blob: 7fe03f8ca979f91c8d714f4c8d43a597e3291ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
Component Description
112.4.1 Service Component Header
[ OK ] Process multi-entry (comma separated) header
[ ] Support fragments
[ OK ] Log error with log service in case header cannot be located
112.4.2 XML Document
[ ] Use document namespace
112.4.3 Component Element
[ ok ] Verify that the name of a component is globally unique
[ OK ] Enabled set to true when not present
[ OK ] Support null factory attribute
[ OK ] Immediate set to false by default
112.4.4 Implementation Element
[ OK ] Check that the implementation element is present
112.4.5 Properties and Property Elements
[ OK ] Support property
[ OK ] Support Configuration Admin's service
[ ] Element body with multiple lines
[ ] Support properties (file)
112.4.6 Service Element
[ OK ] Support for optional declaration
[ OK ] Support for provides
112.4.7 Reference Element
[ OK ] Name of the reference
[ OK ] Interface
[ OK ] Cardinality
[ OK ] Policy
[ OK ] Target
[ OK ] bind
[ OK ] unbind
Component Lifecycle
[ OK ] 112.5.1 Enabled
[ OK ] 112.5.2 Satisfied
[ OK ] 112.5.3 Immediate
[ OK ] 112.5.4 Delayed
[ OK ] 112.5.5 Factory
[ OK ] 112.5.6 Activation
[ OK ] 112.5.7 Binding Services
[ OK ] 112.5.8 Activate Method
[ OK ] 112.5.9 Component Context
[ OK ] 112.5.10 Bound Service Replacement
[ OK ] 112.5.11 Deactivation
[ OK ] 112.5.12 Deactivate Method
[ OK ] 112.5.13 Unbinding
[ OK ] 112.6 Component Properties
[ ] 112.7 Deployment
Service Component Runtime
[ OK ] 112.8.1 Relationship to OSGi Framework
[ OK ] 112.8.2 Starting and Stopping SCR
[ ] 112.9.1 Service Permissions
[ ] 112.9.2 Using hasPermission