blob: f4951aa33a52377e985045f556613c2057bc4258 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* The <code>UpdateThread</code> is the thread used to update managed services
* and managed service factories as well as to send configuration events.
public class UpdateThread implements Runnable
// the configuration manager on whose behalf this thread is started
// (this is mainly used for logging)
private final ConfigurationManager configurationManager;
// the thread group into which the worker thread will be placed
private final ThreadGroup workerThreadGroup;
// the thread's base name
private final String workerBaseName;
// the queue of Runnable instances to be run
private final LinkedList updateTasks;
// the actual thread
private Thread worker;
public UpdateThread( final ConfigurationManager configurationManager, final ThreadGroup tg, final String name )
this.configurationManager = configurationManager;
this.workerThreadGroup = tg;
this.workerBaseName = name;
this.updateTasks = new LinkedList();
// waits on Runnable instances coming into the queue. As instances come
// in, this method calls the method, logs any exception
// happening and keeps on waiting for the next Runnable. If the Runnable
// taken from the queue is this thread instance itself, the thread
// terminates.
public void run()
for ( ;; )
Runnable task;
synchronized ( updateTasks )
while ( updateTasks.isEmpty() )
catch ( InterruptedException ie )
// don't care
task = ( Runnable ) updateTasks.removeFirst();
// return if the task is this thread itself
if ( task == this )
// otherwise execute the task, log any issues
// set the thread name indicating the current task
Thread.currentThread().setName( workerBaseName + " (" + task + ")" );
configurationManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Running task {0}", new Object[]
{ task } );;
catch ( Throwable t )
configurationManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected problem executing task", t );
// reset the thread name to "idle"
Thread.currentThread().setName( workerBaseName );
* Starts processing the queued tasks. This method does nothing if the
* worker has already been started.
synchronized void start()
if ( this.worker == null )
Thread workerThread = new Thread( workerThreadGroup, this, workerBaseName );
workerThread.setDaemon( true );
this.worker = workerThread;
* Terminates the worker thread and waits for the thread to have processed
* all outstanding events up to and including the termination job. All
* jobs {@link #schedule(Runnable) scheduled} after termination has been
* initiated will not be processed any more. This method does nothing if
* the worker thread is not currently active.
* <p>
* If the worker thread does not terminate within 5 seconds it is killed
* by calling the (deprecated) <code>Thread.stop()</code> method. It may
* be that the worker thread may be blocked by a deadlock (it should not,
* though). In this case hope is that <code>Thread.stop()</code> will be
* able to released that deadlock at the expense of one or more tasks to
* not be executed any longer.... In any case an ERROR message is logged
* with the LogService in this situation.
synchronized void terminate()
if ( this.worker != null )
Thread workerThread = this.worker;
this.worker = null;
schedule( this );
// wait for all updates to terminate (<= 10 seconds !)
workerThread.join( 5000 );
catch ( InterruptedException ie )
// don't really care
if ( workerThread.isAlive() )
this.configurationManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR,
"Worker thread {0} did not terminate within 5 seconds; trying to kill", new Object[]
{ workerBaseName } );
// queue the given runnable to be run as soon as possible
void schedule( Runnable update )
synchronized ( updateTasks )
configurationManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Scheduling task {0}", new Object[]
{ update } );
// append to the task queue
updateTasks.add( update );
// notify the waiting thread