blob: d7b67455172cee94c2832e8051396d9b70e23a6b [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* The Metadata interface provides access to the properties that underly a
* Configurable interface. Any Configurable interface can implement this
* interface. The interface provides the annotations that can be used to create
* metatype objects.
* @ConsumerInterface
public interface Meta {
enum Type {
Boolean, Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, Password
* Constant NULL for default usage
final String NULL = "§NULL§";
* The OCD Annotation maps to the OCD element in the Metatype specification.
* The only difference is that it is possible to create a Designate element
* as well.
@interface OCD {
* The name for this component. The default name is a the short class
* name that us un-camel cased to make it more readable.
* @return The name of this component
String name() default NULL;
* The id of the component. Default the name of the class in FQN
* notation but with nested classes using the $ as separator (not .).
* The Felix webconsole always uses this id as the PID and not the pid
* in the Designate element. Reported as an error.
* @return the id
String id() default NULL;
* The localization prefix. The default localization prefix is the name
* of the class with a $ separator for nested classes.
* @return the localization prefix.
String localization() default NULL;
* A description for this ocd. The default is empty.
* @return the description
String description() default NULL;
* Defines if this is for a factory or not.
boolean factory() default false;
* The AD element in the Metatype specification.
@interface AD {
* A description of the attribute. Default is empty.
* @return The description of the attribute.
String description() default NULL;
* The name of the attribute. By default the un-camel cased version of
* the method name.
* @return the name
String name() default NULL;
* The id of the attribute. By default the name of the method. The id is
* the key used to access the properties. This is the reason the AD is a
* runtime annotation so the runtime can find the proper key.
* @return the id
String id() default NULL;
* The type of the field. This must be one of the basic types in the
* metatype specification. By default, the type is derived from the
* return type of the method. This includes most collections and arrays.
* Unrecognized types are defaulted to String.
* @return the type to be used.
Type type() default Type.String;
* The cardinality of the attribute. If not explicitly set it will be
* derived from the attributes return type. Collections return
* Integer.MIN_VALUE and arrays use Integer.MAX_VALUE. If a single
* string needs to be converted to a Collection or array then the | will
* be used as a separator to split the line.
* @return the cardinality of the attribute
int cardinality() default 0;
* The minimum value. This string must be converted to the attribute
* type before comparison takes place.
* @return the min value
String min() default NULL;
* The maximum value. This string must be converted to the attribute
* type before comparison takes place.
* @return the max value
String max() default NULL;
* The default value. This value must be converted to the return type of
* the attribute. For multi valued returns use the | as separator.
* @return the default value
String deflt() default NULL;
* Indicates that this attribute is required. By default attributes are
* required.
* @return
boolean required() default true;
* Provide labels for options. These labels must match the values. If no
* labels are set, the un-cameled version of the values are used (if
* they are set of course).
* @return the option labels
String[] optionLabels() default NULL;
* The values of options. If not set and the return type is an enum
* class then the values will be derived from this return type.
* @return the option labels
String[] optionValues() default NULL;