tool to manipulate iPOJO bundles
** Task
* [FELIX-3903] - Migrate tests to pax exam 3
* [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent
* [FELIX-3976] - Move the online manipulator out of the core bundle
Changes from the 1.4.2 to 1.6.0
** Improvement
* [FELIX-1427] - Service injection with Smart Proxies
* [FELIX-1906] - Allow calling a method when service properties of an already injected service are modified
Changes from the 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
** Bug
* [FELIX-1518] - iPOJO manipulator is really slow even when annotation are ignored
Version 1.4.0
** Improvement
* Update parent pom
* Initial commit