blob: 79a48ce0d6f0aca4c1a1e1bef5fa57f0788f7c14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Builds a Dependency Manager Factory Configuration Adapter Component. For each new Config Admin factory configuration matching the factoryPid,
* an adapter will be created based on the adapter implementation class. The adapter will be registered with the specified interface,
* and with the specified adapter service properties. Depending on the propagate parameter, every public factory configuration properties
* (which don't start with ".") will be propagated along with the adapter service properties.
* This builded supports type safe configuration types. For a given factory configuration, you can specify an interface of your choice,
* and DM will implement it using a dynamic proxy that converts interface methods to lookups in the actual factory configuration dictionary.
* For more information about configuration types, please refer to {@link ConfigurationDependencyBuilder}.
* <p> Example that defines a factory configuration adapter service for the "" factory pid. For each factory pid instance,
* an instance of the DictionaryImpl component will be created.
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* factoryPidAdapter(adapter -> adapter
* .impl(DictionaryImpl.class)
* .factoryPid("")
* .update(ServiceImpl::updated)
* .propagate()
* .withSvc(LogService.class, log -> log.optional()));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* <p> Example that defines a factory configuration adapter using a user defined configuration type
* (the pid is by default assumed to match the fqdn of the configuration type):
* <pre> {@code
* public interface DictionaryConfiguration {
* public String getLanguage();
* public List<String> getWords();
* }
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* factoryPidAdapter(adapter -> adapter
* .impl(DictionaryImpl.class)
* .factoryPid("")
* .update(DictionaryConfiguration.class, ServiceImpl::updated)
* .propagate()
* .withSvc(LogService.class, log -> log.optional()));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
public interface FactoryPidAdapterBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<FactoryPidAdapterBuilder> {
* Specifies the factory pid used by the adapter.
* @param pid the factory pid.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder factoryPid(String pid);
* Specifies if the public properties (not starting with a dot) should be propagated to the adapter service properties (false by default).
* @return this builder.
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder propagate();
* Specifies if the public properties (not starting with a dot) should be propagated to the adapter service properties (false by default).
* @param propagate true if the public properties should be propagated to the adapter service properties (false by default).
* @return this builder.
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder propagate(boolean propagate);
* Specifies a callback method that will be called on the component instances when the configuration is injected.
* @param updateMethod the method to call on the component instances when the configuration is available ("updated" by default).
* <p>The following method signatures are supported:
* <ol>
* <li> method(Dictionary properties)
* <li> method(Component component, Dictionary properties)
* </ol>
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(String updateMethod);
* Sets a callback method to call on the component implementation class(es) when the configuration is updated.
* The callback is invoked with a configuration type argument.
* <p>The following callback signatures are supported and searched in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Configuration) // same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* <li>method(Component, Configuration) // Configuration has the same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* </ol>
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param updateMethod the callback to call on the component instance(s) when the configuration is updated.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<?> configType, String updateMethod);
* Specifies a callback instance method that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected.
* @param updateMethod the method to call on the given object instance when the configuration is available ("updated" by default).
* The following method signatures are supported:
* <pre> {@code
* method(Dictionary properties)
* method(Component component, Dictionary properties)
* }</pre>
* @param callbackInstance the Object instance on which the updated callback will be invoked.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Object callbackInstance, String updateMethod);
* Specifies a callback instance method that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected.
* The callback is invoked with a configuration type argument.
* <p>The following callback signatures are supported and searched in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Configuration) // same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* <li>method(Component, Configuration) // Configuration has the same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* </ol>
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callbackInstance the Object instance on which the updated callback will be invoked.
* @param updateMethod the method to call on the given object instance when the configuration is available. The callback is invoked
* with a configuration type argument (matching the configType you have specified.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<?> configType, Object callbackInstance, String updateMethod);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on one of the component classes when the configuration is injected.
* The callback is invoked with a Dictionary argument.
* @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback the method to call on one of the component classes when the configuration is available.
* @return this builder
<T> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(CbDictionary<T> callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on one of the component classes when the configuration is injected.
* The callback is invoked with a configuration type argument.
* @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param <U> the configuration type accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the method to call on one of the component classes when the configuration is available.
* @return this builder
<T, U> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<U> configType, CbConfiguration<T, U> callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on one of the component classes when the configuration is injected
* @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param callback the reference to a method on one of the component classes. The method may takes as arguments a Dictionary and a Component.
* @return this builder
<T> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(CbDictionaryComponent<T> callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on one of the component classes when the configuration is injected.
* The callback is invoked with the following arguments: a configuration type, and a Component object.
* @param <T> the type of the component implementation class on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param <U> the configuration type accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the reference to a method on one of the component classes. The method may takes as arguments a configuration type and a Component.
* @return this builder
<T, U> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<U> configType, CbConfigurationComponent<T, U> callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected
* @param callback the method to call on a given object instance when the configuration is available. The callback takes as argument a
* a Dictionary parameter.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(InstanceCbDictionary callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected.
* The callback is invoked with a type-safe configuration type argument.
* @param <T> the configuration type accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the method to call on a given object instance when the configuration is available. The callback takes as argument a
* a configuration type parameter.
* @return this builder
<T> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<T> configType, InstanceCbConfiguration<T> callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected.
* @param callback the method to call on a given object instance when the configuration is available. The callback takes as argument a
* Dictionary, and a Component parameter.
* @return this builder
FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(InstanceCbDictionaryComponent callback);
* Specifies a method reference that will be called on a given object instance when the configuration is injected.
* @param <T> the configuration type accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the method to call on a given object instance when the configuration is available. The callback takes as arguments a
* configuration type, and a Component parameter.
* @return this builder
<T> FactoryPidAdapterBuilder update(Class<T> configType, InstanceCbConfigurationComponent<T> callback);