blob: 14d5693f0ae707e8e6b6b693b9ddbe3ab6152d0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* The default ComponentManager. Objects of this class are responsible for managing
* implementation object's lifecycle.
class ImmediateComponentManager extends AbstractComponentManager implements ManagedService
// the component ID
private long m_componentId;
// The object that implements the service and that is bound to other services
private Object m_implementationObject;
// The context that will be passed to the implementationObject
private ComponentContext m_componentContext;
// optional properties provided in the ComponentFactory.newInstance method
private Dictionary m_factoryProperties;
// the component properties, also used as service properties
private Dictionary m_properties;
// the managed service registration object created in the constructor
// to receive configuration from the Configuration Admin Service
// null, if this is a component created by a component factory
private ServiceRegistration m_managedServiceRegistration;
// the component properties from the Configuration Admin Service
// this is null, if none exist or none are provided
private Dictionary m_configurationProperties;
* The constructor receives both the activator and the metadata
* @param activator
* @param metadata
ImmediateComponentManager( BundleComponentActivator activator, ComponentMetadata metadata, long componentId )
super( activator, metadata );
m_componentId = componentId;
// only register as ManagedService if not created by a Component Factory
if ( !getComponentMetadata().isFactory() )
Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_PID, getComponentMetadata().getName() );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, "ManagedService for Component "
+ getComponentMetadata().getName() );
props.put( Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, "Apache Software Foundation" );
m_managedServiceRegistration = activator.getBundleContext().registerService(
ManagedService.class.getName(), this, props );
* Before doing real disposal, we also have to unregister the managed
* service which was registered when the instance was created.
public void dispose()
if ( m_managedServiceRegistration != null )
m_managedServiceRegistration = null;
catch ( Throwable t )
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_INFO, "Unexpected problem unregistering ManagedService",
getComponentMetadata(), t );
// really dispose off this manager instance
// 1. Load the component implementation class
// 2. Create the component instance and component context
// 3. Bind the target services
// 4. Call the activate method, if present
// if this method is overwritten, the deleteComponent method should
// also be overwritten
protected boolean createComponent()
ComponentContext tmpContext = new ComponentContextImpl( this );
Object tmpComponent = createImplementationObject( tmpContext );
// if something failed creating the component instance, return false
if ( tmpComponent == null )
return false;
// otherwise set the context and component instance and return true
m_componentContext = tmpContext;
m_implementationObject = tmpComponent;
return true;
protected void deleteComponent()
disposeImplementationObject( m_implementationObject, m_componentContext );
m_implementationObject = null;
m_componentContext = null;
m_properties = null;
* Get the object that is implementing this descriptor
* @return the object that implements the services
public Object getInstance()
return m_implementationObject;
protected Object createImplementationObject( ComponentContext componentContext )
Object implementationObject;
// 1. Load the component implementation class
// 2. Create the component instance and component context
// If the component is not immediate, this is not done at this moment
// 112.4.4 The class is retrieved with the loadClass method of the component's bundle
Class c = getActivator().getBundleContext().getBundle().loadClass(
getComponentMetadata().getImplementationClassName() );
// 112.4.4 The class must be public and have a public constructor without arguments so component instances
// may be created by the SCR with the newInstance method on Class
implementationObject = c.newInstance();
catch ( Exception ex )
// failed to instantiate, return null
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Error during instantiation of the implementation object",
getComponentMetadata(), ex );
return null;
// 3. Bind the target services
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
// if a dependency turned unresolved since the validation check,
// creating the instance fails here, so we deactivate and return
// null.
DependencyManager dm = ( DependencyManager );
if ( !dm.bind( implementationObject ) )
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_ERROR,
"Cannot create component instance due to failure to bind reference " + dm.getName(),
getComponentMetadata(), null );
// make sure, we keep no bindings
it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
dm = ( DependencyManager );
dm.unbind( implementationObject );
return null;
// 4. Call the activate method, if present
// Search for the activate method
Method activateMethod = getMethod( implementationObject.getClass(), "activate", new Class[]
{ ComponentContext.class }, false );
activateMethod.invoke( implementationObject, new Object[]
{ componentContext } );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex )
// We can safely ignore this one
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "activate() method is not implemented", getComponentMetadata(),
null );
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// Ignored, but should it be logged?
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "activate() method cannot be called", getComponentMetadata(),
null );
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
// 112.5.8 If the activate method throws an exception, SCR must log an error message
// containing the exception with the Log Service and activation fails
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "The activate method has thrown an exception",
getComponentMetadata(), ex.getCause() );
// make sure, we keep no bindings
it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = ( DependencyManager );
dm.unbind( implementationObject );
return null;
return implementationObject;
protected void disposeImplementationObject( Object implementationObject, ComponentContext componentContext )
// 1. Call the deactivate method, if present
// Search for the activate method
Method deactivateMethod = getMethod( implementationObject.getClass(), "deactivate", new Class[]
{ ComponentContext.class }, false );
deactivateMethod.invoke( implementationObject, new Object[]
{ componentContext } );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex )
// We can safely ignore this one
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "deactivate() method is not implemented", getComponentMetadata(),
null );
catch ( IllegalAccessException ex )
// Ignored, but should it be logged?
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "deactivate() method cannot be called", getComponentMetadata(),
null );
catch ( InvocationTargetException ex )
// 112.5.12 If the deactivate method throws an exception, SCR must log an error message
// containing the exception with the Log Service and continue
getActivator().log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "The deactivate method has thrown an exception",
getComponentMetadata(), ex.getCause() );
// 2. Unbind any bound services
Iterator it = getDependencyManagers();
while ( it.hasNext() )
DependencyManager dm = ( DependencyManager );
dm.unbind( implementationObject );
// 3. Release all references
// nothing to do, we keep no references on per-Bundle services
* Returns the service object to be registered if the service element is
* specified.
* <p>
* Extensions of this class may overwrite this method to return a
* ServiceFactory to register in the case of a delayed or a service
* factory component.
protected Object getService()
return m_implementationObject;
protected void setFactoryProperties( Dictionary dictionary )
m_factoryProperties = copyTo( null, dictionary );
* Returns the (private copy) of the Component properties to be used
* for the ComponentContext as well as eventual service registration.
* <p>
* Method implements the Component Properties provisioning as described
* in 112.6, Component Properties.
* @return a private Hashtable of component properties
protected Dictionary getProperties()
// TODO: Currently on ManagedService style configuration is supported, ManagedServiceFactory style is missing
if ( m_properties == null )
// 1. the properties from the component descriptor
Dictionary props = copyTo( null, getComponentMetadata().getProperties() );
// 2. add target properties of references
// 112.6 Component Properties, target properties (p. 302)
List depMetaData = getComponentMetadata().getDependencies();
for ( Iterator di = depMetaData.iterator(); di.hasNext(); )
ReferenceMetadata rm = ( ReferenceMetadata );
if ( rm.getTarget() != null )
props.put( rm.getTargetPropertyName(), rm.getTarget() );
// 3. overlay with Configuration Admin properties
copyTo( props, m_configurationProperties );
// 4. copy any component factory properties, not supported yet
copyTo( props, m_factoryProperties );
// 5. set and
props.put( ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_NAME, getComponentMetadata().getName() );
props.put( ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_ID, new Long( m_componentId ) );
m_properties = props;
return m_properties;
//---------- ManagedService interface
* Called by the Configuration Admin Service to update the component with
* Configuration properties.
* @param configuration The configuration properties for the component from
* the Configuration Admin Service or <code>null</code> if there is
* no configuration or if the configuration has just been deleted.
public void updated( Dictionary configuration )
// store the properties
m_configurationProperties = configuration;
// clear the current properties to force using the configuration data
m_properties = null;
// reactivate the component to ensure it is provided with the
// configuration data
if ( ( getState() & ( STATE_ACTIVE | STATE_FACTORY | STATE_REGISTERED ) ) != 0 )