blob: 2c7943c90be1f97096c779532a397d28a7fd79f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) MX4J.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the MX4J License version 1.0.
* See the terms of the MX4J License in the documentation provided with this software.
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.mosgi.jmx.rmiconnector.mx4j.remote;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.apache.felix.mosgi.jmx.rmiconnector.RmiConnectorActivator;
* @author <a href="">Simone Bordet</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public class DefaultRemoteNotificationServerHandler implements RemoteNotificationServerHandler
private static int listenerID;
private final NotificationListener listener;
private final Map tuples = new HashMap();
private final NotificationBuffer buffer;
public DefaultRemoteNotificationServerHandler(Map environment)
listener = new ServerListener();
buffer = new NotificationBuffer(environment);
public Integer generateListenerID(ObjectName name, NotificationFilter filter)
synchronized (DefaultRemoteNotificationServerHandler.class)
return new Integer(++listenerID);
public NotificationListener getServerNotificationListener()
return listener;
public void addNotificationListener(Integer id, NotificationTuple tuple)
synchronized (tuples)
tuples.put(id, tuple);
public void removeNotificationListener(Integer id)
synchronized (tuples)
public NotificationTuple getNotificationListener(Integer id)
synchronized (tuples)
return (NotificationTuple)tuples.get(id);
public NotificationResult fetchNotifications(long sequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, long timeout)
return buffer.getNotifications(sequenceNumber, maxNotifications, timeout);
* Called when there are no notifications to send to the client.
* It is guaranteed that no notification can be added before this method waits on the given lock.
* It should wait on the given lock for the specified timeout, and return true
* to send notifications (if no notifications arrived, an empty notification array
* will be returned to the client), or false if no notifications should be sent to
* the client.
* @param lock The object on which {@link #wait} should be called
* @param timeout The amount of time to wait (guaranteed to be strictly greater than 0)
protected boolean waitForNotifications(Object lock, long timeout)
synchronized (lock)
catch (InterruptedException x)
return true;
* This method filters the given notification array and returns a possibly smaller array containing
* only notifications that passed successfully the filtering.
* Default behavior is no filtering, but subclasses may choose to change this bahavior.
* For example, for RMI, one can assure that all notifications are truly serializable, and log those
* that are not.
protected TargetedNotification[] filterNotifications(TargetedNotification[] notifications)
return notifications;
private void addNotification(Integer id, Notification notification)
buffer.add(new TargetedNotification(notification, id));
public class ServerListener implements NotificationListener
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback)
Integer id = (Integer)handback;
addNotification(id, notification);
public class NotificationBuffer
private final List buffer = new LinkedList();
private int maxCapacity;
private int purgeDistance;
private long firstSequence;
private long lastSequence;
private long lowestExpectedSequence;
public NotificationBuffer(Map environment)
if (environment != null)
maxCapacity = ((Integer)environment.get(MX4JRemoteConstants.NOTIFICATION_BUFFER_CAPACITY)).intValue();
catch (Exception ignored)
purgeDistance = ((Integer)environment.get(MX4JRemoteConstants.NOTIFICATION_PURGE_DISTANCE)).intValue();
catch (Exception ignored)
if (maxCapacity <= 0) maxCapacity = 1024;
if (purgeDistance <= 0) purgeDistance = 128;
public int getSize()
synchronized (buffer)
return buffer.size();
public void add(TargetedNotification notification)
synchronized (buffer)
if (buffer.size() == maxCapacity)
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Notification buffer full: " + this, null);
removeRange(0, 1);
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG,"Notification added to buffer: " + this, null);
private void removeRange(int start, int end)
synchronized (buffer)
buffer.subList(start, end).clear();
firstSequence += end - start;
private long getFirstSequenceNumber()
synchronized (buffer)
return firstSequence;
private long getLastSequenceNumber()
synchronized (buffer)
return lastSequence;
public NotificationResult getNotifications(long sequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, long timeout)
synchronized (buffer)
NotificationResult result = null;
int size = 0;
if (sequenceNumber < 0)
// We loose the notifications between addNotificationListener() and fetchNotifications(), but c'est la vie.
long sequence = getLastSequenceNumber();
size = new Long(sequence + 1).intValue();
result = new NotificationResult(getFirstSequenceNumber(), sequence, new TargetedNotification[0]);
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG,"First fetchNotification call: " + this + ", returning " + result, null);
int start = new Long(sequenceNumber - getFirstSequenceNumber()).intValue();
List sublist = null;
boolean send = false;
while (size == 0)
int end = buffer.size();
if (end - start > maxNotifications) end = start + maxNotifications;
sublist = buffer.subList(start, end);
size = sublist.size();
if (send) break;
if (size == 0)
if (timeout <= 0) break;
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG,"No notifications to send, waiting " + timeout + " ms", null);
// We wait for notifications to arrive. Since we release the lock on the buffer
// other threads can modify it. To avoid ConcurrentModificationException we compute
// again the sublist
send = waitForNotifications(buffer, timeout);
TargetedNotification[] notifications = (TargetedNotification[])sublist.toArray(new TargetedNotification[size]);
notifications = filterNotifications(notifications);
result = new NotificationResult(getFirstSequenceNumber(), sequenceNumber + size, notifications);
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG,"Non-first fetchNotification call: " + this + ", returning " + result, null);
purgeNotifications(sequenceNumber, size);
RmiConnectorActivator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG,"Purged Notifications: " + this, null);
return result;
private void purgeNotifications(long sequenceNumber, int size)
// Record the lowest expected sequence number sent by the client.
// New clients will always have an initial big sequence number
// (they're initialized with getLastSequenceNumber()), while old
// clients can have lesser sequence numbers.
// Here we record the lesser of these sequence numbers, that is the
// sequence number of the oldest notification any client may ever ask.
// This way we can purge old notifications that have already been
// delivered to clients.
// The worst case is when a client has a long interval between fetchNotifications()
// calls, and another client has a short interval. The lowestExpectedSequence will
// grow with the second client, until a purge happens, so the first client can
// loose notifications. By tuning appropriately the purgeDistance and the interval
// between fetchNotifications() calls, it should never happen.
synchronized (buffer)
if (sequenceNumber <= lowestExpectedSequence)
long lowest = Math.min(lowestExpectedSequence, sequenceNumber);
if (lowest - getFirstSequenceNumber() > purgeDistance)
// Purge only half of the old notifications, for safety
int purgeSize = purgeDistance >> 1;
removeRange(0, purgeSize);
lowestExpectedSequence = sequenceNumber + size;
public String toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("NotificationBuffer@");
buffer.append("first=").append(getFirstSequenceNumber()).append(", ");
buffer.append("last=").append(getLastSequenceNumber()).append(", ");
buffer.append("size=").append(getSize()).append(", ");
buffer.append("lowest expected=").append(lowestExpectedSequence).append(", ");
buffer.append("maxCapacity=").append(maxCapacity).append(", ");
return buffer.toString();