blob: 94b525020b1511f73057246efb72c15c0ffcfb4b [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Map;
* Builds a Dependency Manager Configuration Dependency.
* Two families of callbacks are supported: <p>
* <ul>
* <li>reflection based callbacks: you specify a callback method name
* <li>method reference callbacks: you specify a java8 method reference
* </ul>
* <p> Callbacks may accept a Dictionary, a Component, or a user defined configuration type interface.
* If you only specify a pid, by default the callback method name is assumed to be "updated".
* <p> Configuration types are a new feature that allows you to specify an interface that is implemented
* by DM and such interface is then injected to your callback instead of the actual Dictionary.
* Using such configuration interface provides a way for creating type-safe configurations from a actual {@link Dictionary} that is
* normally injected by Dependency Manager.
* The callback accepts in argument an interface that you have to provide, and DM will inject a proxy that converts
* method calls from your configuration-type to lookups in the actual map or dictionary. The results of these lookups are then
* converted to the expected return type of the invoked configuration method.<br>
* As proxies are injected, no implementations of the desired configuration-type are necessary!
* </p>
* <p>
* The lookups performed are based on the name of the method called on the configuration type. The method names are
* "mangled" to the following form: <tt>[lower case letter] [any valid character]*</tt>. Method names starting with
* <tt>get</tt> or <tt>is</tt> (JavaBean convention) are stripped from these prefixes. For example: given a dictionary
* with the key <tt>"foo"</tt> can be accessed from a configuration-type using the following method names:
* <tt>foo()</tt>, <tt>getFoo()</tt> and <tt>isFoo()</tt>.
* </p>
* <p>
* The return values supported are: primitive types (or their object wrappers), strings, enums, arrays of
* primitives/strings, {@link Collection} types, {@link Map} types, {@link Class}es and interfaces. When an interface is
* returned, it is treated equally to a configuration type, that is, it is returned as a proxy.
* </p>
* <p>
* Arrays can be represented either as comma-separated values, optionally enclosed in square brackets. For example:
* <tt>[ a, b, c ]</tt> and <tt>a, b,c</tt> are both considered an array of length 3 with the values "a", "b" and "c".
* Alternatively, you can append the array index to the key in the dictionary to obtain the same: a dictionary with
* "arr.0" =&gt; "a", "arr.1" =&gt; "b", "arr.2" =&gt; "c" would result in the same array as the earlier examples.
* </p>
* <p>
* Maps can be represented as single string values similarly as arrays, each value consisting of both the key and value
* separated by a dot. Optionally, the value can be enclosed in curly brackets. Similar to array, you can use the same
* dot notation using the keys. For example, a dictionary with
* <pre>{@code "map" => "{key1.value1, key2.value2}"}</pre>
* and a dictionary with <p>
* <pre>{@code "map.key1" => "value1", "map2.key2" => "value2"}</pre>
* result in the same map being returned.
* Instead of a map, you could also define an interface with the methods <tt>getKey1()</tt> and <tt>getKey2</tt> and use
* that interface as return type instead of a {@link Map}.
* </p>
* <p>
* In case a lookup does not yield a value from the underlying map or dictionary, the following rules are applied:
* <ol>
* <li>primitive types yield their default value, as defined by the Java Specification;
* <li>string, {@link Class}es and enum values yield <code>null</code>;
* <li>for arrays, collections and maps, an empty array/collection/map is returned;
* <li>for other interface types that are treated as configuration type a null-object is returned.
* </ol>
* </p>
* <b> Sample codes: </b>
* <p> Code example with a component that defines a Configuration Dependency using a specific callback method reference,
* and the method accepts in argument a configuration type (the pid is assumed to be the fqdn of the configuration type):
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* component(comp -> comp
* .impl(ServiceImpl.class)
* .withConf(conf -> conf.update(MyConfig.class, ServiceImpl::modified)));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* <p> Code example with a component that defines a Configuration Dependency using a specific callback method reference
* which accepts a Dictionary in argument:
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* component(comp -> comp
* .impl(ServiceImpl.class)
* .withConf(conf ->"").update(ServiceImpl::modified)));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* <p> Code example which defines a configuration dependency injected in the "ServiceImpl.updated(Dictionary)" callback:
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* component(comp -> comp.impl(ServiceImpl.class).withConf(""));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* <p> Code example with a component that defines a Configuration Dependency using a specific callback method name:
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* component(comp -> comp.impl(ServiceImpl.class).withConf(conf ->"").update("modified")));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public interface ConfigurationDependencyBuilder extends DependencyBuilder<ConfigurationDependency> {
* Sets the pid for this configuration dependency.
* @param pid the configuration dependency pid.
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder pid(String pid);
* Sets propagation of the configuration to the service properties (false by default).
* All public configuration properties (not starting with a dot) will be propagated to the component service properties.
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder propagate();
* Sets propagation of the configuration properties to the service properties (false by default).
* @param propagate true if all public configuration properties (not starting with a dot) must be propagated to the component service properties (false by default)
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder propagate(boolean propagate);
* Sets a callback method to call on the component implementation class(es) when the configuration is updated. When the configuration is lost, the callback is invoked
* with a null dictionary.
* <p>The following callback signatures are supported and searched in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* </ol>
* @param updateMethod the name of the callback
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(String updateMethod);
* Sets a callback method to call on the component implementation class(es) when the configuration is updated. The callback is invoked with a configuration type
* argument (null if the configuration is lost).
* <p>The following callback signatures are supported and searched in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Configuration) // same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* <li>method(Component, Configuration) // Configuration has the same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* </ol>
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param updateMethod the callback to call on the component instance(s) when the configuration is updated.
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<?> configType, String updateMethod);
* Sets a callback method to call on a given Object instance when the configuration is updated.
* When the updated method is invoked, the Component implementation is not yet instantiated. This method
* can be typically used by a Factory object which needs the configuration before it can create the actual
* component implementation instance(s).
* When the configuration is lost, the callback is invoked with a null dictionary, and the following signatures are supported:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* </ol>
* @param callbackInstance the object instance on which the updatedMethod is invoked
* @param updateMethod the callback to call on the callbackInstance when the configuration is updated.
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Object callbackInstance, String updateMethod);
* Sets a callback method to call on a given Object instance when the configuration is updated.
* When the updated method is invoked, the Component implementation is not yet instantiated. This method
* can be typically used by a Factory object which needs the configuration before it can create the actual
* component implementation instance(s).
* The callback is invoked with a configuration type argument (null of the configuration is lost).
* <p>The following callback signatures are supported and searched in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>method(Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Component, Dictionary)</li>
* <li>method(Configuration) // same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* <li>method(Component, Configuration) // Configuration has the same type as the one specified in the "configType" argument</li>
* </ol>
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callbackInstance the object instance on which the updatedMethod is invoked
* @param updateMethod the callback to call on the callbackInstance when the configuration is updated.
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<?> configType, Object callbackInstance, String updateMethod);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Dictionary)" method from one of the component implementation classes.
* The method is invoked with a Dictionary argument (which is null if the configuration is lost).
* @param <T> The type of the target component implementation class on which the method is invoked
* @param callback a reference to a method of one of the component implementation classes.
* @return this builder
<T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(CbDictionary<T> callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Dictionary, Component)" method from one of the component implementation classes.
* The method is invoked with Dictionary/Component arguments. When the configuration is lost, the Dictionary argument
* is null.
* @param <T> The type of the target component implementation class on which the method is invoked
* @param callback a reference to a method callback defined in one of the the component implementation classes.
* @return this builder
<T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(CbDictionaryComponent<T> callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Configuration)" method from one of the component implementation classes.
* The method is invoked with a configuration type argument (null if the configuration is lost).
* @param <T> The type of the target component implementation class on which the method is invoked
* @param <U> the type of the configuration interface accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the callback method reference which must point to a method from one of the component implementation classes. The method
* takes as argument an interface which will be implemented by a dynamic proxy that wraps the actual configuration properties.
* @return this builder
<T, U> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<U> configType, CbConfiguration<T, U> callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Configuration, Component)" method from one of the component implementation classes.
* The method is invoked with two args: configuration type, Component. The configuration type argument is null if the configuration is lost.
* @param <T> The type of the target component implementation class on which the method is invoked
* @param <U> the type of the configuration interface accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the type of a configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param callback the reference to a method from one of the component implementation classes. The method
* takes as argument an interface which will be implemented by a dynamic proxy that wraps the actual configuration properties. It also
* takes as the second argument a Component object.
* @return this builder
<T, U> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<U> configType, CbConfigurationComponent<T, U> callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Dictionary)" method from an Object instance.
* @param callback a reference to an Object instance which takes as argument a Dictionary (null if the configuration is lost).
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(InstanceCbDictionary callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Dictionary, Component)" method from an Object instance. The method accepts
* a Dictionary and a Component object. The passed Dictionary is null in case the configuration is lost.
* @param callback a reference to method from an Object instance which takes as argument a Dictionary and a Component
* @return this builder
ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(InstanceCbDictionaryComponent callback);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Configuration)" method from an Object instance. The configuration type argument is null if the configuration is lost.
* @param <T> the type of the configuration interface accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the class of the configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param updated a reference to an Object instance which takes as argument the given configuration type
* @return this builder
<T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<T> configType, InstanceCbConfiguration<T> updated);
* Sets a reference to a "callback(Configuration, Component)" method from an Object instance. The method accepts
* a configuration type and a Component object. The configuration type argument is null if the configuration is lost.
* @param <T> the type of the configuration interface accepted by the callback method.
* @param configType the class of the configuration that is passed as argument to the callback
* @param updated a reference to an Object instance which takes as argument a the given configuration type, and a Component object.
* @return this builder
<T> ConfigurationDependencyBuilder update(Class<T> configType, InstanceCbConfigurationComponent<T> updated);