blob: 1135c8005eb03f3fe0f366988f54c3a1f9996e26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.dependencymanager;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* TODO copied this from the OSGi specification, but it's not clear if that
* is allowed or not, for now I modified as little as possible but I might
* integrate only the parts I want as soon as this code is finished. Perhaps
* it would be better to borrow the Knopflerfish implementation here.
* @author Marcel Offermans
public class ServiceTracker implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer
* Bundle context this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object is tracking against.
protected final BundleContext context;
* Filter specifying search criteria for the services to track.
* @since 1.1
protected final Filter filter;
* Tracked services: <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object -> customized Object
* and <tt>ServiceListener</tt> object
private Tracked tracked;
/** <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> object for this tracker. */
private ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer;
* Create a <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object on the specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object.
* <p>The service referenced by the specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object
* will be tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @param context <tt>BundleContext</tt> object against which the tracking is done.
* @param reference <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object for the service to be tracked.
* @param customizer The customizer object to call when services are
* added, modified, or removed in this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* If customizer is <tt>null</tt>, then this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object will be used
* as the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> object and the <tt>ServiceTracker</tt>
* object will call the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> methods on itself.
public ServiceTracker(BundleContext context, ServiceReference reference,
ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer)
this.context = context;
this.customizer = (customizer == null) ? this : customizer;
this.filter = context.createFilter("("+Constants.SERVICE_ID+"="+reference.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID).toString()+")");
catch (InvalidSyntaxException e)
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected InvalidSyntaxException: "+e.getMessage());
* Create a <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object on the specified class name.
* <p>Services registered under the specified class name will be tracked
* by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @param context <tt>BundleContext</tt> object against which the tracking is done.
* @param clazz Class name of the services to be tracked.
* @param customizer The customizer object to call when services are
* added, modified, or removed in this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* If customizer is <tt>null</tt>, then this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object will be used
* as the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> object and the <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* will call the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> methods on itself.
public ServiceTracker(BundleContext context, String clazz,
ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer)
this.context = context;
this.customizer = (customizer == null) ? this : customizer;
this.filter = context.createFilter("("+Constants.OBJECTCLASS+"="+clazz+")");
catch (InvalidSyntaxException e)
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected InvalidSyntaxException: "+e.getMessage());
if (clazz == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
* Create a <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object on the specified <tt>Filter</tt> object.
* <p>Services which match the specified <tt>Filter</tt> object will be tracked
* by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @param context <tt>BundleContext</tt> object against which the tracking is done.
* @param filter <tt>Filter</tt> object to select the services to be tracked.
* @param customizer The customizer object to call when services are
* added, modified, or removed in this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* If customizer is null, then this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object will be used
* as the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> object and the <tt>ServiceTracker</tt>
* object will call the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> methods on itself.
* @since 1.1
public ServiceTracker(BundleContext context, Filter filter,
ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer)
this.context = context;
this.filter = filter;
this.customizer = (customizer == null) ? this : customizer;
if ((context == null) || (filter == null))
throw new NullPointerException();
* Open this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object and begin tracking services.
* <p>Services which match the search criteria specified when
* this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object was created are now tracked
* by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the <tt>BundleContext</tt>
* object with which this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object was created is no longer valid.
public synchronized void open()
if (tracked == null)
tracked = new Tracked(customizer, filter);
ServiceReference[] references;
synchronized (tracked)
references = context.getServiceReferences(null, filter.toString());
catch (InvalidSyntaxException e)
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected InvalidSyntaxException");
/* Call tracked outside of synchronized region */
if (references != null)
int size = references.length;
for (int i=0; i < size; i++)
ServiceReference reference = references[i];
/* if the service is still registered */
if (reference.getBundle() != null)
* Close this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* <p>This method should be called when this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* should end the tracking of services.
public synchronized void close()
if (tracked != null)
ServiceReference references[] = getServiceReferences();
Tracked outgoing = tracked;
tracked = null;
catch (IllegalStateException e)
/* In case the context was stopped. */
if (references != null)
for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++)
* Properly close this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object when finalized.
* This method calls the <tt>close</tt> method to close this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* if it has not already been closed.
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
* Default implementation of the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer.addingService</tt> method.
* <p>This method is only called when this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* has been constructed with a <tt>null ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> argument.
* The default implementation returns the result of
* calling <tt>getService</tt>, on the
* <tt>BundleContext</tt> object with which this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object was created,
* passing the specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object.
* <p>This method can be overridden in a subclass to customize
* the service object to be tracked for the service
* being added. In that case, take care not
* to rely on the default implementation of removedService that will unget the service.
* @param reference Reference to service being added to this
* <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @return The service object to be tracked for the service
* added to this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @see ServiceTrackerCustomizer
public Object addingService(ServiceReference reference)
return context.getService(reference);
public void addedService(ServiceReference ref, Object service) {
// do nothing
* Default implementation of the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer.modifiedService</tt> method.
* <p>This method is only called when this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* has been constructed with a <tt>null ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> argument.
* The default implementation does nothing.
* @param reference Reference to modified service.
* @param service The service object for the modified service.
* @see ServiceTrackerCustomizer
public void modifiedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service)
* Default implementation of the <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer.removedService</tt> method.
* <p>This method is only called when this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* has been constructed with a <tt>null ServiceTrackerCustomizer</tt> argument.
* The default implementation
* calls <tt>ungetService</tt>, on the
* <tt>BundleContext</tt> object with which this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object was created,
* passing the specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object.
* <p>This method can be overridden in a subclass. If the default
* implementation of <tt>addingService</tt> method was used, this method must unget the service.
* @param reference Reference to removed service.
* @param object The service object for the removed service.
* @see ServiceTrackerCustomizer
public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object object)
* Wait for at least one service to be tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* <p>It is strongly recommended that <tt>waitForService</tt> is not used
* during the calling of the <tt>BundleActivator</tt> methods. <tt>BundleActivator</tt> methods are
* expected to complete in a short period of time.
* @param timeout time interval in milliseconds to wait. If zero,
* the method will wait indefinately.
* @return Returns the result of <tt>getService()</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value of timeout is
* negative.
public Object waitForService(long timeout) throws InterruptedException
if (timeout < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
Object object = getService();
while (object == null)
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return null;
synchronized (tracked)
if (tracked.size() == 0)
object = getService();
if (timeout > 0)
return object;
return object;
* Return an array of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> objects for all services
* being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @return Array of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> objects or <tt>null</tt> if no service
* are being tracked.
public ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences()
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return null;
synchronized (tracked)
int size = tracked.size();
if (size == 0)
return null;
ServiceReference references[] = new ServiceReference[size];
Enumeration trackedServiceRefs = tracked.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
references[i] = (ServiceReference)trackedServiceRefs.nextElement();
return references;
* Return an array of service objects for all services
* being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @return Array of service objects or <tt>null</tt> if no service
* are being tracked.
public Object[] getServices()
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return null;
synchronized (tracked)
int size = tracked.size();
if (size == 0)
return null;
Object objects[] = new Object[size];
Enumeration trackedServices = tracked.elements();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
objects[i] = trackedServices.nextElement();
return objects;
* Returns a <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object for one of the services
* being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* <p>If multiple services are being tracked, the service
* with the highest ranking (as specified in its <tt>service.ranking</tt> property) is
* returned.
* <p>If there is a tie in ranking, the service with the lowest
* service ID (as specified in its <tt></tt> property); that is,
* the service that was registered first is returned.
* <p>This is the same algorithm used by <tt>BundleContext.getServiceReference</tt>.
* @return <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object or <tt>null</tt> if no service is being tracked.
* @since 1.1
public ServiceReference getServiceReference()
ServiceReference[] references = getServiceReferences();
int length = (references == null) ? 0 : references.length;
if (length > 0) /* if a service is being tracked */
int index = 0;
if (length > 1) /* if more than one service, select highest ranking */
int rankings[] = new int[length];
int count = 0;
int maxRanking = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
Object property = references[i].getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING);
int ranking = (property instanceof Integer)
? ((Integer)property).intValue() : 0;
rankings[i] = ranking;
if (ranking > maxRanking)
index = i;
maxRanking = ranking;
count = 1;
if (ranking == maxRanking)
if (count > 1) /* if still more than one service, select lowest id */
long minId = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
if (rankings[i] == maxRanking)
long id = ((Long)(references[i].getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID))).longValue();
if (id < minId)
index = i;
minId = id;
return references[index];
return null;
* Returns the service object for the specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object
* if the referenced service is
* being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @param reference Reference to the desired service.
* @return Service object or <tt>null</tt> if the service referenced by the
* specified <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object is not being tracked.
public Object getService(ServiceReference reference)
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return null;
return tracked.get(reference);
* Returns a service object for one of the services
* being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* <p>If any services are being tracked, this method returns the result
* of calling <tt>getService(getServiceReference())</tt>.
* @return Service object or <tt>null</tt> if no service is being tracked.
public Object getService()
ServiceReference reference = getServiceReference();
if (reference != null)
return getService(reference);
return null;
* Remove a service from this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* The specified service will be removed from this
* <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* If the specified service was being tracked then the
* <tt>ServiceTrackerCustomizer.removedService</tt> method will be
* called for that service.
* @param reference Reference to the service to be removed.
public void remove(ServiceReference reference)
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
* Return the number of services being tracked by this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @return Number of services being tracked.
public int size()
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return 0;
return tracked.size();
* Returns the tracking count for this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* The tracking count is initialized to 0 when this
* <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object is opened. Every time a service is
* added or removed from this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* the tracking count is incremented.
* <p>The tracking count can
* be used to determine if this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* has added or removed a service by comparing a tracking count value
* previously collected with the current tracking count value. If the value
* has not changed, then no service has been added or removed from
* this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* since the previous tracking count was collected.
* @since 1.2
* @return The tracking count for this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object
* or -1 if this <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object is not open.
public int getTrackingCount()
Tracked tracked = this.tracked; /* use local var since we are not synchronized */
if (tracked == null) /* if ServiceTracker is not open */
return -1;
return tracked.getTrackingCount();
* Inner class to track the services.
* This class is a hashtable mapping <tt>ServiceReference</tt> object -> customized Object.
* This class also implements the <tt>ServiceListener</tt> interface for the tracker.
* This is not a public class. It is only for use by the implementation
* of the <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> class.
static class Tracked extends Hashtable implements ServiceListener {
private ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer; /** ServiceTrackerCustomizer object for this tracker. */
private Filter filter; /** The filter used to track */
private Vector adding; /** list of ServiceReferences currently being added */
private boolean closed; /** true if the tracked object is closed */
private int trackingCount; /** modification count */
* Tracked constructor.
* @param customizer Customizer object from parent <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
* @param filter <tt>Filter</tt> object from parent <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object.
protected Tracked(ServiceTrackerCustomizer customizer, Filter filter)
this.customizer = customizer;
this.filter = filter;
closed = false;
trackingCount = 0;
adding = new Vector(10, 10);
* Called by the parent <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object when it is closed.
protected void close()
closed = true;
* Called by the parent <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> object to get
* the modification count.
* @since 1.2
* @return modification count.
protected int getTrackingCount()
return trackingCount;
* <tt>ServiceListener</tt> method for the <tt>ServiceTracker</tt> class.
* This method must NOT be synchronized to avoid deadlock potential.
* @param event <tt>ServiceEvent</tt> object from the framework.
public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event)
/* Check if we had a delayed call (which could happen when we close). */
if (closed)
ServiceReference reference = event.getServiceReference();
switch (event.getType())
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED:
case ServiceEvent.MODIFIED:
if (filter.match(reference))
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING:
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */
* Begin to track the referenced service.
* @param reference Reference to a service to be tracked.
protected void track(ServiceReference reference)
Object object = get(reference);
if (object != null) /* we are already tracking the service */
/* Call customizer outside of synchronized region */
customizer.modifiedService(reference, object);
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */
synchronized (this)
if (adding.indexOf(reference, 0) != -1) /* if this service is already
* in the process of being added. */
adding.addElement(reference); /* mark this service is being added */
boolean becameUntracked = false;
/* Call customizer outside of synchronized region */
object = customizer.addingService(reference);
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it will propagate after the finally */
boolean needToCallback = false;
synchronized (this)
if (adding.removeElement(reference)) /* if the service was not untracked
* during the customizer callback */
if (object != null)
put(reference, object);
trackingCount++; /* increment modification count */
// Marrs: extra callback added, will be invoked after the synchronized block
needToCallback = true;
becameUntracked = true;
if (needToCallback) {
customizer.addedService(reference, object);
/* The service became untracked during
* the customizer callback.
if (becameUntracked)
/* Call customizer outside of synchronized region */
customizer.removedService(reference, object);
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */
* Discontinue tracking the referenced service.
* @param reference Reference to the tracked service.
protected void untrack(ServiceReference reference)
Object object;
synchronized (this)
if (adding.removeElement(reference)) /* if the service is in the process
* of being added */
return; /* in case the service is untracked
* while in the process of adding */
object = this.remove(reference); /* must remove from tracker before calling
* customizer callback */
if (object == null) /* are we actually tracking the service */
trackingCount++; /* increment modification count */
/* Call customizer outside of synchronized region */
customizer.removedService(reference, object);
/* If the customizer throws an unchecked exception, it is safe to let it propagate */